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C. A. Atkins 《Plant and Soil》1987,100(1-3):157-169
Summary Nitrogen (N2) fixed by Rhizobium bacteroids in the legume nodule is excreted as ammonia to the surrounding host cell where it is efficiently assimilated into the amide group of glutamine. Generally glutamine is a minor exported solute of nitrogen, being further metabolised to asparagine in temperate species and to the ureides, allantoin and allantoic acid in tropical species. These solutes serve as the principal translocated forms of nitrogen in xylem. Compartmentalisation of the pathways of nitrogen metabolism and the role of ammonia in regulation of their activity is examined in nodules of both asparagine-forming (Lupinus albus L.) and ureide-forming (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) symbioses.  相似文献   
Résumé En vue d'une étude, au laboratoire, de la nodulation et de la symbiose plante-bactérie des préparations de protoplastes de mésophylle et de nodule racinaire ont été effectuées chez le haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris variété Constant). Pour chaque préparation, les conditions opératoires et les concentrations optimales de cellulase et de pectinase en solution, dans du mannitol 0,6M ont été définies.Áprès 15 jours, 10 à 15% des protoplastes de mésophylle mis en culture dans le milieu B5 de Gamborg se divisent 2 à 3 fois. Des essais de fusion réalisés avec des faibles densités cellulaires entre protoplastes de mésophylle et protoplastes de nodule ont, donné des taux de fusion de l'ordre de 2,43%.
Study of the symbiosis Rhizobium-legume: Preparation of isolated cells forin vitro study
Summary With a view to studyin vitro the processes of nodulation and plant-bacteria symbiosis, preparation of mesophyll protoplasts and root nodule protoplasts have been realized fromPhaseolus vulgaris (Constant var.).For every preparation the process of experimentation and optimum concentrations of cellulase and pectinase diluted in mannitol 0,6M have been defined.After a 15 days' period, 10 to 15% of mesophyll protoplasts divided twice or even three times in B5 Gamborg's medium. Although we used low rate cell concentrations, root nodule protoplasts and mesophyll protoplasts have been able to fuse in the proportion of 2,43%.
Summary The relative nitrogen fixation efficiencies (RE 1-[H2 evolved÷C2H2 reduced]·100) of four mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var.torreyana) rhizobia (Strains WR 1001, WR 1002, L5, L9) and a cowpea rhizobia (Strain 176A32) on mesquite were evaluated in a glasshouse experiment. Plant yield, shoot N accumulation, and the natural15N abundance (15N) of nodule tissue were determined. Strain WR 1002 failed to nodulate mesquite and strain L5 produced ineffective nodules. Among the three effective strains (WR 1001, L9, 176A32) the cowpea strain (176A32) and strain L9 had significantly higher RE than strain WR 1001. Differences in RE, however, were not accompanied by significantly higher plant yield and shoot N accumulation. The difference in15N abundance between foliar tissue and nodules (nodules minus leaves) was 0.47 15N for the ineffective L5 nodules, while for the effective WR 1001, L9, and 176A32 nodules, respectively, this difference was 8.35, 7.81, and 8.35 15N. This indicates a similar relationship between N2-fixing effectiveness and natural15N enrichment of nodules that was previously observed in soybeans (Glycine max, L. Merr.). Strains WR 1001 and L9 produced elongate, indeterminate nodules typical for mesquite. The ineffective L5 nodules had few infected cells and an abundance of cortical amyloplasts. Mesquite nodules produced by the cowpea strain were spherical and were somewhat more similar in internal morphology to determinate nodules typical of cowpea than indeterminate nodules normally associated with mesquite.  相似文献   
The structure of the nodules formed by Rhizobium on the non-legume Trema cannabina var. scabra was studied using the light microscope. The overall features of the nodules showed greater resemblance to the non-legume rather than the legume nodule. Nodule squashes yielded bundles of infection threads and bacteroids with morphological differences from rhizobial cells grown on yeast-mannitol-glucose agar. Two types of cell infection occurred within the bacterial zone; plant cells were either, like legumes, filled with rhizobia released from the infection threads (less than one third of infected cells) or were filled with the extensive growth and development of the infection thread. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the Trema nodule was high. It seemed that host cells filled with threads were active in N fixation.  相似文献   
水培大豆和田间生长的大豆,接种根瘤菌 Rhizobium B16-11C 后植株全氮含量、叶片叶绿素含量和净光合速率及种子产量都明显增加。比较 Clark 大豆的结瘤品系和不结瘤品系获类似结果。摘除根瘤后3天内叶片净光合速率无明显变化。大豆植株遮阴、去叶或切掉地上部导致根瘤活性明显下降。但去豆荚不能提高根瘤固氮的比活性。根瘤活性的日变化不能用根瘤蔗糖、淀粉含量或周围温度的变化来解释,其控制因子尚待深入研究。  相似文献   
The anatomy and ultrastructure of root nodules of Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) were analysed, as was plant growth. To ensure that nodules developed, seedlings were inoculated with a mixture of six strains of rhizobia. Nodules were produced that differed in appearance-and probably also effectiveness-but their structure was similar and they showed characteristics typical of indeterminate nodules, such as persistent meristematic tissue and a gradient of cells at different stages of development. Many starch grains were present in inner cortex cells and interstitial cells of infected tissue. Infected cells were densely packed with bacteroids, which contained many poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules. The high incidence of these granules, together with high levels of starch accumulation in interstitial cells, suggested low N2-fixation efficiency of the rhizobia isolates used for inoculation. In the symbiosomes of early-senescent infected cells, reticulum-like structures, small vesicles and a fibrillar material were observed; these may be related to bacteroid degradation. In the cytoplasm of late-senescent infected cells, many vesicles and membrane-like structures were observed, probably associated with membrane degradation of bacteroids and peribacteroids. The total biomass of plants inoculated with rhizobia was low and their xylopodia and shoots had low levels of N compared with noninoculated plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate. However, inoculated plants did not show N-deficiency symptoms and grew better than non-inoculated plants without N fertilization. These growth results, together with ultrastructural observations of nodules, suggest that nitrogen fixation of rhizobia isolates associated with Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata roots is poor.  相似文献   
以西瓜(Citrullus vulgarris)郑抗1号为接穗,日本南瓜(C. moschata)、黑籽南瓜(C. ficifolia)、葫芦(Lagenaria siceraia)为砧木,研究了嫁接苗和自根苗在(7.5±0.5)℃低温胁迫下叶片相关耐寒性指标的变化。结果表明:低温处理后嫁接苗丙二醛(MDA)含量、电解质渗透率显著低于自根苗;叶绿素、脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性糖含量以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著高于自根苗。与处理前相比,12 d时日本南瓜砧、黑籽南瓜砧和葫芦砧嫁接苗叶绿素含量分别降低了30.48%、28.48%和52.69%;葫芦砧嫁接苗MDA含量6 d时较处理前增加了313.16%;3~12 d日本南瓜砧和黑籽南瓜砧嫁接苗电解质渗透率显著低于葫芦砧嫁接苗;低温处理期间,日本南瓜砧嫁接苗可溶性糖含量分别比黑籽南瓜砧和葫芦砧嫁接苗高出24.71%和31.17%,SOD、POD、CAT酶活性高于另外2个组合。综合各项指标显示:3种砧木均能提高接穗对低温的忍耐能力,其顺序为日本南瓜砧>黑籽南瓜砧>葫芦砧。  相似文献   
The Pacific Nodule Province is a unique ocean area containing an abundance of polymetallic nodules. To explore more genetic information and discover potentially industrial useful genes of the microbial community from this particular area, a cosmid library with an average insert of about 35 kb was constructed from the deep-sea sediment. The bacteria in the cosmid library were composed mainly of Proteobacteria including Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria. The end sequences of some cosmid clones were determined and the complete insert sequences of two cosmid clones, 10D02 and 17H9, are presented. 10D02 has a length of 40.8 kb and contains 40 predicted encoding genes. It contains a partial 16S rRNA gene of Alphaproteobacteria. 17H9 is 36.8 kb and predicted to have 31 encoding genes and a 16S-23S-5S rRNA gene operon. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequence on the 17H9 both reveals that the inserted DNA from 17H9 came from a novel Alphaproteobacteria and is closely related to Magnetospirillum species. The predicted proteins of ORF 1-11 also have high identity to those of Magnetospirillum species, and the organization of these genes is highly conserved among known Magnetospirillum species. The data suggest that the retrieved DNA in 17H9 might be derived from a novel Magnetospirillum species.  相似文献   
Nodule conductance to O2 diffusion has been involved as a major factor of the inhibition of N2 fixation by soil salinity that severely reduces the production of grain legumes. In order to determine the effect of this constraint on the nodule conductance, oxygen uptake by the nodulated roots of Cicer arietinum was measured by recording the concentration of O2 as a function of pO2 in a gas-tight incubator. After germination and inoculation with the strain Mesorhizobium ciceri UPMCa7, the varieties Amdoun 1 and INRAT 93-1 were hydroponically grown in a glasshouse on 1L glass bottles filled with nutrient solution containing 25 mM NaCl. Salinity induced a marked decrease in shoot (30% versus 14%), root (43% versus 20%), and nodule biomass (100% versus 43%) for Amdoun 1 relative to INRAT 93-1. Although salinity completely prevented nodule formation in the sensitive variety Amdoun 1, nodule number and biomass were higher in the first than in the second variety in the absence of salt. This effect was associated with a significantly higher O2 uptake by nodulated root (510 versus 255 micromol O2 plant(-1)h(-1)) and nodule conductance (20 versus 5 microm s(-1)) in Amdoun 1 than in INRAT 93-1. Salinity did not significantly change the nodule conductance and nodule permeability for INRAT 93-1. Thus, the salt tolerance of this variety appears to be associated with stability in nodule conductance and the capacity to form nodules under salt constraint.  相似文献   
Chamaecrista mimosoides is an annual herb legume widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa. It may have primitive and independently-evolved root nodule types but its rhizobia have not been systematically studied. Therefore, in order to learn the diversity and species affinity of its rhizobia, root nodules were sampled from C. mimosoides plants growing in seven geographical sites along the coast line of Shandong Peninsula, China. A total of 422 rhizobial isolates were obtained from nodules, and they were classified into 28 recA haplotypes. By using multilocus sequence analysis of the concatenated housekeeping genes dnaK, glnII, gyrB, recA and rpoB, the representative strains for these haplotypes were designated as eight defined and five candidate novel genospecies in the genus Bradyrhizobium. Bradyrhizobium elkanii and Bradyrhizobium ferriligni were predominant and universally distributed. The symbiotic genes nodC and nifH of the representative strains showed very similar topology in their phylogenetic trees indicating their co-evolution history. All the representative strains formed effective root nodules in nodulation tests. The correlation between genospecies and soil characteristics analyzed by CANOCO software indicated that available potassium (AK), organic carbon (OC) and available nitrogen (AN) in the soil samples were the main factors affecting the distribution of the symbionts involved in this current study. The study is the first systematic survey of Chamaecrista mimosoides-nodulating rhizobia, and it showed that Chamaecrista spp. were nodulated by bradyrhizobia in natural environments. In addition, the host spectrum of the corresponding rhizobial species was extended, and the study provided novel information on the biodiversity and biogeography of rhizobia.  相似文献   
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