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张蕴秀  王培昌  姚洁  闵嵘 《生物磁学》2013,(35):6981-6983
由临床检验专业人员承担的《实验诊断学》教学应以临床检验学为教学重点,案例的教学目标及学习重点应围绕临床检验基本原理,检验结果质量保证和检验结果影响因素三方面进行。案例选择应遵循以下原则:①选择质量保证的过程中容易出现问题的环节;②选择物质代谢过程清楚,相关疾病的病理生理改变明确的检验项目,如血糖;③选择在,临床检验中应用较多的方法,比如酶的连续监测法。  相似文献   
医疗设备是医院的重要资产,可在一定程度上反映医院的诊断能力以及现代化程度。新医改政策出台后,各地均大力推进医药卫生信息化建设,随着医疗设备种类的增加,给医院设备管理带来一定的困难,医疗设备信息化管理已成为医院不可或缺的一部分。我国的医疗设备信息化管理起步较晚,尚处于初级研究阶段,从而导致现阶段医疗设备信息化管理问题较多。本文简短叙述了医疗设备信息化管理现状,以及当前医疗设备信息化管理所存在的问题,并对所描述问题提出针对性的解决方案。  相似文献   
近几年来,随着科学技术的发展和医院规模的扩大,社会对医疗技术要求不断提高,因此,高端医疗器械和新型医疗设备需求加大,医疗器械管理与维修也需跟进。医疗器械的正常使用在医疗工作中有着举足轻重的作用,可提高医疗人员的工作效率,提升临床诊治的水平,但其在改善医疗条件的同时也存在一系列的问题,若无法保质和及时维修医疗器械,对正常医疗设备的使用具有严重影响,延误患者的就诊与治疗。目前医院医疗器械维修中存在的维修人员整体素质偏低、管理机制不健全、维修技术落后、医疗器械维修人员不足、缺乏积极性及再学习的机会、医疗器械缺乏定期保养和管理等实际问题,导致医疗器械维修效率低,本文就以上问题展开讨论,旨在为医院维修管理的制定提供参考。  相似文献   
研究了一类具有非线性种群反应扩散系统奇摄动Robin初始边值问题.在适当的条件下,利用微分不等式理论,讨论了问题解的存在性和渐近性态.  相似文献   
中国外来入侵植物研究现状及存在的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物入侵是当今各国发展的一大挑战,特别是像中国这样的发展中国家。然而,我们对外来入侵种的本底资料还很不清楚,更缺乏相关的深入调查;对生物入侵所造成的生态和经济影响还没有引起足够的重视,同时也忽视了盲目引种可能带来的各种危害。本文在文献调研的基础上,从外来植物的入侵历史和文化、中国外来入侵植物的调查现状、外来植物入侵对生态安全及经济的影响等方面进行了全面系统的总结,并提出了中国外来入侵植物研究领域存在的问题及应对措施。  相似文献   
细胞药物具有自身特点和优势,对肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病等疑难病症具有较好疗效,起到了其他药物难以发挥的作用。但细胞药物在研发过程中,也存在伦理、安全等问题。针对这些问题,提出了一些解决策略,并介绍了细胞药物最新临床研发情况,对其广阔的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
以往的心电仿真研究都没有考虑在一个心动周期内,因为心脏跳动而引起的偶极子位置变化的实际情况,从而造成其结果输出的不可避免的误差,在心脏电生理和心脏动力学分析的基础上,对原有的心脏电仿真模型施加动力学影响,从而构建了新的跳动心脏模型。在这两个模型上进行了正常心脏和心肌缺血心脏的仿真试验后,对比两个心电模型的仿真输出,发现新的心脏模型有效提高了仿真精度,对于严重心肌缺血和轻微心肌缺血的识别分别有不同程度的改善。这项研究证实了动力学因素 在心电模型建构中的重要性,为心电正问题和逆问题研究的进一步开展 提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   
We present a P system with replicated rewriting to solve the Maximum Clique Problem for a graph. Strings representing cliques are built gradually. This involves the use of inhibitors that control the space of all generated solutions to the problem. Calculating the maximum clique for a graph is a highly relevant issue not only on purely computational grounds, but also because of its relationship to fundamental problems in genomics. We propose to implement the designed P system by means of a DNA algorithm. This algorithm is then compared with two standard papers that addressed the same problem and its DNA implementation in the past. This comparison is carried out on the basis of a series of computational and physical parameters. Our solution features a significantly lower cost in terms of time, the number and size of strands, as well as the simplicity of the biological implementation.  相似文献   
The Non-Identity Problem is the problem of explaining the apparent wrongness of a decision that does not harm people, especially since some of the people affected by the decision would not exist at all were it not for the decision. One approach to this problem, in the context of reproductive decisions, is to focus on wronging, rather than harming, one's offspring. But a Non-Person Problem emerges for any view that claims (1) that only persons can be wronged and (2) that the person-making properties allow for there to be human non-persons. Consider an individual human organism that is prevented from ever possessing the person-making properties. On person-only accounts of the victims of wronging, this organism cannot be wronged by anyone. Hence even individuals whose decisions prevent it from ever possessing the person-making properties cannot wrong it. But this is counter-intuitive. We can think of examples where a human organism is wronged by precisely those decisions that prevent it from possessing the person-making properties. The best solution to this problem, in the case where the person-making property is rational self-governance in pursuit of a meaningful life, is to adjust the concept of a person so that it refers, not merely to those with the immediate capacity for rational self-governance in pursuit of a meaningful life, but also to those with a higher-order capacity for such self-governance. Any solution to the Non-Identity Problem that focuses on wronging rather than harming should incorporate this sort of solution to the Non-Person Problem.  相似文献   
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