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Efficient intracellular targeting of drugs and drug delivery systems (DDSs) is a major challenge that should be overcome to enhance the therapeutic efficiency of biopharmaceuticals and other intracellularly-acting drugs. Studies that quantitatively assess the mechanisms, barriers, and efficiency of intracellular drug delivery are required to determine the therapeutic potential of intracellular targeting of nano-delivery systems. In this study we report development and application of a novel ‘IntraCell’ plugin for ImageJ that is useful for quantitative assessment of uptake and intracellular localization of the drug/DDS and estimation of targeting efficiency. The developed plugin is based on threshold-based identification of borders of cell and of the individual organelles on confocal images and pixel-by-pixel analysis of fluorescence intensities.We applied the developed ‘IntraCell’ plugin to investigate uptake and intracellular targeting of novel endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted delivery system based on PLGA nanoparticles decorated with ER-targeting or control peptides and encapsulating antigenic peptide and fluorescent marker. Decoration of the nanoparticles with peptidic residues affected their uptake and intracellular trafficking in HeLa cells, indicating that the targeting peptide was identified as ER-targeting signal by the intracellular trafficking mechanisms in HeLa cells and that these mechanisms can handle nano-DDS of the size comparable to some intracellular vesicles (hundreds of nanometers in diameter).We conclude that decoration of nanoparticles with peptidic residues affects their intracellular localization and trafficking and can be potentially used for intracellularly-targeted drug delivery. ‘IntraCell’ plugin is an useful tool for quantitative assessment of efficiency of uptake and intracellular drug targeting. In combination with other experimental approaches, it will be useful for the development of intracellularly-targeted formulations with enhanced and controlled drug pharmacological activities, such as delivery of antigenic peptides for anticancer vaccination and for other applications.  相似文献   
This study presents a new technological approach to minimize the use of antimicrobial (AMB) agents and their deleterious effects, based on the principle of drug-delivery systems whereby the AMB chemicals are transported on microparticles. The efficacy of microparticles carrying the quaternary ammonium compound (QAC), benzyldimethyldodecyl ammonium chloride (BDMDAC), was assessed against Pseudomonas fluorescens in both the planktonic and the biofilm state. The microparticles were prepared using a layer-by-layer (LBL) self-assembly technique. Oppositely charged molecules of polyethyleneimine (PEI), sodium polystyrene sulfonate (PSS), and BDMDAC were assembled on polystyrene (PS) cores. BDMDAC-coated particles were observed by CryoSEM and their composition analyzed by X-ray microanalysis. Zeta potential measurements indicated that changes in surface charge were compatible with a BDMDAC/particle interaction. This biocidal carrier structure had significant stability, verified by the release of only 15% of the BDMDAC when immersed in water for 18 months. Biocidal carrier activity was evaluated by determining the survival ratio of P. fluorescens planktonic and biofilm cells after different exposure periods to BDMDAC-coated particles. Tests with biofilm cells were also performed with the free QAC. An efficient AMB effect (minimum bactericidal concentration) against suspended cells was found for a concentration of 9.2 mg l?1 of BDMDAC on coated particles after incubation for 30 min and 6.5 mg l?1 of BDMDAC on coated particles after 60 min. Exposure of biofilms to PS-PEI/PSS/BDMDAC (0.87 mg l?1) resulted in a decrease in viability of 60.5% and 66.5% of the total biofilm population for 30 and 60 min exposure times, respectively. Exposure for 60 min to 6.33 mg l?1 and 11.75 mg l?1 of BDMDAC in PS-PEI/PSS/BDMDAC particles promoted inactivation of 80.6% and 87.2% of the total population, respectively. The AMB effects obtained with the application of free BDMDAC were statistically similar to those promoted by the application of BDMDAC coated particles. The overall results indicate that this novel AMB strategy has potential for the control of microbial growth of planktonic cells and biofouling. Moreover, the technique allows the reuse of AMB molecules and consequently reduces the environmental risks associated with excessive use of AMB agents, thereby providing real benefits to public health.  相似文献   
Our previous studies demonstrated the formation of structurally diverse DNA-containing microparticles (DNA MPs) in PCR with Mg-pyrophosphate (MgPPi) as the structure-forming component. These DNA MPs were referred to major structural types: microdisks (2D MPs) with nanometer thickness and 3D MPs with sophisticated morphology and constructed from intersecting disks and their segments. Little is known about factors that influence both the morphology and size of DNA MPs, and the present study was aimed at fulfilling this gap. We showed that the addition of Mn2+ cations to PCR mixtures caused the profound changes in MPs morphology, depending on DNA polymerase used (KlenTaq or Taq). Asymmetric PCR with 20-fold decrease in the concentration of one of two primers facilitated the predominant formation of microdisks with unusual structure. The addition of 1 mM Na-pyrophosphate to PCR mixtures with synthesized DNA and subsequent thermal cycling (10–15 cycles) were optimal to produce microdisks or nanometer 3D particles. Using electron microscopy, we studied also the structure of inorganic micro- and nanoparticles from MgPPi, formed during multiple heating and cooling cycles of a mixture of Mg2+ and Na-pyrophosphate in various regimes. Also, we found the conditions to yield planar (Mg·Mn)PPi nanocrystals (diameter ~100 nm and thickness ~10 nm) which efficiently adsorbed exogenous DNA. These inorganic nanoparticles are promising for DNA delivery in transfection studies. Mechanisms to be involved in structural modifications of MPs and perspectives of their practical application are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of processing conditions on the characteristics of solid lipid microparticles (SLM) with a potential application as carriers for pulmonary administration. Compritol (5.0% wt/wt) SLM dispersions were prepared by rotor-stator homogenization, at different surfactant concentrations and emulsification times. The SLM were characterized, in terms of morphology and size, after lyophilization and sterilization by autoclaving process. In vivo assessment was carried out in rats by intratracheal instillation of either placebo or SLM dispersion, and by bronchoalveolar lavage for cytological analysis. Mean particle size of 4 to 5 μm was achieved using 0.3% and 0.4% (wt/wt) of emulsifier (Poloxamer 188) and emulsification times of 2 and 5 minutes. The particles showed spherical shape and smooth surface. The morphology of microparticles, the size, and the size distribution were not substantially modified after lyophilization and sterilization. Total cell counts showed no significant differences between placebo and SLM 0.5% or 2.5% groups. Regarding cytology, percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages did not significantly differ between groups. These results suggest that a single intratracheal administration of the SLMs does not induce a significant inflammatory airway response in rats and that the SLMs might be a potential carrier for encapsulated drug via the pulmonary route.  相似文献   
This paper describes the formulation of a biodegradable microparticulate drug delivery system containing clodronate, a bisphosphonate intended for the treatment of bone diseases. Microspheres were prepared with several poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) copolymers of various molecular weights and molar compositions and 1 poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) homopolymer by a water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsion solvent evaporation procedure. Critical process parameters and formulation variables (ie, addition of stabilizing agents) were evaluated for their effect on drug encapsulation efficiency and clodronate release rate from microparticles Well-formed clodronate-loaded microspheres were obtained for all polymers by selecting suitable process parameters (inner water/oil volume ratio 1∶16, temperature-raising rate in the solvent evaporation step 1°C/min, 2% wt/vol NaCl in the external aqueous phase). Good yields were obtained in all batches of clodronate microspheres (above 60%); drug encapsulation efficiencies ranged between 49% and 75% depending on the polymer used. Clodronate release from all copolymer microspheres was completed in about 48 hours, while those from PDLLA microspheres required about 20 days. The change of microsphere composition by adding a surfactant such as Span 20 or a viscosing agent such as carboxymethylcellulose extended the long-term release up to 3 months. Clodronate was successfully entrapped in PLGA and PDLLA microspheres, and drug release could be modulated from 48 hours up to 3 months by suitable selection of polymer, composition, additives, and manufacturing conditions. Published: July 11, 2001.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to prepare and characterize microparticles of budesonide alone and budesonide and polylactic acid (PLA) using supercritical fluid (SCF) technology. A precipitation with a compressed antisolvent (PCA) technique employing supercritical CO2 and a nozzle with 100-μm internal diameter was used to prepare microparticles of budesonide and budesonide-PLA. The effect of various operating variables (temperature and pressure of CO2 and flow rates of drug-polymer solution and/or CO2) and formulation variables (0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% budesonide in methylene chloride) on the morphology and size distribution of the microparticles was determined using scanning electron microscopy. In addition, budesonide-PLA particles were characterized for their surface charge and drug-polymer interactions using a zeta meter and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Furthermore, in vitro budesonide release from budesonide-PLA microparticles was determined at 37°C. Using the PCA process, budesonide and budesonide-PLA microparticles with mean diameters of 1 to 2 μm were prepared. An increase in budesonide concentration (0.25%–1% wt/vol) resulted in budesonide microparticles that were fairly spherical and less aggiomerated. In addition, the size of the microparticles increased with an increase in the drug-polymer solution flow rate (1.4–4.7 mL/min) or with a decrease in the CO2 flow rate (50–10 mL/min). Budesonide-PLA microparticles had a drug loading of 7.94%, equivalent to ∼80% encapsulation efficiency. Budesonide-PLA microparticles had a zeta potential of— 37±4 mV, and DSC studies indicated that SCF processing of budesonide-PLA microparticles resulted in the loss of budesonide crystallinity. Finally, in vitro drug release studies at 37°C indicated 50% budesonide release from the budesonide-PLA microparticles at the end of 28 days. Thus, the PCA process was successful in producing budesonide and budesonide-PLA microparticles. In addition, budesonide-PLA microparticles sustained budesonide release for 4 weeks.  相似文献   
The stability, in vitro release, and in vitro cell transfection efficiency of plasmid DNA (pDNA) poly (D,L.-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microsphere formulations were investigated. PLGA microspheres containing free and polylysine (PLL)-complexed pDNA were prepared by a water-oil-water solvent extraction/evaporation technique. Encapsulation enhanced the retention of the supereoiled structure of pDNA as determined by gel electrophoresis. PLL complexation of pDNA prior to encapsulation increased both the stability of the supercoiled form and the encapsulation efficiency. Free pDNA was completely degraded after exposure to DNase while encapsulation protected the pDNA from enzymatic degradation. Rapid initial in vitro release of pDNA was obtained from microspheres containing free pDNA. while the release from microspheres containing PLL-complexed pDNA was sustained for more than 42 days. Bioactivity of encapsulated pDNA determined by in vitro cell transfection using Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) showed that the bioactivity of encapsulated pDNA was retained in both formulations but to a greater extent with PLL-complexed pDNA microspheres. These results demonstrated that PLGA microspheres could be used to formulate a controlledrelease delivery system for pDNA that can protect the pDNA from DNase degradation without loss of functional activity.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper was to study the effect of the isopropyl myristic acid ester (IPM) on the physicochemical characteristics of etoposide-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres-specifically, the effects on the size and drug loading of the microspheres, the polymer matrix and surface morphology, and the release of etoposide from the microspheres. The experiment was structured to examine 2 IPM concentrations (25% and 50%) and 1 control (no IPM) at 2 different etoposide-loading percentages (10% and 5%). The microspheres were prepared using a single-emulsion solvent-extraction procedure. Samples from each batch of microspheres were then analyzed for size distribution. drug-loading efficiency, surface characteristics, in vitro release, and in vitro microsphere degradation. The incorporation of 50% IPM significantly increased (P<05) the size of the microspheres when compared with the control and 25% IPM microspheres. However, incorporation of 25% or 50% IPM did not change (P>.05) the drug-loading efficiency in comparison with the microspheres prepared without IPM. The microspheres containing 50% IPM were shown to significantly increase (P<.05) the release of etoposide from the microspheres at both etoposide concentrations. The microspheres prepared incorporating 25% IPM and 5% etoposide increased the in vitro release (P<.05) in comparison with the microspheres prepared without IPM. The 5% etoposide-PLGA microspheres showed a smooth, nonporous surface that changed to a dimpled. nonporous surface after addition of 25% IPM. During the in vitro degradation study, the IPM-containing microspheres slowly became porous but retained their structural integrity throughout the experiment.  相似文献   
Two β-glucosidases, G1 and G2, were purified from the culture supernatant of Penicillium herquei Banier and Sartory. Both the purified enzymes were homogeneous on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of G1 and G2 were estimated to be 125,000 and 122,000, respectively, by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. G1 and G2 contained 12.7% and 16.1% carbohydrate as glucose, and had isoelectric points of 5.02 and 5.24, respectively. Both enzymes had optimum pHs of 4.0~4.5 and optimum temperatures at 60°C, but pH - and thermo-stabilities of G1 were higher than those of G2. Both enzymes were active not only on p-nitrophenyl β-d-glucopyranoside, salicin, and the p-glucobioses tested but also on laminarin. CM-Cellulose was a very poor substrate for both enzymes. The activities of G1 toward the substrates except for laminarin and CM-cellulose were apparently higher than those of G2. Both enzymes acted on cellobiose to produce a transfer product.  相似文献   
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