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东北虎微卫星DNA遗传标记的筛选及在亲子鉴定中的应用   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
利用18个家猫微卫星基因座,在东北虎(Panthera tigris sibilia)DNA中扩增结果有4个基因座没有产物,8个基因座为单态,6个基因座为多态性。同时利用苏门答腊虎的微卫星序列设计了8对引物,在东北虎DNA中有4对具有多态性。微卫星基因座的多态性百分率为38.5%。在供试的27只东北虎中,发现等位基因间的变异均为偶数碱基长度变化,对有准确谱系记录的个体研究表明,这10个微卫星DNA遗传标记符合孟德尔遗传规律,所以这些微卫星DNA可以有效的应用于东北虎的亲子鉴定。利用这10对多态性引物,我们成功地鉴定了7个父子关系不清的后代。收集的样品包括23只毛发样品和4只血液样品,实验结果表明,毛发和血液样品均可以得到清晰的微卫星条带[动物学报49(1):118—123.2003]。  相似文献   
大熊猫是我国保护最为成功、研究最为深入的珍稀动物之一,可以为其它珍稀濒危物种的保护研究工作提供参考。20世纪70年代末期借助无线电颈圈,大熊猫的生态学研究工作取得了突破性进展,近20年来微卫星标记和非损伤性遗传取样技术的联合使用,将大熊猫的保护研究工作提升到一个崭新的高度。本文在综合所有已发表大熊猫微卫星标记的基础上,梳理了微卫星标记在圈养大熊猫亲子鉴定与遗传管理,野生大熊猫个体识别与种群数量调查、遗传多样性评估、扩散和种群遗传结构研究中的应用情况,并着重介绍了其中29个重要的微卫星标记。同时指出目前微卫星标记的使用存在标记选择不统一、等位基因读数无统一规程等问题,并对应用前景进行了前瞻。  相似文献   
Eleven novel polymorphic microsatellite loci developed from a microsatellite enriched genomic library, are presented for the Australian tree frog Litoria peronii. We screened 29 individuals from a single population and detected high levels of polymorphism for all 11 loci with the number of alleles/locus ranging from 9 to 24. Values of expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.789–0.955 and 0.207–1.00, respectively. These microsatellite markers should prove useful in determining levels of genetic diversity, measuring gene flow and migration, assigning individuals to their most likely population of origin, and in the assignment of paternity.  相似文献   
Capture and blood sampling in wild primate populations are difficult. For this reason, we need to use DNA extracted from the hair or feces of target animals. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, which amplifies small volumes of DNA, provides an ideal means for studying DNA variations in wild populations. Three sets of PCR primers which amplify highly polymorphic (GT/AC)n dinucleotide repetitive regions were synthesized from DNA sequences of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). One of the primer pairs detected at least seven alleles in one captive Japanese macaque group. Also, the fathers of four offspring whose mothers had died in a captive group of Japanese macaques were identified. In such cases, the father cannot be determined by the previous DNA fingerprinting method based on the polymorphism of minisatellite DNA. These primers were further tested with some species of the Cercopithecidae, e.g. grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) and hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas). The results obtained suggest that these primers can detect stably inherited polymorphic regions in each species.  相似文献   
Riparian areas contain structurally diverse habitats that are challenging to monitor routinely and accurately over broad areas. As the structural variability within riparian areas is often indiscernible using moderate-scale satellite imagery, new mapping techniques are needed. We used high spatial resolution satellite imagery from the QuickBird satellite to map harvested and intact forests in coastal British Columbia, Canada. We distinguished forest structural classes used in riparian restoration planning, each with different restoration costs. To assess the accuracy of high spatial resolution imagery relative to coarser imagery, we coarsened the pixel resolution of the image, repeated the classifications, and compared results. Accuracy assessments produced individual class accuracies ranging from 70 to 90% for most classes; whilst accuracies obtained using coarser scale imagery were lower. We also examined the implications of map error on riparian restoration budgets derived from our classified maps. To do so, we modified the confusion matrix to create a cost error matrix quantifying costs associated with misclassification. High spatial resolution satellite imagery can be useful for riparian mapping; however, errors in restoration budgets attributable to misclassification error can be significant, even when using highly accurate maps. As the spatial resolution of imagery increases, it will be used more routinely in ecosystem ecology. Thus, our ability to evaluate map accuracy in practical, meaningful ways must develop further. The cost error matrix is one method that can be adapted for conservation and planning decisions in many ecosystems.  相似文献   
Recent studies on humans show that too much choice can make subjects less likely to choose any item. I consider general adaptive and non‐adaptive explanations of why such choice aversion, or its converse, might occur in animals. There are three questions: is more choice always preferred, does it ever lead to less consumption (or a lower probability of consumption), and may it result in worse items being selected? A preference for choice is one of the main explanations for lek formation and I draw attention to previously unrecognised parallels with models of human shopping behaviour. There is indeed evidence of female preference for larger leks, although much of the observational data are open to other interpretations. Unfortunately nobody has looked for choice aversion where it is most to be expected, in leks larger than normally occur. Evidence that too much choice of males confuses females is strongest in acoustically advertising frogs, but the widespread decrease of mating skew in larger leks might also have this explanation. A model reanalyses data on skew in black grouse Tetrao tetrix and suggests that considering only a random subset of a large lek may increase the chances of selecting the better males: larger leks are more likely to include better males, but these are less likely to be selected. These opposing effects may lead to an optimum lek size, but only with a sufficient decline in choice accuracy with size. With food choice, very few studies have avoided confounding choice with food quality, by manipulating only flavour. The widespread phenomena of stimulus‐specific satiety and novelty seeking imply that monotonous diets are aversive, but no studies test whether animals choose sites where they know food diversity to be greater. Operant experiments that demonstrate mild preferences for free choice concern choice about the means to get food rather than the food itself. In some insect species even moderate choice of diet can be deleterious, and studies on search images and the confusion effect may be evidence of this in vertebrates. Environmental enrichment of captive animals often relies on increasing the options available, but it need not be the choice itself that is beneficial. I consider briefly further areas in biology where choice preference or aversion are potentially important.  相似文献   
This study characterizes the reproductive activity of male European lynx kept in Central Russia. Four captive adult males were subjected to an electroejaculation prior to (November), during (March) and after (June) the breeding season. Concentration, motility and morphological integrity of spermatozoa as well as testis diameter and testosterone levels in serum were evaluated. Additionally, fecal samples were collected for 2 years to determine the fecal testosterone secretion. Testis sizes and serum testosterone concentrations were characterized by little changes with highest levels in March (2.98 mm3; 1.96 ng/ml testosterone) and lowest in June (2.34 mm3; 0.75 ng/ml testosterone). In faeces, the highest testosterone concentrations were measured in February followed by a second increase in May. The volume of ejaculates and percentages of motile and intact spermatozoa reached the maxima in March. By performing two-male mating experiments, we could prove multiple paternity within three litters. Paternity analysis of litter also revealed that 26 of 31 cubs (84%) were sired from the same male, independently from being the first or second mating partner of the respective female. This particular male showed the most developed and activated reproductive tract and also had the best semen quality, which seems to be important for sperm competition.  相似文献   
豚鹿属我国国家I级重点保护动物,目前国内野生种群已经灭绝,人工圈养数量少,已极度濒危。成都动物园是国内最大的豚鹿饲养单位,对该园内豚鹿进行亲子鉴定及遗传谱系建立是我国豚鹿拯救工程中一重要环节。本文利用7个微卫星标记对成都动物园27只豚鹿个体进行了基因分型,在母本已知情况下成功鉴定了13对父子关系,其中排除法鉴定8对,似然法鉴定5对且置信度达95%。将亲子鉴定的结果辅以动物园豚鹿圈养的历史记录,我们构建了该园豚鹿的遗传谱系图。本文的研究成果将为后续人工繁殖中亲本雌雄配对的个体选择以及种群的遗传管理提供参考。  相似文献   
The medfly, Ceratitis capitata, is an invasive species in which polyandry, associated with sperm precedence, is a common behaviour in the wild. In this species, characterized by internal fertilization, we disclose how the sperm from two males are stored in the female storage organs and how they are used in terms of paternity outcome. The experiments were designed to furnish comparable and unbiased estimates of sperm numbers and progeny in twice-mated females. Results are incorporated in a model through which it is possible to relate the amount of stored sperm with the progeny of twice-mated females. The results show that polyandrous medfly females conserve equal amounts of sperm from the two males to fertilize their eggs. However, we observed a clear advantage of the second male's sperm in siring progeny, which interestingly decreases in favor of the first male as ovipositions progress. The results enable us to exclude differential sperm mortality and suggest that it is the mechanics governing the storage organs which causes the initial, but decreasing second male sperm precedence during the female reproductive life. These outcomes allow us to correlate sperm use in polyandrous females with the mating strategies and invasiveness of this fly.  相似文献   
Integrative bioethics is a brand of bioethics conceived and propagated by a group of Croatian philosophers and other scholars. This article discusses and shows that the approach encounters several serious difficulties. In criticizing certain standard views on bioethics and in presenting their own, the advocates of integrative bioethics fall into various conceptual confusions and inconsistencies. Although presented as a project that promises to deal with moral dilemmas created by modern science and technology, integrative bioethics does not contain the slightest normativity or action‐guiding capacity. Portrayed as a scientific and interdisciplinary enterprise, integrative bioethics displays a large number of pseudoscientific features that throw into doubt its overall credibility.  相似文献   
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