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Summary Different mycorrhizal fungi were tested for their effectiveness in promoting growth of Sitka spruce seedlings, in two contrasting soils, in a glasshouse pot experiment. In nursery soil,Laccaria amethystina significantly improved growth of seedlings in comparison toL. laccata. Seedlings inoculated with a forest isolate ofThelephora terrestris were significantly larger than those inoculated with a nursery isolate when grown in forest soil. The effectiveness ofComplexipes moniliformis in forest soil was poor in comparison to other mycorrhizal fungi. Strains aswell as species of mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling growth differently. These effects are further influenced by soil type.  相似文献   
Variation in beach seine catches was examined in two juvenile flatfish populations (Port Erin, Isle of Man and Porto Pirn, Azores) to determine the importance of diel cycles while controlling for tidal rhythmicity. At Port Erin sampling was undertaken at each low water on consecutive days over a 2-week period in May/June and September 1991. There was no periodicity in the catches of plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa ) in May/June, but in September catches were higher at night. Other flatfish species ( Limanda limanda, Pleuronectes flesus, Scophthalmus maximus and S. rhombus ) sampled at Port Erin were nocturnal. At Porto Pirn, Azores, fish were sampled over 24 h each month from July 1989 to June 1990 and at each low water over a 2-week period in July 1991. The only flatfish species present was Bothuspodas , which had a diurnal pattern in catches over a 1-year period. Sampling at low water in July gave high catches at both midnight and midday.  相似文献   
Microhabitat use by marsh-edge fishes in a Louisiana estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis We used a drop sampler to characterize use of the marsh-edge ecotone by small fishes along two transects running inland from the Gulf of Mexico for ca. 25 km in Louisiana's Barataria-Caminada Bay System. Monthly sampling was stratified among upper, middle, and lower reaches and within reaches to characterize fish responses to salinity, depth, distance from shore, substrate, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, turbidity, velocity, and emergent stem density. In 681 quantitative samples, covering 658 m2, collected between October 1987 and October 1989, we collected 57 fish species and 16 864 individuals, primarily larvae and juveniles. The 15 most abundant fishes, comprising 97.7% of all individuals, were concentrated near the marsh edge (i.e., 0 to 1.25 m distance). Some significant differences within species for seasonal variables (e.g., temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration) reflected the ephemeral duration of early life history stages. Other differences reflected ontogenetic microhabitat shifts (e.g., depth and distance from shore). Within ecological groups, characterized as demersal residents, nektonic transients, and demersal transients, spatial and temporal segregation reflected the particular habitat requirements of each species. In a principal component analysis of microhabitat use, the first three components were interpreted as seasonal, depth-and-distance, and salinity axes, respectively. The array of species and size classes in principal component space reflected the complex dimensionality of microhabitat use. The high density of fish larvae and juveniles near the marsh edge confirmed the importance of the marsh-edge ecotone as a nursery for many estuarine-dependent fishes.  相似文献   
自然产卵场是维持物种延续最关键的栖息地,青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)的自然繁殖栖息地状况和生境特征尚缺乏详细的定量研究。以青海湖入湖河流泉吉河为例,在平水期采用现场调查和无人机遥测的方法对青海湖裸鲤的自然产卵场分布及生境状况进行调查,确定其产卵场生境特征参数,建立基于无人机遥测识别产卵场的方法并进行复核验证。结果表明:泉吉河河道形态可分为弯曲型、分汊型和顺直型等三种典型河型,青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场主要分布在弯曲型和分汊型河道中,分汊型河道几乎100%都有产卵场分布,弯曲型河道有70%为产卵场;产卵场河道平均长度(135.13±61.13) m,平均宽度(30.01±17.51) m,平均曲折度1.09±0.07;平均面积(4586.6±4201.61) m2;产卵场常位于缓水浅滩处,平均水深(0.19±0.10) m (范围:0.03-0.44m),平均流速(0.24±0.20) m/s (范围:0.01-0.81m/s),河床质为含有沙粒的卵石(粒径:163-256mm)底质。河道形态、沙洲分布、水深特征等特征参数可作为无人机遥测识别产卵场的判断条件,并实现验证成功。研究结果可为开展整个流域的青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场现状评估及保护对策制定提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
Fish use of a mangrove habitat was studied in a small mangrove forest on the West coast of Madagascar. A sand bar near the inlet retains water in parts of the channel (pools) at low tide. Fishes in four of these pools were examined daily at all phases of the tidal cycle for 3 weeks using underwater visual census. During week 1, fishes were diverse and abundant in all pools: the dominant species were cardinalfish (related to Apogon lateralis); monos, Monodactylus argenteus; black spotted snappers, Lutjanus ehrenbergi; double bar bream, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus; emperors, Lethrinus lentjan and L. sp., surgeon fish, Acanthurus nigricauda; red-lined sweetlips, Plectorhinchus plagiodesmis; and butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleini. Some species were more abundant in shaded pools; others in more open pools. During week 2 a dramatic difference was noted: the only fishes found were schools of cardinalfish and one moray eel. This week had neap tides, with high tides in the morning and low tides in the afternoon. As the week progressed and during week 3 (spring tides), fishes slowly repopulated the habitat and diversity increased. Monos, absent in week 2, now had increasing numbers of small individuals. While large emperors were scarce, small individuals appeared. The larger butterflyfish and surgeonfish seen in week 1 were replaced by small ones during week 3. Species that had been rare in week 1 were more abundant, including pipefish and small barracudas. While species richness increased during week 3, the community was strikingly different from that seen 2 weeks earlier. Only Pool 1, closest to the entrance, recovered its original species richness. Abundance was much lower than in week 1. Our snapshot study apparently captured a time when older juveniles left the mangrove forest and smaller fishes recruited into it. Utilization of this habitat will likely vary throughout the year depending on the reproductive cycle of the different species whose juveniles utilize it. Longer studies are needed to learn about cycles in fish use of the mangroves.  相似文献   
Species with specialized resource use can display strong spatial heterogeneity in abundance according to the availability of their preferred habitats. If these preferences shift with ontogeny, then a wide range of habitats may need to be protected in order to support both adult populations and their replenishment. We explored whether microhabitat selectivity interacts with habitat availability to provide an effective suite of indicators for regional fish abundance and replenishment, using offshore rocky reefs in south-eastern Australia as a case study. We examined generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) in a full subsets approach to infer the best predictors for adult and juvenile fish density in four diverse families (Labridae, Odacidae, Pomacentridae, Serranidae), based on rapid underwater visual surveys across transects (⿼500 m2), wave exposures (0.3⿿1 km), and sites (0.3⿿48 km). We then examined whether these regional fish-habitat models aligned with the microhabitat electivity of individuals (at scale of <1 m2). Microhabitat selection by reef fishes at the local scale underpinned the most effective habitat indicators for regional heterogeneity in fish abundance, and pointed to critical nursery habitats that support hotspots of juvenile recruitment. Strong species-habitat relationships, such as these, can be combined with broad-scale habitat mapping to assess the potential carrying capacity of focal areas, spatial management zone placements, and nursery habitats that warrant special protection. A number of emerging threats to these key habitat types indicates an urgent need for habitat-based protection and monitoring as a key part of holistic marine ecosystem conservation and management.  相似文献   
I made observations of a central California population of Wilson''s Warbler, Cardellina pusilla, after July 1 over 10 breeding seasons. I sighted males in definitive prebasic molt from July 4 (in 2007) to September 1 (in 1999). Most territorial males molted on their breeding territories, and individual molt lasted up to 46 days. Following prebasic molt, territorial males engaged in subdued “post‐molt singing,” which lasted about 7 days in some males, and which I first heard on August 13 (in 2004) and last heard on September 6 (in 1999). I sighted no female in definitive prebasic molt, or in fresh basic plumage, during the study. Of 13 females sighted ≥ July 21, 11 were in late breeding season uniparental brood care, and I could not rule out late brood care for the other two. Most, and possibly all, females not engaged in late season uniparental brood care apparently vacated their breeding territories before July 21. This departure was much earlier than for resident males, the last of which I sighted on September 10 (in 1999). Early‐departing females presumably underwent prebasic molt after July 21 at locations not known. Remaining late‐nesting females must have molted much later than resident males and likely later than early‐departing females, and at locations unknown. I last sighted two uniparental brood‐tending females, still in worn plumage, on August 26 and 29, respectively. Two unique findings of this study are a male/female difference in location of prebasic molt, and a likely dichotomy of prebasic molt timing between females leaving their breeding territories early and those remaining in uniparental brood care. Another finding, post‐molt singing in most and possible all territorial males, is a largely unrecognized behavior, but one previously reported in several passerine species. Post‐molt singing may reliably indicate completion of prebasic molt.  相似文献   
The effect of different irrigation and air humidity conditioning treatments on the morphological and physiological responses of Rosmarinus officinalis in nursery conditions was investigated in order to evaluate the degree of hardening resulting from these conditions. Rosmarinus officinalis seedlings were pot-grown during 4 months in two greenhouses (nursery period), in which two irrigation treatments were used (control and deficit). In one of these greenhouses, air humidity was controlled using a dehumidifying system (low humidity), in the other greenhouse the air conditions were not artificially modified (control humidity). After the nursery period, the plants of all treatments were transplanted and well watered (100% water holding capacity for 1 month, transplanting period). After this period, they received no water (establishment period). At the end of the nursery period it was seen that deficit irrigation had altered the morphology of the R. officinalis plants by reducing plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, total dry weight, and root length, while humidity influenced the parameters related with plant water relations. Low air humidity and deficit irrigation-induced tissue dehydration and lower stomatal conductance values (gs). The plants subjected to deficit irrigation developed leaf osmotic adjustment, which was maintained during the transplanting period. At that time, the plants that had been exposed to deficit irrigation and low humidity showed efficient stomatal regulation (lower gs values). After transplanting and during the establishment period, these plants showed a better water status (higher psil and gs values). Their post-planting survival rate improved as a result of acclimation processes.  相似文献   
Elasmobranch reproductive behavior has been inferred from freshly caught specimens, laboratory examinations of reproductive structures and function, or determined from direct observations of captive or free swimming wild animals. Several general behaviors have been described including seasonal sexual segregation, courtship and copulation. Courtship behavior was inferred for many species from the presence of scars and tooth cuts on the female's body, and noted in more detail from underwater observations. Copulation has been directly observed in captive settings for several species of elasmobranchs in large aquaria, and in the wild for three species of urolophids and for Triaenodon obesus and Ginglymostoma cirratum. A detailed case history of nurse shark reproductive behavior is presented that may be used as a template for future work on shark reproductive behavior of other species. Our studies, using diver identifiable tags and in situ behavioral observations, provide unprecedented information on social structure and mating behavior in this species. Since 1993, 115 G. cirratum, 45 adults and 70 juveniles have been tagged in the Dry Tortugas, Florida. Observations show that adult males visit the study site every year with three males dominant. Individual adult females visit the study area to mate in alternate years. Polygyny and polyandry are common. Future research on reproductive behavior of elasmobranchs should address questions on male access to females, sexual selection and dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   
There is compelling evidence that Afro‐Palaearctic (A‐P) migrant bird populations have declined in Europe in recent decades, often to a greater degree than resident or short‐distance migrants. There appear to have been two phases of decline. The first in the 1960s–1970s, and in some cases into the early 1980s, largely affected species wintering predominantly in the arid Sahelian zone, and the second since the 1980s has mostly affected species wintering in the humid tropics and Guinea forest zone. Potential drivers of these declines are diverse and are spread across and interact within the migratory cycle. Our knowledge of declining species is generally better for the breeding than the non‐breeding parts of their life cycles, but there are significant gaps in both for many species. On the breeding grounds, degradation of breeding habitats is the factor affecting the demography of the largest number of species, particularly within agricultural systems and woodland and forests. In the non‐breeding areas, the interacting factors of anthropogenic habitat degradation and climatic conditions, particularly drought in the Sahel zone, appear to be the most important factors. Based on our synthesis of existing information, we suggest four priorities for further research: (1) use of new and emerging tracking technologies to identify migratory pathways and strategies, understand migratory connectivity and enable field research to be targeted more effectively; (2) undertake detailed field studies in sub‐Saharan Africa and at staging sites, where we understand little about distribution patterns, habitat use and foraging ecology; (3) make better use of the wealth of data from the European breeding grounds to explore spatial and temporal patterns in demographic parameters and relate these to migratory pathways and large‐scale patterns of habitat change and climatic factors; and (4) make better use of remote sensing to improve our understanding of how and where land cover is changing across these extensive areas and how this impacts A‐P migrants. This research needs to inform and underpin a flyway approach to conservation, evaluating a suite of drivers across the migratory cycle and combining this with an understanding of land management practices that integrate the needs of birds and people in these areas.  相似文献   
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