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Summary Laying data and clutch size of Great Tits were studied in four different habitats in eastern Spain: two holm oak(Quercus ilex) forests, at 500 and 900–950 m a.s.l., a zeen oak(Quercus faginea) forest, at 900–1100 m a.s.l., a pine(Pinus sylvestris) forest, at 1000–1050 m a.s.l., and orange(Citrus aurantium) plantations, at 30 m a.s.l. All sites were placed at about the same latitude (39–41°N), and all were studied during the same years (1992–95). Our results show that (1) laying date did not differ between the natural habitats at the same altitude (range of the means of yearly means 4–8 May); (2) within the same habitat type (holm oak forest) laying date was earlier at low altitude (30 Aprilvs. 8 May); (3) laying date was earlier in the orange plantations (21 April) than in natural habitats; (4) among natural habitats at the same altitude, clutch size decreased from zeen oak (mean of yearly means 7.3 eggs) to holm oak (7.0 eggs) to pine forests (6.4 eggs), though only the difference between zeen oak and pine forests was significant; (5) within the same habitat type (holm oak forest), the clutch size tended to be larger at high altitude (7.0vs. 5.9 eggs); and (6) clutch size in orange plantations (7.7 eggs) did not differ significantly from that of the zeen oak forest, but was larger than in the holm oak and pine forests. We discuss the effect of the habitat type on laying date and clutch size of Great Tits.
Legedatum und Gelegegröße der Kohlmeise(Parus major) in mediterranen Gebieten: Ein Vergleich zwischen vier verschiedenen Biotopen
Zusammenfassung Legedatum und Gelegegröße der Kohlmeise wurden in vier unterschiedlichen Biotopen in Ostspanien untersucht: zwei Steineichenwälder(Quercus ilex) in 500 m und 900–950 mNN, ein Bergeichenwald(Quercus faginea) in 900–1100 mNN, ein Kiefernwald(Pinus sylvestris) in 1000–1050 mNN und eine Orangenpflanzung(Citrus aurantium) in 30 mNN. Alle fünf Gebiete lagen auf etwa demselben Breitengrad (39–41°N) und wurden 1992–1995 parallel untersucht.(1) Auf gleicher Meereshöhe unterscheidet sich der Legebeginn nicht zwischen den verschiedenen Waldbiotopen (im Mittel 4.–8. Mai). (2) Innerhalb desselben Biotoptyps (Steineichenwald) war der Legebeginn auf niedrigerer Meereshöhe früher als in höheren Lagen (30. April vs. 8. Mai). (3) Im Orangenhain wurde früher mit der Eiablage begonnen (21. April) als in den Waldbiotopen. (4) Auf gleicher Meereshöhe nahm die Gelegegröße vom Bergeichenwald (Mittelwert 7.3 Eier) über die Steineichenwälder (7,0 Eier) zum Kiefernwald hin ab (6.4 Eier), jedoch ist nur der Unterschied zwischen Bergeichenwald und Kiefernwald signifikant. (5) Innerhalb der Steineichenwälder besteht die Tendenz zu größerer Gelegegröße in den höheren Lagen (7.0 vs. 5.9 Eier). (6) Im Orangenhain war die Gelegegröße mit durchschnittlich 7.7 Eier ähnlich der im Bergeichenwald, aber größer als in den Steineichen- und Kiefernwälder.
Previous studies have suggested that spotted patterns are important in the protection of ladybirds against attack by avian predators. Nevertheless, these studies were based on the comparison of several ladybird species differing in colouration, but also in other traits (e.g., chemical protection). We presented natural as well as artificial colour modifications (using brown, red, and black paint) of the ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) – an invasive alien species for Europe – to an avian predator, the great tit, Parus major L. (Passeriformes: Paridae). All forms were considered to be equal in size, but differed in colouration and in the presence of spots. The chemical protection was equal except for one form. The birds displayed strong avoidance of all forms with red and black colouration; beetles with artificially removed red colouration (painted brown) were attacked more often. The beetles painted brown with black spots were slightly better protected than the painted beetles without spots. We can sum up that spots are of some importance in the protection of ladybirds; nevertheless, red and black colouration is the main part of the visual signal.  相似文献   
That repeated copulation with the same partner within a singlefertile period is beneficial to the male is generally accepted,but why it should be adaptive to the female is controversialand clear evidence supporting any hypothesis is lacking. Hunteret al. (1993) presented seven hypotheses explaining repeatedmating from the female perspective. Four of them are consistentwith the occurrence of male refusal to copulate: females mighttrade copulations for (1) immediate and or (2) future materialbenefits, or use mating as a mechanism for (3) mate-guardingand or (4) mate-assessment. To test these hypotheses in a populationof crested tits Parus cristatus, we collected data on variationin female solicitation rate, proportion of male refusal, andextra-pair paternity. We found that (1) female solicitationrate was independent of male condition, (2) the proportion ofmale refusal was higher in poor-condition males and (3) femalespaired to poor-condition males sought extra pair paternity.These findings agree with predictions stemming from the mateassessment hypothesis. Therefore, it is suggested that, in crestedtits, male response to female copulation solicitation reflectsmale condition and is used by females to assess male quality  相似文献   
Breeding activities and molt are generally thought to be mutuallyexclusive in birds since both are energetically costly and arenormally separated in time. However, sometimes molt overlapswith breeding to some degree. A trade-off between adult somaticmaintenance functions (feather renewal) and parental care isthen to be expected. The consequences of this are largely unknown,and there are few studies that have shown any fitness costsof molt-breeding overlap. We investigated the consequences ofmolt-breeding overlap by removing first clutches of blue titParus casruleus pairs, thereby inducing late repeat clutches.Among the delayed pairs, a high proportion of males and somefemales started their molt already during incubation or nestlingfeeding. Molting males fed their nestlings to a lesser extentthan non-molting ones, and nestling mortality increased as adirect result of the early timing of male molt. Furthermore,the ability to raise an experimentally enlarged brood was negativelycoupled to the molt stage of the male. Our data thus provideevidence that molt-breeding overlap leads to fitness costs,and we discuss the results within the context of sexual conflictand the implications for optimization of avian reproductivedecisions  相似文献   
  1. The estimation of abundance and distribution and factors governing patterns in these parameters is central to the field of ecology. The continued development of hierarchical models that best utilize available information to inform these processes is a key goal of quantitative ecologists. However, much remains to be learned about simultaneously modeling true abundance, presence, and trajectories of ecological communities.
  2. Simultaneous modeling of the population dynamics of multiple species provides an interesting mechanism to examine patterns in community processes and, as we emphasize herein, to improve species‐specific estimates by leveraging detection information among species. Here, we demonstrate a simple but effective approach to share information about observation parameters among species in hierarchical community abundance and occupancy models, where we use shared random effects among species to account for spatiotemporal heterogeneity in detection probability.
  3. We demonstrate the efficacy of our modeling approach using simulated abundance data, where we recover well our simulated parameters using N‐mixture models. Our approach substantially increases precision in estimates of abundance compared with models that do not share detection information among species. We then expand this model and apply it to repeated detection/non‐detection data collected on six species of tits (Paridae) breeding at 119 1 km2 sampling sites across a Pmontanus hybrid zone in northern Switzerland (2004–2020). We find strong impacts of forest cover and elevation on population persistence and colonization in all species. We also demonstrate evidence for interspecific competition on population persistence and colonization probabilities, where the presence of marsh tits reduces population persistence and colonization probability of sympatric willow tits, potentially decreasing gene flow among willow tit subspecies.
  4. While conceptually simple, our results have important implications for the future modeling of population abundance, colonization, persistence, and trajectories in community frameworks. We suggest potential extensions of our modeling in this paper and discuss how leveraging data from multiple species can improve model performance and sharpen ecological inference.
We developed sampling methods to characterize the participation of bird species in foraging flocks led by the Eastern Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) in North-central Florida during winter, because standard field methods, developed primarily for permanent resident Neotropical flocks, were intractable in our system. During January–February 2004 and November 2004–March 2005, we observed 55 mixed-species flocks, recorded 40 potential flocking species [mean of 12.4 species (SD = 3.8; range 3–20), 26.3 individuals (SD = 12.2; range 8–60), and 3.1 titmice (SD = 1.4; range 1–7), per flock]. Twenty-six species were observed frequently enough (>10% of observations) to be included in analyses. We paired 60-min flock observations with 10-min point counts conducted in locations used by flocks, but after flocks had moved more than 100 m away. This method yielded a measure of flocking propensity: the ratio of the number of individuals observed in the flock versus during the point count for each species. We used regression tree (RT) analysis to classify species into groupings according to their levels of flock participation, and to investigate relationships between flocking propensity and various environmental and social factors that we measured. Our analysis identified three clear species groups; “Nuclear/Regular Associate” (12 spp.; high/moderate), “Occasional Associate” (four spp.; moderate/low), and “Non-joiner/Accidental” (ten spp.; low/no flocking propensity). Groupings were similar to schemes produced via more time-intensive field methods. In order to contextualize grouping categories, we conducted a review of flocking group definitions and relevant autecological information (e.g., interspecific sociality) about our study species. We found this method to be useful for geographically extensive sampling of species’ participation in mixed-species flocks, despite high inter-flock variability in species composition and limited labor.  相似文献   
Chick‐a‐dee calls of Poecile (chickadee) and Baeolophus (titmouse) species are complex in terms of the structural composition of note types and the diversity of messages. Studies so far have mainly focused on the calls of various chickadee and just one titmouse species—the tufted titmouse (B. bicolor). To begin to address this lack of titmouse data, our study investigated variation in note composition of calls of bridled titmice (B. wollweberi). We obtained calls from 26 flocks in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona in the overwintering flocking period. Bridled titmice produce proportionally more non‐combinatorial call variants than combinatorial call variants. The number of the single noted calls furthermore exceeded the number of multinote calls. In general, structural variation in the combinatorial calls appears to be comparable to calls of better‐studied chickadees and of tufted titmice, although bridled titmice appear to have a unique call length distribution. We also analyzed some behavioral associations with call variation and found that flight behavior and close interactions between individuals were associated with use of specific note types. Finally, we found microgeographic variation in note type use in these calls. We discuss some possible explanations for call complexity in this species.  相似文献   
Most temperate songbird species sing seasonally, and the brain areas involved in producing song (the song system) vary in size alongside the changes in behavior. Black‐capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) also sing seasonally, and we find that there are changes in the stereotypy and the length of the fee‐bee song from the nonbreeding to the breeding season. Yet despite these changes, we fail to find any evidence of seasonal changes in the song system. The song system of males is larger than that of females, as is typical in songbirds, but the ratio between the sexes is small compared to other species. We suggest three hypotheses to explain our failure to find seasonal variation in the chickadee song system. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   
The optimum body mass of passerine birds typically represents a trade‐off between starvation risk, which promotes fat gain, and predation pressure, which promotes fat loss to maintain maneuvrability. Changes in ecological factors that affect either of these variables will therefore change the optimum body masses of populations of passerine birds. This study sought to identify and quantify the effects of changing temperatures and predation pressures on the body masses and wing lengths of populations of passerine birds throughout Britain and Ireland over the last 50 years. We analyzed over 900,000 individual measurements of body mass and wing length of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, coal tits Periparus ater, and great tits Parus major collected by licenced bird ringers throughout Britain and Ireland from 1965 to 2017 and correlated these with publicly available temperature data and published, UK‐wide data on the abundance of a key predator, the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. We found highly significant, long‐term, UK‐wide decreases in winter body masses of adults and juveniles of all three species. We also found highly significant negative correlations between winter body mass and winter temperature, and between winter body mass and sparrowhawk abundance. Independent of these effects, body mass further correlated negatively with calendar year, suggesting that less well understood dynamic factors, such as supplementary feeding levels, may play a major role in determining population optimum body masses. Wing lengths of these birds also decreased, suggesting a hitherto unobserved large‐scale evolutionary adjustment of wing loading to the lower body mass. These findings provide crucial evidence of the ways in which species are adapting to climate change and other anthropogenic factors throughout Britain and Ireland. Such processes are likely to have widespread implications as the equilibria controlling evolutionary optima in species worldwide are upset by rapid, anthropogenic ecological changes.  相似文献   
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