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Bacillus subtilis (BSCBE4), Pseudomonas chlororaphis (PA23), endophytic P. fluorescens (ENPF1) inhibited the mycelial growth of stem blight pathogen Corynespora casiicola (Berk and Curt)Wei under in vitro. All these bacterial isolates produced both hydroxamate and carboxylate type of siderophores. But the siderophore production was maximum with the isolate ENPF1. Delivering of talc based formulation of BSCBE4 through seedling dip and foliar application effectively reduced stem blight disease incidence and increased the dry matter production under pot culture and field conditions. Application of BSCBE4, PA23 and ENPF1 increased the defense related enzymes such as peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, chitinase and β-1,3 glucanase in P. amarus up to ten days after challenge inoculation with C. cassicola. Native gel electrophoretic analysis revealed that challenge inoculation of pathogen with BSCBE4 and PA23 induced both peroxidase and polyphnol oxidase isoforms.  相似文献   
Quantifying and optimizing the polyphenol content of Phyllanthus maderaspatensis was accomplished using a single-solvent HPTLC system. Analyzing hydroalcoholic extracts for kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, we simultaneously quantified and optimized their concentration. In the experiment, the methanol to water ratio (%), temperature (°C), and time of extraction (min) were all optimized using a Box-Behnken statistical design. Kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid were among the dependent variables analyzed. In the HPTLC separation, silica gel 60F254 plates were used, and toluene, ethyl acetate, and formic acid (5:4:1) made up the mobile phase. For kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid, densitometric measurements were carried out using the absorbance mode at 254 nm. Hydroalcoholic extract of P. maderaspatensis contains rutin (0.344), catechin (2.62), gallic acid (0.93), ellagic acid (0.172), quercetin (0.0108) and kaempferol (0.06). Further, it may be affected by more than one factor at a time, resulting in a varying degree of reaction. A negative correlation was found between X1 (extraction time (min)) and X2 (temperature), as well as X1 and X3 (solvent ratios). Taking these characteristics into consideration, the method outlined here is a validated HPTLC method for measuring kaempferol, rutin, ellagic acid, quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid.  相似文献   
为研究余甘子多酚的分离提取方法,本文以余甘原汁为原料,采用NKA-Ⅱ大孔吸附树脂,对上样量、洗脱剂、洗脱体积及洗脱速度等条件进行了考察,并对提取物的抗氧化活性进行了对比分析。通过试验确定了余甘原汁多酚的大孔树脂分离提取条件为:上样速度2BV/h,上样量0.8BV,洗脱剂为70%乙醇溶液,洗脱体积3BV,洗脱速度8BV/h,在此条件下NKA-Ⅱ大孔树脂对余甘原汁中多酚的吸附率可达到88.42%,洗脱率为90.93%,提取率为80.39%;对提取物的抗氧化活性分析显示,与分离前的余甘原汁干燥物相比,提取物的多酚和维生素C含量均提高了0.53倍,类超氧化物歧化酶活性(SODL)提高了1.4倍;铁离子还原能力(FRAP)明显高于分离前,对DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基及脂质氧化的半抑制浓度(IC50)均显著低于分离前的原汁干燥物,表明通过大孔吸附树脂分离,使余甘原汁中的多酚等抗氧化活性成分得到了有效的分离纯化。  相似文献   
Nematicidal prenylated flavanones from Phyllanthus niruri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two prenylated flavanones have been isolated from the hexane extract of Phyllanthus niruri plant. The structure of these flavanones were established as 8-(3-Methyl-but-2-enyl)-2-phenyl chroman-4-one (1) and 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-8-(3-methyl-but-2-enyl)-chroman-4-one (2) on the basis of spectral analysis. These were evaluated for nematicidal activity against root-knot, Meloidogyne incognita, and reniform, Rotylenchulus reniformis, nematodes. Compound 2 exhibited nematicidal activity at par with the standard carbofuran (LC50 3.3 and 3.1ppm, respectively) when tested against reniform nematode. The LC50 value against root-knot nematode was found to be 14.5ppm. Compound 1 however, showed moderate activity against both the test nematodes.  相似文献   
福建惠安县新发现一种鳞翅目昆虫,其幼虫严重为害余甘(Phyllanthus emblicaL.)的果实,蛀果率可达50%~80%,受害面积约2300hm2。经鉴定,该虫系我国一新记录种——余甘异胫小卷蛾Thaumatotibia encarpa(Meyrick,1920)。本文介绍余甘异胫小卷蛾的形态特征、寄主、分布、危害等情况,并对其防控对策提出建议。  相似文献   
大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)植物小果叶下珠(Phyllanthus microcarpus)由种特异性细蛾科(Gracillariidae)昆虫头细蛾(Epicephala)专门为其传粉,具体包括:头细蛾在雄花上积极采粉,然后为雌花授粉并在其内产卵等极其不同的传粉行为。花气味在维持小果叶下珠与传粉头细蛾专性传粉互利共生关系中起着至关重要的作用。采用动态顶空吸附法分别收集小果叶下珠雌花和雄花气味,利用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)联用技术分析鉴定其成分,并用峰面积归一法与内标法进行定量,最后通过主成分分析法比较两者间的差异性。结果表明:(1)小果叶下珠花气味中共分离出17种化合物,主要以萜类和脂肪族物质为主;顺-β-罗勒烯在雌花和雄花中含量均最高,为主要气味成分;(2)雌花气味释放量显著高于雄花;(3)雌花和雄花之间气味化学成分存在明显的差异,即具有两性异形性。初步推测花气味出现两性异形性是植物为适应传粉头细蛾极其高度特异的传粉行为(雄花采粉,雌花传粉并产卵)而选择进化的结果。  相似文献   
High-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) has been successfully applied to the preparative separation of corilagin and ellagic acid in one step from the Chinese medicinal plant Phyllanthus urinaria L. by use of direct and successive injections of a crude methanolic extract. Some aspects concerning the practical use of this technique in the described application are considered.  相似文献   
Summary In vitro culture of hairy roots of Phyllanthus amarus induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes was established. Their growth and ability for in vitro inactivation of hepatitis B virus surface antigen was studied and compared with adventitious roots grown in vitro. The selected hairy root clone HR-1 was capable of growing at a very fast rate, and an approximately 900-fold increase in weight of root biomass was achieved after 4 wk of culture in hormone-free quarter-strength liquid Murashige and Skoog medium with continuous agitation. Non-transformed roots cultured in the presence of 1.0 mg l−1 (5.71 μM) indole-3-acetic acid increased by 330-fold. The immuno-inactive property of roots was maximal in the crude extract. The hairy roots were shown to possess 85% inhibition (in contrast to 15% in the control) in binding of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to its antibody (anti-HBs) after 24 h of incubation with HbsAg-positive sera in vitro at 37°C. Out of three fractions selected on the basis of molecular weight components of the extract, the Fraction III containing comparatively lower molecular weight substances (≤3500) yielded the highest activity. The extract from non-transformed roots was found to possess similar efficiency (87% inhibition). The levels of activity in both types of in vitro-raised roots were higher than those of naturally occurring roots and leafy shoots. The ability of P. amarus hairy root cultures to yield high biomass with the anti-viral property at high levels may provide an alternative source of raw material for more detailed study in the field of pharmaceutical research.  相似文献   
Chromium and its compounds may cause disturbance in the nutrient level of the plants. Iron, manganese, copper, and zinc are essential nutrient elements and required for balanced growth and development of plants, but chromium uptake sometimes disturbed their concentration in plants. Therefore, in the present paper, an effort has been made to observe the effect of different levels of Cr on nutrient uptake of Phyllanthus amarus and Solanum nigrum, the medicinally important plants of indigenous systems of medicine having hepatoprotective and diuretic properties. The study revealed that Cr causes significant changes in nutrient uptake as compared to control plants. Besides, Cr-treated plants showed growth depression and decrease in fresh and dry weight too. With the increase in Cr supply, accumulation of Cr in roots was increased significantly. Concentration of manganese and zinc was also increased. However, copper concentration in both the plants seemed less affected by Cr.  相似文献   
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