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This study documents odontometric variation in four populations of related genetic background. It is found that the transplanted populations of Cuanalan and Saltillo have undergone significant microdifferentiation in tooth size relative to the two home valley populations. The extent and direction of this microdifferentiation is seen as reflecting differential amounts of admixture from African and European sources in demographic subunits of the two transplanted populations. The dental variables found to discriminate significantly between populations are the same variables predicted to be evolutionarily labile by Butler's Field Theory. Principal component analysis confirms the presence of morphological fields in these data and supports the position that each class has a stable tooth, with stability decreasing with increasing distance from the key tooth. The importance of hybridization in determining which variables significantly discriminate between populations is confounded by the effects of development of the dentition in morphogenetic fields. These data suggest the odontometric data provide an adequate, if somewhat conservative, base from which to evaluate microdifferentiation of human populations.  相似文献   
The teeth of modern Skolt Lapps from northern Finland are considerably larger than those of their ancestors of the Eighteenth Century. The increase is probably attributable to improved nutrition. One or more teeth, excluding the third molars, were congenitally missing in 18.8% of the population aged 5 to 20 years. Relative to a standard the anterior teeth are larger than the posterior teeth, particularly the premolars. This accords well with the hypodontia pattern which is dominated by premolar agenesis.  相似文献   
Odontometric, dietary, and body weight data were collected for a sample of 29 cercopithecoid species. Each species was assigned to one of three diet classes (frugivore, folivore, and omnivore) , and indices were constructed to estimate the extent of sexual dimorphism in body weight, postcanine area and incisor width in each of the species. Analysis proceeded by means of the analysis of covariance with the dental dimorphism indices as the dependent variables. Body weight dimorphism was not significantly related to either measure of dental dimorphism across the sample, and an analysis by diet alone revealed that omnivores show significantly higher dental dimorphism than do either of the other two diet classes. The relationship between this result and theories of sexual subniche differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   
The relations between two tooth indices, post-canine area and incisor width in the upper jaw, and three variables, diet, body weight and body weight dimorphism, were examined separately for the males and females of 29 cercopithecoid species. Each species was assigned to one of three diet classes (folivore, frugivore, omnivore). Data on the other variable consisted of species means (log-transformed) obtained from published sources. The analytic techniques used were bivariate and multiple regression, the tooth indices being the dependent variables. All tooth indices scaled isometrically within diet classes, and all except female incisor width scaled with positive allometry across diet classes. In both sexes, the body weight adjusted mean incisor width of folivores was significantly smaller than that of either frugivores or omnivores. In the females, the body weight adjusted mean post-canine areas did not differ significantly across diet classes, while in the males the omnivores had a larger body weight adjusted mean post-canine area than either the folivores or frugivores. Female post-canine area was the only tooth index for which body weight dimorphism was a significant predictor. Extrapolations of these findings to other extant and to fossil primate species are discussed.  相似文献   
The usefulness of the M-statistic in odontomorphometric distance analyses was evaluated against a battery of more traditional metrics, which included Mahalanobis' D2, Penrose's shape metric, the Manhattan distance and Delta. Odontometric data used for the analyses were derived from 202 Paraguayan Lengua Indians and 125 contemporary caucasoids. Efron's Bootstrap procedure was used to evaluate the statistical accuracy of the different metrics, when each was applied to the same populations. Additionally, metric stability in the face of reduced sample size, statistical bias resulting from over- and underestimation, and the effects of standardization, were investigated. Our results indicated that Penrose's shape metric rather that the recently introduced M-statistic was the most reliable metric evaluated. Penrose's shape remained the most reliable when sample size was artificially reduced and when raw data were used. Interestingly, Mahalanobis' generalized distance emerged as the least reliable statistics, especially when used on small sample sizes.  相似文献   
Size and shape in similarity coefficients based on metric characters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of quantitative measures of distance and similarity have been used in physical anthropology, often without sufficient prior testing of their usefulness and understanding of their meaning. A variety of such coefficients were compared by applying them to an odontometric sample. It was found that Penrose's size-shape dichotomy extends not only to his coefficients but to all other similarity measures as well, such as the coefficient of racial likeness, generalized distance, canonical variates, and Q-mode correlation. Only size differences were detected by the C.R.L., Penrose's size distance, D2, and canonical variates, and as a result these methods failed to produce an accurate classification. Penrose's shape distance and Q-mode correlation coefficients produced better results due to their determination of similarity on the basis of more important shape and morphological differences. The D2 and canonical variates methods were converted to shape measures through Q-mode standardization of the raw data, whereupon they also produced more meaningful results.  相似文献   
A unique seventeenth–nineteenth century slave cemetery population from Newton plantation, Barbados, allows examination of craniodental characters in relation to ethnohistorical data. Age-at-death estimates suggest life expectancy at birth of 29 years and low infant mortality; historical demography, however, suggests life expectancy of 20 years and very high infant mortality. Tooth decay, bilateral tooth loss, periodontal disease, root hypercementosis, and severe enamel hypoplasia are high in frequency. The teeth yield evidence of such cultural practices as pipe-smoking and incisor mutilation. Several skeletal features reflect periodic near-starvation. Directional and fluctuating dental asymmetry, relative tooth size, and hypoplasia distribution suggest slaves experienced considerable weaning trauma; metabolic stress at this time exceeded that of prenatal and immediate postnatal periods. Odontometrics and dental and cranial nonmetric traits indicate that modern Blacks are intermediate between the ancestral slaves and modern Whites but more similar to the latter, suggesting effects of environmental covariance exceed those of genetic admixture. Nonmetric trait distributions show nonrandom patterns according to area of burial in the cemetery, a possible result of family segregation.  相似文献   
Recent investigations have shown that nongenetic, environmental factors can adversely affect dental growth and produce bilateral asymmetries in tooth size. When asymmetries do not favor either side, i.e., absence of directional asymmetry, the condition is termed fluctuating asymmetry. Fluctuating asymmetry of the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions of the total permanent dentition was compared among human skeletal populations which differ socio-economically and nutritionally. Odontometric data were collected from prehistoric hunters (Indian Knoll site), later aboriginal farming groups (Campbell and Larson sites), and a modern cadaver population (Hamann-Todd). The magnitude of asymmetry is expressed by the familiar correlation coefficient, r. The proportion, then, of intra-individual variation due to fluctuating asymmetry is equal to 1-r. With Wilcoxon's signed ranks test on the correlation coefficients no significant sex difference was shown within populations. Among groups, though, Indian Knoll was the most odontometrically asymmetrical; moreover, within Indian Knoll, the taller and ostensibly better nourished individuals had larger, less asymmetrical teeth than the shorter individuals. These results suggest that environmentally mediated growth disturbance may be sensitively reflected by dental asymmetry. A population exhibiting other signs of severe growth disturbance, e.g., enamel hypoplasia and Harris lines, was the most dentally asymmetrical.  相似文献   
Sub-Saharan African (and derived) populations typically exhibit larger mean tooth crown diameters than whites in spite of considerable population variability. We report on a 19th century series of American black slaves from a single cemetery near Charleston, South Carolina, that possessed notably smaller crown sizes. Analysis identifies a characteristic set of differences compared to caucasians, including retention of large maxillary lateral incisors and disproportionately large premolars and molars. Regression of principal components scores (derived from the mesiodistal diameters) on the sum of all diameters (used here as a measure of overall tooth mass) confirms a basic ethnic difference between black and white odontometrics: significantly more of the tooth mass is apportioned to the cheek teeth (premolars, molars) in blacks than whites. The difference (expressed as residuals from linear regression on tooth mass) holds for the several groups assessed here despite considerable intergroup variability in tooth sizes. Potential explanations for the notably small diameters of this plantation series are speculative, but may involve kin-based divergences and/or reflect the natural intergroup differences extant in the African slave sources.  相似文献   
It has long been recognized that tooth crown diameters in hominoids are all positively intercorrelated one with another. This study reports on sex-specific correlation matrices derived from 2,650 individuals from the Solomon Islands, Melanesia. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters of all permanent teeth from one side are used, excluding third molars. Analysis discloses significant sex dimorphism in the strengths of the intercorrelations, with females being better integrated. Principal components analysis (PCA) provides an objective means of data reduction (shown here to be preferable to simple size summation methods) and decorrelation of the resulting linear combinations. Four components are extracted (with results being virtually identical in the two sexes) and arguments are put forth that varimax rotation to "a simpler solution" may be counterproductive. Before rotation, the four components are 1) overall size, 2) buccolingual widths contrasted with mesiodistal lengths, 3) anterior (I,C) contrasted with posterior (P,M) teeth, and 4) premolars contrasted with molars. Most of the explained (shared) variance (63%) extracted by PCA is in overall size of the dentition. There is a strong urge to view the results of these principal components analyses as reflective of biologically and genetically meaningful entities.  相似文献   
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