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中华白蛉的自育性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现场及实验室结果表明,我国黄土高原的大多数中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)应属自育性品系,它通常在羽化后、吸血前经交配能依靠腹节内脂肪体发育卵泡,一般在产卵后始行吸血。其生理性状是:胃内无血、腹节内有大量块状或条状脂肪体。羽化24小时后,附腺内有暗色颗粒,卵巢内有发育的卵泡。在25℃士1℃下它的生活史分快、慢两型。快型从卵至成虫仅需44—50夭,慢型需要以四龄幼虫滞育,其长短随滞育期而定,最长的滞育期达301天。观察了白蛉幼虫在饥饿状态下对自育性的影响。此外,还比较了吸血白蛉与自育性白蛉的妊卵数。吸血白蛉的妊卵数约较自育性的高出1/5。这种自育性品系的中华白蛉在自然居群约内占92%、主要栖于洞穴内为野栖种类。本文对自育性中华白蛉的生态及其防制策略作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
The sugar diet and life-span of Phlebotomus papatasi were studied in a typical zoonotic focus of Leishmania major in an arid area of the Jordan Valley during 1996-1997. Plant-tissue residues (cellulose particles) were identified in the stained guts of 23% of P. papatasi and significant amounts of sugar were found in the gut of 16%. Feeding on different plants was demonstrated by using their branches, suffused with cellulose stain, as baits in the field. Ingested, stained cellulose was detected in 10% of the sandflies (6% of males, 12.5% of females) caught near bait-branches of common local plants, mostly Chenopodiaceae. The similar rates of plant and sugar feeding, with the observed absence of aphids (ruling out the availability of honeydew), implied that the sugar meals of sandflies were obtained directly from plants. The relative paucity of sugar meals in P. papatasi coincided with a short life-span, evaluated by daily growth lines in the cuticle. The age of the oldest females was estimated to be 8 days, and 6 days for males. Under local conditions, the first gonotrophic cycle can be completed in 6 days and the usual transmission of L. major is apparently afterwards, when females ingest blood to initiate another cycle. Only about 9% of P. papatasi females survived > 6 days.  相似文献   
The morphology and ultrastructure of the larval spiracle system of three phlebotomine sandfly species, Phlebotomus perniciosus, P. perfiliewi and P. papatasi, were examined by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy and by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). During larval development, thoracic and abdominal spiracles show considerable modifications. In fourth instar larvae, the spiracles consist of a plate with a sclerotized central portion and a peripheral circle of papillae. The latter is distinctive in the larvae of P. papatasi, which are readily distinguished from the other species. Opening clefts across the papillae communicate with an internal chamber that encircles an electrondense plug. Many cylindrical projections cross the chamber, uniting the central plug with the larval body, forming an air filter. Spiracular development in successive larval instars has both a taxonomic and adaptive value.  相似文献   
An intraspecific study on Phlebotomus sergenti, the main and only proven vector of Leishmania tropica among the members of the subgenus Paraphlebotomus was performed. The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequences of 12 populations from 10 countries (Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, Syria, and Turkey) were compared. Samples also included three species closely related to P. sergenti: Phlebotomus similis (three populations from Greece and Malta), Phlebotomus jacusieli and Phlebotomus kazeruni. Our results confirm the validity of the taxa morphologically characterised, and imply the revision of their distribution areas, which are explained through biogeographical events. At the Miocene time, a migration route, north of the Paratethys sea would have been followed by P. similis to colonise the north of the Caucasus, Crimea, Balkans including Greece and its islands, and western Turkey. Phlebotomus sergenti would have followed an Asiatic dispersion as well as a western migration route south of the Tethys sea to colonise North Africa and western Europe. This hypothesis seems to be well supported by high degree of variation observed in the present study, which is not related to colonisation or to intra-populational variation. Two groups can be individualised, one oriental and one western in connection with ecology, host preferences and distribution of L. tropica. We hypothesise that they could be correlated with differences in vectorial capacities.  相似文献   
Salivary gland proteins were studied in sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) by electrophoretic techniques. In Phlebotomus duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire the protein concentration was about 30 times higher in females than in males. SDS PAGE revealed eight major bands of 29-62 kDa in salivary gland extracts (SGE) from females, whereas only one band of 57kDa was detected in males. The number of protein components in SGE gradually increased with the age of females. In P. papatasi (Scopoli) the typical electrophoretic pattern was reached in 3-5 days after imago emergence, depending on the temperature at which females were maintained. All major protein components of the female SGE were present in the content of glands. Female SGE were compared in seven colonies of five Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia species; electrophoretic profiles distinguished between species and even between colonies of different geographical origin. In general, the highest variability of major protein components was observed in the 38-48kDa region. Four colonies of the subgenus Phlebotomus (P. duboscqi and P. papatasi) possessed common mobility polypeptides, the highest similarity was found between two colonies of P. papatasi. Other species tested significantly differed, specific prominent bands of 33, 35 and 38kDa were found in P. halepensis Theodor, P. perniciosus Newstead and Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), respectively. Glycoproteins in SGE of Lu. longipalpis and P. duboscqi females were identified and analysed using blotting with five lectin conjugates. Specific reaction of lectins ConA and WGA revealed the complex type of N-glycans in the 48 and 53-54kDa glycoproteins present in both species. Similar glycosylation was detected in species-specific bands of the 57-60 and 65-67 kDa in P. duboscqi and Lu. longipalpis, respectively. The high mannose type of glycosylation was found in the 20 and 39 kDa polypeptides of Lu. longipalpis and the 40-42 kDa polypeptides of P. duboscqi. Innate lectin activity specific for aminosugars was detected in SGE of P. duboscqi females using haemagglutination tests with rabbit erythrocytes.  相似文献   
In many foci of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL), domestic dogs are important reservoir hosts of the causative Leishmania parasites transmitted by phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae). We tested the protective value of impregnated dog collars (20 g plastic containing deltamethrin 800 mg ai) against Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) sandflies in Iran. For each assay, the dog was sedated and caged in a net with 70-100 wild-caught sandflies overnight (23.30-06.30 hours). Dogs wearing the collars were bitten by approximately 80% fewer sandflies than before collars were fitted, i.e. 51% vs. 11% of hungry female flies exposed. Sandfly mortality rates following 20 h exposure to dogs with collars (18%) or without collars (17%) were not significantly different. Effects of collars were tested when dogs had been wearing them for 8 days. A previous trial against the sandfly P. perniciosus Newstead in France, using smaller dogs, showed that effects of such collars were not fully realized until they had been worn for 2 weeks or more; they remained effective for at least 8 months and killed significant proportions of the sandflies exposed. Present results with P. papatasi, confirming that this simple device provides effective protection against sandflies, are considered sufficiently encouraging to justify a community-wide field trial of deltamethrin-impregnated dog collars against ZVL vector sandflies in Iran.  相似文献   
Phlebotomus papatasi ( Scopoli, 1786 ) (Diptera: Psychodidae) is a major vector of Leishmania major (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), a causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis. Morphological characters of sand fly genitalia are key indicators for species identification. Various anomalies affecting male genitalia have been previously described. We take advantage of a large sand flies survey conducted in 32 stations in Central and Southern Morocco to systematically quantify the prevalence and spatial distribution of malformations affecting the genitalia of P. papatasi. Among 597 examined males, 122 were abnormal (20.4%). Malformations were widespread and largely concerned the number of spines in the lateral lobes and in the styles. Asymmetrical anomalies in lateral lobes were common. Correspondence analysis of our results highlighted the symmetrical anomalies observed in the lateral lobes, and abnormal styles of the male genitalia were found to be associated with environmental disturbances since they were prevalent in sewage dumps.  相似文献   
Phlebotomine sandflies, vectors of Leishmania (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) parasites that affect millions of people worldwide, breed in terrestrial biotopes. As immature stages are rarely accessible, the detection of their natural breeding sites is primarily based on findings of juvenile males with unrotated external genitalia. In males, permanent 180° rotation on the longitudinal body axis occurs soon after eclosion; however, no study has as yet addressed this aspect in detail. The present study describes the timing and duration of the rotation of male external genitalia in eight highly medically important sandfly species belonging to the genera Sergentomyia, Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus (all: Diptera: Psychodidae), kept under controlled laboratory conditions. The average duration of rotation was species‐specific and varied from 12 h in Sergentomyia schwetzi to 33 h in Phlebotomus sergenti. Significant differences in rotation times were found among species, even between two closely related species of the subgenus Larroussius, Phlebotomus orientalis and Phlebotomus tobbi. The rotation of genitalia in all three studied genera was randomly oriented and similar numbers of clockwise and counter‐clockwise events were observed. The study also addresses the effects of some external factors. In all species studied, rotation was not affected by the time of day of eclosion. Similarly, no differences in total rotation time were found between Phlebotomus papatasi males maintained at 25 and 20 °C, respectively. The present findings will assist in the search for natural breeding sites and in studies aimed at elucidating strategies for integrated sandfly and leishmaniasis control.  相似文献   
Female sandflies, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) (Diptera: Psychodidae), were fed via chicken membrane on heparinized blood from eight species of mammal (human, horse, cow, pig, dog, rabbit, guinea-pig, hamster) and their reproductive success rates were compared. No appreciable differences between those fed on human and animal blood were detected with respect to the proportion of flies that fed successfully, mortality-rate within 24h, number of eggs laid per blood-fed female or egg viability. When mass-rearing sandflies for research purposes, membrane-feeding avoids practical difficulties encountered if sandflies are allowed to feed on live hosts (i.e. anaesthesia, distress from handling and postfeeding inflammation) and reduction of sandfly fecundity due to host antibody interference. Use of animal blood also eliminates risks of accidental transmission of human blood-borne pathogens, e.g. hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and is less expensive than maintenance of animals and their preparation for sandfly feeding.  相似文献   
The wing shape and size morphology of populations of the medically important phlebotomine sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi, were examined in two endemic (south of the Atlas Mountains) and nonendemic (north of the Atlas Mountains) foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis by using geometric morphometrics in Morocco. Although it is present in all of Morocco, P. papatasi is the main vector of Leishmania major in only southern part of the Atlas Mountains. There are four major mountain ranges that serve as geographical barriers for species distribution in the study area and at least four gaps were recognized among these barriers. We found statistically significant differences in wing shape morphology between southern and northern populations. Analysis clearly recognized two main groups of populations on both sides of the mountains. The graphical depiction of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) confirmed our morphometric study suggesting that the difference in wing morphology between the populations indicates that the population of P. papatasi shows phenotypic plasticity in the study area. According to centroid size analyses, which were used as measures of wing size differences among different sites, the north population of P. papatasi had relatively larger wings than the south population.  相似文献   
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