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Over the past 75 years since the discovery of the first australopithecine at Taung in southern Africa there has been a growing realisation that there is no simple, linear ancestor-descendant relationship connecting the australopithecines to laterHomo. There are currently at least ten recognised species of australopithecine, including two species of earlyHomo, that have been recently transferred to the genusAustralopithecus. These known species span the period between about 4.2-1.2 Ma and throughout the majority of this period there are multiple contemporaneous hominin species in eastern and southern Africa. This contribution reviews current knowledge about the australopithecine species and their inferred relationships to each other and to the genusHomo. At present it is impossible to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of the australopithecines with any degree of confidence. There is a growing realisation of the ‘bushy’ nature of hominin evolution throughout the australopithecine period and also of the inevitability that additional early hominin species remain to be discovered. Paper submitted for inclusion in the Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Ramón Areces Foundation “Evolution of the Human Family: State of the Art” held in Madrid on the 11–13 March, 1998  相似文献   
Jaculus jaculus (Lesser Egyptian jerboa) and Paraechinus aethiopicus (Desert hedgehog) are small mammals which thrive in desert conditions and are found, among others, in the Arabian Peninsula. Jaculus jaculus is omnivorous while P. aethiopicus is described as being insectivorous. The study aims to describe the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) morphology of these animals which differ in diet and phylogeny. The GITs of J. jaculus (n = 8) and P. aethiopicus (n = 7) were weighed, photographed, and the length, basal surface areas, and luminal surface areas of each of the anatomically distinct gastrointestinal segments were determined. The internal aspects of each area were examined and photographed while representative histological sections of each area were processed to wax and stained using haematoxylin and eosin. Both species had a simple unilocular stomach which was confirmed as wholly glandular on histology sections. Paraechinus aethiopicus had a relatively simple GIT which lacked a caecum. The caecum of J. jaculus was elongated, terminating in a narrow cecal appendix which contained lymphoid tissue on histological examination. The internal aspect of the proximal colon of J. jaculus revealed distinct V‐shaped folds. Stomach content analysis of J. jaculus revealed mostly plant and seed material and some insects, whereas P. aethiopicus samples showed plant material in addition to insects, indicating omnivorous feeding tendencies in areas where insects may be scarce. J. Morphol. 277:671–679, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
In this study, we conducted molecular detection and characterization of piroplasms that infect the Ethiopian or desert hedgehogs (Paraechinus aethiopicus) in Saudi Arabia. Blood samples from 112 (68 males and 44 females) desert hedgehogs from Unaizah, Central Saudi Arabia were screened for Theileria/Babesia DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) employing specific primers amplifying the partial 18S small subunit rRNA gene. Theileria DNA was detected in 51 samples (45·5%), giving a prevalence of 45·5%. Theileria DNA was found in 33 (48·5%) males and 18 (40·9%) females, and there was no significant difference (P > 0·05) in the prevalence between males and females. Similarly, there was no significant difference (P > 0·05) in the prevalence between juveniles (40%) and adults (46·7%). There was a significant difference in the prevalence of Theileria in hedgehogs collected from May to September and the period from October to April (P = 0·003). Four haplotypes of Theileria sp. in hedgehogs were detected and designated as H1–H4. H1 was the predominant haplotype and found in 80·8% of the positive individuals. Partial sequences of the 18S rRNA of Theileria sp. from hedgehogs grouped with Theileria spp. that are benign. This study is the first report of the occurrence of Theileria spp. in Saudi Arabian desert hedgehogs.  相似文献   
The influence of livestock grazing and changing rainfall patterns on soil respiration (Rs) in the tropical savannah in Lambwe is unclear. Measurements of Rs using chambers were conducted between June and November 2012 in a humid savannah in Western Kenya to determine how simulated rainfall amounts and cattle grazing affected soil respiration. The experimental layout was split plot comprising rainfall simulations which were laid on grazed and fenced blocks, respectively. The rainfall simulations split plots each measured 6 m × 3 m and were covered with rainout gutters above the canopy of the herbaceous layer to either increase or reduce ambient rainfall by 50%. Grazing increased soil bulk density and significantly (p < 0.05) lowered soil respiration rates and soil water content irrespective of the rainfall treatment. The positive correlation between Rs and root biomass in both grazed and fenced plots revealed a significant contribution of root growth activities to Rs. Increased soil water content (SWC) by rainfall addition improved water penetration into deeper soil layers and therefore stimulated root and microbial activities which in turn built up soil respiration. Reduction in SWC by rainfall exclusion lowered microbial contact with the organic substrate and likely caused death and/ or inactivity of roots.  相似文献   
Mark‐recapture was used to quantify the relationship between body mass ( M T) and individual growth rates of sub‐adult marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Specific growth rate (in mass) was found to be a well defined and decreasing function of M T over the size range of recaptured fish. Growth trajectories based on this function indicated that Lake Baringo African lungfish reached maturity at an age of c . 3 years and had a low reproductive effort.  相似文献   
Numerous mammalian species of North Africa have an enigmatic distribution between the Mediterranean and Saharan area. In order to study the distribution of hedgehogs in Tunisia, field data were collected from several protected areas and various natural and peri-urban environments during 4 years 2015–2018 covering the all bioclimatic zones present in the country. The present work provides a detailed geographical and ecological distribution of hedgehogs with a total of 168 occurrence data of Atelerix algirus and Paraechinus aethiopicus. Atelerix algirus showed a wide distribution range from north to south being absent only in the extreme Saharan environment. Paraechinus aethiopicus has been recorded in the centre and the south with a specialisation in the arid and Saharan environment. A parapatry distribution is also shown with a sympatric area between arid and Saharan bioclimates. Our results improve knowledge of the bioclimatic niche and habitat characteristic of these taxa not clearly defined in previous research. The presence of the two hedgehogs on Djerba Island (A. algirus and P. aethiopicus) is also confirmed.  相似文献   
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