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The mechanisms through which microbes communicate using signal molecules has inspired a great deal of research. Microbes use this exchange of information, known as quorum sensing (QS), to initiate and perpetuate infectious diseases in eukaryotic organisms, evading the eukaryotic defense system by multiplying and expressing their pathogenicity through QS regulation. The major issue to arise from such networks is increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics, resulting from QS-dependent mediation of the formation of biofilm, the induction of efflux pumps, and the production of antibiotics. QS inhibitors (QSIs) of diverse origins have been shown to act as potential antipathogens. In this review, we focus on the use of QSIs to counter diseases in humans as well as plants and animals of economic importance. We also discuss the challenges encountered in the potential applications of QSIs.  相似文献   
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) entry has been analyzed using infection-susceptible cells, including primary human hepatocytes, primary tupaia hepatocytes, and HepaRG cells. Recently, the sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) membrane transporter was reported as an HBV entry receptor. In this study, we established a strain of HepG2 cells engineered to overexpress the human NTCP gene (HepG2-hNTCP-C4 cells). HepG2-hNTCP-C4 cells were shown to be susceptible to infection by blood–borne and cell culture-derived HBV. HBV infection was facilitated by pretreating cells with 3% dimethyl sulfoxide permitting nearly 50% of the cells to be infected with HBV. Knockdown analysis suggested that HBV infection of HepG2-hNTCP-C4 cells was mediated by NTCP. HBV infection was blocked by an anti-HBV surface protein neutralizing antibody, by compounds known to inhibit NTCP transporter activity, and by cyclosporin A and its derivatives. The infection assay suggested that cyclosporin B was a more potent inhibitor of HBV entry than was cyclosporin A. Further chemical screening identified oxysterols, oxidized derivatives of cholesterol, as inhibitors of HBV infection. Thus, the HepG2-hNTCP-C4 cell line established in this study is a useful tool for the identification of inhibitors of HBV infection as well as for the analysis of the molecular mechanisms of HBV infection.  相似文献   
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-activated chloride channel that is present in a variety of epithelial cell types, and usually expressed in the luminal membrane. In contrast, prestin (SLC26A5) is a voltage-dependent motor protein, which is present in the basolateral membrane of cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs), and plays an important role in the frequency selectivity and sensitivity of mammalian hearing. By using in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, we found that both mRNA and protein of CFTR are present in OHCs, and that CFTR localizes in both the apical and the lateral membranes. CFTR was not detected in the lateral membrane of inner hair cells (IHCs) or in that of OHCs derived from prestin-knockout mice, i.e., in instances where prestin is not expressed. These results suggest that prestin may interact physically with CFTR in the lateral membrane of OHCs. Immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed a prestin-CFTR interaction. Because chloride is important for prestin function and for the efferent-mediated inhibition of cochlear output, the prestin-directed localization of CFTR to the lateral membrane of OHCs has a potential physiological significance. Aside from its role as a chloride channel, CFTR is known as a regulator of multiple protein functions, including those of the solute carrier family 26 (SLC26). Because prestin is in the SLC26 family, several members of which interact with CFTR, we explored the potential modulatory relationship associated with a direct, physical interaction between prestin and CFTR. Electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that cAMP-activated CFTR is capable of enhancing voltage-dependent charge displacement, a signature of OHC motility, whereas prestin does not affect the chloride conductance of CFTR.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are family of zinc dependent endopeptidases, which cleave extracellular matrix proteins, and play an important role in tissue remodelling in physiological and pathological processes. There is enhanced expression of MMPs, in particular MMP-9, during numerous pathological conditions, including epilepsy and ischemic stroke. Therefore, inhibition of MMP-9 is considered as a potential therapeutic target. Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) is a 28 kDa endogenous inhibitor of MMP-9. In this study we examined recombinant mouse TIMP-1 for its in-vitro neuroprotective effects, against Kainic Acid (KA) induced excitotoxicity in organotypic hippocampal slice culture (OHC) model. We also studied, sustained release effects of TIMP-1 in OHC by using poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs). TIMP-1 and TIMP-1 PLGA NPs were added to the slice cultures at different time points, i.e., 30 min before treatment with KA and 6 h after KA treatment. Propidium iodide staining was used to reveal cell toxicity in the cultures. In addition, neurotoxicity was assessed using standard lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. Gelatinolytic activity in conditioned cultured medium of OHC was accessed by a fluorescent substrate assay. Briefly, our result show that TIMP-1 provided significant level of neuroprotection, especially when given before 30 min of KA and released from the NPs. Since gelatinolytic activity assay showed a decrease in MMP-9 activity, it can be suggested that this neuroprotection might be mediated by the gelatinase inhibition.  相似文献   
Cholesterol metabolism in the brain is distinct from that in other tissues due to the fact that cholesterol itself is unable to pass across the blood-brain barrier. Elimination of brain cholesterol is mainly dependent on a neuronal-specific cytochrome P450, CYP46A1, catalyzing the conversion of cholesterol into 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol (24OHC), which is able to pass the blood-brain barrier. A suitable model for studying this elimination from human neuronal cells has not been described previously. It is shown here that differentiated Ntera2/clone D1 (NT2) cells express the key genes involved in brain cholesterol homeostasis including CYP46A1, and that the expression profiles of the genes observed during neuronal differentiation are those expected to occur in vivo. Thus there was a decrease in the mRNA levels corresponding to cholesterol synthesis enzymes and a marked increase in the mRNA level of CYP46A1. The latter increase was associated with increased levels of CYP46A1 protein and increased production of 24OHC. The magnitude of the secretion of 24OHC from the differentiated NT2 cells into the medium was similar to that expected to occur under in vivo conditions. An alternative to elimination of cholesterol by the CYP46A1 mechanism is elimination by CYP27A1, and the product of this enzyme, 27-hydroxycholesterol (27OHC), is also known to pass the blood-brain barrier. The CYP27A1 protein level decreased during the differentiation of the NT2 cells in parallel with decreased production of 27OHC. The ratio between 24OHC and 27OHC in the medium from the cultured cells increased, by a factor of 13, during the differentiation process. The results suggest that progenitor cells eliminate cholesterol in the form of 27OHC while neurogenesis induces a change to the CYP46A1 dependent pathway. Furthermore this study demonstrates that differentiated NT2 cells are suitable for studies of cholesterol homeostasis in human neurons.  相似文献   
Bacillus, generally regarded as safe, has emerged as a robust organism that can withstand adverse environmental conditions and grows easily to very high densities. Bacillus has been recognized for its biotechnological applications on an industrial scale. Recent efforts have shown the potential of Bacillus to generate biofuels (hydrogen), biopolymers (polyhydroxyalkanoates), and bioactive molecules (acyl-homoserine lactonases). Bacillus can be considered the dark horse in the race to generate sustainable energy, ecofriendly non-fossil fuel-based polymers, and bioactive molecules for use as therapeutics.  相似文献   
Oxysterol binding protein like 2(OSBPL2), an important regulator in cellular lipid metabolism and transport, was identified as a novel deafness-causal gene in our previous work. To resemble the phenotypic features of OSBPL2 mutation in animal models and elucidate the potential genotypephenotype associations, the OSBPL2-disrupted Bama miniature(BM) pig model was constructed using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing, somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT) and embryo transplantation approaches, and then subjected to phenotypic characterization of auditory function and serum lipid profiles. The OSBPL2-disrupted pigs displayed progressive hearing loss(HL) with degeneration/apoptosis of cochlea hair cells(HCs) and morphological abnormalities in HC stereocilia, as well as hypercholesterolaemia. High-fat diet(HFD) feeding aggravated the development of HL and led to more severe hypercholesterolaemia. The dual phenotypes of progressive HL and hypercholesterolaemia resembled in OSBPL2-disrupted pigs confirmed the implication of OSBPL2 mutation in nonsydromic hearing loss(NSHL) and contributed to the potential linkage between auditory dysfunction and dyslipidaemia/hypercholesterolaemia.  相似文献   
Prestin is the motor protein responsible for the somatic electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells and is essential for normal hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity of mammals. Prestin is a member of mammalian solute-linked carrier 26 (SLC26) anion exchangers, a family of membrane proteins capable of transporting a wide variety of monovalent and divalent anions. SLC26 transporters play important roles in normal human physiology in different tissues, and many of them are involved in genetic diseases. SLC26 and related SulP transporters carry a hydrophobic membrane core and a C-terminal cytosolic portion that is essential in plasma membrane targeting and protein function. This C-terminal portion is mainly composed of a STAS (sulfate transporters and anti-sigma factor antagonist) domain, whose name is due to a remote but significant sequence similarity with bacterial ASA (anti-sigma factor antagonist) proteins. Here we present the crystal structure at 1.57 Å resolution of the cytosolic portion of prestin, the first structure of a SulP transporter STAS domain, and its characterization in solution by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Prestin STAS significantly deviates from the related bacterial ASA proteins, especially in the N-terminal region, which—although previously considered merely as a generic linker between the domain and the last transmembrane helix—is indeed fully part of the domain. Hence, unexpectedly, our data reveal that the STAS domain starts immediately after the last transmembrane segment and lies beneath the lipid bilayer. A structure-function analysis suggests that this model can be a general template for most SLC26 and SulP anion transporters and supports the notion that STAS domains are involved in functionally important intramolecular and intermolecular interactions. Mapping of disease-associated or functionally harmful mutations on STAS structure indicates that they can be divided into two categories: those causing significant misfolding of the domain and those altering its interaction properties.  相似文献   
Toothed whales and bats have independently evolved specialized ultrasonic hearing for echolocation. Recent findings have suggested that several genes including Prestin, Tmc1, Pjvk and KCNQ4 appear to have undergone molecular adaptations associated with the evolution of this ultrasonic hearing in mammals. Here we studied the hearing gene Cldn14, which encodes the claudin-14 protein and is a member of tight junction proteins that functions in the organ of Corti in the inner ear to maintain a cationic gradient between endolymph and perilymph. Particular mutations in human claudin-14 give rise to non-syndromic deafness, suggesting an essential role in hearing. Our results uncovered two bursts of positive selection, one in the ancestral branch of all toothed whales and a second in the branch leading to the delphinid, phocoenid and ziphiid whales. These two branches are the same as those previously reported to show positive selection in the Prestin gene. Furthermore, as with Prestin, the estimated hearing frequencies of whales significantly correlate with numbers of branch-wise non-synonymous substitutions in Cldn14, but not with synonymous changes. However, in contrast to Prestin, we found no evidence of positive selection in bats. Our findings from Cldn14, and comparisons with Prestin, strongly implicate multiple loci in the acquisition of echolocation in cetaceans, but also highlight possible differences in the evolutionary route to echolocation taken by whales and bats.  相似文献   
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