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The initial rate and final extent of polymerization of both bovine brain tubulin and sea urchin egg tubulin were enhanced in the presence of 2H2O. The yields were increased in association with the elevation of the 2H2O concentration. 2H2O also reduced the critical concentration for polymerization of brain tubulin. Thermodynamic analysis was attempted using the temperature dependence of the critical concentration for polymerization in the presence of 2H2O. We obtained linear van 't Hoff plots and calculated thermodynamic parameters which were positive and were increased with the elevation of the 2H2O concentration. The enhancement of the polymerization of tubulin by 2H2O could, therefore, be the result of the strenghening of intra-and/or inter-molecular hydrophobic interactions of the tubulin molecules. We believe that the increase in lenghth and number of microtubules of the mitotic spindles in the dividing cells of the eukaryotes with 2H2O may be caused by the direct involvement of 2H2O in the polymerization of tubulin.  相似文献   
The synthesis and characterization of rare-earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y) thiocyanate adducts with tripiperidinophosphine oxide (tpppO) with general formula (RE)(SCN)3(tpppO)3 are reported. Conductance measurements in acetonitrile indicate the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes. Infrared absorption spectra evidence that the SCN ion coordinates through the nitrogen atom (isothiocyanate form) and that tpppO coordinates through the phosphoryl oxygen. X-ray powder patterns suggest the existence of three different crystal forms: (1) La; (2) an isomorphous series including Ce, Nd and Pr; and (3) another isomorphous series, including Sm, Gd, Eu, Ho, Er, Tb, Lu and Y. The visible spectra of the Nd adduct and the calculated parameters β = 0.98, b1/2 = 0.072 and δ = 1.06 indicate that the metal-ligand bonds are essentially electrostactic. The emission spectra of the Eu compound showed 5D0 → 7FJ bands (J = 0, 1, 2), suggesting a C3v symmetry for the coordination polyhedron. The lifetime of the 5D0 state is 1.28 ms. The emission spectra of the Tb complex presented 5D4 → 7FJ bands (J = 4, 5, 6) and the Dy complex showed the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 band. The structure of the Pr complex showed that the coordination polyhedron is a trigonal antiprism, with the isothiocyanate anions in one base and three tpppO ligands in the other. Thermal analyses (TG-DTG) were carried out for the Ce, Nd and Gd adducts. Mass losses start between 250 and 334 °C. The final residues at 1300 °C are the corresponding phosphates.  相似文献   
Dinitrosyliron complexes (DNIC) have been found in a variety of pathological settings associated with NO. However, the iron source of cellular DNIC is unknown. Previous studies on this question using prolonged NO exposure could be misleading due to the movement of intracellular iron among different sources. We here report that brief NO exposure results in only barely detectable DNIC, but levels increase dramatically after 1–2 h of anoxia. This increase is similar quantitatively and temporally with increases in the chelatable iron, and brief NO treatment prevents detection of this anoxia-induced increased chelatable iron by deferoxamine. DNIC formation is so rapid that it is limited by the availability of NO and chelatable iron. We utilize this ability to selectively manipulate cellular chelatable iron levels and provide evidence for two cellular functions of endogenous DNIC formation, protection against anoxia-induced reactive oxygen chemistry from the Fenton reaction and formation by transnitrosation of protein nitrosothiols (RSNO). The levels of RSNO under these high chelatable iron levels are comparable with DNIC levels and suggest that under these conditions, both DNIC and RSNO are the most abundant cellular adducts of NO.  相似文献   
Despite years of investigation, pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) remains elusive. Bacterial metabolites were implicated by several authors but their roles remain controversial. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of SCFAs and polyamines through a kinetic study of histological and macroscopical digestive lesions in monobiotic quails. Germ-free quails, inoculated with a Clostridium butyricum strain involved in a NEC case, were fed or not with a diet including lactose (7%). Quails were sacrificed at various times between D7 and D24 after bacterial inoculation. NEC-like lesions, i.e. thickening, pneumatosis, and hemorrhages, occurred only in lactose-fed quails and increased with time. The main histological characteristics were infiltrates of mononuclear cells, then heterophilic cells, then gas cyst and necrosis. The first event observed, before histological and macroscopical lesions, is a high production of butyric acid, which precedes an increase of iNOS gene expression. No difference in polyamines contents depending on the diet was observed. These results show the major role of butyric acid produced by commensal bacteria in the onset of the digestive lesions.  相似文献   
High ambient temperature during summer in tropical and subtropical countries predisposes water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) to develop oxidative stress having antigonadotropic and antisteroidogenic actions. Melatonin is a regulator of seasonal reproduction in photoperiodic species and highly effective antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Therefore, a study was designed to evaluate the effect of sustained-release melatonin on biomarkers of oxidative stress i.e., the serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO), and the total antioxidant capacity (TAC). For the study, postpartum buffaloes diagnosed as summer anestrus (absence of overt signs of estrus, concurrent rectal examination, and RIA for serum progesterone) were grouped as treated (single subcutaneous injection of melatonin at 18 mg/50 kg body weight dissolved in sterilized corn oil as vehicle, n = 20) and untreated (subcutaneous sterilized corn oil, n = 8). Blood sampling for estimation of serum TAC and MDA (mmol/L) and NO (μmol/L) was carried out at 4 days of interval from 8 days before treatment till 28 days after treatment or for the ensuing entire cycle length. Results showed serum TAC concentration was higher in the treatment group with a significant (P < 0.05) increasing trend, whereas MDA and NO revealed a significant (P < 0.05) decline. Serum MDA and NO were higher in control compared with those of treatment group. Moreover, buffaloes in the treatment group showed 90% estrus induction with 18.06 ± 1.57 days mean interval from treatment to the onset of estrus. These results report that melatonin has a protective effect by elevating antioxidant status and reducing oxidative stress resulting in the induction of cyclicity in summer-stressed anestrous buffaloes.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(2):82-88

Endothelial dysfunction characterized by decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability is the first stage of coronary artery disease. It is known that one of the factors associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease is a high plasma level of uric acid. However, causative associations between hyperuricaemia and cardiovascular risk have not been definitely proved. In this work, we tested the effect of uric acid on endothelial NO bioavailability. Electrochemical measurement of NO production in acetylcholine-stimulated human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVECs) revealed that uric acid markedly decreases NO release. This finding was confirmed by organ bath experiments on mouse aortic segments. Uric acid dose-dependently reduced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation. To reveal the mechanism of decreasing NO bioavailability we tested the effect of uric acid on reactive oxygen species production by HUVECs, on arginase activity, and on acetylcholine-induced endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation. It was found that uric acid increases arginase activity and reduces endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation. Interestingly, uric acid significantly increased intracellular superoxide formation. In conclusion, uric acid decreases NO bioavailability by means of multiple mechanisms. This finding supports the idea of a causal association between hyperuricaemia and cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of timing of application on the incompatibility of three fungicides (metalaxyl, mancozeb, copper oxide) and isolate MK2001 of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin was assessed in vitro . Isolate MK 2001 at 1 × 107 conidia/ml concentration was highly pathogenous to adults of Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera) (84% mortality at day 4 post-treatment). The fungicides at the manufacturer recommended rate (1X) were strongly fungistatic and inhibited the fungal isolate radial growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). Mancozeb, metalaxyl and copper oxide exhibited insecticidal activity of 24, 40 and 48% respectively, on L. lineolaris adults. It is clear that application of the fungal isolate MK2001 2–4 days before applying fungicides metalaxyl, mancozeb or copper oxide synergized the insecticidal effect of the isolate. On the contrary, application of metalaxyl, mancozeb, copper oxide 2–4 days before applying isolate MK2001 antagonized the insecticidal effect. The simultaneous use of each fungicide (metalaxyl, mancozeb or copper oxide) and the isolate gave lesser insect mortality. This study revealed that although some fungicides are incompatible for use alongside fungal isolates, the proper evaluation of their time of use could be beneficial in biological control or IPM programmes. Furthermore, the application of B. bassiana isolate MK2001 followed by fungicide application could synergize insecticidal activity.  相似文献   
Abstract NO production and consumption rates as well as N2O accumulation rates were measured in a loamy cambisol which was incubated under different conditions (i.e. soil moisture content, addition of nitrogen fertilizer and/or glucose, aerobic or anaerobic gas phase). Inhibition of nitrification with acetylene allowed us to distinguish between nitrification and denitrification as sources of NO and N2O. Under aerobic conditions untreated soil showed very low release of NO and N2O but high consumption of NO. Fertilization with NH4+ or urea stimulated both NO and N2O production by nitrification. Addition of glucose at high soil moisture contents led to increased N2 and N2O production by denitrification, but not to increased NO production rates. Anaerobic conditions, however, stimulated both NO and N2O production by denitrification. The production of NO and N2O was further stimulated at low moisture contents and after addition of glucose or NO3. Anaerobic consumption of NO by denitrification followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was stimulated by addition of glucose and NO3. Aerobic consumption of NO followed first-order kinetics up to mixing ratios of at least 14 ppmv NO, was inhibited by autoclaving but not by acetylene, and decreased with increasing soil moisture content. The high NO-consumption activity and the effects of soil moisture on the apparent rates of anaerobic and aerobic production and consumption of NO suggest that diffusional constraints have an important influence on the release of NO, and may be a reason for the different behaviour of NO release vs N2O release.  相似文献   
This paper reports an investigation on the effects of the hydrophobic, bifunctional SH group reagent phenylarsine oxide (PhAsO) on mitochondrial membrane permeability. We show that PhAsO is a potent inducer of the mitochondrial permeability transition in a process which is sensitive to both the oxygen radical scavanger BHT and to cyclosporin A. The PhAsO-induced permeability transition is stimulated by Ca2+ but takes place also in the presence of EGTA in a process that maintains its sensitivity to BHT and cyclosporin A. Our findings suggest that, at variance from other known inducers of the permeability transition, PhAsO reacts directly with functional SH groups that are inaccessible to hydrophilic reagents in the absence of Ca2+.  相似文献   
We have partially purified an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein from 3T3-L1 cells, which dephosphorylates pNPP and the phosphorylated adipocyte lipid binding protein (ALBP), and have identified it by virtue of kinetic and immunological criteria as an acid phosphatase (EC The cytoplasmic acid phosphatase was inactivated by phenylarsine oxide (PAO) (Kinact = 10 microM), and the inactivation could be reversed by the dithiol, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (Kreact = 23 microM), but not the monothiol, 2-mercaptoethanol. Cloning of the human adipocyte acid phosphatase revealed that two isoforms exist, termed HAAP alpha and HAAP beta (human adipocyte acid phosphatase), which are distinguished by a 34-amino acid isoform-specific domain. Sequence analysis shows HAAP alpha and HAAP beta share 74% and 90% identity with the bovine liver acid phosphatase, respectively, and 99% identity with both isoenzymes of the human red cell acid phosphatase but no sequence similarity to the protein tyrosine phosphatases (EC HAAP beta has been cloned into Escherichia coli, expressed, and purified as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. Recombinant HAAP beta was shown to dephosphorylate pNPP and phosphoALBP and to be inactivated by PAO and inhibited by vanadate (Ki = 17 microM). These results describe the adipocyte acid phosphatase as a cytoplasmic enzyme containing conformationally vicinal cysteine residues with properties that suggest it may dephosphorylate tyrosyl phosphorylated cellular proteins.  相似文献   
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