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Alkaline phosphatases (APs) are non-specific phosphohydrolases that are widely used in molecular biology and diagnostics. We describe the structure of the cold active alkaline phosphatase from the Antarctic bacterium TAB5 (TAP). The fold and the active site geometry are conserved with the other AP structures, where the monomer has a large central beta-sheet enclosed by alpha-helices. The dimer interface of TAP is relatively small, and only a single loop from each monomer replaces the typical crown domain. The structure also has typical cold-adapted features; lack of disulfide bridges, low number of salt-bridges, and a loose dimer interface that completely lacks charged interactions. The dimer interface is more hydrophobic than that of the Escherichia coli AP and the interactions have tendency to pair with backbone atoms, which we propose to result from the cold adaptation of TAP. The structure contains two additional magnesium ions outside of the active site, which we believe to be involved in substrate binding as well as contributing to the local stability. The M4 site stabilises an interaction that anchors the substrate-coordinating R148. The M5 metal-binding site is in a region that stabilises metal coordination in the active site. In other APs the M5 binding area is supported by extensive salt-bridge stabilisation, as well as positively charged patches around the active site. We propose that these charges, and the TAP M5 binding, influence the release of the product phosphate and thus might influence the rate-determining step of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) represent specialized membrane domains resistant to detergent extraction, which may serve to segregate proteins in a specific environment in order to improve their function. Segregation of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in DRMs has been shown to be involved in their sorting to the apical membrane in polarized epithelial cells. Nonetheless, we have shown that both apical and basolateral GPI-APs associate with DRMs. In this report we investigated the lipid composition of DRMs associated with an apical and a basolateral GPI-AP. We found that apical and basolateral DRMs contain the same lipid species although in different ratios. This specific lipid ratio is maintained after mixing the cells before lysis indicating that DRMs maintain their identity after Triton extraction.  相似文献   
The mechanism of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) induction by prednisolone in a uterine cervical epidermoid cancer cell line SKG-IIIa was investigated in vitro by enzyme-cytochemistry, enzyme immunoassay, Northern and Southern blot analysis, and in situ hybridization. Enzyme-cytochemical alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining and immunoassay revealed increased levels of PLAP (heat-stable ALP) in prednisolone-treated cells. Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization showed increased amounts of PLAP mRNA. Southern blot analysis indicated that PLAP was not a product of an amplified or rearranged gene. These findings suggest that the induction of PLAP mRNA in SKG-IIIa cells by prednisolone in turn increased the levels of PLAP.  相似文献   
Phosphate is an essential component of all cells that must be taken up from the environment. Prokaryotes commonly secrete alkaline phosphatases (APs) to recruit phosphate from organic compounds by hydrolysis. In this study, the AP from Halobacterium salinarum, an archaeon that lives in a saturated salt environment, has been functionally and structurally characterized. The core fold and the active-site architecture of the H. salinarum enzyme are similar to other AP structures. These generally form dimers composed of dominant β-sheet structures sandwiched by α-helices and have well-accessible active sites. The surface of the enzyme is predicted to be highly negatively charged, like other proteins of extreme halophiles. In addition to the conserved core, most APs contain a crown domain that strongly varies within species. In the H. salinarum AP, the crown domain is made of an acyl-carrier-protein-like fold. Different from other APs, it is not involved in dimer formation. We compare the archaeal AP with its bacterial and eukaryotic counterparts, and we focus on the role of crown domains in enhancing protein stability, regulating enzyme function, and guiding phosphoesters into the active-site funnel.  相似文献   
Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) provide a key model membrane system to study lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions, which are relevant to vital cellular processes, by (single-molecule) optical microscopy. Here, we review the work on reconstitution techniques for membrane proteins and other preparation methods for developing GUVs towards most suitable close-to-native membrane systems. Next, we present a few applications of protein-containing GUVs to study domain assembly and protein partitioning into raft-like domains.  相似文献   
An unknown primary tumor (UPT) is defined by the presence of a metastatic cancer without a known primary site of origin despite a standardized diagnostic workup. Clinically, UPTs show rapid progression and early dissemination, with signs and symptoms related to the metastatic site. The molecular bases of their biology remain largely unknown, with no evidence as to whether they represent a distinct biological entity.  相似文献   
Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is a promising ovarian cancer biomarker. Here, we describe the isolation, affinity-maturation and characterization of two fully human monoclonal antibodies (termed B10 and D9) able to bind to human PLAP with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 10 and 30 nM, respectively. The ability of B10 and D9 antibodies to recognize the native antigen was confirmed by Biacore analysis, FACS and immunofluorescence studies using ovarian cancer cell lines and freshly-frozen human tissues. A quantitative biodistribution study in nude mice revealed that the B10 antibody preferentially localizes to A431 tumors, following intravenous administration. Anti-PLAP antibodies may serve as a modular building blocks for the development of targeted therapeutic products, armed with cytotoxic drugs, radionuclides or cytokines as payloads.  相似文献   
Melittin and phospholipase A2-activating protein (PLAP) are known as efficient activators of secretory phospholipase A2(sPLA2) types I, II, and III when phospholipid liposomes are used as substrate. The present study demonstrates that both peptides can either inhibit or activate sPLA2 depending on the peptide/phospholipid ratio when erythrocyte membranes serve as a biologically relevant substrate. Low concentrations of melittin and PLAP were observed to inhibit sPLA2-triggered release of fatty acids from erythrocyte membranes. The inhibition was reversed at melittin concentrations above 1 microM. PLAP-induced inhibition of sPLA2 persisted steadily throughout the used concentration range (0-150 nM). The two peptides induced a dose-dependent activation of sPLA2 at low concentrations, followed by inhibition when model membranes were used as substrate. This opposite modulatory effect on biological membranes and model membranes is discussed with respect to different mechanisms the interaction of the regulatory peptides with the enzyme molecules and the substrate vesicles.  相似文献   
Hypophosphatasia (HPP), a rare genetic disease characterized by reduced serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and failure in bone and tooth mineralization, is caused by mutations in tissue-nonspecific ALP (TNSALP) gene. Two missense mutations (C201Y and C489S, standardized nomenclature) of TNSALP, involved in intra-chain disulfide bonds, were reported in patients diagnosed with perinatal HPP (Taillandier A. et al. Hum. Mutat. 13 (1999) 171-172, Hum. Mutat. 15 (2000) 293). To investigate the role of the disulfide bond in TNSALP, we expressed TNSALP (C201Y) and TNSALP (C489S) in COS-1 cells transiently. Compared with the wild-type enzyme [TNSALP (W)], both the TNSALP mutants exhibited a diminished ALP activity in the cells, where a 66 kDa immature form was predominant with a marginal amount of a 80 kDa mature form of TNSALP. Detailed studies on Tet-On CHO established cell line expressing TNSALP (W) or TNSALP (C201Y) showed that the 66 kDa form of TNSALP (C201Y) exists as a monomer in contrast to a dimer of TNSALP (W). Only a small fraction of the TNSALP (C201Y) reached cell surface as the 80 kDa mature form, though most of the 66 kDa form was found to be endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H sensitive and rapidly degraded in proteasome following polyubiquitination. Collectively, these results indicate not only that the intra-subunit disulfide bonds are crucial for TNSALP to properly fold and assemble into the dimeric enzyme, but also that the development of HPP associated with TNSALP (C201Y) or TNSALP (C489S) is attributed to decreased cell surface appearance of the functional enzyme.  相似文献   
Oligomerization of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) into high molecular weight complexes is an essential step for their apical sorting in polarized epithelial cells. However, the mechanism by which apical GPI-APs oligomerize is still unclear. To investigate the possible role of N- and O-glycosylation, we have analysed the behaviour of two glycosylated GPI-anchored apical proteins, p75GPI and placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), and their glycosylation mutants. We found that both the N- and O-glycosylation mutants are apically sorted, associate to detergent-resistant microdomains and are able to oligomerize, like the wild-type proteins, suggesting that glycosylation does not have a direct role in GPI-AP oligomerization and apical sorting. Interestingly, when cells are depleted of cholesterol and treated with tunicamycin, treatments that by themselves do not affect PLAP sorting, PLAP is not able to oligomerize and is missorted to the basolateral surface, thus supporting an indirect role of N-glycosylation, possibly mediated by a raft-associated glycosylated interactor.  相似文献   
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