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Two new species of Nolinaceae are described and illustrated. The first is a ponytail palm,Beaucarnea compacta, occuring in xerophytic scrub in the Sierra Madre Oriental near Atarjea, Guanajuato. The second new species isCalibanus glassianus, adding the second species to the genusCalibanus. This new species is found in the transition between tropical deciduous forest to subontane scrub in the Sierra Madre Oriental near Xichú, Guanajuato.
Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies de Nolinaceae. La primera es una pata de elefante o palma petacona,Beaucarnea compacta. Se distribuye en matorrales xerófitos de la Sierra madre Oriental cerca de Atarjea, Guanajuato. La segunda nueva especie esCalibanus glassianus, que adiciona una especie más al géneroCalibanus. Esta nueva especie se encuentra en la transición de bosques tropicales caducifolios con matorrales xerófilos de la sierra Madre Oriental en los alrededores de Xichú, Guanajuato.
Abstract. Large succulent leaf rosettes are a characteristic life form in many deserts. In certain areas they become the dominant life form, creating a vegetation type indicated as rosette scrub. The large number of rosette species suggests a close relationship between form and environment. Rosettes are excellent harvesters of low‐intensity rains and fogs. We propose that some rosette‐dominated formations of the Mexican mountains, namely the montane rosette scrub, occur in altitudinal belts around mountains where fog is abundant. We sampled four altitudinal gradients in mountains with different flora recording the abundance and richness of plants. At one site, the Tehuacán Valley, we also measured the quantity of fog along the gradient, below, above and in the rosette scrub for one year. We found that the abundance and richness of succulent rosette species are strongly associated with altitude, showing maximum values in the well‐defined elevational belts where the montane rosette scrub occurs. Other life forms, such as stem succulent cacti or woody shrubs, do not show this mid‐elevation pattern. The altitudinal ranges where the montane rosette scrub occurs usually coincide with areas where clouds and fog form. Our micrometeorological measurements indicate that rosette plants growing within a cloud belt can increase their water supply by 10–100% by harvesting fog. Outside these belts fog harvest is negligible. Desert rosettes constitute one of the most common fog‐harvesting growth forms.  相似文献   
Kim JH  Kim DK  Forest F  Fay MF  Chase MW 《Annals of botany》2010,106(5):775-790


Previous phylogenetics studies of Asparagales, although extensive and generally well supported, have left several sets of taxa unclearly placed and have not addressed all relationships within certain clades thoroughly (some clades were relatively sparsely sampled). One of the most important of these is sampling within and placement of Nolinoideae (Ruscaceae s.l.) of Asparagaceae sensu Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III, which subfamily includes taxa previously referred to Convallariaceae, Dracaenaaceae, Eriospermaceae, Nolinaceae and Ruscaceae.


A phylogenetic analysis of a combined data set for 126 taxa of Ruscaceae s.l. and related groups in Asparagales based on three nuclear and plastid DNA coding genes, 18S rDNA (1796 bp), rbcL (1338 bp) and matK (1668 bp), representing a total of approx. 4·8 kb is presented. Parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses were conducted to elucidate relationships of Ruscaceae s.l. and related groups, and parsimony bootstrap analysis was performed to assess support of clades.

Key Results

The combination of the three genes results in the most highly resolved and strongly supported topology yet obtained for Asparagales including Ruscaceae s.l. Asparagales relationships are nearly congruent with previous combined gene analyses, which were reflected in the APG III classification. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield identical relationships except for some slight variation among the core asparagoid families, which nevertheless form a strongly supported group in both types of analyses. In core asparagoids, five major clades are identified: (1) Alliaceae s.l. (sensu APG III, Amarylidaceae–Agapanthaceae–Alliaceae); (2) Asparagaceae–Laxmanniaceae–Ruscaceae s.l.; (3) Themidaceae; (4) Hyacinthaceae; (5) Anemarrhenaceae–Behniaceae–Herreriaceae–Agavaceae (clades 2–5 collectively Asparagaceae s.l. sensu APG III). The position of Aphyllanthes is labile, but it is sister to Themidaceae in the combined maximum-parsimony tree and sister to Anemarrhenaceae in the Bayesian analysis. The highly supported clade of Xanthorrhoeaceae s.l. (sensu APG III, including Asphodelaceae and Hemerocallidaceae) is sister to the core asparagoids. Ruscaceae s.l. are a well-supported group. Asparagaceae s.s. are sister to Ruscaceae s.l., even though the clade of the two families is weakly supported; Laxmanniaceae are strongly supported as sister to Ruscaceae s.l. and Asparagaceae. Ruscaceae s.l. include six principal clades that often reflect previously named groups: (1) tribe Polygonateae (excluding Disporopsis); (2) tribe Ophiopogoneae; (3) tribe Convallarieae (excluding Theropogon); (4) Ruscaceae s.s. + Dracaenaceae + Theropogon + Disporopsis + Comospermum; (5) Nolinaceae, (6) Eriospermum.


The analyses here were largely conducted with new data collected for the same loci as in previous studies, but in this case from different species/DNA accessions and greater sampling in many cases than in previously published analyses; nonetheless, the results largely mirror those of previously conducted studies. This demonstrates the robustness of these results and answers questions often raised about reproducibility of DNA results, given the often sparse sampling of taxa in some studies, particularly the earliest ones. The results also provide a clear set of patterns on which to base a new classification of the subfamilies of Asparagaceae s.l., particularly Ruscaceae s.l. (= Nolinoideae of Asparagaceae s.l.), and examine other putatively important characters of Asparagales.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the intrafamilial systematics of Ruscaccae sensu lata by means of a combined molecular-morphological analysis. Ruscaceae sensu lata (including former Con-vallariaceae. Dracaenaceae and Nolinaccac, as well as Comospermum and Eriospermum ) represent a well-supported clade in other molecular analyses and are further linked by the absence of phytomclan in the seed coat. Within this clade there is an unusual lack of sequence divergence for such a morphologically varied group of taxa, but the combined morphological-molecular analysis indicates some groupings: (1) Eriospermum , (2) Comospermum , (3) nolinoids (former Nolinaceac) plus Ophiopogon and Liriope (Ophiopogonae, excluding Peliosanthes ), (4) dracaenoids (former Dracaenaceae), (5; Polygonatae and (6) a clade comprising Convallarieac (including Aspidistra ) and the ruscoids (Ruscaccae sensu stricto ) plus Peliosanthes. In the morphological analysis Peliosanthes is embedded in Convallarieae, and in the molecular analysis it is sister to all other Ruscaceae except Eriospermum: in neither case does it fall with Ophiopogon and Liriope (Ophiopogonae), with which it was traditionally placed. Peliosanthes has several characters in common with some Convallarieae, e.g. filaments fused into a column surrounding the gynoecium, and a thick, fleshy corona with the stigma more or less filling the narrow floral opening. On the other hand, there arc also some notable differences, such as in karyotype, leaf anatomy, pollen morphology and nectaries. Since there is a considerable range of morphological variation in the taxon currently designated as Peliosanthes. more taxonomic work is needed to establish the monophyly of this genus before there can be confidence in its relationships within Ruscaccae sensu lata.  相似文献   
Several systems of classification have been proposed for the family Agavaceae. A distinctive bimodal karyotype and similarities of fruits and seeds strongly support close relationships among Yucca, Hesperaloë, Beschorneria, Furcraea, Agave, Manfreda, Polianthes, Prochnyanthes, and perhaps Hosta. However, Dasylirion, Beaucamea, Nolina, Calibanus, Dracaena, and Sansevieria differ in so many cytological and morphological features that many have concluded they should be excluded from Agavaceae and separated into two families, Nolinaceae and Dracaenaceae. Chloroplast DNA restriction site data support these separations and indicate that Nolinaceae and Dracaenaceae are very close to Convallariaceae (Maianthemum, Convallaria, Aspidistra, Liriope, etc.). In this paper we report the results of an ITS rDNA sequencing study of 40 taxa in Agavaceae sensu lato and related groups in the order Asparagales. Sequence alignments were optimized using the Consistency Index, Retention Index, and Rescaled Consistency Index to find the alignment that exhibited the least amount of homoplasy. The results of our study are congruent with the conclusions drawn from cytological, immunological, cpDNA, and rbcL studies, which support a narrow interpretation of Agavaceae and a close relationship among Convallariaceae, Dracaenaceae, and Nolinaceae. In addition, the ITS sequence data provide evidence for some interesting relationships within these families.  相似文献   
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