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Simple demographic and infectious disease models of buffaloes and other domestic hosts for animal trypanosomosis (surra) caused by Trypanosoma evansi were developed. The animal models contained deterministic and stochastic elements and were linked to simulate the benefit of control regimes for surra in village domestic animal populations in Mindanao, Philippines. The impact of the disease on host fertility and mortality were key factors in determining the economic losses and net-benefit from the control regimes. If using a high (99%) efficacy drug in surra-moderate to high risk areas, then treating all animals twice each year yielded low prevalence in 2 years; targeted treatment of clinically sick animals, constantly monitored (monthly), required 75% fewer treatments but took longer to reach a low prevalence than treating all animals twice each year. At high drug efficacy both of these treatment strategies increased the benefit over untreated animals by 81%. If drug efficacy declined then the benefit obtained from twice yearly treatment of all animals declined rapidly compared with regular monitoring and targeting treatment to clinically sick animals. The current control regimen applied in the Philippines of annual sero-testing for surra and only treating sero-positive animals provided the lowest net-benefit of all the control options simulated and would not be regarded as effective control. The total net-benefit from effective surra control for a typical village in a moderate/high risk area was 7.9 million pesos per annum (US $158,000). The value added to buffaloes, cattle, horses, goats/sheep and pigs as a result of this control was US $88, $84, $151, $7, $114 per animal/year, respectively.  相似文献   
Ang  P. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,151(1):335-339
A new species ofTalaromyces (Ascomycetes; Trichocomaceae) with aPenicillium anamorph,T. lagunensis, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its extremely restricted growh on Czapek-yeast extract agar, light yellow to light orange ascomata with a telaperidium, catenate, pyriform or ellipsoidal asci, ellipsoidal or subglobose ascospores with a microtuberculate wall, short conidiophores with an irregular, mostly monoverticillate to biverticillate penicillus, and subglobose to ovoid conidia. The holotype was isolated from forest soil in the Philippines.  相似文献   
Tropical marine ornamentals comprise an increasingly important fishery worldwide. Although the potential for overexploitation of marine ornamentals is great, few studies have addressed the population-level impacts of ornamental exploitation and few ornamental fisheries are managed. Analysis of catch records obtained from collectors over a four-month period in the vicinity of Cebu, Philippines, showed that anemonefish and anemones comprised close to 60% of the total catch. Underwater visual census surveys revealed that both anemone and anemonefish densities were significantly lower in exploited areas than in protected areas. The low density of anemones on exploited reefs accounted for over 80% of the reduced density of anemonefish at those sites. There were similar numbers of anemonefish per unit area of anemone in protected and exploited sites; however, biomass of anemonefish per unit area of anemone was lower in exploited areas. Reduction of anemone removals is recommended to support the sustainable harvest of anemonefish from this region.  相似文献   
Two new species of Ophiorrhiza collected from Mt Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao Oriental, Philippines, are herein described and illustrated. Ophiorrhiza erythropilosa is the third Philippine species possessing involucral bracts and is further characterized by its predominantly villose stems that appear red due to strikingly red-violet trichomes, subpersistent bifid stipules, linear involucral bracts without prominent midrib, and 4 mm long urceolate corolla that is villose outside and lightly puberulous inside. Ophiorrhiza hamiguitanensis is characterized by its coriaceous, lanceolate leaves with attenuate apex and base, brochidodromous venation, subpersistent bilobed stipules with slightly recurved acute tips, presence of 1.5–2.5 mm long linear ensiform bracts, heterostylous flowers, clavate calyces and broadly obcordate capsules.  相似文献   
Pyropia acanthophora is a foliose Bangiales with widely known endemic populations in Indo-Pacific region. This alga has expanded its range recently as a consequence of introduction. In an attempt to explore the genetic diversity of Py. acanthophora within the Philippines and the impact of the introduction of the species from elsewhere, an examination of molecular differentiation and distribution was undertaken using the mitochondrial COI-5P and plastid rbcL gene sequences. The results revealed that the populations of Py. acanthophora in the Philippines exhibited high haplotypic and genetic diversities, and were found to be distinct from those previously reported as conspecific populations found in Taiwan, India, Japan, Hawaii, and from those introduced populations from Brazil. The network analyses as inferred from rbcL and from the combined COI-5P and rbcL genes showed evidence that the Philippine populations of Py. acanthophora exhibited a chaotic patchiness pattern characterized by a population with highly site-exclusive haplotypes, wide genetic variability and lack of local geographic patterns. The distribution of Py. acanthophora within the Philippines was also found to be greater than what was previously known, ranging from the extreme northwest to extreme northeast mainland Luzon coasts, including Camiguin Is., Cagayan. Understanding the genetic diversity and distribution of Py. acanthophora in the Philippines provides valuable information in relation to the conservation and effective resource management of native populations of Py. acanthophora in the tropical Asian region.  相似文献   
The bacterial isolates from normal and diseased branches of Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum in the Philippines were examined for possible role in the development of the ice-ice disease. The numbers of bacteria on and in ice-iced branches were 10–100 times greater than those from normal, healthy ones. Gram-positive bacteria predominated in almost all branch sources, but with an increasing proportion of agar-lysing bacteria in branches suffering from the ice-ice disease. These agar-lysing bacteria were composed of yellow and non-pigmented, spreading colonies identified to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium complex and the Vibrio group. Among isolates which mainly appeared on ice-iced branches, two strains, designated as P11 (Vibrio sp.) and P25 (Cytophage sp.), which showed pathogenic activity, were obtained. These strains caused early ice-ice whitening of K. alvarezii especially when subjecting branches to environmental stress, such as reduced salinity and light intensity, suggesting that these bacteria were occasionally pathogenic. This paper offers new evidence of bacterial role in the development of so-called ice-ice disease among farmed species of Kappaphycus.  相似文献   
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