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From various oxic or anoxic habitats several strains of bacteria were isolated which in the absence of molecular oxygen oxidized phenol to CO2 with nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor. All strains grew in defined mineral salts medium; two of them were further characterized. The bacteria were facultatively anaerobic Gramnegative rods; metabolism was strictly oxidative with molecular oxygen, nitrate, or nitrite as electron acceptor. The isolates were tentatively identified as pseudomonads. Besides phenol many other benzene derivatives like cresols or aromatic acids were anaerobically oxidized in the presence of nitrate. While benzoate or 4-hydroxybenzoate was degraded both anaerobically and aerobically, phenol was oxidized under anaerobic conditions only. Reduced alicyclic compounds were not degraded. Preliminary evidence is presented that the first reaction in anaerobic phenol oxidation is phenol carboxylation to 4-hydroxybenzoate.  相似文献   
Summary The high affinity of granulocytes of guinea pig and man to glass surfaces is modified by serum. Native serum contains both an adherence-promoting activity, which is related to complement, and components which reduce the adhesiveness of granulocytes. These components are stable at 56°C for 30 min and are tightly bound to the glass surface. -Lipoproteins are candidates for this adherence reducing ability of serum. Adherence promotion by native serum is mediated by coating the glass surface with C3b/C3bi. Human granulocytes from the peripheral blood adhered to glass surfaces coated by native human or guinea pig serum with C3b/C3bi to almost the same extent as in the presence of native serum, but on guinea pig granulocytes elicited in the peritoneal cavity, a cell surface metalloproteinase degraded the C3b/C3bi, thus reducing the adhesiveness of these cells. This proteinase was inhibited by MgEDTA, DTT, and 1,10-phenanthroline, whereby the high adhesiveness of granulocytes was restored to C3b/C3bi-coated glass.Abbreviations BA benzamidine hydrochloride - BTS Bacillus thuringiensis subtoxicus - DTT dithiothreitol - EAC -amino-caproic acid - gp guinea pig - LDL low density lipoproteins - SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   
Extracts of denitrifying bacteria grown anaerobically with phenol and nitrate catalyzed an isotope exchange between 14CO2 and the carboxyl group of 4-hydroxybenzoate. This exchange reaction is ascribed to a novel enzyme, phenol carboxylase, initiating the anaerobic degradation of phenol by para-carboxylation to 4-hydroxybenzoate. Some properties of this enzyme were determined by studying the isotope exchange reaction. Phenol carboxylase was rapidly inactivated by oxygen; strictly anoxic conditions were essential for preserving enzyme activity. The exchange reaction specifically was catalyzed with 4-hydroxybenzoate but not with other aromatic acids. Only the carboxyl group was exchanged; [U-14C]phenol was not exchanged with the aromatic ring of 4-hydroxybenzoate. Exchange activity depended on Mn2+ and inorganic phosphate and was not inhibited by avidin. Ortho-phosphate could not be substituted by organic phosphates nor by inorganic anions; arsenate had no effect. The pH optimum was between pH 6.5–7.0. The specific activity was 100 nmol 14CO2 exchange · min-1 · mg-1 protein. Phenol grown cells contained 4-hydroxybenzoyl CoA synthetase activity (40 nmol · min-1 · mg-1 protein). The possible role of phenol carboxylase and 4-hydroxybenzoyl CoA synthetase in anaerobic phenol metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   
Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 and its bacteroids catabolize phenol and p-hydroxybenzoate. With phenol as a carbon source, utilization started only after a prolonged lag phase while p-hydroxybenzoate was almost instantancously metabolized. Succinate, which supports rapid growth of Rhizobium japonicum, completely repressed respication of phenol; the oxidation of p-hydroxybenzoate was partially inhibited. Pyruvate, supporting slower growth than succinate, retarded the onset of phenol consumption but did not affect its maximum rate.Catabolite repression of phenol utilization by succinate appears to be a characteristic feature of rhizobia. In Pseudomonas putida which also actively metabolizes phenol, succinate had no effect on phenol utilization.  相似文献   
Phenolics of five yam (dioscorea) species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyanidin-3-glucoside, (+)-catechin and the procyanidin dimers ‘B-1’ and ‘B-3’ were identified as phenolic constituents of Dioscorea alata tubers, and strong evidence for the presence of a procyanidin trimer and a tetramer was found. The quantity of (+)-catechin and relative proportions of the procyanidin dimers were determined in 10 cultivars of five of the main edible yam species.  相似文献   
Phenol sulfotransferase (PST) catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of catecholamines and phenol and catechol drugs. The human blood platelet contains a thermolabile (TL) form of PST that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of dopamine and other monoamines and a thermostable (TS) form that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of micromolar concentrations of phenol and p-nitrophenol. Experiments were performed to determine whether the brain contains forms of PST analogous to the TL and TS forms found in the human platelet, and to determine whether there are regional variations in human brain PST activity. We found that the human brain contains at least two forms of PST, forms that are similar to the platelet TS and TL forms of the enzyme with respect to substrate specificity, apparent Km constants, thermal stability, and sensitivity to inhibitors. Optimal conditions were determined for the measurement of these two activities in brain homogenates. The stability of PST activities in the human brain after death was determined in five samples of cerebral cortex that were obtained during clinically indicated neurosurgical procedures. An average of 76 +/- 8% and 80 +/- 9% (mean +/- SEM) of the basal TL and TS PST activities, respectively, remained in these five samples of cerebral cortex after 8 h of storage under simulated post-mortem conditions. Six human brains were then obtained less that 8 h after death from patients who had no neurological disease prior to death. The mean activities of the TL and TS forms of PST were measured in 17 different regions of the six brains. If the pituitary was excluded from consideration, TL and TS PST activities both varied approximately fivefold among these regions, and both activities were highest in cerebral cortex. However, the average TS activity in the anterior pituitary, a tissue of non-neural origin embryologically, was 6.5-fold greater than the highest average TS PST activity found in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Summary The cytoplasmic content and the distribution of intramembrane particles (IMPs) of the plasma membrane of isolated sperm cells of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) have been characterized using flow cytometry, transmission electron microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy and freeze-fracture studies. The isolated haploid sperm cells contain a variety of cell organelles with the exception of microtubules. Proplastids and plastids with starch were observed, although only rarely. Vacuoles containing remnants of organelles and stacked lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum with cytoplasmic inclusions were observed frequently, indicating that autophagy takes place. The number of mitochondria varies from 11 to 26 with an average of 17. Generally, the nucleus has a lobed shape and displays various interphasic stages of chromatin condensation. The analysis of the number of mitochondria and the nuclear state did not show evidence of sperm cell dimorphism. The cytological variability observed, could be explained by differences in developmental stages already present in vivo at the moment of isolation. No correlation between the number of mitochondria and the nuclear cross-sectioned area and/or the condensation state of the chromatin could be found. The density of intramembrane particles of the plasma membrane on the exoplasmic fracture face is more than twice that on the protoplasmic fracture face. That is the opposite of what was found for sporophytic cells of perennial ryegrass. These results are discussed in relation to the potential use of these cells for biotechnology and developmental studies.  相似文献   
The substrate specificity and affinity of two forms of phenol sulfotransferase (PST) from Rhesus macaque brain cortex were studied. Catecholamines, their methylated metabolites (normetanephrine, metanephrine) and methylated precursor, -methylDOPA, were examined as substrates for both the cationic (PST I) and the anionic (PST II) forms of the enzyme. Sulfation of hypertensive drugs (phenylephrine, octopamine, metaraminol), hypotensive drugs (-methylDOPA, minoxidil), and related agents without a free hydroxy group on the benzene ring were also studied. Results indicated that both PST forms sulfated -methylDOPA and minoxidil, but only PST II transferred the sulfate group to catecholamines and most of the adrenergic agents examined.  相似文献   
In surface cultures of Streptomyces cyaneus var. viridochromogenes, NaCl depressed water activity (a w) without supporting growth. Reducing a w from 0.987 to 0.951 led to 3- and 4-fold increases in intracellular and extracellular phenol oxidase activities, respectively.  相似文献   
Temporary feeding on willow buds and leaves by nesting greater snow geese provided us with an opportunity to test the relative importance of nutrients and deterrents in affecting the palatability for geese of a food plant with a high phenol content. Protein, total phenol and fiber (neutral and acid detergent fiber, and lignin) were analyzed in closed and open buds and in rolled and open leaves. Geese feed on willows at the open-buds and rolled-leaf stages but not at the closed-bud and open-leaf stages. Protein content was higher in open buds and rolled leaves (25–27%) than in closed buds and open leaves (19–21%). Phenol content increased during leaf emergence but was already high (14%) in rolled leaves. All plant fibers were very high in closed buds but declined rapidly during leaf emergence. The increase in phenol: protein ratio appeared to be more important than phenol concentration alone in explaining the cessation of feeding by geese on willow leaves whereas the high fiber content of closed buds may explain why they were not eaten. Our results illustrate the value of a multifactorial approach in the study of the food selection process in herbivores.  相似文献   
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