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We have measured glycosyltransferase activities of SupT1 cells, a T-lymphoid cell line shown to react with autoantibodies in the sera of many HIV patients. Since considerable -N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferase and 1, 3 galactosyl-transferase activities were found in SupT1 cells, at least the O-glycan core 1 structure can probably be synthesized. FACS analysis using an anti-T monoclonal antibody showed expression of the T antigen (Gal 1-3 GalNAc). Glycoproteins with the T antigen were isolated by immunoprecipitation with the anti-T antibody from a SupT1 cell lysate labelled metabolically with3H-glucosamine and then analysed by SDS-PAGE. It was revealed that the precipitate contained a glycoprotein with a molecular weight corresponding to that of leukosialin. O-glycans were prepared from the immunoprecipitate by alkaline-borohydride treatment and then fractionated on Bio-Gel P-2, GalNAcOH and Gal-GalNAcOH being identifiedinter alia. These results suggest that an anti-T antibody may be included in the autoantibodies found in HIV-1 infected individuals.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sugar transporters, encoded by the SLC35 gene family, deliver nucleotide sugars throughout the cell for various glycosyltransferase-catalyzed glycosylation reactions. GlcNAc, in the form of UDP-GlcNAc, and galactose, as UDP-Gal, are delivered into the Golgi apparatus by SLC35A3 and SLC35A2 transporters, respectively. However, although the UDP-Gal transporting activity of SLC35A2 has been clearly demonstrated, UDP-GlcNAc delivery by SLC35A3 is not fully understood. Therefore, we analyzed a panel of CHO, HEK293T, and HepG2 cell lines including WT cells, SLC35A2 knockouts, SLC35A3 knockouts, and double-knockout cells. Cells lacking SLC35A2 displayed significant changes in N- and O-glycan synthesis. However, in SLC35A3-knockout CHO cells, only limited changes were observed; GlcNAc was still incorporated into N-glycans, but complex type N-glycan branching was impaired, although UDP-GlcNAc transport into Golgi vesicles was not decreased. In SLC35A3-knockout HEK293T cells, UDP-GlcNAc transport was significantly decreased but not completely abolished. However, N-glycan branching was not impaired in these cells. In CHO and HEK293T cells, the effect of SLC35A3 deficiency on N-glycan branching was potentiated in the absence of SLC35A2. Moreover, in SLC35A3-knockout HEK293T and HepG2 cells, GlcNAc was still incorporated into O-glycans. However, in the case of HepG2 cells, no qualitative changes in N-glycans between WT and SLC35A3 knockout cells nor between SLC35A2 knockout and double-knockout cells were observed. These findings suggest that SLC35A3 may not be the primary UDP-GlcNAc transporter and/or different mechanisms of UDP-GlcNAc transport into the Golgi apparatus may exist.  相似文献   
The interaction of bovine and human whey proteins with retinol and palmitic acid has been studied. Using gel filtration it was found that bovine β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin and serum albumin from both species bind retinol in vitro while the ability to bind palmitic acid is restricted to bovine β-lactoglobulin and bovine and human serum albumin. Using equilibrium dialysis, β-lactoglobulin was found to display two binding sites for retinol per dimeric molecule with an association constant of 1.5 × 104m-1. Competition experiments showed that when the concentration ratio between total fatty acids and retinol is similar to that found in milk, palmitic acid competes with the binding of retinol to β-lactoglobulin.  相似文献   
Glycosylation, the addition of covalently linked sugars, is a major post-translational modification of proteins that can significantly affect processes such as cell adhesion, molecular trafficking, clearance, and signal transduction. In eukaryotes, the most common glycosylation modifications in the secretory pathway are additions at consensus asparagine residues (N-linked); or at serine or threonine residues (O-linked) (Figure 1). Initiation of N-glycan synthesis is highly conserved in eukaryotes, while the end products can vary greatly among different species, tissues, or proteins. Some glycans remain unmodified ("high mannose N-glycans") or are further processed in the Golgi ("complex N-glycans"). Greater diversity is found for O-glycans, which start with a common N-Acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) residue in animal cells but differ in lower organisms. The detailed analysis of the glycosylation of proteins is a field unto itself and requires extensive resources and expertise to execute properly. However a variety of available enzymes that remove sugars (glycosidases) makes possible to have a general idea of the glycosylation status of a protein in a standard laboratory setting. Here we illustrate the use of glycosidases for the analysis of a model glycoprotein: recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin beta (hCGβ), which carries two N-glycans and four O-glycans. The technique requires only simple instrumentation and typical consumables, and it can be readily adapted to the analysis of multiple glycoprotein samples. Several enzymes can be used in parallel to study a glycoprotein. PNGase F is able to remove almost all types of N-linked glycans. For O-glycans, there is no available enzyme that can cleave an intact oligosaccharide from the protein backbone. Instead, O-glycans are trimmed by exoglycosidases to a short core, which is then easily removed by O-Glycosidase. The Protein Deglycosylation Mix contains PNGase F, O-Glycosidase, Neuraminidase (sialidase), β1-4 Galactosidase, and β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase. It is used to simultaneously remove N-glycans and some O-glycans. Finally, the Deglycosylation Mix was supplemented with a mixture of other exoglycosidases (α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase, α1-2 Fucosidase, α1-3,6 Galactosidase, and β1-3 Galactosidase), which help remove otherwise resistant monosaccharides that could be present in certain O-glycans. SDS-PAGE/Coomasie blue is used to visualize differences in protein migration before and after glycosidase treatment. In addition, a sugar-specific staining method, ProQ Emerald-300, shows diminished signal as glycans are successively removed. This protocol is designed for the analysis of small amounts of glycoprotein (0.5 to 2 μg), although enzymatic deglycosylation can be scaled up to accommodate larger quantities of protein as needed.  相似文献   
Jacalin, a lectin from the jackfruit Artocarpus integrifolia, has been known as a valuable tool for specific capturing of O-glycoproteins such as mucins and IgA1. Though its sugar-binding preference for T/Tn-antigens is well established, its detailed specificity has not been elucidated. In this study, we prepared a series of mucin-type glycopeptides using human glycosyltransferases, that is, ST6GalNAc1, Core1Gal-T1 and -T2, beta3Gn-T6, and Core2GnT1, and investigated their binding to immobilized Jacalin by frontal affinity chromatography (FAC). As a result, consistent with the previous observation, Jacalin showed high affinity for T-antigen (Core1) and Tn-antigen (alpha N-acetylgalactosamine)-attached peptides. Furthermore, we here show as novel findings that (1) Jacalin also showed significant affinity for Core3 and sialyl-T (ST)-attached peptides, but (2) Jacalin could not bind to Core2, Core6, and sialyl-Tn (STn)-attached peptides. The results were also confirmed by FAC using p-nitrophenyl (pNP)-derivatized saccharides. In conclusion, Jacalin binds to a GalNAcalpha1-peptide, in which C6-OH of alphaGalNAc is free (i.e., Core1, Tn, Core3, and ST), whereas it cannot recognize a GalNAcalpha1-peptide with a substitution at the C6 position (i.e., Core2, Core6, and STn). These findings provide useful information when applying jacalin for functional analysis of mucin-type glycoproteins and glycopeptides.  相似文献   
The sialyl-Lewis X (SLex) determinant is important in leukocyte extravasation, metastasis and bacterial adhesion. The role of the protein, N-glycan and O-glycan core structures for the biosynthesis of SLex in vivo by fucosyltransferases (FucTs) is not known. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc fusion proteins of α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) or CD43 were used to probe the specificity of FucT-III-VII expressed alone in 293T and COS cells or together with O-glycan core enzymes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells. Western blotting with the monoclonal antibodies CSLEX and KM93 showed that FucT-III and V-VII produced SLex on core 2 in CHO cells. Only FucT-V, -VI and, with low activity, -VII worked on core 3 on CD43/IgG, but no SLex was detected with CSLEX on PSGL-1/IgG with core 3. KM93 stained SLex on core 2, but was not reactive with SLex on core 3. FucT-III, V-VII made SLex on N-glycans of AGP/IgG in CHO, but not in COS and 293T cells, even though the same FucTs could make SLex on CD43/IgG and PSGL-1/IgG in these cells. Our results define the specificities of FucT-III-VII in SLex biosynthesis on O-glycans with different core structures and the fine specificity of the widely used anti-SLex monoclonal antibody, KM93.  相似文献   
吴士良 《生命科学》2011,(6):563-568
黏蛋白是细胞表面的或分泌的、具有高度O-糖基化修饰的糖蛋白。黏蛋白型O-聚糖是由多肽:N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶(ppGalNAc-T)家族催化起始合成的,在肿瘤中常常伴随着黏蛋白型O-聚糖结构和数量上的改变,形成肿瘤特异聚糖结构(cancer-associated glycans),如肿瘤Tn和T抗原等。肿瘤特异聚糖使肿瘤细胞的抗原性和黏附能力发生改变,促进肿瘤细胞的恶性增生与转移。而这些肿瘤特异聚糖结构,也为肿瘤的诊断与抗肿瘤药物或疫苗开发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
The glycan moiety of human recombinant gonadotrophins (r-hFSH, r-hLH, and r-hCG) produced in CHO cell lines has been characterized by a combination of chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, including both matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray. Two glycan mapping methods have been developed for the three gonadotrophins that allow separation of the glycans according to either their charge or sialylation level or their antennarity. A method was also developed for r-hCG that permits the complete resolution of the N-glycan from the O-glycan species. Whereas the structure found for the N-glycans of the gonadotrophins was in agreement with the complex type model, the structure for an O-glycan of r-hCG, not yet described, has been unambiguously determined using nanoelectrospray ion trap mass spectrometry. Using these two glycan mapping methods, the high level of batch-to-batch consistency achieved for the glycosylation of the three recombinant gonadotrophins in commercial production has been shown. These data demonstrate the tight control that can be achieved in the manufacturing of complex recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins, which is a prerequisite to the delivering of a guaranteed dose of drug from vial to vial, and in turn to ensuring the clinical efficacy of the product.  相似文献   
CD52 is composed of a 12 amino acid peptide with N-linked glycans bound to the single potential glycosylation site at position 3, and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor attached at the C-terminus. Some glycoforms of this molecule expressed in the male reproductive tract are recognized by complement-dependent sperm-immobilizing antibodies in infertile patients making this antigen an important target for immunocontraception and fertility studies. Although the amount of posttranslational modification is already remarkable for such a small polypeptide, O-glycosylation of CD52 has additionally been implicated by several studies, but never rigorously characterized. In this report, we show clear evidence for the presence of O-glycans in CD52 preparations immunopurified using the murine S19 monoclonal antibody generated against sperm agglutination antigen-1 (SAGA-1), a male reproductive tract specific form of CD52. The O-glycans have been characterized by MALDI-TOF and tandem mass spectrometry after reductive elimination and permethylation. The data indicate that the major SAGA-1 O-glycans are core 1 and 2 mucin-type structures, with and without sialic acid (NeuAc(0-2)Hex(1-3)HexNAc(1-2)HexNAcitol). Minor fucosy- lated O-glycans are also present including some struc- tures with putative Le(y) epitopes (NeuAc(0-1)Fuc(1-3)Hex(1-2) HexNAc(0-1)HexNAcitol). Analysis of O-glycopeptides by tandem mass spectrometry provided an additional level of support for the O-glycosylation of SAGA-1. Elucidation of the O-glycosylation of SAGA-1 adds to the complexity of this molecule and may help to explain its biological activity.  相似文献   
The effects of bovine fetuin O-glycans on its trypsin inhibitory activity were examined. De-sialylated (asialo-) and de-O-glycosylated fetuin were prepared from native fetuin using Arthrobacter neuraminidase and the mixture of it and Bacillus endo-α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, respectively. De-sialylation and de-O-glycosylation from fetuin were confirmed with SDS-PAGE followed by western blotting using anti-human Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (T antigen) antibody which recognizes O-linked galactosyl β1,3 N-acetylgalactosamine (Galβ1→3GalNAc). Native fetuin completely inhibited the trypsin activity at about a 1:1 molar ratio. In contrast, the trypsin inhibitory activity of asialo- and de-O-glycosylated fetuin decreased about a half and one-third of that of native fetuin, respectively.  相似文献   
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