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A natural abundance hydrogen stable isotope technique was used to study seasonal changes in source water utilization and water movement in the xylem of dimorphic root systems and stem bases of several woody shrubs or trees in mediterranean-type ecosystems of south Western Australia. Samples collected from the native treeBanksia prionotes over 18 months indicated that shallow lateral roots and deeply penetrating tap (sinker) roots obtained water of different origins over the course of a winter-wet/summer-dry annual cycle. During the wet season lateral roots acquired water mostly by uptake of recent precipitation (rain water) contained within the upper soil layers, and tap roots derived water from the underlying water table. The shoot obtained a mixture of these two water sources. As the dry season approached dependence on recent rain water decreased while that on ground water increased. In high summer, shallow lateral roots remained well-hydrated and shoots well supplied with ground water taken up by the tap root. This enabled plants to continue transpiration and carbon assimilation and thus complete their seasonal extension growth during the long (4–6 month) dry season. Parallel studies of other native species and two plantation-grown species ofEucalyptus all demonstrated behavior similar to that ofB. prionotes. ForB. prionotes, there was a strong negative correlation between the percentage of water in the stem base of a plant which was derived from the tap root (ground water) and the amount of precipitation which fell at the site. These data suggested that during the dry season plants derive the majority of the water they use from deeper sources while in the wet season most of the water they use is derived from shallower sources supplied by lateral roots in the upper soil layers. The data collected in this study supported the notion that the dimorphic rooting habit can be advantageous for large woody species of floristically-rich, open, woodlands and heathlands where the acquisition of seasonally limited water is at a premium.  相似文献   
The stable isotopes 2H and 18O were used to determine the water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis at three sites with varying exposure to stream water, all underlain by moderately saline groundwater. Water uptake patterns were a function of the long-term availability of surface water. Trees with permanent access to a stream used some stream water at all times. However, water from soils or the water table commonly made up 50% of these trees' water. Trees beside an ephemeral stream had access to the stream 40–50% of the time (depending on the level of the stream). No more than 30% of the water they used was stream water when it was available. However, stream water use did not vary greatly whether the trees had access to the stream for 2 weeks or 10 months prior to sampling. Trees at the third site only had access to surface water during a flood. These trees did not change their uptake patterns during 2 months inundation compared with dry times, so were not utilising the low-salinity flood water. Pre-dawn leaf water potentials and leaf 13C measurements showed that the trees with permanent access to the stream experienced lower water stress and had lower water use efficiencies than trees at the least frequently flooded site. The trees beside the ephemeral stream appeared to change their water use efficiency in response to the availability of surface water; it was similar to the perennial-stream trees when stream water was available and higher at other times. Despite causing water stress, uptake of soil water and groundwater would be advantageous to E. camaldulensis in this semi-arid area, as it would provide the trees with a supply of nutrients and a reliable source of water. E. camaldulensis at the study site may not be as vulnerable to changes in stream flow and water quality as previously thought.  相似文献   
Seasonal carbon and water relations were compared among seven tree or shrub wash woodland species in the winter rainfall desert of the Richtersveld National Park, South Africa. Plants were generally aseasonal with respect to gas exchange, but responsive to rainfall events with respect to water relations and phenology. Relatively narrow annual ranges in potential evapotranspiration due to the maritime influence could explain why these plants respond more to fluctuations in water acquisition potential than to evaporative demand. Two species were summer-deciduous, but one of them (Ozoroa concolor) responded to aseasonal summer rainfall by leafing out and flowering. These two species had high shoot xylem water potentials when in leaf. All other species were sclerophyllous evergreens with low water potentials, particularly the shallow-rooted shrub Zygophyllum prismatocarpum, and Boscia albitrunca which may have a different rooting pattern to the other phreatophytes. The latter species was also unique due to its high leaf nitrogen contents, photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductances, despite very low leaf water potentials. Leaf stable carbon isotope composition C13C) varied between species (–22 to –27), but was lower than the mean for arid regions worldwide. The values indicated moderately high levels of water use efficiency, but a less conservative strategy in two species, including Boscia albitrunca. The affinities of these species to summer rainfall biomes, their apparent decline in the western arid regions in recent geological history following aridification, and their absence southwards in the winter rainfall regions, suggest that these wash species rely on sporadic summer rainfall events to some extent. They may be at risk if predicted increases in temperature and changes in rainfall patterns alter their effective moisture availability.  相似文献   
River oases at the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert in NW China are surrounded by belts of spontaneous vegetation that protect the oases from sand drift. As an important source of forage, fuel and construction wood, this foreland vegetation is also a component part of the agricultural system of the oases but has been, and still is, destroyed through overuse. Within a broader study that aimed to provide a basis for a sustainable management of this foreland vegetation, biomass and production were studied in four vegetation types dominated either by Alhagi sparsifolia, Calligonum caput-medusae, Populus euphratica, or Tamarix ramosissima that were thought to occur under different regimes of natural flooding in the foreland of Qira (Cele) oasis, Xinjiang, NW China. Shoot biomass components were closely correlated to basal area (Calligonum, Populus, Tamarix) or shrub volume and projection area (Alhagi), enabling non-destructive estimation of stand biomass from shoot diameters or shrub dimensions with sufficient precision using allometric regression equations. Relationships between shoot basal area and biomass of the woody species (Calligonum, Populus and Tamarix) agreed with predictions by a theoretical model of plant vascular systems, suggesting that they are determined by hydraulic and mechanical requirements for shoot architecture. Average aboveground biomass densities of typical stands in late summer were 2.97 Mg/ha in Alhagi, 3.6 Mg/ha in a row plantation and 10.9 Mg/ha in homogenous stands of Calligonum, 22–29 Mg/ha in 22 year-old Populus forests and 1.9–3.1 Mg/ha in Tamarix-dominated vegetation. Annual aboveground production including wood and assimilation organs ranged from 2.11 to 11.3 Mg/ha in plantations of Calligonum, 3.17 to 6.12 Mg/ha in Populus, and 1.55 to 1.74 Mg/ha (based on total ground area) or 3.10 to 7.15 Mg/ha (in homogenous stands) in Tamarix. Production of Alhagi is equal to peak biomass. A thinning treatment simulating use by the local population enhanced productivity of Calligonum, Populus and Tamarix. A complete harvest of Alhagi in late August decreased production in the following year. An artificial flood irrigation treatment did not sufficiently increase soil water content except in the uppermost layer and had no clear beneficial effect on growth of the four species and even a negative effect on Alhagi, which was due to increased competition from annual species. As biomass and production with or without artificial irrigation were much higher than values expected for rain-fed desert vegetation at a mean annual precipitation of 35 mm, it is concluded that the existence of all vegetation types studied is probably based on permanent access to groundwater and that natural floods or precipitation do not contribute to their water supply. The effects of agricultural groundwater use in the oasis on groundwater in the foreland of the oasis need further study. Sustainable use of this productive vegetation is possible but requires proper management.  相似文献   
Conditions in fen meadows in Dutch stream valleys are influenced by both deep (Ca2+-rich) and shallow (Ca2+-poor) groundwater flows. The distribution patterns of phreatophytic (groundwater-influenced) plant species showed distinct relationships with the distribution of different groundwater types. Large fluctuations in the ionic composition of groundwater were observed in the upper peat layers of drained areas. Ca2+-rich groundwater was replaced by precipitation water to a considerable depth (1–1.5 m). These fluctuations in groundwater composition were less pronounced in undrained areas.It was observed that characteristic species of fen meadow communities and rare phreatophytic species were restricted to areas with high water tables, which were nourished by either Ca2+-poor or by Ca2+-rich groundwater. Few species showed a preference for drained areas, where replacement of groundwater types gave rise to the occurrence of an intermediate groundwater type, which was thought to be the result of an increased acidification of the top soil (increased influence of infiltration water).It was argued that the endangered species were best preserved in areas with an undisturbed discharge of natural groundwater flows.Abbreviations EC = Electrical conductivity  相似文献   
Abstract. The chemical composition of the groundwater and the distribution of phreatophytic vegetation in a relatively homogeneous aquifer in the Douro basin appear to depend primarily on groundwater flow patterns within the aquifer. The concentration of major ions in the water is correlated with flow path length, which indicates that the chemical composition of the groundwater changes with the ageing of the water. The distribution of phreatophytic plant species is closely related to both the chemical composition of groundwater discharging in seepage areas, and length of the groundwater flow path. Factors such as heterogeneity in lithology, human influences and local climate are of secondary importance.  相似文献   
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