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Abstract: Fossils of dyrosaurid crocodyliforms are limited in South America, with only three previously diagnosed taxa including the short‐snouted Cerrejonisuchus improcerus from the Paleocene Cerrejón Formation of north‐eastern Colombia. Here we describe a second dyrosaurid from the Cerrejón Formation, Acherontisuchus guajiraensis gen. et sp. nov., based on three partial mandibles, maxillary fragments, teeth, and referred postcrania. The mandible has a reduced seventh alveolus and laterally depressed retroarticular process, both diagnostic characteristics of Dyrosauridae. Acherontisuchus guajiraensis is distinct among known dyrosaurids in having a unique combination of craniomandibular characteristics, and postcranial morphology that suggests it may have occupied a more placid, fluvial habitat than most known Old‐World dyrosaurids. Results from a cladistic analysis of Dyrosauridae, using 82 primarily cranial and mandibular characters, support an unresolved relationship between A. guajiraensis and a combination of New‐ and Old‐World dyrosaurids including Hyposaurus rogersii, Congosaurus bequaerti, Atlantosuchus coupatezi, Guarinisuchus munizi, Rhabdognathus keiniensis and Rhabdognathus aslerensis. Our results are consistent with an African origin for Dyrosauridae with multiple dispersals into the New World during the Late Cretaceous and a transition from marine habitats in ancestral taxa to more fluvial habitats in more derived taxa.  相似文献   
redspecimenrepersentsanewgenusandspecies.Wanshuinaliigen.etsp.nov.SpecimenShaftofarighthumerus,andthedistalendofaIefttibiotarsusanda1efttarsometatarsus,Vlo529.DistributionQianshan,AnhuiProvince;Paleocene,DoumuFormation.DiagnosisSizesma1l-medium,humeruss1enderandlong,mediancrestventraleelongated,tibiotarsuscompressedanteroposteriorly,externalcondy1eroundinlateraIview,grooveforperoneusprofundusdeepandlong;internalcondylelongerthanex-ternalcondyle,adepressionwelldeve1opedin1owerborder0finter…  相似文献   
跟随一队研究哺乳动物群在古新世-始新世变化的生物地层学和古地理学的学者,已故周明镇教授开始了他的古脊椎动物学事业。这是化石记录中偶蹄类、奇蹄类和灵长类(APP类群)首次出现的时期。随着北美西部Polecat Bench新的最晚古新世Clarkforkian哺乳动物群的发现,古新世作为一个独立于始新世的分期从1911年开始被接受。后来,研究证明古新世-始新世界线包括了一段时间,这期间发育了矮小型哺乳动物支系。古新世-始新世碳同位素漂移(CIE)与哺乳动物矮小化以及APP类群的首次出现是同时的。据此可以对CIE进行全球性总结,结果表明它与古新世-始新世极热事件(PETM)相关。PETM这一全球温室变暖事件不仅对地球气候和生物群有短暂的影响,而且对生物群同样具有深远持续的影响。我们所知的哺乳动物与CIE和PETM之间关系的大部分内容是通过对Polecat Bench周边剖面独特地层记录的高分辨率研究得到的。周教授早年曾在那里工作过,如今他的骨灰也撒在那里。  相似文献   
Larger foraminifera of the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene lower slope to toe-of-slope deposits of the southern Galala, Egypt, are described. Sulcocassidina nakkadyi n. gen. et sp. (base) and Vacuolicassidella dakhlensis n. gen. et sp. (top) represent a phylogenetic line related to the family Cassidinidae (new family), superfamily Miscellanacea (new superfamily) in the latest Paleocene (shallow benthic zone 4) of the southern Galala, Egypt. In addition, Oscucassidella cassis n. gen. et sp., Pellatispiroides youssefi n. gen. et sp. and Chordcassidella ainshamsiana n. gen. et sp. are described and illustrated. Genus: Pomerolina n. gen. (Type species: Alveolina meandrina Carter, 1861, is newly erected and it belongs to Cassidinidae. In this family, the chambers are initially arranged streptospirally, whereas in later stages they are planispirally enrolled. Lateral chamberlets (retral process) are separated from the laminae by a passage and a marginal crest is added during growth.  相似文献   
Two new species of pseudorhyncocyonid, Fordonia lawsoni sp. nov. and Leptictidium prouti sp. nov. from the UK earliest Eocene, described here, are older than any previously recorded member of the family. They are represented by teeth from numerous loci, which allow a better understanding of the sparsely known dentitions of currently known pseudorhyncocyonids. This facilitates the recognition of two further species of Leptictidium, L. listeri sp. nov. from the Middle Eocene of Germany and L. storchi sp. nov. from the Late Eocene of France. Study of occlusal relationships also helps to fill gaps in our knowledge of missing tooth loci. Cladistic analysis of pseudorhyncocyonids with their previously judged closest relatives, the Leptictidae, Pantolesta and Palaeanodonta, shows that two European species, Diaphyodectes prolatus and Palaeictops? levei, formerly thought to be leptictids, are instead primitive pseudorhyncocyonids, extending the range of the family further back in time to the Middle Paleocene. Plevei is placed in the new genus Phakodon gen. nov. The analysis also shows that the Pseudorhyncocyonidae are sister group to the other three groups combined and that family‐level differentiation in this probable clade took place as early as the earliest Paleocene.  相似文献   
古新世晚期裂齿类———丁氏豫裂兽 (新属、新种 ) (Yuesthonyxtingaegen .etsp .nov.)的发现表明了裂齿目在亚洲古新世已相当分化 ,在臼齿形态上有与北美始新世Esthonyx相近的小尖兽 (Meiostylogon)和中间兽 (Interogale) ,也有与北美Megalesthonyx接近的豫裂兽等。根据豫裂兽、Megalesthonyx、和亚洲的Adapidium的上臼齿都具有明显的中附尖等特征可与其他裂齿类相区别 ,新建了豫裂兽科 (YuesthoncidaeFam .nov.)。  相似文献   
描述并厘定了黑龙江省嘉荫县古新世乌云植物群中的广义山茱萸科绝灭类型镘形美中果(Amersinia obtrullata Manchester, Crane et Golovneva)和假古老白令叶(Beringiaphyllum pseudoantiquum (Golovneva) Manchester, Crane et Golovneva).将前人鉴定为昆栏树属(未定种)(Trochodendron sp.)的果序化石归入镘形美中果;将前人确定为鲜艳杨(Populus carneosa)、假原始叶南蛇藤(Celastrophyllum subprotophyllum)、古老荚(Viburnum antiquum)、粗糙荚(V. asperum)、疏齿荚叶(Viburniphyllum finale)、乌云原始叶(Potophyllum wuyunense)、海丹原始叶(近似种)(P. cf. haydenii)、卵圆原始叶(P. ovatifolium)和不规则克里木(Credneria inordinata)等归入假古老白令叶.  相似文献   
Paleobiotic assemblages from the Deccan infra- and intertrappean beds are reviewed in great detail. Three distinct paleoenvironments (fluvio-lacustrine/terrestrial, brackish water and marine) have been identified within the infra- and intertrappean biotic assemblages of peninsular India. Recently, marine incursions have been recorded in a few of the Deccan intertrappean beds exposed in central and south-eastern India. The intertrappean beds have yielded marine planktic foraminiferans and freshwater/brackish water ostracods. The affinities of the paleobiotas are commonly considered to show a mixed pattern resulting from the addition of Gondwanan and Laurasian elements to endemic Indian taxa. During the last four decades, various biogeographic models (southern and northern connections) have been proposed to explain the presence of anomalous biogeographic biota in the Late Cretaceous of India. Based on the recovered fauna and flora assemblages, the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary has been marked and a Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene age has been assigned to these Deccan volcano-sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   
本文对山东平邑盆地卞桥镇国泰庄西ZK101井卞桥组二段的21块井壁岩芯样品进行分析,在其中5块样品中发现了大量保存较好的孢粉和一些淡水藻类化石,总计60属2亚属63种及部分未定种。据此建立了一个孢粉组合,即Pterisisporites-Ephedripites-Ulmaceae组合。该组合以凤尾蕨科和麻黄科花粉占优势,榆科有一定含量为其主要特征,并通过对一些重要分子的地质时代分布及与邻区相关孢粉组合进行对比,确定了其时代为古新世,同时讨论了该孢粉植物群所反映的古气候特点。  相似文献   
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