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Originally regarded as just membrane constituents and energy storing molecules, lipids are now recognised as potent signalling molecules that regulate a multitude of cellular responses via receptor-mediated pathways, including cell growth and death, and inflammation/infection. Derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such as arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), each lipid displays unique properties, thus making their role in inflammation distinct from that of other lipids derived from the same PUFA. The diversity of their actions arises because such metabolites are synthesised via discrete enzymatic pathways and because they elicit their response via different receptors. This review will collate the bioactive lipid research to date and summarise the findings in terms of the major pathways involved in their biosynthesis and their role in inflammation and its resolution. It will include lipids derived from AA (prostanoids, leukotrienes, 5-oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid, lipoxins and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids), EPA (E-series resolvins), and DHA (D-series resolvins, protectins and maresins).  相似文献   
Prostacyclin synthase and thromboxane synthase signaling via arachidonic acid metabolism affects a number of tumor cell survival pathways such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, tumor cell invasion and metastasis, and angiogenesis. However, the effects of these respective synthases differ considerably with respect to the pathways described. While prostacyclin synthase is generally believed to be anti-tumor, a pro-carcinogenic role for thromboxane synthase has been demonstrated in a variety of cancers. The balance of oppositely-acting COX-derived prostanoids influences many processes throughout the body, such as blood pressure regulation, clotting, and inflammation. The PGI2/TXA2 ratio is of particular interest in-vivo, with the corresponding synthases shown to be differentially regulated in a variety of disease states. Pharmacological inhibition of thromboxane synthase has been shown to significantly inhibit tumor cell growth, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis in a range of experimental models. In direct contrast, prostacyclin synthase overexpression has been shown to be chemopreventive in a murine model of the disease, suggesting that the expression and activity of this enzyme may protect against tumor development.  相似文献   
Circulating histones have been proposed as targets for therapy in sepsis and hyperinflammatory symptoms. However, the proposed strategies have failed in clinical trials. Although different mechanisms for histone-related cytotoxicity are being explored, those mediated by circulating histones are not fully understood. Extracellular histones induce endothelial cell death, thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of complex diseases such as sepsis and septic shock. Therefore, the comprehension of cellular responses triggered by histones is capital to design effective therapeutic strategies. Here we report how extracellular histones induce autophagy and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner in cultured human endothelial cells. In addition, we describe how histones regulate these pathways via Sestrin2/AMPK/ULK1-mTOR and AKT/mTOR. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of Toll-like receptors in mediating autophagy and apoptosis demonstrating how TLR inhibitors do not prevent apoptosis and/or autophagy induced by histones. Our results confirm that histones and autophagic pathways can be considered as novel targets to design therapeutic strategies in endothelial damage.  相似文献   
In plants and mammals, oxylipins may be synthesized via multi step processes that consist of dioxygenation and isomerization of the intermediately formed hydroperoxy fatty acid. These processes are typically catalyzed by two distinct enzyme classes: dioxygenases and cytochrome P450 enzymes. In ascomycetes biosynthesis of oxylipins may proceed by a similar two-step pathway. An important difference, however, is that both enzymatic activities may be combined in a single bifunctional enzyme. These types of enzymes are named Psi-factor producing oxygenases (Ppo). Here, the spatial organization of the two domains of PpoA from Aspergillus nidulans was analyzed by small-angle X-ray scattering and the obtained data show that the enzyme exhibits a relatively flat trimeric shape. Atomic structures of the single domains were obtained by template-based structure prediction and docked into the enzyme envelope of the low resolution structure obtained by SAXS. EPR-based distance measurements between the tyrosyl radicals formed in the activated dioxygenase domain of the enzyme supported the trimeric structure obtained from SAXS and the previous assignment of Tyr374 as radical-site in PpoA. Furthermore, two phenylalanine residues in the cytochrome P450 domain were shown to modulate the specificity of hydroperoxy fatty acid rearrangement.  相似文献   
Distinct functional coupling between cyclooxygenases (COXs) and specific terminal prostanoid synthases leads to phase-specific production of particular prostaglandins (PGs). In this study, we examined the coupling between COX isozymes and PGF synthase (PGFS). Co-transfection of COXs with PGFS-I belonging to the aldo-keto reductase family into HEK293 cells resulted in increased production of PGF only when a high concentration of exogenous arachidonic acid (AA) was supplied. However, this enzyme failed to produce PGF from endogenous AA, even though significant increase in PGF production occurred in cells transfected with COX-2 alone. This poor COX/PGFS-I coupling was likely to arise from their distinct subcellular localization. Measurement of PGF-synthetic enzyme activity in homogenates of several cells revealed another type of PGFS activity that was membrane-bound, glutathione (GSH)-activated, and stimulus-inducible. In vivo, membrane-bound PGFS activity was elevated in the lung of lipopolysaccharide-treated mice. Taken together, our results suggest the presence of a novel, membrane-associated form of PGFS that is stimulus-inducible and is likely to be preferentially coupled with COX-2.  相似文献   
前列腺素 (PGs)在胚泡着床和子宫的蜕膜化过程中起着重要的调节作用 ,前列环素 (PGI2 )是着床位点表达量最高的PGs .前列环素受体 (IP)和过氧化物酶体增殖因子活化受体 (PPARs)分别是PGI2 的细胞表面G蛋白偶联的受体和细胞核内受体 ,IP在胚泡着床位点不表达或检测不到 ,而PPARδ表达丰富 ,RXRs (PPARs的异二聚体伴侣 )及相应的PPARδ RXRα复合物、PGI2 合成酶 (COX 2 /PGIS)也在着床位点表达丰富 ,因此推测PGI2 在胚泡着床中的作用可能是通过PPARδ受体介导的 .利用PGI2 类似物 (cPGI)和PPARδ特异性类似物能够恢复COX 2基因敲除小鼠的胚泡着床和蜕膜化 .总之 ,PGI2 通过PPARδ在胚泡着床和蜕膜化过程中起着重要的调节作用  相似文献   
Prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) catalyzes an isomerization of prostaglandin H(2) to prostacyclin, a potent mediator of vasodilation and anti-platelet aggregation. Here, we report the crystal structure of human PGIS at 2.15 A resolution, which represents the first three-dimensional structure of a class III cytochrome P450. While notable sequence divergence has been recognized between PGIS and other P450s, PGIS exhibits the typical triangular prism-shaped P450 fold with only moderate structural differences. The conserved acid-alcohol pair in the I helix of P450s is replaced by residues G286 and N287 in PGIS, but the distinctive disruption of the I helix and the presence of a nearby water channel remain conserved. The side-chain of N287 appears to be positioned to facilitate the endoperoxide bond cleavage, suggesting a functional conservation of this residue in O-O bond cleavage. A combination of bent I helix and tilted B' helix creates a channel extending from the heme distal pocket, which seemingly allows binding of various ligands; however, residue W282, placed in this channel at a distance of 8.4 A from the iron with its indole side-chain lying parallel with the porphyrin plane, may serve as a threshold to exclude most ligands from binding. Additionally, a long "meander" region protruding from the protein surface may impede electron transfer. Although the primary sequence of the PGIS cysteine ligand loop diverges significantly from the consensus, conserved tertiary structure and hydrogen bonding pattern are observed for this region. The substrate-binding model was constructed and the structural basis for prostacyclin biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   
Arachidonic acid metabolism through cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways leads to the generation of biologically active eicosanoids. Eicosanoid expression levels vary during development and progression of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies.COX-2 is the major COX-isoform responsible for G.I. cancer development/progression. COX-2 expression increases during progression from a normal to cancerous state. Evidence from observational studies has demonstrated that chronic NSAID use reduces the risk of cancer development, while both incidence and risk of death due to G.I. cancers were significantly reduced by daily aspirin intake. A number of randomized controlled trials (APC trial, Prevention of Sporadic Adenomatous Polyps trial, APPROVe trial) have also shown a significant protective effect in patients receiving selective COX-2 inhibitors. However, chronic use of selective COX-2 inhibitors at high doses was associated with increased cardiovascular risk, while NSAIDs have also been associated with increased risk. More recently, downstream effectors of COX-signaling have been investigated in cancer development/progression. PGE2, which binds to both EP and PPAR receptors, is the major prostanoid implicated in the carcinogenesis of G.I. cancers. The role of TXA2 in G.I. cancers has also been examined, although further studies are required to uncover its role in carcinogenesis. Other prostanoids investigated include PGD2 and its metabolite 15d-PGJ2, PGF and PGI2. Targeting these prostanoids in G.I. cancers has the promise of avoiding cardiovascular toxicity associated with chronic selective COX-2 inhibition, while maintaining anti-tumor reactivity.A progressive sequence from normal to pre-malignant to a malignant state has been identified in G.I. cancers. In this review, we will discuss the role of the COX-derived prostanoids in G.I. cancer development and progression. Targeting these downstream prostanoids for chemoprevention and/or treatment of G.I. cancers will also be discussed. Finally, we will highlight the latest pre-clinical technologies as well as avenues for future investigation in this highly topical research field.  相似文献   
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