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Obtaining detailed structural models of disordered states of proteins under nondenaturing conditions is important for a better understanding of both functional intrinsically disordered proteins and unfolded states of folded proteins. Extensive experimental characterization of the drk N-terminal SH3 domain unfolded state has shown that, although it appears to be highly disordered, it possesses significant nonrandom secondary and tertiary structure. In our previous attempts to generate structural models of the unfolded state using the program ENSEMBLE, we were limited by insufficient experimental restraints and conformational sampling. In this study, we have vastly expanded our experimental restraint set to include 1H-15N residual dipolar couplings, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, nitroxide paramagnetic relaxation enhancements, O2-induced 13C paramagnetic shifts, hydrogen-exchange protection factors, and 15N R2 data, in addition to the previously used nuclear Overhauser effects, amino terminal Cu2+-Ni2+ binding paramagnetic relaxation enhancements, J-couplings, chemical shifts, hydrodynamic radius, and solvent accessibility restraints. We have also implemented a new ensemble calculation methodology that uses iterative conformational sampling and seeks to calculate the simplest possible ensemble models. As a result, we can now generate ensembles that are consistent with much larger experimental data sets than was previously possible. Although highly heterogeneous and having broad molecular size distributions, the calculated drk N-terminal SH3 domain unfolded-state ensembles have very different properties than expected for random or statistical coils and possess significant nonnative α-helical structure and both native-like and nonnative tertiary structure.  相似文献   
E1 and E2 are two hepatitis C viral envelope glycoproteins that assemble into a heterodimer that is essential for membrane fusion and penetration into the target cell. Both extracellular and transmembrane (TM) glycoprotein domains contribute to this interaction, but study of TM–TM interactions has been limited because synthesis and structural characterization of these highly hydrophobic segments present significant challenges. In this NMR study, by successful expression and purification of the E2 transmembrane domain as a fusion construct we have determined the global fold and characterized backbone motions for this peptide incorporated in phospholipid micelles. Backbone resonance frequencies, relaxation rates and solvent exposure measurements concur in showing this domain to adopt a helical conformation, with two helical segments spanning residues 717–726 and 732–746 connected by an unstructured linker containing the charged residues D728 and R730 involved in E1 binding. Although this linker exhibits increased local motions on the ps timescale, the dominating contribution to its relaxation is the global tumbling motion with an estimated correlation time of 12.3 ns. The positioning of the helix–linker–helix architecture within the mixed micelle was established by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy and phospholipid-peptide cross relaxation measurements. These indicate that while the helices traverse the hydrophobic interior of the micelle, the linker lies closer to the micelle perimeter to accommodate its charged residues. These results lay the groundwork for structure determination of the E1/E2 complex and a molecular understanding of glycoprotein heterodimerization.  相似文献   
Presently there is no serum biomarker of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Several studies have shown that profiles of microRNA (miRNA) expression differ among tumor types. Here we evaluated the feasibility of using muscle-specific miRNAs (miR-1, -133a, -133b and -206) as biomarkers of RMS. Expression of muscle-specific miRNAs, especially miR-206, was significantly higher in RMS cell lines than in other tumor cell lines, as well as in RMS tumor specimens. Further, serum levels of muscle-specific miRNAs were significantly higher in patients with RMS tumors than in patients with non-RMS tumors. Normalized serum miR-206 expression level could be used to differentiate between RMS and non-RMS tumors, with sensitivity of 1.0 and specificity of 0.913. These results raise the possibility of using circulating muscle-specific miRNAs, especially miR-206, as landmark biomarkers for RMS.  相似文献   
The transmembrane (TM) segment of the major coat protein from Ff bacteriophage has been extensively studied as an example of dimerization in detergent and lipid bilayer systems. However, almost all the information regarding this interaction has been gained through mutagenesis studies, with little direct structural information being available. To this end solution NMR has the potential to provide new insights into structure of the dimer. In order to evaluate the utility of this approach we have studied a selectively 15N-labeled peptide containing the TM segment of MCP (MCPTM) by solution NMR. This peptide was found to give rise to detergent concentration-dependent spectra that were assigned to monomeric and dimeric forms. The standard free energy of this interaction in SDS was estimated from these spectra and found to be consistent with weak but specific dimerization. In addition, similar spectra could be obtained in β-octyl glucoside with intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation experiments demonstrating a parallel arrangement of TM helices in the dimer. In both detergents backbone chemical shift differences between monomeric and dimeric forms of MCPTM showed that the largest changes occur around its GXXXG motif. The resulting structural model is consistent with observations made for MCP mutants previously characterized in biological membranes, opening the door to detailed structural characterization of this form of MCP. These results also have general implications for the study of weakly interacting TM segments by solution NMR since the use of similar sample conditions should allow structural data to be accessed for oligomeric states from a wide range systems that undergo biologically relevant but weak associations in the membrane.  相似文献   
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins maintain the spatial expression patterns of genes that are involved in cell-fate specification along the anterior-posterior (A/P) axis. This repression requires cis-acting silencers, which are called PcG response elements (PREs). One of the PcG proteins, Pleiohomeotic (Pho), which has a zinc finger DNA binding protein, plays a critical role in recruiting other PcG proteins to bind to PREs. In this study, we characterized the effects of a pho mutation on embryonic segmentation. pho maternal mutant embryos showed various segmental defects including pair-rule gene mutant patterns. Our results indicated that engrailed and even-skipped genes were misexpressed in pho mutant embryos, which caused embryonic segment defects.  相似文献   
The activation functions AF1 and AF2 of nuclear receptors mediate the recruitment of coregulators in gene regulation. AF1 is mapped to the highly variable and intrinsically unstructured N terminal domain and AF2 lies in the conserved ligand binding domain. The unstructured nature of AF1 offers structural plasticity and hence functional versatility in gene regulation. However, little is known about the key functional residues of AF1 that mediates its interaction with coregulators. This study focuses on the progesterone receptor (PR) and reports the identification of K464, K481 and R492 (KKR) as the key functional residues of PR AF1. The KKR are monomethylated and function cooperatively. The combined mutations of KKR to QQQ render PR isoform B (PRB) hyperactive, whereas KKR to FFF mutations abolishes as much as 80% of PR activity. Furthermore, the hyperactive QQQ mutation rescues the loss of PR activity due to E911A mutation in AF2. The study also finds that the magnitudes of the mutational effect differ in different cell types as a result of differential effects on the functional interaction with coregulators. Furthermore, KKR provides the interface for AF1 to physically interact with p300 and SRC-1, and with AF2 at E911. Intriguingly, the inactive FFF mutant interacts strikingly stronger with both SRC-1 and AF2 than wt PRB. We propose a tripartite model to describe the dynamic interactions between AF1, AF2 and SRC-1 with KKR of AF1 and E911 of AF2 as the interface. An overly stable interaction would hamper the dynamics of disassembly of the receptor complex.  相似文献   
Precise 3′-end processing of mRNA is essential for correct gene expression, yet in yeast, 3′-processing signals consist of multiple ambiguous sequence elements. Two neighboring elements upstream of the cleavage site are particularly important for the accuracy (positioning element) and efficiency (efficiency element) of 3′-processing and are recognized by the RNA-binding proteins Rna15 and Hrp1, respectively. In vivo, these interactions are strengthened by the scaffolding protein Rna14 that stabilizes their association. The NMR structure of the 34 -kDa ternary complex of the RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains of Hrp1 and Rna15 bound to this pair of RNA elements was determined by residual dipolar coupling and paramagnetic relaxation experiments. It reveals how each of the proteins binds to RNA and introduces a novel class of protein-protein contact in regions of previously unknown function. These interdomain contacts had previously been overlooked in other multi-RRM structures, although a careful analysis suggests that they may be frequently present. Mutations in the regions of these contacts disrupt 3′-end processing, suggesting that they may structurally organize the ribonucleoprotein complexes responsible for RNA processing.  相似文献   
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