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Qi ML  Zhang YY  Liu XL  He R  Zhao YY 《遗传》2011,33(8):895-900
为评估定量荧光PCR(QF-PCR)方法在男性不育遗传学诊断中的应用价值,文章对78例非梗阻性男性不育患者,采用精液常规检测精子情况,并检测患者性激素水平;采用QF-PCR方法对患者性染色体多态性STR位点及特异性位点进行检测;采用常规染色体G显带方法进行核型分析;PCR检测AZF微缺失。结果显示78例非梗阻性男性不育患者中发现无精子症患者18例,少精子症患者20例,总检出率为48.72%。采用QF-PCR方法检出3例47,XXY患者,2例46,XX(SRY+)性反转患者,1例AZFc区微缺失患者,与细胞培养染色体分析和AZF微缺失PCR检测结果相符。与传统方法相比,QF-PCR技术能更迅速、直接、可靠地检测到男性不育患者的染色体异常区域,及早发现染色体细微结构异常,有助于染色体异常造成的男性不育症的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   
张媛媛  杜强  刘晓亮  崔婉婷  何蓉  赵彦艳 《遗传》2014,36(6):552-557
为评估定量荧光PCR(Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction, QF-PCR)技术在快速筛查无精子症因子(Azoospermia factor, AZF)微缺失中的应用, 文章对1218例非梗阻性无精子症、少精子症的男性不育患者, 采用多重QF-PCR结合毛细管电泳技术, 检测Y染色体长臂AZF区9个序列标签位点(Sequence tagged site, STS)以及性染色体短臂的AMEL(Amelogenin)和SRY(Sex-determining region of Y chromosome)位点, 辅以常规染色体G显带方法进行核型分析。结果显示, 1218例患者中105例可见AZF区微缺失(8.62%), 其中AZFc区缺失(67.62%)最常见, 其次为AZFb,c区缺失(20.95%); AZFb区缺失(7.62%)和AZFa区缺失(3.81%)则较少见; 另有5例患者为AZFa,b,c区缺失合并AMEL-Y缺失, 提示可能缺少Y染色体, 经核型分析验证为46,XX(性反转)。105例AZF区微缺失患者的染色体核型分析显示染色体异常16例, 其中“Yqh-”12例。根据AMEL-X/AMEL-Y比值, 可见1218例患者中86例可能存在性染色体异常, 经核型分析验证, 68例为性染色体非整倍体。多重QF-PCR技术, 一个反应即能检测样本的多个位点, 并可提示性染色体是否存在异常, 有助于男性不育患者尽早明确病因, 也为后续的检查和治疗提供依据。  相似文献   
男性不育常伴随精子数量减少。Pygo2基因在染色质重塑的伸长精细胞中表达, 其功能受损会导致精子形成阻滞和精子生成减少而引发不育。文章旨在检测引起人特发性少精子症和无精子症的Pygo2基因突变。从77例正常生育力男性和195例特发性少精子症和无精子症患者静脉血提取DNA, 采用聚合酶链式反应-测序方法对Pygo2基因3个蛋白质编码区进行测序对比, 非同义单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)位点分别用SIFT、Polyphen-2和 Mutation Taster软件进行诱发蛋白质结构和表型改变的检测和分析。结果表明, 195例患者中, 178例(30例轻度或中度少精子症, 57例重度少精子症和91例无精子症)基因序列分析报告完好, 无精子症中3例患者分别在2个位点(rs61758740, rs141722381)发生了非同义突变SNPs, 重度少精子症中1例患者在位点rs61758741发生了非同义突变, 3个突变位点在SNPs基因数据库都已有报道, 轻度或中度少精子症患者以及正常生育力男性中不存在SNPs。rs61758740可使PYGO2蛋白第141位蛋氨酸(M)变为异亮氨酸(I), rs61758741使PYGO2蛋白第261位碱性赖氨酸(K)变为酸性谷氨酸(E), rs141722381使PYGO2蛋白第240位亲水侧链天冬酰胺(N)变为疏水侧链异亮氨酸(I)。软件分析表明, 在所发现的3个SNP非同义突变位点中, rs141722381引起的单个氨基酸改变会导致PYGO2蛋白空间结构破坏和诱发相关疾病。因此, Pygo2基因蛋白质编码序列区SNPs可能是特发性少精子症和无精子症的诱发因素之一, 导致男性不育。  相似文献   
The DNA methyltransferase-like protein Dnmt3L is necessary for the establishment of genomic imprints in oogenesis and for normal spermatogenesis (Bourc'his et al., 2001; Hata et al., 2002). Also, a paternally imprinted gene, H19, loses DNA methylation in Dnmt3L-/- spermatogonia (Bourc'his and Bestor, 2004; Kaneda et al., 2004). To determine the reason for the impaired spermatogenesis in the Dnmt3L-/- testes, we have carried out a series of histological and molecular studies. We show here that Dnmt3L-/- germ cells were arrested and died around the early meiotic stage. A microarray-based gene expression-profiling analysis revealed that various gonad-specific and/or sex-chromosome-linked genes were downregulated in the Dnmt3L-/- testes. In contrast, expression of retrovirus-like intracisternal A-particle (IAP) sequences was upregulated; consistent with this observation, a specific IAP copy showed complete loss of DNA methylation. These findings indicate that Dnmt3L regulates germ cell-specific gene expression and IAP suppression, which are critical for male germ cell proliferation and meiosis.  相似文献   
对217例无精和严重少精症患者外周血淋巴细胞染色体核型进行分析,并采用聚合酶链反应对7例Y染色体结构异常患者的AZFc区进行检测。发现187例无精症患者中检出异常核型77例(41.18%)(其中46,XY,t(6;14)(p21;p13),46,XY,t(8;12)(p21;q24)为世界首报核型),主要涉及染色体异常(数目异常和结构异常);染色体异态(Y染色体异态和9号染色体臂间倒位)及46,XX性反转;30例严重少精症患者中检出异常核型4例(13.33%)(结构异常和46,XX性反转)。由此可见,性染色体数目和结构异常是精子发生障碍的主要原因,其次常染色体的某些断裂点也可能影响精子发生。AZFc区的缺失与否与精子发生也有直接关系。  相似文献   
Numerous studies have documented the use of microarray analysis to identify patterns of global gene expression that distinguish normal development from that of the diseased state. Yet, there are no reports that compare global gene expression in the fertile and infertile human testis. Here, we report an initial study of global gene expression in testicular biopsies from several men with different infertility phenotypes. We found that microarray analysis of small biopsy samples was suitable for profiling expression of genes known to function in germ cell development and also identified expression of novel genes. Since it is now common for infertile men with spermatogenic failure to use intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to achieve biological paternity, we hypothesize that molecular screening of testicular biopsies with microarrays may be suitable: (1) to categorize the molecular phenoytpes of infertile testes in a manner similar to standard morphologic analysis and (2) to initiate larger studies of gene expression in the infertile testes that may identify genetic signatures from biopsies that allow prediction of outcomes.  相似文献   
Microdeletions of the Y-chromosomal AZF loci were revealed in 10 (12%) of 82 patients with severe idiopathic spermatogenetic defects. Deletions involved AZFc in six patients, AZFa in one patient, AZFb+c in two patients, and AZFa+b+c in one patient. Microdeletion analysis employed multiplex PCR with 22 pairs of primers directed to Y-specific STS of deletion intervals 5, 6, and 7 (Yq11). Spermatogenesis in men with AZF microdeletions was assessed with semen analysis, microscopic examination of testicular aspirate, and quantitative karyotypic analysis of immature germline cells in ejaculate or aspirate. The character of spermatogenetic defects was correlated with the size and location of microdeletions in order to study the genotype–phenotype relationship.  相似文献   
Chromosomal abnormality and Y chromosome microdeletion are regarded as two frequent genetic causes associated with spermatogenic failure in Caucasian population. To investigate the distribution of the two genetic defects in Chinese patients with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia, karyotype analysis by G-banding was carried out in 358 idiopathic infertile men, including 256 patients with azoospermia and 102 patients with severe oligozoospermia, and screening of AZF region microdeletion of Y chromosome by multiplex PCR was performed in those patients without detectable chromosomal abnormality and 100 fertile controls. Of 358 patients, 39(10.9%) were found to have chromosomal abnormalities in which Klinefelters syndrome (47, XXY) was the most common chromosomal aberration. The incidence of sex chromosomal abnormality in patients with azoospermia was significantly higher than that in patients with severe oligozoospermia (12.1% vs 1%). Among the rest of the 319 patients with normal karyotype, 46 (14.4%) were found to have microdeletions in AZF region. The prevalence rates of AZF microdeletion was 15% and 13.1% in patients with azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia respectively. The microdeletion in AZFc was the most frequent deletion and all the microdeletions in AZFa were found in azoospermic patients. No microdeletion in AZF region was detected in fertile controls. In conclusion, chromosomal abnormality and AZF region microdeletion of Y chromosome might account for about 25% of Chinese infertile patients with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia, suggesting the two abnormalities are important genetic etiology of spematogenic failure in Chinese population and it is essential to screen them during diagnosis of male infertility before in vitro assisted fertilization by introcytoplasmic sperm injection.  相似文献   
阿周存  杨元  张思仲  张炜  林立 《遗传学报》2006,33(2):111-116
染色体异常和Y染色体微缺失被认为是两个白种人群中常见的生精障碍相关遗传因素。为了解中国无精症、严重寡精症患者中的染色体异常和Y染色体微缺失,运用染色体G显带技术,在358个原发无精症(256人)和严重寡精症(102人)不育患者中进行染色体核型分析;同时运用多重PCR技术,在核型正常的患者和100个正常生育男性中,对Y染色体AZF区微缺失进行筛查。在358个患者中,39人(10.9%)发现有染色体异常,Klinefelter(47,XYY)最为常见。无精症患者性染色体异常频率明显高于严重寡精症患者(12.1%VS1%)。在319个核型正常的患者中,46(14.4%)发现有AZF区微缺失,无精症和寡精症患者中Y染色体微缺失频率分别为15%和13.1%,AZFc区的微缺失最为常见,AZFa区的微缺失只见于无精症患者,正常生育男性中未发现AZF区的微缺失。结果显示,在中国无精症、严重寡精症患者中,大约25%的患者有染色体异常或Y染色体AZF区微缺失,提示这两种遗传异常是中国人群生精障碍的重要相关遗传病因,有必要在男性不育的诊断以及利用细胞浆内精子注射技术进行辅助生育时,对患者的这些遗传异常进行筛查。  相似文献   
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