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In recent attempts to isolate the factor causing paralysis in rats infected with a mousepassed KBG 173 strain of Plasmodium berghei Splenectomy was employed. The effects of Splenectomy on the paralyzing syndrome are discussed in the present report. Paralysis was inhibited in rats splenectomized prior to inoculation. Serial bloodpassaging of the strain in the splenectomized host however, apparently enhanced its virulence. Spleen-intact rats used as controls exhibited a marked increase in incidence of paralysis. Rats splenectomized a day before paralysis became evident were paralyzed significantly more frequently than those splenectomized a day earlier, indicating the apparent requirement of an incubation period for the expression of the paralytic effect. The enhanced virulence did not appear to be related to the level of parasitemia of the splenectomized rats used as donors. The spleen appears to provide the optimal conditions required for the elaboration of the paralyzing factor.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that keeping the room dark at night was associated with a decrease in manic symptoms for patients with bipolar disorder (BD). However, the association between light at night of real-life conditions and manic symptoms is unclear. We investigated the association between bedroom light exposure at night and manic symptoms in BD patients. One-hundred and eighty-four outpatients with BD participated in this cross-sectional study. The average light intensity at night during sleep was evaluated using a portable photometer for seven consecutive nights. Manic symptoms were assessed using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), and scores ≥5 were treated as a “hypomanic state.” The median (interquartile range) YMRS score was 2.0 (0–5.0), and 52 (28.2%) participants were in a hypomanic state. The prevalence of a hypomanic state was significantly higher in the participants with an average light intensity at night exposure of ≥3 lux than in those with <3 lux (36.7% versus 21.9%; P = .02). In multivariable logistic regression analysis adjusted for BD type, depressive symptoms, sleep duration, and daytime physical activity, the odds ratio (OR) for a hypomanic state was significantly higher for the participants with an average light intensity at night exposure of ≥3 lux than for those with <3 lux (OR: 2.15, 95% confidence interval: 1.09–4.22, P = .02). This association remained significant at the cutoff value of YMRS score ≥6 (OR: 2.51, 95% confidence interval: 1.15–5.46; P = .02). The findings of this study indicate bedroom light exposure at night is significantly associated with manic symptoms in BD patients. Although the results of this cross-sectional investigation do not necessarily imply causality, they may serve to inform beneficial nonpharmacological intervention and personalized treatment of BD patients.  相似文献   
Detection of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 LP isolates causing large-patch disease on zoysia grass was done using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific primers were designed based on an amplified region using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR. Fifteen primers and three cultural types of R. solani AG 2-2 (types IIIB, IV and LP) were used for RAPD-PCR. The banding patterns by RAPD-PCR showed that the three cultural types were clearly distinguishable. A dendrogram constructed from the results of RAPD-PCR showed that the three cultural types of AG 2-2 clustered separately. The sequence of one PCR-amplified region which appeared only in LP isolates using primer A09 was selected for designing specific primers. Primer pair A091-F/R gave a single product from pure fungal DNA of LP isolates but not from those of the other two types (IIIB and IV), R. solani AG 1, 2-1, 2-3, 2-tulip, 3-10 and BI isolates and other turfgrass fungal pathogens. Primer pair A091-F/R also gave a single product from diseased leaf sheaths and this product was in accordance with those of pure fungal DNA of LP isolates. Primer pair A091-F/R did not yield PCR product from healthy leaf sheaths. The frequencies of detection of LP isolates from leaf sheaths of zoysia grass using PCR with primer pair A091-F/R were higher than those of the conventional isolation technique. These results showed that the PCR-based technique using specific primers A091-F/R is useful for the rapid detection of LP isolates from leaf sheaths of zoysia grass exhibiting large-patch symptoms.  相似文献   
孟繁林  乔庐东  梁磊 《生物磁学》2011,(21):4103-4105
目的:探讨尿动力学检查在了解慢性非细菌性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征 (Chronic abacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, CPPS) 患者中下尿路症状(LUTS)产生原因的作用。方法:对36例难治胜慢性前列腺炎/盆腔疼痛综合征患者行尿流动力学压力-流率测定,同步测定膀胱压、逼尿肌压、同步肌电图测定,了解其症状产生的原因。结果:36例患者中,尿动力学证实膀胱出口梗阻14例(39%);逼尿肌过度活动者8例,其中有7例与BOO同时存在;假性逼尿肌尿道外括约肌协同失调6例(16.7%);逼尿肌收缩力低下者5例(13.9%)。结论:对难治性CPPS患者进行尿动力学检查有助于对此类患者LUTS产生的原因进行鉴别。从而可以采取有针对性的治疗。  相似文献   
目的: 验证临床受试者所完成的心肺运动试验(CPET)为最大极限运动,进一步设计完善Max试验验证CPET结果客观定量功能评估的准确性及以某特定指标的特定数值作为停止运动的标准是否可行。方法: 选择2017年9月至2019年1月在阜外医院签署知情同意书后进行CPET和Max试验受试者216例。其中正常受试者41例,因CPET峰值呼吸交换率(RER)≤1.10,或运动中心率和血压不上升,对CPET极限运动结果存在质疑的临床患者175例进行研究。其中60例已初步报告,本研究进一步扩大研究。Max试验方法:完成CPET测试后,先蹬车≥60 r/min,再施加130%峰值功率的恒定功率,鼓励受试者运动至不能坚持的极限状态。计算分析Max试验30 s的最大心率和最大摄氧量、及其与峰值心率和峰值摄氧量之间的差值和百分差值。百分差值=(Max值-峰值值)/Max值× 100%。评测标准:①若心率和摄氧量任一指标的差值百分比≤-10%(Max测试的数值低于CPET峰值数据)则定义Max试验操作失败,否则为成功;2若心率和摄氧量的差值百分比均在-10%~10%,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET数据为极限运动,CPET 峰值相关数据较为准确;③若心率和摄氧量差值任一指标差值百分比≥10%时,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET结果为非极限运动。结果: 病例组峰值摄氧量(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、无氧阈(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、峰值氧脉搏(ml/beat、%pred)、峰值RER、峰值收缩压(mmHg)、峰值运动负荷(W/min)、峰值心率(bpm)、摄氧有效性峰值平台(OUEP)(比值、%pred)低于正常组,二氧化碳通气有效性平均90 s最低值(Lowest Ve/VCO2)(比值、%pred)、二氧化碳通气效率斜率(Ve/VCO2 Slope)(比值、%pred)高于正常组(P<0.05)。所有正常组与病例组均安全无任何事件完成CPET和Max试验。216例受试者中,Max试验成功198例(91.7%),其中证明CPET为极限运动182例,为非极限运动16例;失败18例(8.3%)。结论: 在临床检查中,若对CPET结果是否为最大极限存在质疑,利用Max试验可验证CPET是否为极限运动。Max试验方法安全可行,值得进一步深入研究和临床推广应用。  相似文献   
The consequence of harvesting young leaves of cassava as vegetable on the vulnerability of the crop to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and on storage root yield was investigated using 30 cassava genotypes planted in IITA fields located in the humid forest (Port Harcourt?:?Onne), forest-savannah transition (Ibadan), southern guinea savannah (Mokwa) and northern guinea savannah (Zaria) agroecologies in Nigeria. Tender apical leaves and shoots of the cassava genotypes were removed from forty plants per cassava genotype with the same number of plants considered as control. Whitefly infestation, disease incidence (DI) and symptom severity (ISS) of the disease were assessed at monthly interval for six months and also at the ninth month after planting (MAP). Yield reduction due to this treatment was calculated as percentage harvest index (HI). Whitefly population fluctuated throughout the period of observation at all locations with higher population obtained generally for treated plants compared to control plants. Sprouting leaves of some treated genotypes were observed with severe mosaic symptoms, while corresponding control showed no mosaic symptoms. Contrarily, no remarkable difference was observed in Zaria between the mean ISS of treated and control cassava genotypes. There was a highly significant difference (P?<?0.01) in DI and ISS among cassava genotypes across all locations. Also, there was a highly significant interaction (P?<?0.01) in symptom severity between location (loc) and genotype, genotype and treatment (trt), loc and trt. Interaction between loc, genotypes and trt with regard to DI was highly significant at 2, 3 and 4 MAP, while with ISS, the interaction was highly significant all through the counting period. There was a positive relationship between DI and ISS on plants of genotypes 96/1039 and ISU. The percentage HI (27.4) of treated plants of genotype 95/0166 in Ibadan was remarkably lower than the value obtained for corresponding control (41.9) plants. Also, sharp distinction in% HI of treated (39.5) and control (43.8) ISU was observed in Onne with their respective ISS values as 3.7 and 3.2. Therefore, harvesting tender apical leaves and shoots of cassava as vegetables should be discouraged as it increases the severity of CMD infection in the regenerating shoots of cassava with attendant storage root yield reduction.  相似文献   
Fast axonal conduction of action potentials in mammals relies on myelin insulation. Demyelination can cause slowed, blocked, desynchronized, or paradoxically excessive spiking that underlies the symptoms observed in demyelination diseases. Feedback control via functional electrical stimulation (FES) seems to be a promising treatment modality in such diseases. However, there are challenges to implementing such method for neurons: high nonlinearity, biological tissue constrains and unobservable ion channel states. To address this problem, we propose an estimating and tracking control strategy for systems based on Kalman filter, in order to enhance the action potential propagation reliability of demyelinated neuron via FES. Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is employed to estimate the unobservable states and parameters in the demyelination neuron model from membrane potential dynamics. Our method could promote the design of new closed-loop electrical stimulation systems for patients suffering from different nerve system dysfunctions.  相似文献   
目的:探讨280例胃食管反流病(GERD)的分布特点及危险因素。方法:对临床诊断和胃镜确诊的280例GERD患者进行临床和风险因子相关性分析。结果:不论汉族还是维族,男性患者比例均明显高于女性;汉族患者高发年龄段早于维族患者(z=-2.939,P=0.003,);汉族和维族患者占反流性食管炎和Barrett食管比例分别为42.4%、81_3%及56.5%、18.8%,其中汉族患者Barrett食管比例较高(X2=14.358,P=0.000);肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动者、饮食习惯不良在维族患者中的比例较高(P〈0.001)。结论:GERD与性别、年龄密切相关,男性多于女性,汉族患者发病年龄高峰旱于维族患者;汉族患者Barrett食管发生比例高于维族患者;肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动、饮食习惯不良可能是GERD尤其是维族人群GERD的危险因素。  相似文献   
The investigation of airborne pollen and fungalspore concentrations was carried out in Cracowbetween 1997–1999. For this study thevolumetric method has been employed (Burkard).At the same time the clinical diagnosis ofpollen allergy in 40 patients was obtained onthe basis of an interview, positive skin pricktests with pollen extracts and increasedspecific IgE level. An increase in seasonalallergy symptoms in all patients occurred fromthe middle of May to the middle of August.Eighty eight percent of the patients (35 out of40) were sensitive to Poaceae pollen and about50% of them were additionally sensitive totree and herb pollen excluding grasses. Forpatients with additional allergy to tree pollenthe seasonal symptoms started at the end ofMarch (Betula) while for patients withadditional allergy to herb pollen it wasextended to the middle of September (Artemisia).Five people out of 40 revealed positive skinreactions to Alternaria spores and anincrease in specific IgE level. Positive skinreaction to Cladosporium spores with noincrease in specific IgE level occurred in 2patients. The increase in seasonal allergysymptoms in people sensitive to Alternariaspores noted in July and August could becaused not only by these spores but also byPoaceae pollen.  相似文献   
条件性presenilins双基因敲除小鼠(dKO小鼠)表现出类似阿尔茨海默症(AD)的大部分神经退行性病症,如Tau 蛋白磷酸化、神经元凋亡、皮层萎缩以及认知能力受损等.为探讨presenilins功能缺失、神经退行性症状与单胺类递质变化的相关性,利用毛细管电泳法检测6、9和12月龄dKO小鼠皮层、海马及其他前脑部位中各单胺类神经递质的含量.结果显示,与对照组相比,dKO小鼠皮层中单胺类神经递质在6月龄时显著降低,而随着年龄的增长,神经退行性病变加剧,递质浓度也均明显上升,在海马区,dKO小鼠单胺类递质则呈上升趋势,但仅6月龄时5-羟色胺和肾上腺素及12月龄时各递质的上升有统计学意义,前脑其他部位5-羟色胺和多巴胺递质在6、9月龄时与对照组相近,在12月龄时则显著降低,而去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素在6月和12月龄时均呈降低趋势,且均有统计学差异(6月龄肾上腺素除外).实验表明,单胺类神经递质在presenilins双基因敲除的小鼠前脑各区域中的水平均发生了随龄化的变化,且在前脑皮层、海马与前脑其他区域的变化趋势各有不同,而单胺类递质的变化是presenilins双基因敲除导致的直接结果还是间接结果,单胺类递质在AD样神经退性行病变中的作用如何,还有待于进一步的研究.  相似文献   
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