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Cholera toxin (CT) stimulated phospholipase activity and caused [3H]arachidonic acid (3H-AA) release in a murine macrophage/monocyte cell line. Pretreatment of cells with dexamethasone, a phospholipase A2 (PLA2) inhibitor, did not affect CT-induced 3H-AA release. In contrast, aspirin, which is an inhibitor of phospholipase C (PLC), blocked CT-induced 3H-AA release and subsequent prostaglandin (PC) synthesis. The inhibitory effect of aspirin was dose dependent, with 4 mM reducing the CT response by approximately 50%. Similarly, inhibition was time dependent, occurring when the drug was added to the culture medium as late as 30 min after CT. Brief exposure (30 min) of the cells to aspirin did not alter their subsequent response to CT, but 3H-AA release from cells exposed to aspirin for 2.5 h was irreversibly inhibited. The data suggested that CT stimulation of AA metabolism may involve increased PLC activity.  相似文献   
The genusPittosporum includes about 160 species. Four species ofPittosporum occur in the Bonin Islands, and all of these are endemic to the islands. Electrophoretic studies of the four endemic species,P. tobira, from the Japanese mainland, andP. lutchuense var.denudatum from the Ryukyu Islands, were used to determine the origin and speciation pattern of the endemic species. 259 individuals were sampled from ten populations. Twenty loci in nine enzyme systems were resolved and used to calculate the gene frequencies for each population. A low genetic diversity was observed in three of the Bonin Island species, as is reported for other oceanic island plants. The exception,P. boninense, has the largest population size and widest distribution. A dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method shows two clusters. One consists of only the Bonin endemics, suggesting a monophyletic origin for these species.  相似文献   
A new species, Metapochonia hahajimaensis is proposed. Three isolates were obtained from soil samples collected from Hahajima, Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo, Japan. Using a combination of morphological characteristics and multigene (ITS, SSU, LSU, TEF) phylogenics, the isolates were identified as a Metapochonia species which were previously undescribed. The new species is distinguished from the closely-related M. bulbillosa and M. goniodes or other Metapochonia taxa by conidial size and colonial characteristics.  相似文献   
V. Pietsch 《Plant Ecology》1985,59(1-3):97-109
On the basis of three selected examples chorological phenomena in waterplant communities of central, east and southern Europe are represented. Species of the Atlantic-oceanic floral element of the order Juncetalia bulbosi, like Pilularia globulifera, Eleocharis multicaulis and Deschampsia setacea are growing in markedly secondary sites near their eastern border, i.e. in the Lusatian district of central Europe, especially in sand, gravel and clay pits as well as in residue lakes of opencast mines. As a result of intensive recent human activities numerous new sites are being established now causing an expansion of their distribution area. With decreasing oceanity from the central part to the eastern border of the area a change in the floristic-sociological structure of the relevant plant communities and in the hydrochemical composition of the respective water bodies takes place. In western Europe the species grow in soft water poor in minerals, in the eastern part (central Europe) in mineral-rich, hard water with calcium and sulphate.At present Ceratophyllum submersum has a high frequency in the northeastern area in Mecklenburg. The sites are morainic lakes (kettle holes) and small waters and ponds near settlements, which are enriched in minerals and nitrales in consequence of the intensive agricultural use of inorganic fertilizers. Moreover the waters are alkaline and rich in minerals, especially bicarbonate and possess a high range of total hardness. The example of eight different sites of Aldrovanda vesiculosa illustrates a striking change of its diagnostic value in its disjunct north-south distribution. In the northern part of central Europe Aldrovanda is found in the communities of the Utricularietea intermedio-minoris, both in waters with a low acidity rich in sulphate and in alkaline waters rich in bicarbonate (Sphagno-Utricularion and Scorpidio-Utricularion respectively). In southern central Europe and in southeastern Europe Aldrovanda occurs in Lemnetea and Potametea communities. In northeastern Poland Aldrovanda is found together with Hydrilla verticillata, Chara mentosa, Myriophyllum verticillatum and Scorpidium scorpioides.
Die Sippennomenklatur richtet sich nach Rothmaler et al. (1970).  相似文献   
Cyclostratigraphical analysis of the foraminiferal assemblages from the Early Toarcian at the Mochras Farm Borehole (Wales) was conducted in order to evaluate the incidence of cyclic palaeoenvironmental changes on the foraminiferal community. Different variables such as type of morphogroup, evolutionary strategy, habitat, particular taxa, diversity and abundance were studied using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram implemented in the computer program SLOMBS. A well‐developed cyclostratigraphical pattern is recognized, with the presence of several cycles (in metres) at 3.4–4/7.2–7.5/10.1–10.6/32.1–33.3/104.2–111.2/128.2/166.7, belonging to the high‐, middle‐, middle‐/low‐, and low‐frequency bands. The incidence and relevance of the cycles is found to be related to particular variables marking the global and local character of the involved processes. Cyclic changes in the organic matter input are found to be the most relevant palaeoenvironmental factor, oxygenation being secondary. A correspondence with specific Milankovitch cycles is, at present, difficult to determine.  相似文献   
The taxon currently known as Isothecium myosuroides var. brachythecioides (Dixon) Braithw. is reinstated as a species, I. interludens Stirt., the name originally assigned by Stirton when it was first described. The morphological characters separating I. myosuroides s.s. and I. interludens are summarised. The sporophytes of I. interludens, described here for the first time, differ in shape, and pattern of exothecial cells from those of I. myosuroides. A molecular analysis based on variation of the ITS region shows that I. holtii Kindb. and I. alopecuroides (Lam. ex Dubois) Isov. are not monophyletic, calling for a re-assessment of these species, whereas the monophyly of the other species, including I. interludens, cannot be rejected. The analysis failed, however, to yield molecular synapomorphies for I. interludens and other species within I. myosuroides s.l., which we interpret as the incomplete sorting of alleles among recently evolved species. Isothecium interludens is a European endemic with a hyperoceanic temperate distribution. Its nested position within a clade including the two Macaronesian endemics I. prolixum (Mitt.) M.Stech and I. montanum Draper, Hedenäs, M.Stech, T.Lopes & Sim-Sim is suggestive of a Macaronesian origin, in line with the idea that the European Atlantic fringe flora assembled during the course of the last interglacial from Macaronesian ancestors. Isothecium therefore offers a model of prime importance for the study of ongoing speciation in mosses.  相似文献   

Irish oakwoods are sparsely distributed and generally small in extent. The woodland flora is depauperate compared to Great Britain in terms of flowering plants but quite rich in Oceanic ferns, bryophytes and lichens. It includes a few distinctive species, e.g. the Mediterranean-Atlantic Arbutus unedo. Remnants of ancient woodland survive at scattered locations; they usually contain old coppice stools, or occasionally pollards. Variation in the woodland plant community reflects an edaphic gradient from strongly acid to base-rich, a hydrological gradient from well-drained to waterlogged and a climatic gradient in degree of Oceanicity. The greatest conservation problems facing Irish oak-woods are overgrazing and invasive alien species, chiefly Rhododendron ponticum; to tackle these effectively, greater public concern is required.  相似文献   
Why have endemic pollinators declined on the Ogasawara Islands?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flower visitors recently decreased in the Ogasawara Islands which are subtropical Pacific oceanic islands located 1,000 km south from Japan mainland. The aim of this study was to determine the main cause of this pollinator decline. We assumed four hypothesis, (i) honeybee competition hypothesis, (ii) forest decline hypothesis, (iii) agricultural insecticides hypothesis, and (iv) anole predation hypothesis. They were tested by distribution survey in the field, historical survey using literature, and predation experiment using mesh cages. As a result, the factors affecting the distribution among the islands and the timing of observed declines of native pollinators supported the anole predation hypothesis rather than other hypotheses. In addition, result of experimental predation test well explained the composition of flower visitors in the main islands (Chichi-jima and Haha-jima). So, we concluded that one invasive predator (the anole) has changed the pollination network in the Ogasawara Islands. To conserve the native pollination network, eradication of this invasive predator should take priority over the eradication of honeybees.  相似文献   
This study was performed to clarify how weather and current dynamics affect the resistance to temperature change in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates. Heat coma temperature (HCT) was measured for the adults and 5th instar larvae of four Halobates species collected from a fixed sampling location (12°00′N, 135°00′E ) in western tropical Pacific Ocean and from 13 locations in the eastern area of the India Ocean ranging from 08°00′N-06°00′S and 86°00-76°00′E. Both the gap temperature for heat coma (GTHC, mean±SD: 7.83±1.86 °C, n=32) and the heat coma temperature (HCP, 35.03±1.80 °C, n=32) of individuals collected from the Pacific Ocean, during the first half (10 days) of the sampling period at the fixed sampling point, were significantly higher than those during the second half (GTHC: 5.10±2.05 °C, n=63; HCP: 34.03±2.02 °C, n=63). The reduction in heat tolerance shown in the second half of the 20 day period may have been caused by a decrease in air temperature due to rainfall that occurred around the sampling point accompanied with the arrival of Typhoon No. 6.In the study of individuals collected from the Indian Ocean, significantly higher average GTHCs of >8 °C were recorded for the adult H. micans collected at 02°00′S and 06°00′S (89°00′E) than those at 0°00-8°00′N in the eastern Indian Ocean. Dynamic mixture of water from northern and southern currents occurs at 02°00-6°00′S of the Indian Ocean and might relate to such high heat tolerance.Temperature dynamics in the ocean habitat might directly affect the temperature resistance of the oceanic sea skaters.  相似文献   
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