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Three water bloom samples were collected in August 1986 from the southern Baltic Sea. Acute toxicity of the samples was determined by mouse bioassay and the toxins were further studied by HPLC. The bloom samples contained equal amounts of cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and were hepatotoxic. Two hepatotoxic Nodularia spumigena strains were isolated from the samples. The isolates produce a toxic peak indistinguishable from the bloom material in the HPLC analysis. The toxicity of the fractions was verified by mouse bioassay. Thus the toxicity of the bloom samples was in all likelihood caused by Nodularia spumigena.  相似文献   
The determination of the genetic structure of microbial populations has, until recently, required the establishment of many independent clonal cultures for genotypic analysis. In such studies it has been necessary to assume that isolates able to grow in laboratory culture are representative of the full range of diversity within the natural population. In order to test this assumption we used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the intergenic spacer region of the Phycocyanin operon (PC-IGS) from filaments of Nodularia taken both from clonal cultures and from natural populations in the Baltic Sea. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed more variation among 16 cultured isolates than within 23 single filaments sampled from a natural population. As a means of rapidly determining population genetic structure we designed and used mixtures of allele-specific amplification primers in diagnostic PCRs to identify which PC-IGS allele was present in single filaments from natural cyanobacterial assemblages. Using this method, we determined the PC-IGS genotype of 156 filaments from 9 sampling stations throughout the central basin of the Baltic Sea in July 1996. Our results show that two distinct genotypes of Nodularia are present in the population at all stations. Although the two types were present in approximately equal numbers, they were not distributed uniformly.  相似文献   
Toxicological analysis of the marine cyanobacterium Nodularia harveyana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nodularia harveyana, a dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial isolate from the Mediteranean Sea, grown in an outdoor photobioreactor, was assayed for its bioactive compounds. The active substance(s) were lypophilic and showed strong allelopathic actvity against other axenic cyanobacteria, antibiotic activity against Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria and antifungal activity against two plant pathogens. The extracts were toxic (LC50 at 30 μL) for grazers such as a rotifer (Brachionus calyciflorus) and a crustacean (Thamnocephalus platyurus). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
江西青岚湖圆顶珠蚌的种群结构与繁殖特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年7月至2009年7月研究了江西青岚湖圆顶珠蚌(Unio douglasiae)的种群结构与繁殖特征。从其种群结构的周年变动情况来看,该种群趋于稳定状态,壳长40-65mm的个体占大多数。在采集的标本中,最大个体壳长为83.6mm,最小个体壳长为20.3mm。圆顶珠蚌自然种群性比为1:1.20,性成熟最小雌体壳长为27.6mm,体重为2.62g;最小雄体壳长为27.9mm,体重为2.21g;5至6月间繁殖盛期,检测到最小妊娠个体壳长为29.8mm,体重为2.98g,推断一周年的圆顶珠蚌可能达到性成熟。根据圆顶珠蚌生殖细胞的发育规律和滤泡的变化特点,性腺发育分为生长期和成熟期、排放期、恢复期;属多次产卵类型。育儿囊属外鳃型,胚胎在胶质索中发育,钩介幼虫成熟后,胶质索消失成黏液状,成熟钩介幼虫附在新形成的黏液丝上排出体外。妊娠母蚌在受到刺激后,易发生流产,提前排出胶质索。繁殖期为2至7月,4、5、6月为繁殖高峰期,妊娠率分别为80.43%、84.21%和78.05%。平均繁殖力为(183.72±6.43)千粒/个,最大繁殖力为344.64千粒/个,壳长为54.5mm;最小繁殖力为49.95千粒/个,壳长为29.8mm。繁殖力与壳长和体重显著相关。这些结果不仅可以丰富淡水蚌的生物学内容,也能为淡水蚌保护和湖泊与河流的规范管理提供理论依据。    相似文献   
The annual variation of the phytoplankton assemblage of deep (64.6 m), hyposaline (8.5 g l–1) Lake Alchichica, central Mexico (19 ° N, 97° W), was analyzed in relation to thermal regime, and nutrients concentrations. Lake Alchichica is warm monomictic with a 3-month circulation period during the dry, cold season. During the stratified period in the warm, wet season, the hypolimnion became anoxic. N–NH3 ranged between non detectable (n.d.) and 0.98 mg l–1, N–NO2 between n.d. and 0.007 mg l–1, N–NO3 from 0.1 to 1.0 mg l–1 and P–PO4 from n.d. to 0.54 mg l–1. Highest nutrient concentrations were found in the circulation period. Chlorophyll a varied from <1 to 19.8 g l–1 but most values were <5 g l–1. The euphotic zone (>1% PAR) usually comprised the top 15–20 m. Nineteen algae species were identified, most of them are typical inhabitants of salt lakes. Diatoms showed the highest species number (10) but the small chlorophyte Monoraphidium minutum, the single-cell cyanobacteria, Synechocystis aquatilis, and the colonial chlorophyte, Oocystis parva, were the numerical dominant species over the annual cycle. Chlorophytes, small cyanobacteria and diatoms dominated in the circulation period producing a bloom comparable to the spring bloom in temperate lakes. At the end of the circulation and at the beginning of stratification periods, the presence of a bloom of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, N. spumigena, indicated nitrogen-deficit conditions. The well-stratified season was characterized by low epilimnetic nutrients levels and the dominance of small single-cell cyanobacteria and colonial chlorophytes. Phytoplankton dynamics in tropical Lake Alchichica is similar to the pattern observed in some deep, hyposaline, North American temperate lakes.  相似文献   
The carotenoids of 19 different strains of Nodularia spumigena and one Nodularia sphaerocarpa from different global locations were investigated. The molecular structure of the diagnostic pigment in N. spumigena of the Baltic Sea, tentatively named ‘4-keto-myxoxanthophyll-like pigment’ in Schlüter, L., Garde, K., Kaas, H., [2004. A 4-keto-myxoxanthophyll-like pigment is a diagnostic pigment for the toxic cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena in the Baltic Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 275, 69–78.] was determined to be a 4-ketomyxol-2′-fucoside. In most of the strains an additional carotenoid was found, identified as the novel 1′-O-methyl-4-ketomyxol-2′-fucoside by 2D NMR. This glycosidic carotenoid methyl ether was found to be a more important diagnostic pigment than the 4-ketomyxol-2′-fucoside for the toxic N. spumigena in the Baltic Sea. Out of the 20 strains 15 were found to produce the hepatotoxin nodularin. The content of carotenoids and nodularin was found to increase relative to chlorophyll a at increasing light intensity and at stationary growth, and nodularin was significantly correlated to both 4-ketomyxol-2′-fucoside and 1′-O-methyl-4-ketomyxol-2′-fucoside, and particular to the sum of these two pigments.  相似文献   
Bleomycin-producing Streptomyces verticillus ATCC 15003 has two bleomycin resistance genes, designated blmA and blmB. Bleomycin N-acetyltransferase, encoded by blmB, was overproduced in Escherichia coli as a protein fused to the maltose-binding protein. The protein (fBAT), purified to homogeneity after digestion of the fusion product with blood coagulation factor Xa protease, had an additional 6 N-terminal amino acid residues, but retained its bleomycin-acetylating activity, as did the entire fusion protein. The Km and Vmax values of purified fBAT for the substrate bleomycin were 13.0 μM and 3.4 pmol min−1 ml−1, respectively. The optimal pH for the acetylating activity was 6.0 in 10 mM phosphate buffer. The molecular mass and pI value of fBAT were estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be about 34 500 and 6.13, respectively. An anti-fBAT monoclonal antibody was generated and used to show that bleomycin N-acetyltransferase is expressed simultaneously with bleomycin production in S. verticillus.  相似文献   
Nodularin (NODLN), a cyclic pentapeptide hepatotoxin from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena, induces pores in bilayers of diphytanoyl lecithin (DPhL) and in locust muscle membrane. NODLN increases the surface pressure of a DPhL monolayer; except when the surface pressure of the monolayer is high when the toxin causes a reduction of this parameter. NODLN pores exhibit many open conductance states; the higher state probabilities increasing when the transmembrane pressure is increased. The results from these studies are discussed in terms of two models for a NODLN pore, a torroidal model and a barrel-stave model. The edge energy of the NODLN pore of 1.4× 10–12 J/m is determined.Abbreviations NODLN Nodularin - MCYST-LR Microcystin-LR - ADDA 3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyldeca-4,6-dienoic acid - DPhL diphytanoyl lecithin Correspondence to: A. G. Petrov  相似文献   
Effect of salinity on photosynthetic activity of Nodularia spumigena   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of total dissolvedsolids/salinity (mg L-1 TDS) on photosynthetic activity of Nodularia spumigena strain 001E isolated from Lake Alexandrina, SouthAustralia, using photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves. N. spumigena001E cultures were grown in ASM medium at a range of TDSconcentrations (360, 6,600, 13,200, 19,800, 26,400 mg L-1)at an irradiance of 30 mol m-2 s-1 (PAR, 400–700 nm) at 25 °C. The PI relationship was determined at 25 °Cfor irradiances between 0 and 500 mol photon m-2s-1 (PAR). The initial slope of PI curve, , a function of lightharvesting efficiency and photosynthetic energy conversion, decreasedproportionally with an increase in salinity from 360 to 26,400 mgL-1 TDS. The maximum rate of photosynthesis (Pmax),occurred at 6,600 mg L-1 TDS. No influence of salinity onIk, the irradiance at which Pmax was measured, or on Rd, the dark respiration rate, was identified.  相似文献   
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