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本文应用斑点酶免疫试验(DEIA),检测流行性出血热病人血清42份,其结果与间接免疫荧光(IFA)进行了比较,符合率100%,其DEIA几何干均滴度为1:880,IFA为1:580,同类风湿因子阳性血清[RF(+)]无交叉反应,证明本方法具有较高的敏感性和特异性,本文还对不同方法处理组织内源酶的效果和不同阻断剂的阻断效果进行了比较。试验结果表明本法不但敏感、特异,而且简单、快速、安全、经济、易于推广。  相似文献   
This paper reports an improved protocol for isolation, culture and regeneration of Lotus corniculatus protoplasts. A range of parameters which influence the isolation of L. corniculatus protoplasts were investigated, i.e., enzyme combination, tissue type, incubation period and osmolarity level. Of three enzyme combinations tested, the highest yield of viable protoplasts was achieved with the combination of 2% Cellulase Onozuka RS, 1% Macerozyme R-10, 0.5% Driselase and 0.2% Pectolyase. The use of etiolated cotyledon tissue as a source for protoplast isolation proved vital in obtaining substantially higher protoplast yields than previously reported. Culture of the protoplasts on a nitrocellulose membrane with a Lolium perenne feeder-layer on the sequential series of PEL medium was highly successful in the formation of micro-colonies with plating efficiencies 3–10 times greater than previous studies. Shoot regeneration and intact plants were achieved from 46% of protoplast-derived cell colonies.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a modified and improved protein assay that was previously described as “amidoschwarz assay” by Schaffner and Weissmann [13]. Our improved protein assay is user-friendly and 30–40 times more sensitive than the earlier method. The assay was developed into three formats (macro-, micro-, and nanoassay) with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as protein precipitating agent, measuring up to 96 samples. The macro and micro formats of this assay require a single reagent staining with amido black of protein dots bound to nitrocellulose membrane with lowest protein measurements to 1 and 0.1 μg, respectively. On the other hand, the nanoassay, with combination staining of amido black followed by colloidal gold, can extend the detection limit to 2.5 ng of protein. Protein concentrations were determined by densitometry and/or spectrophotometry. This assay is compatible with many ionic and non-ionic detergents. This improved protein assay provides an additional choice to researchers in measuring total protein concentration accurately in dilute biological samples as low as 0.125 μg/ml prior to their biochemical analysis such as in comparative proteomics.  相似文献   
Western blotting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We previously isolated a larval settlement-inducing protein complex (SIPC) from adult extracts of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite using a nitrocellulose membrane settlement assay. In the present study, we found that the extracts of other adult barnacles, Megabalanus rosa and Balanus eburneus, also induced the settlement of B. amphitrite cyprids although the inductive activity was slightly lower than that of conspecific extracts. Furthermore, we examined reactivity to anti-SIPC antibody in adult extracts from six species of Japanese barnacles other than B. amphitrite, brine shrimp and eight marine sessile organisms besides barnacles. The results showed that all barnacles examined contained SIPC-like proteins with slightly different molecular weight, while the other animals did not react to the antibody by immunoblot analysis. These findings suggest that species specificity in settlement-inducing proteins of barnacles is not so strict, but these proteins are characteristic to barnacle species.  相似文献   
Chromatography along thin (125 μm) porous beds of nitrocellulose, layered on top of an polyester backing, shows good separation efficiency with plate heights of 10–20 μm. Flow is controlled by capillary forces and shows low rate variations between the individual disposable devices. Positively charged groups were introduced into the nitrocellulose and efficient separation of transferrin isoforms, differing by only 0.1 pI units, was found after a short migration distance (1 cm). The upper surface is not covered, which allows sample and reagents to be added, and the clear backing permits detection. The chromatography can easily be combined on-line with sensitive immunoassay detection down to the pM (10−12 M) range. This microscaled combination device should have a wide range of applications in analytical biochemistry.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that selective heavy meromyosin (HMM) adsorption to predefined regions of nanostructured polymer resist surfaces may be used to produce a nanostructured in vitro motility assay. However, actomyosin function was of lower quality than on conventional nitrocellulose films. We have therefore studied actomyosin function on differently derivatized glass surfaces with the aim to find a substitute for the polymer resists. We have found that surfaces derivatized with trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) were superior to all other surfaces tested, including nitrocellulose. High-quality actin filament motility was observed up to 6 days after incubation with HMM and the fraction of motile actin filaments and the velocity of smooth sliding were generally higher on TMCS than on nitrocellulose. The actomyosin function on TMCS-derivatized glass and nitrocellulose is considered in relation to roughness and hydrophobicity of these surfaces. The results suggest that TMCS is an ideal substitute for polymer resists in the nanostructured in vitro motility assay. Furthermore, TMCS derivatized glass also seems to offer several advantages over nitrocellulose for HMM adsorption in the ordinary in vitro motility assay.  相似文献   
应用Dot—ELISA检测PVX,PVY和PVS   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以NCM为固相载体、应用间接ELISA法测定了纯化的PVX、PVY和PVS;对接种的烟草,马铃薯块茎的芽、休眠块茎顶端的稀释度PVX分别为:1/20480-1/81920、1/5120;PVY分别为1/81920、1/20480和1/5120;PVS分别为1/81920-1/327680、1/20480-1/81920和1/5120-1/20480,和Cocktail-ELISA相关,检测PVX和  相似文献   
Summary Various segments of Tn3 transposase were fused individually to -galactosidase, and the resulting fusion proteins were examined for their DNA binding ability by a nitrocellulose filter binding assay. Analyses of a series of the fusion proteins revealed that the N-terminal segment of the transposase (amino acid positions 1–242; the transposase gene encodes 1004 residues in all) had specific DNA binding ability for the 38 bp terminal inverted repeat (IR) sequence, and the central segment (amino acid positions 243–632) had non-specific DNA binding ability. Further analyses of each of the two regions revealed that the N-terminal segment could be divided into at least two subsegments (amino acid positions 1–86 and 87–242), neither of which had specific DNA binding ability, but which both possessed nonspecific DNA binding ability. The central segment included two subsegments (amino acid positions 243–289 and 439–505) with non-specific DNA binding ability. These results and other observations suggest that Tn3 transposase has several domains including those responsible for non-specific DNA binding, and a combination of two or more domains gives rise to specific DNA binding activity. The C-terminal segment of the transposase (amino acid positions 633-1004), which is very well conserved among transposases encoded by Tn3 family transposons, had no DNA binding ability. This segment may represent the main part of the catalytic domain responsible for the initiation step of transposition.  相似文献   
Semi-quantification of proteins using Western blots typically involves normalization against housekeeping genes such as β-actin. More recently, Ponceau S and Coomassie blue staining have both been shown to be suitable alternatives to housekeeping genes as loading controls. Stain-Free total protein staining offers the advantage of no staining or destaining steps. Evaluation of the use of Stain-Free staining as an alternative to β-actin or the protein stain Ponceau S showed that Stain-Free staining was superior to β-actin and as good as or better than Ponceau S staining as a loading control for Western blots.  相似文献   
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