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The lagena (the third otolith endorgan in vertebrates)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this review, the structure and functions of the lagena (the third otolith organ) in an evolutionary lineage of the vertebrates are described and discussed. The lagenar macula appears first in the posterior part of the sacculus of elasmobranchs; in these animals, the lagena is considered to be involved in the balance support (orientation with respect to the gravitation force). The lagena as a separate endorgan has been described in teleost fishes; in some species, the lagena is connected with the sacculus, while in other species the interrelations of these structures can be dissimilar. The lagena supplements the functions of the sacculus; in fishes (animals with no special organ of hearing), it is involved in discrimination of sound oscillations, identification of the gravitation vector, and orientation in the course of movements within the vertical plane. In amphibians, the lagena is localized in the posterior part of the sacculus, near the auditory structures; it performs mostly vestibular and (to a much lesser extent) auditory functions. In amniotes, the lagena was first separated from the sacculus; it is localized in the cochlear canal, distally with respect to the hearing organ. Information on the functions of the lagena in amniotes is rather limited and contradictory. Central projections of this organ have been examined practically only in birds. Lagenar afferents project to the vestibular nuclei and cerebellum, while some fibers come to the auditory nuclei of the medulla. The lagena in birds can be related to their navigation abilities (birds are supposed to be capable of orienting within the magnetic field of the Earth due to the magnetic properties of the lagenar otoconia; this structure can also provide detection of movements along the vertical axis. The close proximity between the otolithic and auditory endorgans in the cochlear canal of amniotes can be indicative of the functional significance of these interrelations. This aspect, however, remains at present undiscovered. In mammals (except Monotremata), there is no lagena as an independent endorgan. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 160–178, March–April, 2008.  相似文献   

1. 1.The sensations evoked by pairs of distinct thermal stimuli applied to the back of the hand were studied in 17 volunteer subjects. Four stimulus combinations were used; neutral-cold (NC), neutral-neutral (NN), neutral-warm (NW), and cold-warm (CW).

2. 2.The subjects were first asked to estimate the magnitude of the thermal sensations evoked by the thermal stimuli. On average, the four pairs were reported as increasing magnitude in the following order: NC, CW, NN, and NW, seeming to suggest that the subjects experienced the cold-warm combination as a composite sensation of cold and warmth intermediate between pure cold and pure warmth.

3. 3.When asked only to detect the presence of a cold stimulus, the subjects performed as well for the CW combination as for the CN combination. This second result indicates that the reported composite magnitude of CW does not result from a true opponency of cold and warmth but from a cognitive combination of distinct sensations of cold and warmth.

Author Keywords: Thermal sense; psychophysics; perception; sensory opponency; man  相似文献   

A modification of the trap assay (Woodard et al., 1989) was used to evaluate the response of Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) to food media containing menthol. Dose-response curves for flies to mentholic foods were produced for flies that had been pre-exposed to menthol, during development and adult life, and flies that had not been exposed to menthol before the assay. Mentholic food media were less attractive to Drosophila than plain food medium. Rearing flies on a medium containing menthol reduced their aversion to some concentrations of menthol. The rearing effect was not simply due to lowered general activity levels resulting from developing in a medium containing menthol. There was a threshold concentration of menthol in the rearing medium below which we found no induced behavioural change.  相似文献   
The cellular composition of the blood, anterior kidney, spleen and thymus of turbot Scophrhalmus maximus L., aged 1 + was determined. Ninety-four per cent of blood cells belonged to the erythrocyte lineage of which 82% were mature erythrocytes. The leucocytes, which represented 4.5% of the blood cells, were mainly lymphocytes (50%). The presence of crythroblasts in the anterior kidney and the spleen demonstrated an erythropoietic activity in both organs. However, this activity appeared to be prevalent in the spleen which also appeared to act as a storage zone for erythrocytes and as the centre point for thrombopoiesis. Although 96% of the anterior kidney cells were leucocytes, the number of white cells per gram of organ was higher in the spleen.  相似文献   
Summary By combined enzymatic and mechanical treatment, it was possible to dissociate the sensory epithelium of developing antennae of male Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi silkmoths from the stage of separation of the antennal branches up to the early stages of cuticle deposition. Large numbers of entire developing trichoid sensilla were isolated. These are characterized by a large trichogen cell with a long apical, hair-forming process and a large nucleus. A cluster of 2–3 sensory neurons, enclosed by the thecogen cell, is situated in the basal region. The dendrites run past the nucleus of the trichogen cell into the apical process from which they protrude laterally. The nuclei of the tormogen and a 4th enveloping cell can be distinguished near the base of the prospective hair. After further dissociation, only the neuron clusters remain, still enclosed by their thecogen cell and often attached to the antennal branch nerve via their axons. It is finally possible to disrupt the thecogen cells and the axons, leaving the sensory neurons with inner dendritic segments and axon stumps. The majority of these neurons can be expected to be olfactory.  相似文献   
Polypeptides from stems, leaves, sepals, corollas, stamens and pistils of the Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil Roth (Pharbitis nil Chois.)) were separated by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. The majority of polypeptides were expressed in two or more organs, while those specific to only one organ were comparatively rate. Among the polypeptides of the former class were two which appeared to be floral-specific. A 46-kDa (kilodalton) polypeptide was expressed in corollas, stamens and pistils, whereas a 32-kDa polypeptide was observed only in extracts prepared from reproductive organs. Polypeptide spots from the various organs were compared with those from leaves, and it was found that sepals and stems shared 40–50% of their polypeptides with leaves, whereas corollas, stamens and pistils shared 20% or less. The latter organs shared 120 polypeptides or roughly 15% of those identified in the floral extracts. Floralorgan-specific polypeptides comprised nearly 10% of the total floral polypeptides identified.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   
1.  We determined the spectral tuning properties of 47 chemoreceptor cells of the antenna of Homarus americanus to amino acids and other compounds. Tests with 17 single compounds at 10-4 M showed 40 of 47 cells responded best to hydroxyproline, 4 cells to taurine and 3 cells to betaine. Mean tuning breadth (H-metric) doubled with 10 fold increase in concentration.
2.  In hydroxyproline-best cells the mean threshold for hydroxyproline (Hyp) was found between 10-7 M and 10-8 M. An equimolar mixture of the 17 compounds generated a shallower stimulus-response function with thresholds similar to Hyp function (mixture suppression). Hyp-best cells were relatively narrowly tuned, often with arginine or leucine as second best stimuli.
3.  Thus, physiologically the second antenna of H. americanus is a major chemoreceptor organ. It is more than any of the 5 chemoreceptor organs studied so far dominated by a single best-cell type (Hyp). Receptor cell composition of antennae resembles that of antennules more than legs or maxillipeds. Hyp-best cells in antennae and lateral antennules have similar tuning spectra.
4.  Our cell tuning studies argue for independent receptors for all amino acids tested. We conclude that diversity of receptor cell tuning is created by cell-specific blends of receptors. At the organ level, differences in organ tuning result from different blends of receptor cells.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) and met-enkephalin (MEK) related peptides have been shown to alter feeding behavior subsequent to their injection into the peripheral circulation or directly into the brains of several species. To evaluate the potential role of endogenous brain pools of these peptides in feeding, groups of sheep were sacrificed either immediately following a meal (satiated) or after various intervals of food deprivation (hungry). Content of CCK-gastrin immunoreactivity in the anterior hypothalami of satiated sheep was elevated compared to 2, 4, or 24 hours of food deprivation. Content of MEK increased progressively with longer intervals of fasting (4 and 24 hours) in the amygdala and basomedial hypothalamus, whereas olfactory bulb content decreased with a similar time course. The results support a potential role for anterior hypothalamic CCK/gastrin in behaviors of satiety, whereas MEK neurons of limbic/rhinencephalic regions appear to form part of a separate circuit gradually activated by increasing hunger. Results are discussed in terms of potential target regions of the peptides, as well as the regional levels and feeding response of sheep as compared to available data from other species.  相似文献   
Summary The lymphoid organs of rosy barb (Barbus conchonius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) were investigated for their phagocytic uptake of carbon, after its intraperitoneal injection. Carbon handling was similar in both species. It was first detected in the lymphoid organs at 30 min after injection. During the first day, carbon was phagocytized by macrophages situated in the spleen within the ellipsoids and in the red pulp. In head and trunk kidney, carbon was found in macrophages scattered throughout the haemopoietic parenchyma, and in cells lining the blood sinuses. In the spleen, macrophages replete with carbon left the ellipsoidal structures and formed aggregates with pigment-containing macrophages from day 6 onwards. In all lymphoid organs, almost all carbon was ultimately concentrated in the melano-macrophage centres.  相似文献   
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