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In order to determine whether the small-scale distribution of immature Ixodes dammini Spielman et al. corresponds closely to the activity patterns of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman), these relationships were examined in a site on Long Island, New York, U.S.A. We first determined the extent and temporal pattern of adult ticks feeding on deer by examining twenty-three resident deer tranquilized during September-December 1985. I. dammini adults infested deer throughout this fall period, most abundantly during October and November. With radio-telemetry collars attached to deer we determined the relative frequency that they occupied 0.25 ha quadrats of the study site. During the following summer, we examined white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), that inhabited these quadrats and removed immature ticks from each. 8975 larval and 163 nymphal I. dammini were removed from 208 mice trapped in forty-three such quadrats. The frequency of deer using these quadrats was positively correlated with both the number of larval and of nymphal ticks per mouse. These results suggest that risk of I. damminiborne zoonotic disease may be decreased by locally reducing deer density in sites that experience intense human activity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Cricetid rodents, Peromyscus truei and P. boylii , were inoculated with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria arizonensis collected from wild P. truei maintained in the lab. In P. truei the prepatent period was 4–5 days, the patent period was 9–11 days, and sporulated oocysts were 21.5 × 25.0 (20–23 × 24–26) μm with sporocysts 7.7 × 12.0 (6–8 × 10–13) pm. In P. boylii the prepatent period was 6–7 days, the patent period was 8–9 days, and sporulated oocysts were 20.1 × 23.2 (18–22 × 21–24) pm with sporocysts 6.8 × 10.0 (5–8 × 9–12) pm. Sporulated oocysts from both host species were used in direct side-by-side comparison of isozyme banding patterns using protein electrophoresis. The parasite has polytypic loci for leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD). In oocysts from P. truei , LAP showed one band with fast migration and LDH and 6-PGD each showed two bands, one with fast and one with slow migration. In oocysts from P. boylii , LAP and LDH each had one band with slow migration and 6-PGD had one band with moderate migration. Oocysts of E. arizonensis collected from P. boylii were used to inoculate P. truei. The prepatent and patent periods, structural measurements, and isozyrne banding patterns of the resultant oocysts were the same as those from P. truei when inoculated with oocysts from P. truei.  相似文献   
目的通过克隆分析中国地鼠16S基因的部分序列,对中国地鼠16S基因的结构和功能进行初步探索和揭示。方法从GenBank中已报道的啮齿动物16S基因保守区设计一对引物,进行PCR扩增,测序。用Blastn与GenBank中七种啮齿类动物的16S基因进行序列比较,分析其碱基组成及变异情况,并用邻接法(NJ)、非加权组平均法(UPGMA)构建分子系统树,在分子水平上探讨中国地鼠和其他啮齿类动物的进化关系,对中国地鼠的种属地位进行了进一步验证。结果获得了中国地鼠线粒体16S基因的部分序列,其碱基组成A、T、C、G分别为40.5%、24.5%、18.7%、16.3%,与其他七种啮齿类动物的碱基含量相比,各碱基含量基本相似。NJ进化树表明,中国地鼠、金黄地鼠与欧洲仓鼠先聚为一支,小鼠与大鼠先聚为一支,东方田鼠、台湾田鼠与东欧田鼠先聚为一支。结论中国地鼠和金黄地鼠的亲缘关系最近,与传统的分类地位基本吻合。  相似文献   

A new portable digital sound emitter (DSE) for normal and interactive playback of sound signals in the field and in the laboratory is described together with two examples of applications of the DSE in interactive field experiments. The DSE may be loaded with a broad spectrum of digitised sounds, e.g. artificial signals or natural animal vocalisations, and it is controlled via the keyboard of a portable PC running a dedicated program. This program, which can be tailored to support a vast number of different demands, enables the experimenter to start and stop the analog output from the DSE at any time and to choose freely between the available sounds and playback modes. The use of the DSE for interactive playback experiments therefore is only limited by the ability of the operator to perceive the vocalisations of the participating animal and to operate the keyboard of the PC.  相似文献   
Summary Adult, male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) were subjected to a variety of social situations ranging from isolation during the 20 day experimental period to constant contact with both females and other adult males. Contacts included grouping (three or four males per cage) and exposure to fighters (once daily for 20 minutes). The following measurements were recorded: weights of the body, testes, epididymides, vesicular glands, vesicular gland tissue (wet and dry), seminal fluid of the vesicular gland, adrenal glands, and baculum; spermatozoan reserves of the testes and epididymides. Grouping significantly affected both the weight and spermatozoan reserves of the testes and epididymides, as well as both the tissue and seminal fluid weight of the vesicular glands. The results suggested a graded effect of all treatments on the reproductive tract. In order of magnitude of the associated response, from none to greatest, the treatments may be ranked as follows: pairing with females, isolating, handling, fighting, and grouping. All reproductive parameters measured showed this general ranking, suggesting that the response to the various treatments was similar and differed only quantitatively. The results further suggested decreased secretion of LH and testosterone, although measurements of testosterone did not substantiate this conclusion. The lack of significant effects of grouping on adrenal gland weights strengthened the argument that adrenal involvement is not a necessary adjunct to the suppression of the reproductive tract in groupedPeromyscus, but the adrenal may be involved if contacts between males result in overt fighting.  相似文献   
The Perdido Key beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis), Choctawhatchee beach mouse (P. p. allophrys), and St. Andrew beach mouse (P. p. peninsularis) are 3 federally endangered subspecies that inhabit coastal dunes of Alabama and Florida, USA. Conservation opportunities for these subspecies are limited and costly. Consequently, well-targeted efforts are required to achieve their downlisting criteria. To aid the development of targeted management scenarios that are designed to achieve downlisting criteria, we developed a Bayesian network model that uses habitat characteristics to predict the probability of beach mouse presence at a 30-m resolution across a portion of the Florida Panhandle. We then designed alternative management scenarios for a variety of habitat conditions for coastal dunes. Finally, we estimated how much area is needed to achieve the established downlisting criterion (i.e., habitat objective) and the amount of effort needed to achieve the habitat objective (i.e., management efficiency). The results suggest that after 7 years of post-storm recolonization, habitat objectives were met for Perdido Key (within its Florida critical habitat) and Choctawhatchee beach mice. The St. Andrew beach mouse required 5.14 km2 of additional critical habitat to be protected and occupied. The St. Andrew beach mouse habitat objective might be achieved by first restoring protected critical habitat to good dune conditions and then protecting or restoring the unprotected critical habitat with the highest predicted probability of beach mouse presence. This scenario provided a 28% increase in management efficiency compared to a scenario that randomly protected or restored undeveloped unprotected critical habitat. In total, when coupled with established downlisting criteria, these quantitative and spatial decision support tools could provide insight into how much habitat is available, how much more is needed, and targeted conservation or restoration efforts that might efficiently achieve habitat objectives. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The belief seems to be persisting and spreading that some animals can use an unknown environmental cue to anticipate a future supply of food that would support a greatly increased number of their maturing young, and proceed to prolifically and successfully produce such young before they have access to a supply of protein food that would support that enhanced productivity. This is not biologically possible. To sustain the successful gestation and subsequent growth of young, a female must have access to a sufficient source of protein food. There is evidence to suggest that this necessary supply of protein is present in the environment of those that exhibit this apparently anticipatory reproduction, but researchers have either not looked for it, or not found it. The confirmation of the existence of such food would not only explain the ‘anticipatory’ breeding, but would remove the need to postulate the presence of unknown environmental cues.  相似文献   
We assessed the effects of long-term habitat fragmentation on genetic (random amplified polymorphic DNA) diversity in 11 Peromyscus maniculatus populations in the Lake Superior watershed. We analysed genetic structure at two spatial scales and the effect of island size and isolation on genetic diversity. At the regional scale, island populations differed from mainland populations (FST = 0.36), but mainland populations did not differ from each other (FST = 0.01). At the local scale, populations of the main island of Isle Royale differed from adjacent islet populations (P < 0.001; Monte Carlo approximation of Fisher's exact test), but not from each other (combined P = 0.63). Although geographical distance and genetic distance were positively correlated (P < 0.01; Mantel test), cluster analysis revealed some inconsistencies. Finally, genetic diversity was inversely related to isolation (P = 0.01), but had an unexpectedly negative relationship with island area (P = 0.03). The genetic structure of P. maniculatus populations in portions of the Lake Superior watershed appears to have been affected by long-term habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   
Classical biological control of weeds currently operates under the assumption that biological control agents are safe (i.e., low risk) if they do not directly attack nontarget species. However, recent studies indicate that even highly host-specific biological control agents can impact nontarget species through indirect effects. This finding has profound implications for biological control. To better understand the causes of these interactions and their implications, we evaluate recent case studies of indirect nontarget effects of biological control agents in the context of theoretical work in community ecology. We find that although particular indirect nontarget effects are extremely difficult to predict, all indirect nontarget effects of host specific biological control agents derive from the nature and strength of the interaction between the biological control agent and the pest. Additionally, recent theoretical work suggests that the degree of impact of a biological control agent on nontarget species is proportional to the agent’s abundance, which will be highest for moderately successful control agents. Therefore, the key to safeguarding against indirect nontarget effects of host-specific biological control agents is to ensure the biological control agents are not only host specific, but also efficacious. Biological control agents that greatly reduce their target species while remaining host-specific will reduce their own populations through density-dependent feedbacks that minimize risks to nontarget species.  相似文献   
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