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Intraguild interactions among carnivores have long held the fascination of ecologists. Ranging from competition to facilitation and coexistence, these interactions and their complex interplay influence everything from species persistence to ecosystem functioning. Yet, the patterns and pathways of such interactions are far from understood in tropical forest systems, particularly across countries in the Global South. Here, we examined the determinants and consequences of competitive interactions between dholes Cuon alpinus and the two large felids (leopards Panthera pardus and tigers Panthera tigris) with which they most commonly co-occur across Asia. Using a combination of traditional and novel data sources (N = 118), we integrate information from spatial, temporal, and dietary niche dimensions. These three species have faced catastrophic declines in their extent of co-occurrence over the past century; most of their source populations are now confined to Protected Areas. Analysis of dyadic interactions between species pairs showed a clear social hierarchy. Tigers were dominant over dholes, although pack strength in dholes helped ameliorate some of these effects; leopards were subordinate to dholes. Population-level spatio-temporal interactions assessed at 25 locations across Asia did not show a clear pattern of overlap or avoidance between species pairs. Diet-profile assessments indicated that wild ungulate biomass consumption by tigers was highest, while leopards consumed more primate and livestock prey as compared to their co-predators. In terms of prey offtake (ratio of wild prey biomass consumed to biomass available), the three species together harvested 0.4–30.2% of available prey, with the highest offtake recorded from the location where the carnivores reach very high densities. When re-examined in the context of prey availability and offtake, locations with low wild prey availability showed spatial avoidance and temporal overlap among the carnivore pairs, and locations with high wild prey availability showed spatial overlap and temporal segregation. Based on these observations, we make predictions for 40 Protected Areas in India where temporally synchronous estimates of predator and prey densities are available. We expect that low prey availability will lead to higher competition, and in extreme cases, to the complete exclusion of one or more species. In Protected Areas with high prey availability, we expect intraguild coexistence and conspecific competition among carnivores, with spill-over to forest-edge habitats and subsequent prey-switching to livestock. We stress that dhole–leopard–tiger co-occurrence across their range is facilitated through an intricate yet fragile balance between prey availability, and intraguild and conspecific competition. Data gaps and limitations notwithstanding, our study shows how insights from fundamental ecology can be of immense utility for applied aspects like large predator conservation and management of human–carnivore interactions. Our findings also highlight potential avenues for future research on tropical carnivores that can broaden current understanding of intraguild competition in forest systems of Asia and beyond.  相似文献   
利用微卫星DNA标记,对来自青海囊谦县、治多县以及甘肃阿克塞县3个地区的36份雪豹(Panthera uncia)粪便DNA样品进行了遗传多样性研究。结果显示,在8个微卫星位点上共检测到57个等位基因,有效等位基因数为2.190~5.488,平均每个位点的等位基因数为7.130,基因频率分布不均匀;期望杂合度为0.543~0.847,平均0.759;多态信息含量为0.458~0.829,平均0.722;表明这8个微卫星位点均为高度多态性位点,有较丰富的遗传多样性。3个样地雪豹居群之间的遗传距离与地理距离相关,地理距离最近的青海省囊谦县和治多县的雪豹居群遗传距离最小。根据雪豹平均遗传分化度Fst(0.053)、平均基因流(4.488)以及STRUCTURE聚类分析结果(当K=1时,ln P(D)值最大),推测3个居群间虽然有一定的遗传距离,但均来自同一个种群,暂无分化现象。  相似文献   
东北虎微卫星DNA遗传标记的筛选及在亲子鉴定中的应用   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
利用18个家猫微卫星基因座,在东北虎(Panthera tigris sibilia)DNA中扩增结果有4个基因座没有产物,8个基因座为单态,6个基因座为多态性。同时利用苏门答腊虎的微卫星序列设计了8对引物,在东北虎DNA中有4对具有多态性。微卫星基因座的多态性百分率为38.5%。在供试的27只东北虎中,发现等位基因间的变异均为偶数碱基长度变化,对有准确谱系记录的个体研究表明,这10个微卫星DNA遗传标记符合孟德尔遗传规律,所以这些微卫星DNA可以有效的应用于东北虎的亲子鉴定。利用这10对多态性引物,我们成功地鉴定了7个父子关系不清的后代。收集的样品包括23只毛发样品和4只血液样品,实验结果表明,毛发和血液样品均可以得到清晰的微卫星条带[动物学报49(1):118—123.2003]。  相似文献   
Individual age can be used to design more efficient and suitable management plans in both in situ and ex situ conservation programmes for targeted wildlife species. DNA methylation is a promising marker of epigenetic ageing that can accurately estimate age from small amounts of biological material, which can be collected in a minimally invasive manner. In this study, we sequenced five targeted genetic regions and used 8–23 selected CpG sites to build age estimation models using machine learning methods at only about $3–7 per sample. Blood samples of seven Felidae species were used, ranging from small to big, and domestic to endangered species: domestic cats (Felis catus, 139 samples), Tsushima leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus, 84 samples) and five Panthera species (96 samples). The models achieved satisfactory accuracy, with the mean absolute error of the most accurate models recorded at 1.966, 1.348 and 1.552 years in domestic cats, Tsushima leopard cats and Panthera spp. respectively. We developed the models in domestic cats and Tsushima leopard cats, which were applicable to individuals regardless of health conditions; therefore, these models are applicable to samples collected from individuals with diverse characteristics, which is often the case in conservation. We also showed the possibility of developing universal age estimation models for the five Panthera spp. using only two of the five genetic regions. We do not recommend building a common age estimation model for all the target species using our markers, because of the degraded performance of models that included all species.  相似文献   
Jaguars (Panthera onca) are opportunistic predators that prey on large profitable prey items, such as sea turtles at nesting beaches. Here, we use jaguar and sea turtle track-count surveys, combined with satellite telemetry of one jaguar, to evaluate whether jaguar hunting behavior and movements are influenced by seasonal sea turtle nesting in the Sector Santa Rosa of Área de Conservación Guanacaste in northwest Costa Rica. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the effect of moon phase and sea surface temperature on olive ridley (Lepidochelis olivacea) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting abundance, as well as the combination of these predictors on the frequency of jaguar predation activity (proximity to nesting beaches) and movements. For home-range size and location analyses, we calculated kernel density estimates for each season at three different temporal scales. Sea turtle nesting season influenced jaguar activity patterns, as well as sea turtle abundance was related to jaguar locations and predation events, but jaguar home-range size (88.8 km2 overall) did not differ between nesting seasons or among temporal scales. Environmental conditions influenced sea turtle nesting and, as a consequence, also influenced jaguar movements and foraging activity. Our study defined the home range of a female jaguar in the tropical dry forest and its relationship to seasonally abundant turtles. Additional information related to the effect of tourism on jaguar–sea turtle interactions would improve conservation of these species at unique nesting beaches in the area.  相似文献   
Remains of 13 individuals with 3/1 male/female ratio of the extinct Upper Pleistocene lion Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from the Zoolithen Cave near Burggeilenreuth (Bavaria, Germany) include the holotype skull and all paratype material. The highest mortality rate for the Zoolithen Cave lions is in their reproductive adult ages. Bite marks on lion bones or skulls are results of hyena activities, or rare cannibalism of lions under stress situations. Lions were possibly also killed in battles with cave bears during predation on hibernating bears in winter times. This cave bear hunt specialisation in caves overlaps with the ecological behaviour of cave bear feeding by Ice Age-spotted hyenas. Both largest Ice Age predators, lions and hyenas, had to specialise on feeding herbivorous cave bears in boreal forest mountainous cave rich regions, where the mammoth steppe megafauna prey was absent. This cave bear hunt by felids, and scavenging by hyenas and other large carnivores such as leopards and wolves explains why cave bears hibernated deep in to the European caves, for protection reasons against predators. Within such lion–cave bear and even lion–hyena conflicts in the caves lions must have been killed sometimes, explaining mainly the skeleton occurrences in different European caves.  相似文献   
黑龙江省野生东北虎调查管理信息系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以黑龙江省野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)野外调查数据为基础,利用地理信息系统技术、计算机技术与野生动物资源调查管理技术,构建了黑龙江省野生东北虎调查管理信息系统。主要运用面向对象程序设计语言C#和ArcGIS Engine嵌入式组件技术以及SQL Server数据库技术,设计并构建东北虎调查管理系统,实现了对野生东北虎调查数据的图形可视化操作管理。同时,结合研究区域内的自然因素和人文因素对调查资源进行动态的空间分析,及时准确地反映出东北虎的种群数量和空间变化规律,并制作出相应的分类专题图及野外分布信息统计图表等。该管理信息系统将有助于野生东北虎种群及栖息地调查数据与资料的科学管理,对于推动我国野生东北虎就地保护和科学管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Human impact is near pervasive across the planet and studies of wildlife populations free of anthropogenic mortality are increasingly scarce. This is particularly true for large carnivores that often compete with and, in turn, are killed by humans. Accordingly, the densities at which carnivore populations occur naturally, and their role in shaping and/or being shaped by natural processes, are frequently unknown. We undertook a camera-trap survey in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve (SSGR), South Africa, to examine the density, structure and spatio-temporal patterns of a leopard Panthera pardus population largely unaffected by anthropogenic mortality. Estimated population density based on spatial capture–recapture models was 11.8 ± 2.6 leopards/100 km2. This is likely close to the upper density limit attainable by leopards, and can be attributed to high levels of protection (particularly, an absence of detrimental edge effects) and optimal habitat (in terms of prey availability and cover for hunting) within the SSGR. Although our spatio-temporal analyses indicated that leopard space use was modulated primarily by “bottom-up” forces, the population appeared to be self-regulating and at a threshold that is unlikely to change, irrespective of increases in prey abundance. Our study provides unique insight into a naturally-functioning carnivore population at its ecological carrying capacity. Such insight can potentially be used to assess the health of other leopard populations, inform conservation targets, and anticipate the outcomes of population recovery attempts.  相似文献   
Leopards, Panthera pardus, are widely distributed across southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The extent and phylogeographic patterns of molecular genetic diversity were addressed in a survey of 77 leopards from known geographical locales representing 13 of the 27 classical trinomial subspecies. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (727 bp of NADH5 and control region) and 25 polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed abundant diversity that could be partitioned into a minimum of nine discrete populations, tentatively named here as revised subspecies: P. pardus pardus, P. p. nimr, P. p. saxicolor, P. p. fusca, P. p. kotiya, P. p. delacouri, P. p. japonensis, P. p. orientalis and P. p. melas. However, because of limited sampling of African populations, this may be an underestimate of modern phylogeographic population structure. Combined phylogeographic and population diversity estimates support an origin for modern leopard lineages 470,000-825,000 years ago in Africa followed by their migration into and across Asia more recently (170,000-300,000 years ago). Recent demographic reductions likely have led to genetic impoverishment in P. p. orientalis and in the island subspecies P. p. kotiya.  相似文献   
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