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Pollen as a chronometer and sediment tracer,Burrinjuck Reservoir,Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollen analysis is widely used to reconstruct vegetation and land use histories, but can also provide sedimentological information. At Burrinjuck Reservoir, in south-eastern Australia, annual grass pollen peaks are used to distinguish each year's sediment, even when there are no visible laminations. In conjunction with other dating methods, this allows the determination of year by year influxes of all sediment components. Pollen grains in the Burrinjuck sediments are shown to be predominantly waterborne so that they can be used to trace sediment to its source in particular vegetation stands. Pollen concentration and the proportion of damaged pollen might also distinguish sediment eroded from topsoils and that from subsoils. Pollen analysis can thus be used to locate specific erosion events in both time and space.  相似文献   
Zooplankton composition of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The zooplankton of ten reservoirs of Sao Paulo State was analyzed as part of a larger project, Typology of Reservoirs of São Paulo State.Twenty-four genera of Rotifera, six species of Copepoda and at least nine species of Cladocera were found in samples collected on four occasions in 1979. In general, Rotifera dominated in most reservoirs, although fluctuations occurred during the year.The reservoirs were arranged in four groups, according to zooplankton density, whose range was 10 to 500 i 1–1.The average composition of Crustacea, in number of species at any one time is comparable to those of other water bodies, being a little higher than that of Colorado lakes.The number of species of limnetic Cladocera in Brazil is between those of Holarctic Region and Tropical Asia. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Bosminopsis deitersi, and a few species of Daphnia are typical of Brazilian zooplankton. Thermocyclops crassus is common in the southern reservoirs but T. minutus seems to be more widely distributed in Brazil. Calanoida occurred in relatively few reservoirs in São Paulo and usually one species at one time. Brachionus and Keratella were more abundant closer to the Equator then to the Tropics, where other genera seem to be more abundant.The range in size of the planktonic Crustacea is relatively small when compared to temperate lakes, being similar to that of other tropical lakes.  相似文献   
Habitat occupation and habitat overlap of the introduced tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and co-occurring indigenous fish species were studied in a shallow lowland reservoir in Sri Lanka. Results were used to discuss the possible existence of empty habitats in reservoirs and the position of the introduced O. mossambicus in the fish community. Predictions were made of the effects of a subsidiary small-meshed gillnet fishery for indigenous minor cyprinids on the yield of tilapia. The zooplanktivorous halfbeak Hyporamphus gaimardi, an indigenous invader from brackish water estuaries and lagoons, has successfully colonized the pelagic habitat in this reservoir. The habitat of the introduced O. mossambicus overlapped significantly with those of the indigenous minor cyprinids. Only the smallest size classes of O. mossambicus (below 45 mm) arc spatially segregated from these cyprinids. Spatial distribution patterns are influenced by the rainy seasons which trigger an inshore movement of O. mossambicus and several other species around November and May. Barbus spp, (Cyprinidae) need riverine habitats for spawning, but for all other species the available habitats within the reservoir are suitable to complete their full life cycle. Exploitation of Barbus spp. with gillnets with a mesh size of 30-mm stretched mesh is predicted to have considerable detrimental effects on the existing fishery for O. mossambicus. However, a gillnet fishery with 15-mm stretched mesh to exploit Amblypharyngodon melettinus, Rasbora daniconius and H. gaimardi in the open water zone is expected to be successful without harming the existing fishery for O, mossambicus or the populations of Barbus spp.  相似文献   
Virgin cores and production fluids were obtained from seven wells, ranging in depth from 805 ft to 14 492 ft, and examined for the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) using Rosenfeld's sulfate-reducing medium modified by using crude oil in place of lactate. Cores from an additional six wells, ranging in depth from 1160 ft to 13 337 ft were tested for SRB using the modified Rosenfeld medium and API-sulfate-reducing medium. Produced waters from five of the six wells were tested also. All of the eleven produced water samples were positive for SRB while H2S production was not detected from the core samples.  相似文献   
A. Duncan  J. Kubečka 《Hydrobiologia》1995,303(1-3):11-30
The morphology and function of one tropical and 25 temperate reservoirs are examined in relation to their effect upon the nature of the land/water interface and, further, to what extent the features of these ecotones satisfy the ecological requirements of the reservoir fish species throughout their life cycle during spawning, larval, juvenile and adult stages. The two main conclusions are that (1) reservoir fish species are especially dependent upon land/water ecotones during their early life history and (2) there exists a strong relationship between the extent of the littoral area and the nature of the fish stocks. Several examples are given to show that manipulation of the land/water ecotone is a major tool for the management of reservoirs advantageously for their major functions.  相似文献   
Phosphorus exchange at the sediment-water interface coupled with several parameters were assessed in several reservoirs with geologically different catchment basins and different trophic status in Morocco and France.The results showed that these exchanges were regulated by a combination of factors: physical chemical variability of the environment, the geological composition of catchment basins and the trophic status of the lake.In the hypereutrophic Villerest, iron-bound phosphorus is the major form of phosphorus trapped by the sediment whereas, in Moroccan reservoirs, calcium-bound phosphorus prevailed.We suggest that a drastic control of phosphorus inputs into the waters must be done through a large program of dephosphatization of tributaries to avoid Microcystis aeruginosa bloom formation in Villerest (Aleya et al., 1993) and calcium-bound phosphorus dissociation in Moroccan reservoirs with upward release of bioavailable phosphorus.
Résumé Les échanges de phosphore au niveau de l'interface eau-sédiment couplés á la distribution temporelle de divers éléments chimiques et biologiques ont été étudiés dans divers réservoirs de niveaux trophiques différents, au Maroc et en France.Nos résultats mettent clairement en évidence une influence directe de l'environnement physico-chimique, de la nature géologique des bassins versants et de l'état trophique du lac sur la dynamique du phosphore au sein de cette interface.De plus, il apparait que dans le lac hypereutrophe de Villerest (Roanne, France), le phosphore est majoritairement complexé au fer alors que dans les retenues marocaines, ce sont les complexes phosphore-calcium qui prédominent.Nous préconisons un contrôle drastique des apports en phosphore á travers l'installation et la multiplication d'unités de déphosphatation afin d'éviter d'une part, la prolifération massive de la Cyanobactérie Microcystis aeruginosa á Villetest (Aleya et al., 1994) et d'autre part la dissociation des complexes phhosphore-calcium au sein des retenues marocaines avec libération de phosphore biodisponible.
I. J. Hodgkiss 《Hydrobiologia》1977,52(2-3):197-205
Simultaneous collections of zooplankton were made at four stations in the Plover Clove Reservoir using Friedinger sampling bottles and vertical Nakai plankton net hauls. Comparison of the results obtained revealed certain obvious numerical and spatial anomalies, and it is suggested that these result from inherent characteristics of the two types of apparatus together with behavioural responses and physical attributes of the individual zooplankton species. Statistical correlation between these two methods was generally good in terms of the seasonal patterns of distribution of the population, but in terms of depth distribution and the relative abundance of the individual species of the population few significant correlations resulted. It is therefore suggested that unless merely seasonal trends are required, it is advisable to use more than one sampling apparatus to obtain valid data concerning the overall dynamics of such a zooplankton population.Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong  相似文献   
李婷  唐磊  王丽  安磊  王骏  莫康乐  陈求稳 《生态学报》2020,40(4):1473-1485
梯级水库修建后自然河流形成了河相段和湖相段,而河流生境的改变对鱼类种群空间分布和生态类型变化产生了重要影响。为探究金沙江梯级水电开发对鱼类资源的影响,结合2018年5月渔获物和文献记载水库修建前后的渔获物数据,分析了鱼类群落组成及变化,优势物种及群落多样性特点,以及鱼类在河相、湖相段生态类型的变化。结果表明,梯级水库建设后溪洛渡至向家坝鱼类的种类数减少,随着水库的运行该减少趋势放缓,而大型鱼的种类数占比呈增长趋势。受生境变化的影响,鱼类优势物种发生变化,水库河相段和湖相段生态类型差异较大。生态类型组成上以缓流型、生活于水流中下层、产卵初始水温高于18℃等生态类型占优。研究表明,高坝大库的运行会造成鱼类种群以生态需求为目标,形成明显的空间分布和群落结构特征,而梯级水库建设导致的水动力条件差异是鱼类群落生态类型差异的内在驱动力。  相似文献   
广东大中型水库底泥重金属含量特征及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
广东省45宗大中型水库底泥重金属含量分析评价结果表明:除Cr外,广东省大中型水库底泥中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd含量均高于广东省土壤重金属含量背景值.广东省四大地理区域中,粤北地区大中型水库底泥Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd平均含量均为最高,分别为89.71、321.21、154.95mg/kg和1.46mg/kg;其次是粤东和粤中地区;粤西大中型水库底泥Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd平均含量均为最低,但Cr平均含量居四大区域之首,为130.81mg/kg.粤东和粤北大中型水库底泥重金属富集系数以Cd最高;粤中和粤西大中型水库底泥重金属富集系数则以Cu最大.总体而言,粤北大中型水库底泥重金属具有很强的潜在生态风险,粤东和粤中大中型水库底泥重金属潜在生态风险程度为中等;粤西大中型水库底泥重金属属于轻微生态风险程度.结果说明,广东省大部分地区大中型水库底泥的重金属潜在生态风险主要是由于底泥中Cd的潜在生态风险系数过高所造成.人为生产活动,特别是矿产开采造成的污染是广东省大中型水库底泥重金属潜在生态风险等级提高的主要原因.  相似文献   
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