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Rylux BSU, a new fluorescent brightener from the family of 4,4-diaminostilbene-2,2disulfonic acid derivatives, inhibited growth and cytokinesis of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the presence of 0.1–1 mg/ml Rylux BSU the cells grew in clumps, had irregular shape and were larger than controls. They formed apparently normal primary septa but their secondary septa and lateral cell walls, especially those in older cells, were abnormally thick with large deposits of amorphous wall material in the periplasmic spaces all over the cell surface. Chitin content in the cell walls of cells grown in the presence of Rylux BSU was increased 2 to 5 times in comparison to that of the controls and glucan content was reduced by up to 30%. In the in vitro assays with particulate membrane fractions, Rylux BSU acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of -1,3-glucan synthase with inhibitory constant K i=1.75 mg/ml whereas the chitin synthase was inhibited to a much lesser extent. From the difference of the effects of Rylux BSU on the synthesis of chitin in vivo and in vitro it is concluded that the brightener interacts with chitin synthase only indirectly, possibly by influencing the properties of integral plasma membrane.Abbreviations RBSU Rylux BSU, 1,4-benzenedisulfonic acid-2,2-[ethyleneidy]bis[(3-sulpho-4,1-phenylene)imino[6-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diylamino]]bis-, hexasodium salt - FB fluorescent brightener  相似文献   
Abstract K88ab fimbriae are filamentous protein structures at the surface of certain enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains. Electron microscopy analysis of K88ab fimbriae showed that these structures have different morphological appearances dependent on the medium in which cells expressing these fimbriae or in which purified fimbriae were suspended. Thin and curled structures, thin and flexible fimbriae, a wider and rigid form of the fimbriae, and, in addition, paracrystalline structures were detected. Optical diffraction analysis of the paracrystalline structures indicated a helical conformation of K88ab fimbriae.  相似文献   
In this work we report the optical absorption spectra of three cobalt-substituted derivatives of hemocyanin (He) from Carcinus maenas, in the temperature range 300–20 K. The derivatives studied are the mononuclear (Co2+)-He with a single cobalt ion in the CuA site, the binuclear (Co2+)2-He and the binuclear mixed metal (Co2+-Cu1+)-He. At low temperature three main bands are clearly resolved; the temperature dependence of their zeroth, first and second moments sheds light on the stereodynamic properties in the surroundings of the chromophore. Within the limits of the reported analysis, in the binuclear derivatives the motions coupled to the chromophore appear to be essentially harmonic in the whole temperature range investigated; moreover the data are consistent with the presence of an exogenous ligand strongly bound to the two metal ions. For the mononuclear derivative an essentially harmonic behavior is evident only up to 200 K where the data are consistent with the presence of an exogenous ligand much less strongly bound, while at higher temperatures the behavior of the spectra indicates the onset of very large anharmonic contributions to motions, that plausibly involve the above exogenous ligand and, quite likely, the entire active site.Abbreviations He Hemocyanin - M0 zeroth moment - M1 first moment - M2 second moment - (Co2–)2-He binuclear bicobalt hemocyanin derivative - (Co2+)-He mononuclear monocobalt hemocyanin derivative - (Co2+-Cu1+)-He binuclear mixed metals hemocyanin derivative - LFT ligand field theory - CT charge transfer - EPR electronic paramagnetic resonance - XANES X-ray absorption near edge structure Correspondence to: L. Cordone  相似文献   
In this work we study the temperature dependence of the Soret band lineshape of deoxymyoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin, in the range 300–20 K. To fit the measured spectra we use an approach originally proposed by Champion and coworkers (Srajer et al. 1986; Srajer and Champion 1991). The band profile is modelled as a Voigt function that accounts for the coupling with low frequency vibrational modes, whereas the coupling with high frequency modes is responsible for the vibronic structure of the spectra. Moreover, owing to the position of the iron atom out of the mean heme plane, inhomogeneous broadening brings about a non-Gaussian distribution of 0–0 electronic transition frequencies. The reported analysis enables us to isolate the various contributions to the overall bandwidth, and their temperature dependence points out the relevance of low frequency vibrations and of large scale anharmonic motions starting at temperatures higher than 170 K. Information on the mean iron-heme plane distance and on its temperature dependence, as well as on the heme pocket conformational disorder, is also obtained.Abbreviations Cc Carbon monoxide - Hb Human deoxyhemoglobin A - HbCO human carbonmonoxyhemoglobin A - SWMb spermwhale deoxymyoglobin - SWMbCO spermwhale carbonmonoxymyoglobin - HbO2 human oxyhemoglobin A - SWMb3+-H2O spermwhale aquometmyoglobin  相似文献   
Some contemporary issues relevant to the chemistry of mammalian cytochromec oxidase are discussed. These include the optical properties of heme A and the spectroscopic consequences of the differences in side-chain substitution compared to heme B; a common fallacy concerning the electrostatic exchange interaction between cytochromea 3 and CuB; the question of the number and location of the copper components of the enzyme; and the mode of binding of ligands such as cyanide and azide.  相似文献   
 Light partition has been examined and evaluated on five woody species (Olea europaea, Ficus carica, Pittosporum tobira, Hedera helix maculata, Persica vulgaris) in relation to their leaf morpho-histological characteristics, water and chlorophyll contents. Leaf parameters and optical properties (reflectance, transmittance, absorbance) in PAR, FR and NIR wavebands (400–1100 nm) were preliminarily submitted to a canonical correlation analysis where lamina thickness and water content showed a leading role in determining all the optical properties, while chlorophyll, influential in the PAR region, was remarkably effective only in an extreme pigment situation when green and albino patches of ivy leaves were compared. Transmittance appeared inversely related to lamina thickness in accordance with the Lambert Beer law. Significant correlations were found also between mesophyll water content and both transmittance (positive) and reflectance (negative). Olive leaves showed peculiar optical patterns because of the dense and continuous trichome layer on their abaxial surface. Received: 3 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   
Squid giant axons were injected with aequorin or arsenazo III and impaled with a Ca-sensing electrode. The light output of aequorin or the spectrophotometer output when measuring arsenazo was compared with the voltage output of the electrode when the squid axon was depolarized with high-K solutions, when the seawater was made Na-free, or when the axon was tetanized for several minutes. The results from these treatments were that the optical response rose (as much as 50-fold) with all treatments known to increase Ca entry, while the electrode remained unaffected by these treatments. If axons previously subjected to Ca load are treated with electron-transport poisons such as CN, it is known that [Ca]i rises after a time necessary to deplete ATP stores. In such axons one expects a rise of [Ca]i in axoplasm which does not necessarily have to be uniform although the source of such Ca is the mitochondria and these are uniformly distributed in axoplasm. Under conditions of CN application, the optical signals from aequorin or arsenazo and Ca electrode output do rise together when [Ca]i is high, but there is a region of [Ca]i concentration where aequorin light output or arsenazo absorbance rises while electrode output does not. Axons not loaded with Ca but injected with apyrase and vanadate have mitochondria that still retain some Ca and this can be released by CN in a truly uniform manner. The results show that such a release (which is small) can be readily measured with aequorin, but again the Ca electrode is insensitive to such [Ca]i change.  相似文献   
Summary The unprecedented rate of depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer will likely lead to appreciable increases in the amount of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) reaching the earth's surface. In plants, photosynthetic reactions and nucleic acids in the mesophyll of leaves are deleteriously affected by UV-B. We used a fiber-optic microprobe to make direct measurements of the amount of UV-B reaching these potential targets in the mesophyll of intact foliage. A comparison of foliage from a diverse group of Rocky Mountain plants enabled us to assess whether the foliage of some plant life forms appeared more effective at screening UV-B radiation. The leaf epidermis of herbaceous dicots was particularly ineffective at attenuating UV-B; epidermal transmittance ranged from 18–41% and UV-B reached 40–145 m into the mesophyll or photosynthetic tissue. In contrast to herbaceous dicots, the epidermis of 1-year old conifer needles attenuated essentially all incident UV-B and virtually none of this radiation reached the mesophyll. Although the epidermal layer was appreciably thinner in older needles (7 y) at high elevations (Krumholtz), essentially all incident UV-B was attenuated by the epidermis in these needles. The same epidermal screening effectiveness was observed after removal of epicuticular waxes with chloroform. Leaves of woody dicots and grasses appeared intermediate between herbaceous dicots and conifers in their UV-B screening abilities with 3–12% of the incident UV-B reaching the mesophyll. These large differences in UV-B screening effectiveness suggest that certain plant life forms may be more predisposed than others to meet the challenge of higher UV-B levels resulting from stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   
Confocal fluorescence microscopy of plant cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary The confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) has become a vital instrument for the examination of subcellular structure, especially in fluorescently stained cells. Because of its ability to markedly reduce out-of-focus flare, when compared to the conventional wide-field fluorescence microscope, the CLSM provides a substantial improvement in resolution along the z axis and permits optical sectioning of cells. These developments have been particularly helpful for the investigation of plant cells and tissues, which because of their shape, size, and optical properties have been difficult to analyze at high resolution by conventional means. We review the contribution that the CLSM has made to the study of plant cells. We first consider the principle of operation of the CLSM, including a discussion of image processing, and of lasers and appropriate fluorescent dyes. We then summarize several studies of both fixed and live plant cells in which the instrument has provided new or much clearer information about cellular substructure than has been possible heretofore. Attention is given to the visualization of different components, including especially the cytoskeleton, endomembranes, nuclear components, and relevant ions, and their changes in relationship to physiological and developmental processes. We conclude with an effort to anticipate advances in technology that will improve and extend the performance of the CLSM. In addition to the usual bibliography, we provide internet addresses for information about the CLSM.  相似文献   
Titanium dioxide (TiO2)reflects ultraviolet light, and so could beexpected to protect the occlusion bodies (OBs)of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) fromdegradation by sunlight. However, in thepresence of sunlight and water, TiO2catalyzes the formation of hydrogen peroxide,which can degrade OBs. We tested microfineTiO2 that had been photostabilized(particles were coated to prevent catalyticactivity), as a UV protectant for the OBs ofthe NPV of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Inthe absence of UV, activity of the OBs wasreduced by nonphotostabilized TiO2 but wasunaffected by photostabilized TiO2 or byzinc oxide (ZnO). None of these materialsinfluenced larval feeding rates. Undersimulated sunlight, photostabilizedTiO2 protected the OBs to a greater degreethan did ZnO. Photostabilized TiO2 wascompatible with a viral enhancer, thefluorescent brightener Blankophor HRS. Undersimulated sunlight, both materials increasedactivity of the OBs, relative to OBs withneither material, in a largely additive manner. In bioassays of foliage collected from fieldplots of lima bean plants sprayed with OBs withor without one or both of these materials,TiO2 increased persistence of the OBs, butBlankophor HRS had no significant effect.  相似文献   
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