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During the maturation of insect cuticle, protein-protein and protein-chitin crosslinkages are formed by the action of diphenoloxidases. Two types of diphenoloxidases, laccases and tyrosinases, are present in the insect cuticle. In coleopteran and hymenopteran insects, laccase2 gene has been identified as encoding an enzyme principally responsible for cuticular pigmentation and hardening, whereas biological roles of laccase genes in hemimetabolous insects remain to be established. Here we identified laccase2 genes from three hemipteran stinkbugs, Riptortus pedestris (Alydidae), Nysius plebeius (Lygaeidae) and Megacopta punctatissima (Plataspidae). In R. pedestris, laccase2 gene was highly expressed in epidermal tissues prior to molting. When the gene expression was suppressed by an RNA interference technique, cuticular pigmentation after molting were blocked depending on the dose of injected double-stranded RNA targeting the laccase2 gene. Similar results were obtained for N. plebeius and M. punctatissima. In all the stinkbug species, injecting 20 ng of double-stranded RNA was sufficient to prevent the cuticular maturation. These results indicate that laccase2 gene is generally required for cuticular pigmentation in different stinkbug families, highlighting its conserved biological function across diverse insect taxa.  相似文献   
为了解小长蝽Nysius ericae(Schilling)线粒体基因组结构及长蝽总科的分子系统发育关系。本试验采用Illumina MiSeq测序平台对小长蝽线粒体基因进行测序,对基因组序列进行拼装、注释和特征分析,利用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建基于12种长蝽总科昆虫线粒体全基因组核苷酸序列的系统发育树。小长蝽线粒体基因组全长为16 330 bp(GenBank登录号:MW465654),基因组包括13个蛋白编码基因(PCGs),22个tRNA基因,2个rRNA基因和1段非编码控制区。11个蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子为典型的ATN;cox1,nad4l的起始密码子为TTG。cob的终止密码子为TAG,其余蛋白编码基因的终止密码子为TAA。只有trnS1缺少DHU臂,其余tRNA基因均能形成典型的三叶草结构。12种长蝽总科昆虫线粒体全基因组序列构建的昆虫系统发育树结果显示,小长蝽与Nysius plebeius具有更近的亲缘关系,且与传统形态学分类基本一致。小长蝽线粒体基因组符合长蝽总科线粒体基因组的一般特征。结果表明小长蝽与N.plebeius的亲缘关系更近。  相似文献   
Nysius huttoni White is a polygamous bug, endemic to New Zealand, and an important pest of wheat and brassicas. This bug has a female-biased sexual size dimorphism but relative to body length, males have longer antennae, suggesting that the allometric scales of antennal–body relationships may be highly selective in sexual selection. Body weight and most morphometric traits measured have no effect on mating success of either sex. Males significantly preferred mating with females having thicker abdomens, more mature eggs, and longer ovipositors. This result suggests that males may select their mates on the basis of immediate reproductive benefit: fertilizing more eggs and ensuring better survival of these eggs. Males with large genital structures have mating advantages over those with small ones, suggesting that precopulation sexual selection in this species act on male genital traits rather than body weight and nonsexual traits. Finally, females significantly preferred males with greater slopes for the antennal-body relationship for mating. The allometry in the male antennal length may be an indicator of male reproductive fitness.  相似文献   
Abstract  Two new species of Nysius Dallas, N. orarius sp. n. and N. tasmaniensis sp. n. are described from New South Wales and Tasmania (Australia), respectively. A new monotypic genus, Reticulatonysius , with type-species R. queenslandensis sp. n. is described from Queensland, and its systematic relationship with other orsilline genera is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Nysius huttoni White is endemic to New Zealand and an important pest of wheat and brassica crops. To provide critical information for pest forecast, management and quarantine inspection, we investigated the effect of day length on the growth, development and reproductive diapause of this pest under a series of photoperiodic regimes: 16 : 8, 14 : 10, 12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h [light : dark (L : D)]. Long day lengths [16 : 8 and 14 : 10 h (L : D)] promote a continuous lifecycle while short day lengths [12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h (L : D)] slow up the growth and development, prolong the pre-mating period, and induce the reproductive diapause. The absence of oviposition for approximately 30 days is recognized as the criterion for N. huttoni reproductive diapause definition. When all life stages are kept under the short day length conditions, only 60–73% of females enter reproductive diapause; if the exposure to short day lengths starts in late instar nymphs, 100% of females enter reproductive diapause. If only adults experience short day lengths, does diapause incidence fall in between, with up to 26% of females laying a few eggs before entering diapause. The critical photoperiod for the induction of reproductive diapause falls between 13.3 : 10.7 and 13.5 : 10.5 h.  相似文献   
Field observations in Greenland as well as arena choice experiments showed that the arctic-alpine seed bug Nysius groenlandicus (Zetterstedt) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) is markedly xerophilous and thermophilous, preferring temperatures around 30 °C. Some variation in thermo-preference was found among individuals from different localities in Greenland. Individuals from an inland locality (Søndre Strømfjord/Kangerlussuaq) had the highest temperature preference. Exposing individuals to rising temperature showed very high thresholds for excessive activity (ca. 41 °C), heat stupor (ca. 51 °C) and death (ca. 52 °C). All stages initially preferred the lowest humidity obtainable but gradually changed to higher humidities. The youngest nymph stages were most tolerant to desiccation. The observed preferences are interpreted as adaptations to a habitat where a warm and dry microclimate allows this obligatorily univoltine species to complete its life cycle within one year. The paper presents some general statistical approaches to analyses of behavioural responses to environmental gradients.  相似文献   
Abstract Habitat instability associated with seasonal crop succession in broad-acre farming systems presents a problem for the conservation and utilisation of beneficial insects in annual field crops. The present paper describes two experiments used to measure the potential of seven plant species to be utilised as winter refuges to support and conserve the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker). In the first experiment, replicated plots of canola ( Brassica napus ), red salvia ( Salvia coccinea ), niger ( Guizotia abyssinica ), linseed ( Linum usitatissimum ), lupins ( Lupinus angustifolius ), and lucerne ( Medicago falcata ) were planted in a randomized experiment during Autumn 1998. Upon crop establishment, adults and nymphs of P. plagipennis were released into treatment plots and their numbers were assessed, along with those of their potential prey, throughout the ensuing winter months. Post-release sampling suggested that canola and niger retained a proportion of adult P. plagipennis , while niger, lucerne and canola retained some nymphs. The other plant species failed to support P. plagipennis nymphs and adults postrelease. In the second experiment, niger was compared with two lines of sunflower ( Helianthus annus ). Both sunflower lines harboured significantly higher ( P  < 0.05) densities of P. plagipennis nymphs than did niger. The more successful refuge treatments (sunflower, niger and canola) had an abundance of yellow flowers that were attractive to pollinating insects, which served as supplementary prey on which P. plagipennis were observed to feed. Sunflower and niger also supported high densities of the prey insect Creontiades dilutus (Stål) and provided protective leafy canopies which supplied shelter during the winter months. The potential and limitations for using each plant species as a winter refuge to retain P. plagipennis during winter are discussed.  相似文献   
黄色小长蝽在美国籽粒苋上的发生及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄色小长蝽除危害苋科外,还危害菊科、禾本科等作物。该虫在嘉兴1年发生4~5代。夏季高温,成虫寿命长,若虫、卵历期短,世代重叠,为害重;秋季转凉,若虫、卵历期长,为害轻。防治上采用农业与药剂防治相结合,效果良好。  相似文献   
  1. The wheat bug Nysius huttoni is a major pest of brassica seedlings. Management of this insect currently relies on seed treatment with neonicotinoids and spraying with chlorpyrifos and pyrethroid insecticides. These practices can generate severe external costs, including human health, the environment and biodiversity. Trap cropping is one alternative option to protect brassica seedlings from N. huttoni.
  2. Trap crop species evaluated in field cage experiments were: alyssum (Lobularia maritima L. Desvauxcv. Benthamii White), wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Morph), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L. cv. Santo) and clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. Nomad). These were compared with kale (Brassica oleracea L. cv. Kestrel). In open‐field experiments, alyssum (L maritima), wheat (T. aestivum) and a mixture of alyssum (L. maritima) and wheat (T. aestivum) were used. All of these were compared to kale (B. oleracea).
  3. Alyssum and wheat were the most favoured potential trap plants for N. huttoni. Results indicated that two treatments: alyssum (used as a single trap crop) or ‘alyssum plus wheat’ (a multiple trap crop), may be useful in brassica fields to protect the seedlings from N. huttoni damage.
  4. Such a trap cropping protocol potentially reduces pesticide use in forage brassicas and can also deliver multiple ecosystem services such as biological control of insect pests.

We studied the parasitoids of three insect seed predators of the mast-seeding genus Chionochloa spp. (snow tussocks) at Mt Hutt, New Zealand. Megacraspedus calamogonus (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is parasitised by four species, three Hymenoptera (Zealachertus tortriciphaga [Eulophidae], Diadegma sp. [Ichneumonidae] and Dolichogenidea sp. [Braconidae]) and one Diptera (Uclesiella sp. [Tachinidae]). Diplotoxa similis (Diptera: Chloropidae) is parasitised by Callitula sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Eucalyptodiplosis chionochloae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is parasitised by two Hymenoptera, Gastrancistrus sp. (Pteromalidae) and Zelostemma chionochloae (Platygastridae); all three species have extended diapause. Overall parasitism was 68.5% in M. calamogonus, 1% in D. similis, and 41% in E. chionochloae. Such parasitism in M. calamogonus and E. chionochloae may reduce seed predation in Chionochloa and alter the selective benefit of mast seeding (predator satiation) to the plant. However, seed predation is still high at many sites, so some of the seed predators and parasitoids may be food-limited (bottom-up regulation).  相似文献   
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