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对侧盘菌属在英国的研究概况进行了评述,研究侧重于Otidea apophysata和O.platyspora两个具有大型子囊孢子的种。同时,对4个错误地用于大型孢子种的名称进行了订正:O. abietina(Pseudotis属的模式种)是含糊名称(nomen ambiguum);O.cochleata也为含糊名称;O. felina是O.alutacea的同物异名,并为后者指定了选模式;将O.umbrina处理为O.bufonia的同物异名。此外,确定了Otidea violacea的分类地位。  相似文献   
We here report genes encoding a newly discovered class of starch- and glycogen-degrading enzyme, -1,4-glucan lyase (EC, which degrades starch and glycogen to 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose. Two lyases were purified and partially sequenced from the macrofungi Morchella costata and M. vulgaris. The obtained lyase amino acid sequences were used to generate PCR primers, which were further used to probe the fungal genomic libraries. Two lyase genes (Agll1;Mo.cos and Agll1;Mo.vul) from the two fungi were fully sequenced and found to contain a coding region of 3201 bp and 3213 bp, respectively. A total of 13 small introns were found in each of the two genes with identical positions. The two lyase genes share 86% identity at the amino acid level. They encode mature lyases with 1066 and 1070 amino acids, respectively. The deduced molecular masses of 121530 and 121971 Da agree with the values found for the two purified lyases. A structure analysis of the promoter regions of the lyase genes revealed a number of putative regulatory DNA elements, such as the AREA and CREA sites, which are related to nitrogen and carbon metabolism, respectively, and the CCAAT/CAAT boxes, which are related to basal expression of genes. A third lyase gene (Agll1;Pe.ost) from the fungus Peziza ostracoderma was partially sequenced to 557 bp. The amino acid sequence deduced from this nucleotide fragment shares 76% identity with the M. costata lyase. Heterologous expression of the M. costata lyase gene was achieved intracellularly in Pichia pastoris and Aspergillus niger.  相似文献   
本文报道我国盘菌属中两个具有绣球样子囊果的种。一个是新种贵州盘菌(PezizaguizhouensisM.H.Liu);另一个是国内新记录种希氏盘菌[Pezizshearii(Gilkey)Korf]。文中对新种作了拉丁描述并附图,描述了新记录种并附图。还为该属中具绣球样子实体的已知种提供了检索表。新种模式标本的主模式保藏在HMAS,等模式保藏于贵州省安顺地区卫生防疫站标本室(GZAS)。  相似文献   
To date, arabinose-binding lectins have been reported only from the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the plant aggressive pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum, and the sponge Pellina semitubulosa. An arabinose-binding lectin with mitogenic activity toward splenocytes and a high specific hemagglutinating activity was isolated in the present study from a wild discomycete mushroom, Peziza sylvestris. The maximal mitogenic activity was induced by a lectin concentration of 8 microM. The lectin was a single-chained protein with a molecular mass of 20 kDa. Its N-terminal sequence showed only slight resemblance to other mushroom lectins. It was adsorbed on both diethylaminoethyl-cellulose and carboxymethyl-cellulose. Unlike previously reported mushroom lectins, the hemagglutinating activity of the lectin was inhibited by arabinose, but not by a large variety of other carbohydrates. The lectin activity was adversely affected in the presence of 0.05 M NaOH or 0.025 M HCl, and when the ambient temperature was elevated above 35 degrees C.  相似文献   
报道了采自山东青岛的壳皮盘菌Peziza ostracoderma的2个无性型,即腐生在辣椒种子上的广州堆孢珠头霉Oedocephalum glomerulosum var.cantonense和腐生在辣椒育苗钵基质(草炭及蛭石)上的黄色疣枝孢菌Chromelosporium fulvum。前者为山东省新记录种,后者为中国大陆新记录种。  相似文献   
该文采用形态解剖、化学及生态等传统分类方法,以及显色反应(CT)、薄层层析(TLC)等生物化学方法,对新疆天山南麓巴音布鲁克山区和天山中部米泉哈熊沟泡鳞衣属地衣进行了分类学研究,并鉴定采样区泡鳞衣属的地衣种类。结果表明:共鉴定出似皮革泡鳞衣Toninia alutacea(Anzi)Jatta、兰黑泡鳞衣T.caeruleonigricans(Lightf.)Th.Fr.、白泡鳞衣T.candida(Weber)Th.Fr.、泡状泡鳞衣T.physaroides(Opiz)Zahlbr.、暗色泡鳞衣中亚亚种T.tristis subsp.asiae-centralis(H.Magn.)Timdal等5个种,其中2个为中国新记录种:似皮革泡鳞衣T.alutacea和泡状泡鳞衣T.physaroides;同时描述了5个种的形态解剖特征、化学特征及其生境,并提供了相关彩色图片和新疆泡鳞衣属地衣检索表。研究结果可为新疆地衣的研究提供实验数据,为中国泡鳞衣属研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Two species in the genusPeziza are described and illustrated as new to Japan:Peziza limnaea andPeziza rifaii. These species were collected in the broad-leaved forest mainly withCastanopsis cuspidata in Chiba Pref.  相似文献   
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