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1. Two mutants of the sodium channel II have been expressed inXenopus oocytes and have been investigated using the patch-clamp technique. In mutant E387Q the glutamic acid at position 387 has been replaced by glutamine, and in mutant D384N the aspartic acid at position 384 has been replaced by asparagine.2. Mutant E387Q, previously shown to be resistant to block by tetrodotoxin (Noda et al. 1989), has a single-channel conductance of 4 pS, that can be easily measured only using noise analysis. At variance with the wild-type, the openchannel current-voltage relationship of mutant E387Q is linear over a wide voltage range even under asymmetrical ionic conditions.3. Mutant D384N has a very low permeability for any of the following ions: Cl, Na+, K+, Li+, Rb+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4 + , TMA+, TEA+. However, asymmetric charge movements similar to the gating currents of the Na+-selective wild-type are still observed.4. These results suggest that residues E387 and D384 interact directly with the pathway of the ions permeating the open channel.Abbreviations TTX tetrodotoxin; Na+, sodium; K+, potassium; - NFR normal frog Ringer - HEPES N-2-hydroxylethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-amino-ethyl ether) N,N,N',N'-tetra acetic acid - TEA tetraethylammonium - TMA tetramethylammonium;I g , gating current; , single-channel conductance  相似文献   
The electrosensory primary afferents in elasmobranchs are responsive to electric potentials created by the animal's own ventilation, while the second-order neurons (AENs) which receive this afferent input in the medulla suppress responses to ventilatory potentials but retain their extreme sensitivity to electric signals in the environment. Ventilatory potentials are common mode signals in elasmobranchs and a common mode rejection mechanism is one way the AENs suppress ventilatory noise. By pressure injecting the GABA-A receptor antagonist SR95531 while extracellularly recording from AENs, we tested the hypothesis that the subtractive circuitry that selectively reduces common mode signals in AENs utilizes GABA, and that a GAB-Aergic component of the dorsal nucleus commissural pathway mediates crossed inhibition of AENs. Local application of SR95531 increased the spontaneous activity and the responsiveness of AENs to electrosensory stimuli. AEN responses to a common mode stimulus were selectively increased compared to responses to a localized stimulus due to SR95531 application. Contralateral inhibition of AENs was blocked by SR95531, indicating that GABAergic commissural cells may inhibit AENs when the contralateral side of the body is stimulated, as with common mode stimulation. We conclude that GABAergic inhibition contributes significantly to the shaping of AEN responses including common mode rejection.Abbreviations AENs ascending efferent neurons - GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid  相似文献   
A mathematical treatment is given for 1/f noise observed in the ion transport through membranes. It is shown that this noise can be generated by current or voltage fluctuations which occur after step changes of the membrane permeability. Due to diffusion polarization in the unstirred solution layers near the membrane these fluctuations exhibit a 1/t time course which produces noise with a 1/f frequency dependence. The spectral density of 1/f noise is calculated for porous membranes with random switches between a finite and zero pore permeability. A wide frequency range and a magnitude of 1/f noise are obtained which are compatible with experimental data of 1/f noise reported for nerve membranes.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 38 Membranforschung.  相似文献   
To determine whether chronic exposure to airport noise affects children, a study was conducted of the physical growth of children, aged 5-13 years, from two communities, one exposed to airport noise (n = 148) and another, not exposed (n = 102). Ten standard anthropometric measurements were made according to U.S. Health Examination Survey guidelines, and information on the social and biological characteristics of each family was collected in interviews. Hotelling's T2-tests were performed comparing the noise-exposed and nonnoise-exposed samples. There was no significant difference between the sample for measurements of social and biological characteristics of the families (including socioeconomic status and maternal reproductive history). Parental anthropometrics differed significantly (T2 = 24.32, P = 0.0001) as did child anthropometrics (T2 = 21.01, P = 0.032). For the child anthropometrics, noise-exposed children's slightly smaller measures of body bulk, together with their larger facial breadths, contributed to the significant T2. When the entire sample (n = 250) was analyzed by multiple linear regression, noise exposure was a significant predictor only of male triceps and subscapular skinfolds. For these two variables, and most other anthropometrics, however, the beta coefficients were negative for both sexes. In order to include information on the covariance structure among all variables, a canonical correlation analysis was performed. Noise exposure loaded negatively on the third canonical variate and was paired with positively loaded measures of body bulk. Taken together, the three analyses suggest that while there is some evidence for a slight effect of airport noise on measures of body bulk for males in this sample, most measures of postnatal growth for both males and females were unaffected by the noise levels experienced.  相似文献   


Noise induced injury of the cochlea causes shifts in activation thresholds and changes of frequency response in the inferior colliculus (IC). Noise overexposure also induces pathological changes in the cochlea, and is highly correlated to hearing loss. However, the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we hypothesized that overexposure to noise induces substantial electrophysiological changes in the IC of guinea pigs.


During the noise exposure experiment, the animals were undergoing a bilateral exposure to noise. Additionally, various techniques were employed including confocal microscopy for the detection of cochlea hair cells and single neuron recording for spontaneous firing activity measurement. There were alterations among three types of frequency response area (FRA) from sound pressure levels, including V-, M-, and N-types. Our results indicate that overexposure to noise generates different patterns in the FRAs. Following a short recovery (one day after the noise treatment), the percentage of V-type FRAs considerably decreased, whereas the percentage of M-types increased. This was often caused by a notch in the frequency response that occurred at 4 kHz (noise frequency). Following a long recovery from noise exposure (11–21 days), the percentage of V-types resumed to a normal level, but the portion of M-types remained high. Interestingly, the spontaneous firing in the IC was enhanced in both short and long recovery groups.


Our data suggest that noise overexposure changes the pattern of the FRAs and stimulates spontaneous firing in the IC in a unique way, which may likely relate to the mechanism of tinnitus.  相似文献   
This paper is a critical recasting of some of Robert Rosen's thought. It is argued that a lot of the thrust of Rosen's work can be better understood when recast in terms of the context dependency of causal models. When recast in this way, I seek to highlight how his thought does not lead to the abandonment of formal modelling and a descent into relativism, but a more careful and rigours science of complex systems. This also sheds light on several aspects of modelling, including the need for multiple models, the nature of modelling noise, and why adaptive systems cause particular problems to modellers. In this way, I hope to decrease researchers fear that, by taking Rosen's criticisms seriously, they would have to abandon the realm of acceptable science.  相似文献   
Biological systems process information under noisy environment. Sensory adaptation model of E. coli is suitable for investigation because of its simplicity. To understand the adaptation processing quantitatively, stochastic thermodynamic approach has been attempted. Information processing can be assumed as state transition of a system that consists of signal transduction molecules using thermodynamic approach, and efficiency can be measured as thermodynamic cost. Recently, using information geometry and stochastic thermodynamics, a relationship between speed of the transition and the thermodynamic cost has been investigated for a chemical reaction model. Here, we introduce this approach to sensory adaptation model of E. coli, and examined a relationship between adaptation speed and the thermodynamic cost, and efficiency of the adaptation speed. For increasing external noise level in stimulation, the efficiency decreased, but the efficiency was highly robust to external stimulation strength. Moreover, we demonstrated that there is the best noise to achieve the adaptation in the aspect of thermodynamic efficiency. Our quantification method provides a framework to understand the adaptation speed and the thermodynamic cost for various biological systems.  相似文献   
环境噪声被认为是影响健康的重要因素之一,但有关胎儿期环境噪声对成年后听觉行为的影响缺少系统的研究。本研究对胎儿噪声暴露组、成年噪声暴露组和正常对照组大鼠在出生后第11周开始进行为期17d的听觉目标探索训练,观察其在水迷宫中寻找听觉目标的行为差异。以大鼠寻找平台的时间、成功率、运动轨迹为指标对其听觉目标探索行为进行比较。结果发现,噪声暴露可导致大鼠在水迷宫中的听觉目标探索行为的缺陷,在胎儿期噪声暴露比成年期噪声暴露对动物探索听觉目标的行为影响更大。该结果提示,孕期进行适当的噪声防护以保证优生优育是非常必要的。  相似文献   
Tension and patch clamp recording techniques were used to investigate the relaxation of rabbit pulmonary artery and the properties of the K+ current activated by levcromakalim in isolated myocytes. Under whole-cell voltage clamp, holding at –60 mV in symmetrical 139 mm K+, levcromakalim (10 m) induced a noisy inward current of –116 ± 19 pA (n = 13) which developed over 1 to 2 min. This current could be blocked by either glibenclamide (10 m) or phencyclidine (5–50 M) and was unaffected when extracellular Ca2+ was removed. Both these drugs inhibited the levcromakalim-induced relaxation of muscle strips precontracted with 20 mm [K+] o . Application of voltage ramps in symmetrical 139 mm K+ confirmed that the levcromakalim-induced current was carried by K+ ions and was weakly voltage dependent over the potential range from –100 to +40 mV.The unitary current amplitude and density of the channels underlying the levcromakalim-activated whole-cell K+ current was estimated from the noise in the current record. We estimate that levcromakalim caused activation of around 300 channels per cell, with a single channel current of 1.1 pA, corresponding to a slope conductance of about 19 pS. Furthermore, cells dialyzed with an ATP-free pipette solution developed a large noisy inward current at –60 mV, which could subsequently be blocked by flash photolysis of caged ATP. Analysis of the noise associated with this current indicated that the single channel amplitude underlying the ATP-blocked current was 1.4 pA, a value similar to that estimated for the levcromakalim-induced current. We conclude that the conductance of this ATP-sensitive channel is likely to be small under physiological conditions and that it is present at low density.We thank SmithKline & Beecham for the gift of levcromakalim, ICI Pharmaceuticals for the gift of charybdotoxin and Prof. D. Colquhoun for the noise analysis programs. We also thank Mr. R. Davey for technical assistance with tension experiments. This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. L.H.C. is a Wellcome Research Fellow and P.L. is an intermediate fellow of the BHF.  相似文献   
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