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The low-energy orientational oscillations of the peptide groups of an -helix are considered and the value of the frequency is estimated to be in agreement with experiments. Approximate formulae are derived for the projection of a dipole moment on the helix axis and for the helix parameters. Within the framework of a three-chain model, the asymptotics of the soliton solution is obtained using a discrete approach.The analysis of -helix geometry exhibits two types of low-frequency oscillations of the -helix. The first one is connected with atom movements along the helix axis with the peptide groups twisting around the helix axis. Accordingly, it changes the hydrogen bond lengths between neighbouring peptide groups. In the second case, the slopes of the peptide groups to the helix axis oscillate without the helix parameters changing. Here, the energy of interactions between peptide-group dipoles is changed and, as a result, the oscillations have an optical nature. The frequency of the optical orientational oscillations is approximately 100 cm-1.  相似文献   
Adjustments to profile likelihood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FRASER  D. A. S.; REID  N. 《Biometrika》1989,76(3):477-488
Statistical techniques for detection of major genes in animal breeding data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Statistical techniques for detection of major loci and for making inferences about major locus parameters such as genotypic frequencies, effects and gene action from field-collected data are presented. In field data, major genotypic effects are likely to be masked by a large number of environmental differences in addition to additive and nonadditive polygenic effects. A graphical technique and a procedure for discriminating among genetic hypotheses based on a mixed model accounting for all these factors are proposed. The methods are illustrated by using simulated data.Journal Paper No. J-12733 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1901  相似文献   
Summary With the use of an anti-human S-100 protein antibody, it was possible to reveal a characteristic cell type in the anterior lobe of the normal human pituitary. These cells, so-called folliculo-stellate cells, were present in all pituitaries studied but their number varied from one gland to another. Immunoreactive cells, isolated or grouped, were arranged close to various secretory granulated cells. Especially by use of double immunoenzymatic labeling, it was evident that these cells are spatially related either to somatotropes, prolactin cells and corticotropes, or to glycoprotein-containing cells. Such immunoreactive cells were rare or absent in pseudo-follicular arrangements of secretory granulated cells. Since it is now possible to identify this cell type by light microscopy and since no reliable functional significance is known, it seems more advisable to term this cell type stellate cell instead of folliculostellate cell.  相似文献   
Chaos in three species food chains   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We study the dynamics of a three species food chain using bifurcation theory to demonstrate the existence of chaotic dynamics in the neighborhood of the equilibrium where the top species in the food chain is absent. The goal of our study is to demonstrate the presence of chaos in a class of ecological models, rather than just in a specific model. This work extends earlier numerical studies of a particular system by Hastings and Powell (1991) by showing that chaos occurs in a class of ecological models. The mathematical techniques we use are based on work by Guckenheimer and Holmes (1983) on co-dimension two bifurcations. However, restrictions on the equations we study imposed by ecological assumptions require a new and somewhat different analysis.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of plants in a lattice structured habitat are studied theoretically. Plants are assumed to propagate both by producing seeds that scatter over the population and by vegetative reproduction by extending runners, rhizomes, or roots, to neighboring vacant sites. In addtion, the seed production rate may be dependent on the local density in the neighborhood, indicating beneficial or harmful crowding effects. Two sets of population dynamical equation(s) are derived: one based onmean-field approximation and the other based onpair approximation (tracing both global and local densities simultaneously). We examine the accuracy of these approximate dynamics by comparing them with direct computer simulation of the stochastic lattice model. Pair approximation is much more accurate than mean-field approximation. Mean-field approximation overestimates the parameter range for persistence if crowding effects on seed production are harmful or weakly beneficial, but underestimates it if crowding effects are highly beneficial. Dynamics may show bistability (both population persistence and extinction) if the effect of crowding is strongly beneficial. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximised by a mixture of seed production and vegetative reproduction, rather than by pure seed production or by pure vegetative reproduction. This result is correctly predicted by pair approximation but not by mean-field approximation.  相似文献   
Analyses of spatial patterns and population processes of clonal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nonrandom spatial structure of terrestrial plants is formed by ecological interactions and reproduction with a limited dispersal range, and in turn this may strongly affect population dynamics and population genetics. The traditional method of modelling in population ecology is either to neglect spatial pattern (e.g. in transition matrix models) or to do straightforward computer simulation. We review here three analytical mothods to deal with plant populations in a lattice-structured habitat, which propagate both by seeds that scatter over the whole habitat and by vegetative reproduction (producing runners, rhizomes, etc.) to neighboring vacant sites. [1]Dynamics of global and local densities: Dynamical equations of population density considering nearest-neighbor correlation (spatial clumping) are developed as the joint dynamics of global average density and local density (comparable to mean crowding) based onpair approximation. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximized by engaging both means of reproduction. This result is accurately predicted by the pair approximation method, but not by mean-field approximation (neglect of spatial structure). [2]Cluster size distributions: Using global and local densities obtained by pair approximation, we predicted cluster size distribution, i.e. the number of clusters of occupied sites of various sizes. [3]Clonal identity probability decreasing with distance: Multi-locus measurement of allozymes or other neutral molecular markers tells us whether or not a given pair of individuals belong to the same clone. From the pattern of clonal identity probability decreasing with the distance between ramets, we can estimate the relative importance of two modes of reproduction: vegetative propagation and sexual seed production.  相似文献   
Many existing derivations of knowledge-based statistical pair potentials invoke the quasichemical approximation to estimate the expected side-chain contact frequency if there were no amino acid pair-specific interactions. At first glance, the quasichemical approximation that treats the residues in a protein as being disconnected and expresses the side-chain contact probability as being proportional to the product of the mole fractions of the pair of residues would appear to be rather severe. To investigate the validity of this approximation, we introduce two new reference states in which no specific pair interactions between amino acids are allowed, but in which the connectivity of the protein chain is retained. The first estimates the expected number of side-chain contracts by treating the protein as a Gaussian random coil polymer. The second, more realistic reference state includes the effects of chain connectivity, secondary structure, and chain compactness by estimating the expected side-chain contrast probability by placing the sequence of interest in each member of a library of structures of comparable compactness to the native conformation. The side-chain contact maps are not allowed to readjust to the sequence of interest, i.e., the side chains cannot repack. This situation would hold rigorously if all amino acids were the same size. Both reference states effectively permit the factorization of the side-chain contact probability into sequence-dependent and structure-dependent terms. Then, because the sequence distribution of amino acids in proteins is random, the quasichemical approximation to each of these reference states is shown to be excellent. Thus, the range of validity of the quasichemical approximation is determined by the magnitude of the side-chain repacking term, which is, at present, unknown. Finally, the performance of these two sets of pair interaction potentials as well as side-chain contact fraction-based interaction scales is assessed by inverse folding tests both without and with allowing for gaps.  相似文献   
Summary Films of cleaving embryos of the axolotl,Ambystoma mexicanum, taken by the double camera technique, were used in order to arrive at a more detailed staging based on quantitative criteria. Drawings were made of the animal hemispheres just prior to the start of each cleavage cycle from the 6th to the 15th cleavage. The number of cells intersected either by the (apparent) egg diameter (up to the 10th cleavage) or by half the diameter (from the 10th cleavage onwards) was determined. The cell numbers for each cleavage cycle did not overlap with those of the previous or succeeding cycles. On the basis of these cell numbers, in place of the four Harrison stages 6–9, 10 successive stages were established each of which corresponds to one cleavage cycle.  相似文献   
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