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Qualitative and quantitative benthic samples were collected monthly between December 1986 and December 1987 from several stations at various depths and basins in the karstic Lake Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain), to study the spatial distribution and seasonality of ostracodes. A total of eight ostracode species were found in the lake. Of these, Candona neglecta Sars, Isocypris beauchampi Paris and Cypria ophtalmica Jurine were the most common ostracodes at all depth stations. Darwinula stevensoni Brady & Robertson, Ilyocypris species (I. bradyi Sars and I. gibba (Ramdohr)), Cyprideis torosa (Jones) and Cyclocypris ovum Jurine, on the other hand, were confined to sublittoral and littoral areas of the lake.Substrate and organic matter content appeared to be relevant factors determining the distribution of ostracode species at the different stations. The highest abundance of ostracodes were in the sublittoral (Basin IV–7 m and Basin I-5 m) where the substrate was coarse and sediment had a high organic matter content (>35% LOI). Low oxygen levels in the hypolimnetic waters (i.e. < 1 mg l–1) may explain the absence of ostracodes at deeper zones in stations where the anoxic period lasts more than four months. On the other hand, low temperatures seem to favour the development of C. neglecta and D. stevensoni, while with higher temperatures I. beauchampi, C. torosa and C. ovum increased their abundances. However, no clear pattern can be observed, so ostracode species in Lake Banyoles, apparently, have non-seasonal life histories.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventy collected samples from Jebil section have been carefully studied for their ostracod content and referred to 41 species belonging to 20 genera. Their vertical distribution allowed to distinguish five successive associations of ostracod assemblages; two of which are correlated with the Early Lutetian, one with the Late Lutetian, another association with the Bartonian and the last one with the Priabonian. Community structure of the collected ostracod fauna has been studied; three indices have been calculated for each sample: Shannon (diversity), Margalef (richness) and Equitability indexes. In the lower and the middle part of the Formation, they indicate a stable environment supporting high diversity ostracod communities; whereas in the upper portion the environmental conditions were unstable characterized by low diversity. The results of a multivariate statistical method, using the cluster analysis and the Detrended Correspondence Analysis of the 41 ostracod species and the 170 samples, have led to conclude that the most effective environmental factor in the study area is the paleodepth and of less importance oxygenation and salinity. Thus, it allowed to distinguish four palaeoenvironmental intervals within the Cherahil Formation: the first one represented by taxa that are known from the shallower parts of the shelf; the second interval includes the majority of the encountered species of inner neritic shelf with normal salinity; the third one, corresponding to an outer neritic domain; and the last interval refers to a circalittoral environment, is comprised mainly of Cytherella angulata and of Soudanella laciniosa triangulata.  相似文献   
More than fifty ostracod species, twenty-two of which are Entomozoacea, have been identified in the upper part of the Teferguenite Formation and in the Marhouma Formation. The zonal sequence established on the Entomozoacea is applicable to the Frasnian and the Famennian of the Algerian Sahara; seven zones are recognized. One new species, Tubulibairdia marhoumaensis nov. sp., is described.  相似文献   
Thirty-four species of ostracodes are collected in the platform series of the Southern Corbières; two biostratigraphical assemblages, with 13 and 29 species, are respectively recognized in Cenomanian and Upper Turonian; palaeoecology is specified. At that time, the ostracode sub-province of South-West France, established on Southern Corbières, Aquitaine, Touraine-Poitou-Charentes region and Provence, is connected with Eastern and Northern regions and countries: Sub-alpines ranges, Paris Basin, Great Britain, Switzerland and Bohemia, and with the Iberian Peninsula, sub-province of North-Central Spain and Western Portuguese Basin. The crossing of the Tethys and the Atlantic Ocean is realized, in Turonian, by some rare species.  相似文献   
Cenomanian-Turonian ostracodes are reported from the western Colorado Plateau (Western Interior Basin) in the United States. Fifteen genera and twenty species are illustrated, six of which are new: Cytheromorphaperornata nov. sp., Looneyellaleckiei nov. sp., Asciocythereposterangulata nov. sp., Asciocytherearizonensis nov. sp., Cytheropteronclavifragilis nov. sp. and Hourcqiadakotaensis nov. sp. Three ostracode interval zones are proposed that broadly correspond to the existing late Cenomanian through to Middle Turonian Ammonite-zones of Kauffman et al. (1993). Paleoenvironments range from estuarine to coastal plain.  相似文献   
The Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene of Aigion have delivered an abundant microfauna with 35 ostracode species. The Pleistocene from Aigion borehole generally provides Ostracodes from oligohaline environment with Cyprideis torosa, Candona angulata and Tyrrhenocythere amnicola while, in the Holocene, marine infralittoral species dominate with Cytheridea neapolitana, Carinocythereis whitei, Loxoconcha ovulata and Cytherois frequens. The marine sedimentation occurred at depth from some meters to some tens of meters. In the Aghios Constantinos section, the lagoonal marls are characterised by Euxinocythere schuldtae and a dwarf species of Xestoleberis. Then, a drastic environmental change occurs around the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary and presumably affected the whole Corinth gulf.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the Cenomanian–early Turonian ostracods in the southern Sinai, Egypt. The investigated sequence includes the Raha and Abu Qada formations. The Raha Formation consists of distinctive Cenomanian taxa such as Cytherella aegyptiensis, Veeniacythereis maghrebensis, V. jezzineensis, V. streblolophata streblolophata, Monoceratina trituberculata, and Glenocythere reticulata. Based on the ostracod species, four local biozones are recognized, including Veeniacythereis jezzineensis – Metacythereopteron berbericum, Cytherella eosulcata – Xestoleberis derorimensis, Amphicytherura ziregensis and Perissocytheridea istriana – Cythereis fahrioni. The paleobiogeography of the considered ostracods suggests that there are two bioprovinces, the first of which is the North African province and includes Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. The second bioprovince represents the Middle East province and includes Lebanon, Oman and Iran. The strong resemblance between the two bioprovince indicates a relatively good communication along the margin of Southern Tethys during the Cenomanian and improved marine ostracod exchange.  相似文献   
A new non-marine ostracod fauna from the Paleogene “hamadian deposits” outcropping west of Bechar (southwestern Algeria) has been recovered from lacustrine to fluvial deposits of the Oued Méridja section and fluvial deposits on the southern edge of the Hamada de Méridja section. Recently, these sections have been dated as late Thanetian – early Ypresian (latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene) and Ypresian – earliest Lutetian (early to earliest middle Eocene), respectively, based on charophytes. The associated ostracod fauna recovered consists of relatively mostly moderately to badly preserved specimens and comprises 14 taxa, none of which could be identified to species level in view of its poor state of preservation; we have nevertheless been able to identify and describe the following taxa: Herpetocypris sp., Cyprinotus? sp., Heterocypris? sp. 1 and sp. 2, Cypris? sp., Ilyocypris sp., Cytheroidea indet. sp. 1 and sp. 2, Limnocytheridae indet. sp. 1, Cypridoidea indet. sp. 1, Cyprididae indet. sp. 1, and Ostracoda indet. sp. 1, 2 and 3. Only Heterocypris sp. 1 occurs in both sections. Although the fauna can as yet not be related to the few other contemporaneous faunas reported from the wider palaeogeographic area, it adds important new information to our poor knowledge on Eocene non-marine ostracods in North Africa and southern Europe. The Méridja sections and area are promising regarding the discovery of more, better preserved material and further studies, and one main limitation to the correlation of the fauna is the hitherto insufficient taxonomic knowledge on many faunal elements of Eocene non-marine ostracods to which our section contributes considerably.  相似文献   
The Albian sediments of the Transdanubian Range in Hungary were deposited in non-marine to fully-marine environments. The studied sections revealed diverse benthic ostracod faunas with moderately-preserved specimens. Forty-six taxa are identified and Cypridea zalanyii n. sp. is newly described. The detailed palaeoecological study of these ostracod faunas provided an opportunity to distinguish eight assemblages. The assemblages include limnic, brackish lagoon, shallow marine, reef and low oxygenated semi-enclosed basin environments in the Northern Tethys region we investigated. This work contributes to the knowledge about Albian non-marine faunas from Europe and explores ecological requirements of brackish faunas.  相似文献   
Ostracode faunas have been identified for the firsttime in Early marine Cenomanian sediments of the Ajlun Group (Jordan) outcropping East of the Jordan Rift Valley. The faunal assemblages contain 14 genera and 17 species. Sediments indicate the internal part of a carbonate platform. The Ostracodes are closely related to those of neighbouring regions; accordingly, in the Tethyan context, Jordan belongs to the North Africa — Middle East bioprovince.  相似文献   
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