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Tau is a major member of the neuronal microtubule-associated proteins. It promotes tubulin assembly and stabilizes axonal microtubules. Previous studies have demonstrated that Tau forms cross-bridges between microtubules, with some particles located on cross-bridges, suggesting that some proteins interact with Tau and might be involved in regulating Tau-related microtubule dynamics. This study reports that PACSIN1 interacts with Tau in axon. PACSIN1 blockade results in impaired axonal elongation and a higher number of primary axonal branches in mouse dorsal root ganglia neurons, which is induced by increasing the binding ability of Tau to microtubules. In PACSIN1-blocked dorsal root ganglia neurons, a greater amount of Tau is inclined to accumulate in the central domain of growth cones, and it promotes the stability of the microtubule network. Taken together, these results suggest that PACSIN1 is an important Tau binding partner in regulating microtubule dynamics and forming axonal plasticity.  相似文献   
PACSIN family members regulate intracellular vesicle trafficking via their ability to regulate cytoskeletal rearrangement. These processes are known to be involved in trafficking of GLUT1 and GLUT4 in adipocytes. In this study, PACSIN3 was observed to be the only PACSIN isoform that increases in expression during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Overexpression of PACSIN3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes caused an elevation of glucose uptake. Subcellular fractionation revealed that PACSIN3 overexpression elevated GLUT1 plasma membrane localization without effecting GLUT4 distribution. In agreement with this result, examination of GLUT exofacial presentation at the cell surface by photoaffinity labeling revealed significantly increased GLUT1, but not GLUT4, after overexpression of PACSIN3. These results establish a role for PACSIN3 in regulating glucose uptake in adipocytes via its preferential participation in GLUT1 trafficking. They are consistent with the proposal, which is supported by a recent study, that GLUT1, but not GLUT4, is predominantly endocytosed via the coated pit pathway in unstimulated 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   
The PACSIN (protein kinase C and casein kinase 2 substrate in neurons) adapter proteins couple components of the clathrin-mediated endocytosis machinery with regulators of actin polymerization and thereby regulate the surface expression of specific receptors. The brain-specific PACSIN 1 is enriched at synapses and has been proposed to affect neuromorphogenesis and the formation and maturation of dendritic spines. In studies of how phosphorylation of PACSIN 1 contributes to neuronal function, we identified serine 358 as a specific site used by casein kinase 2 (CK2) in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylated PACSIN 1 was found in neuronal cytosol and membrane fractions. This localization could be modulated by trophic factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). We further show that expression of a phospho-negative PACSIN 1 mutant, S358A, or inhibition of CK2 drastically reduces spine formation in neurons. We identified a novel protein complex containing the spine regulator Rac1, its GTPase-activating protein neuron-associated developmentally regulated protein (NADRIN), and PACSIN 1. CK2 phosphorylation of PACSIN 1 leads to a dissociation of the complex upon BDNF treatment and induces Rac1-dependent spine formation in dendrites of hippocampal neurons. These findings suggest that upon BDNF signaling PACSIN 1 is phosphorylated by CK2 which is essential for spine formation.  相似文献   
PACSIN2 regulates cell adhesion during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We previously identified the adaptor protein PACSIN2 as a negative regulator of ADAM13 proteolytic function. In Xenopus embryos, PACSIN2 is ubiquitously expressed, suggesting that PACSIN2 may control other proteins during development. To investigate this possibility, we studied PACSIN2 function during Xenopus gastrulation and in XTC cells. Our results show that PACSIN2 is localized to the plasma membrane via its coiled-coil domain. We also show that increased levels of PACSIN2 in embryos inhibit gastrulation, fibronectin (FN) fibrillogenesis and the ability of ectodermal cells to spread on a FN substrate. These effects require PACSIN2 coiled-coil domain and are not due to a reduction of FN or integrin expression and/or trafficking. The expression of a Mitochondria Anchored PACSIN2 (PACSIN2-MA) sequesters wild type PACSIN2 to mitochondria, and blocks gastrulation without interfering with cell spreading or FN fibrillogenesis but perturbs both epiboly and convergence/extension. In XTC cells, the over-expression of PACSIN2 but not PACSIN2-MA prevents the localization of integrin β1 to focal adhesions (FA) and filamin to stress fiber. PACSIN2-MA prevents filamin localization to membrane ruffles but not to stress fiber. We propose that PACSIN2 may regulate gastrulation by controlling the population of activated α5β1 integrin and cytoskeleton strength during cell movement.  相似文献   
The protein kinase C and casein kinase 2 substrates in neurons (PACSINs) represent a subfamily of membrane-binding proteins characterized by an amino-terminal Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs (F-BAR) domain. PACSINs link membrane trafficking with actin dynamics and regulate the localization of distinct cargo molecules. The F-BAR domain forms a dimer essential for lipid binding. We have obtained crystals of authentic murine PACSIN 2 that contain an ordered F-BAR domain, indicating that additional domains are flexibly connected to F-BAR. The structure shares similarity to other BAR domains and exhibits special features unique to PACSINs. These include the uneven distribution of charged residues on the concave molecular surface and a so-called wedge loop that is driven into the membrane upon binding of PACSIN. The murine PACSIN 2 F-BAR domain requires dimerization for sensing of curved membranes, and the present structure also provides a mechanism for higher-order oligomer formation. Importantly, comparison of murine with human and Drosophila PACSIN 2 F-BAR domains reveals stark differences in the orientation of distal helical segments leading to a wider crescent shape of murine PACSIN 2. We define hinge residues for these movements that may help PACSINs sense and concomitantly reinforce membrane curvature.  相似文献   
BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain-containing proteins participate in cellular membrane remodeling. The F-BAR proteins normally generate low curvature tubules. However, in the PACSIN subfamily, the F-BAR domain from PACSIN 1 and 2 can induce both high and low curvature tubules. We found that unlike PACSIN 1 and 2, PACSIN 3 could only induce low curvature tubules. To elucidate the key factors that dictate the tubule curvature, crystal structures of all three PACSIN F-BAR domains were determined. A novel type of lateral interaction mediated by a wedge loop is observed between the F-BAR neighboring dimers. Comparisons of the structures of PACSIN 3 with PACSIN 1 and 2 indicate that the wedge loop of PACSIN 3 is more rigid, which influences the lateral interactions between assembled dimers. We further identified the residues that affect the rigidity of the loop by mutagenesis and determined the structures of two PACSIN 3 wedge loop mutants. Our results suggest that the rigidity-mediated conformations of the wedge loop correlate well with the various crystal packing modes and membrane tubulations. Thus, the rigidity of the wedge loop is a key factor in dictating tubule diameters.  相似文献   
Synaptic transmission relies on effective and accurate compensatory endocytosis. F-BAR proteins may serve as membrane curvature sensors and/or inducers and thereby support membrane remodelling processes; yet, their in vivo functions urgently await disclosure. We demonstrate that the F-BAR protein syndapin I is crucial for proper brain function. Syndapin I knockout (KO) mice suffer from seizures, a phenotype consistent with excessive hippocampal network activity. Loss of syndapin I causes defects in presynaptic membrane trafficking processes, which are especially evident under high-capacity retrieval conditions, accumulation of endocytic intermediates, loss of synaptic vesicle (SV) size control, impaired activity-dependent SV retrieval and defective synaptic activity. Detailed molecular analyses demonstrate that syndapin I plays an important role in the recruitment of all dynamin isoforms, central players in vesicle fission reactions, to the membrane. Consistently, syndapin I KO mice share phenotypes with dynamin I KO mice, whereas their seizure phenotype is very reminiscent of fitful mice expressing a mutant dynamin. Thus, syndapin I acts as pivotal membrane anchoring factor for dynamins during regeneration of SVs.  相似文献   
Signaling via growth factor receptors, including the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, is key to various cellular processes, such as proliferation, cell survival, and cell migration. In a variety of human diseases such as cancer, aberrant expression and activation of growth factor receptors can lead to disturbed signaling. Intracellular trafficking is crucial for proper signaling of growth factor receptors. As a result, the level of cell surface expression of growth factor receptors is an important determinant for the outcome of downstream signaling. BAR domain-containing proteins represent an important family of proteins that regulate membrane dynamics. In this study, we identify a novel role for the F-BAR protein PACSIN2 in the regulation of EGF receptor signaling. We show that internalized EGF as well as the (activated) EGF receptor translocated to PACSIN2-positive endosomes. Furthermore, loss of PACSIN2 increased plasma membrane expression of the EGF receptor in resting cells and increased EGF-induced phosphorylation of the EGF receptor. As a consequence, EGF-induced activation of Erk and Akt as well as cell proliferation were enhanced in PACSIN2-depleted cells. In conclusion, this study identifies a novel role for the F-BAR-domain protein PACSIN2 in regulating EGF receptor surface levels and EGF-induced downstream signaling.  相似文献   
The F-BAR domain containing proteins PACSINs are cytoplasmic phosphoproteins involved in various membrane deformations, such as actin reorganization, vesicle transport and microtubule movement. Our previous study shows that all PACSINs are composed of crescent shaped dimers with two wedge loops, and the wedge loopmediated lateral interaction between neighboring dimmers is important for protein packing and tubulation activity. Here, from the crystal packing of PACSIN 2, we observed a tight tip-to-tip interaction, in addition to the wedge loopmediated lateral interaction. With this tip-to-tip interaction, the whole packing of PACSIN 2 shows a spiral-like assembly with a central hole from the top view. Elimination of this tip-to-tip connection inhibited the tubulation function of PACSIN 2, indicating that tip-to-tip interaction plays an important role in membrane deformation activity. Together with our previous study, we proposed a packing model for the assembly of PACSIN 2 on membrane, where the proteins are connected by tip-to-tip and wedge loop-mediated lateral interactions on the surface of membrane to generate various diameter tubules.  相似文献   
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