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单面针的生物碱研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
自芸香科(Rutaceae)花椒属植物单面针(Zanthoxylum nitidum var. fastuosum How ex Huang)的根皮中分得五种已知生物碱:乙氧基白屈菜红碱(ethoxychelerythrine)(Ⅰ);氯化光花椒碱(nitidine chloride)(Ⅱ);去甲基白屈菜红碱(des-N-methychelerythrine)(Ⅲ);α—别隐品碱(α-allocryptopine)(Ⅳ);鹅掌揪宁(liriodenine)(Ⅴ).  相似文献   
Benzophenanthridine alkaloids represent a very interesting and significant group of natural products that exhibit a broad range of biological and pharmacological properties. Among this group of alkaloids, sanguinarine, nitidine, fagaronine, and chelerythrine have the potential to form molecular complexes with DNA structures and have attracted recent attention for their possible clinical and pharmacological utility. This review focuses on the interaction of these alkaloids with polymorphic DNA structures (B-form, Z-form, HL-form, and triple helical form) reported by several research groups employing various physical techniques such as spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, circular dichroism, NMR spectroscopy, thermal melting, viscometry as well as thermodynamic analysis by isothermal titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry to elucidate the mode and mechanism of action at the molecular level to determine the structure-activity relationship. DNA binding properties of these alkaloids are interpreted in relation to their biological activity.  相似文献   
Rutaceous alkaloids as models for the design of novel antitumor drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical diversity of alkaloids in the Rutaceae is correlated with biosynthetic pathways involving various aromatic amino acid precursors, tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine, and anthranilic acid. The interest of rutaceous polyheteroaromatic alkaloids as models for the development of anticancer agents relies on their frequent ability to interact with DNA or with systems involved in the control of its topology, repair, and replication. Fagaronine and nitidine, from Zanthoxylum, demonstrate antileukemic activity, associated with topoisomerases inhibition. Evodiamine from Euodia rutaecarpa, displays antimetastatic properties. The pyranoacridone acronycine, from Sarcomelicope, exhibits antitumor activity against a broad spectrum of solid tumors. Development of synthetic analogues based on this latter natural product template followed the isolation of the unstable acronycine epoxide, which led to a hypothesis of bioactivation of acronycine by transformation of the 1,2-double bond into the corresponding oxirane. 1,2-Diacyloxy-1,2-dihydroacronycine derivatives exhibited antitumor properties, with a broadened spectrum of activity and an increased potency. The demonstration that acronycine interacted with DNA led to develop benzo[a], [b], and [c]acronycine analogs. Benzo[a] and [b] derivatives displayed significant antitumor activities. 1,2-Dihydroxy-1,2-dihydrobenzo[b]acronycine esters and diesters were active in human orthotopic models of cancers xenografted in nude mice. The activity of these compounds was correlated with their ability to give covalent adducts with DNA, involving reaction between the N-2 amino group of guanines and the ester group at the benzylic position of the drug. Cis-1,2-diacetoxy-1,2-dihydrobenzo[b]acronycine, currently developed under the code S23906-1, successfully underwent phase I and is currently under phase II clinical trials.  相似文献   
从芸香科滑叶花椒(Zanthoxylum laetum Drake)的根部分离出三种生物碱。经紫外光谱、红外光谱、核磁共振和质谱鉴定,分别为:(Ⅰ)去甲基白屈菜红碱(N-Desmethyl chelerythrine),(Ⅱ)氧化两面针碱(Oxynitidine)及(Ⅲ)氯化两面针碱(Nitidine chloride)。  相似文献   
从广西大瑶山产毛两面针中提取到了鹅掌楸碱(Ⅰ)、白屈菜红碱(Ⅱ)、氯化两面针碱(Ⅲ)三种生物碱,用薄层扫描法(TLCS)同时测定其含量,并与玉林、百色两面针中的同种生物碱进行对比。研究表明,毛两面针和两面针均含Ⅱ、Ⅲ,在毛两面针还能检测到Ⅰ的存在,其含量为0.00957%。  相似文献   
自芸香科(Rutaceae)花椒属植物单面针(Zanthoxylum nitidum var. fastuosum How ex Huang)的根皮中分得五种已知生物碱:乙氧基白屈菜红碱(ethoxychelerythrine)(Ⅰ);氯化光花椒碱(nitidine chloride)(Ⅱ);去甲基白屈菜红碱(des-N-methychelerythrine)(Ⅲ);α—别隐品碱(α-allocryptopine)(Ⅳ);鹅掌揪宁(liriodenine)(Ⅴ).  相似文献   
巴山花椒根的化学成分研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
首次报道从芸香科花椒属植物巴山花椒(ZanthoxylumpashanenseN.Chao)根中分到9种结晶性化合物,经物理常数测定、光谱分析及化学方法,分别鉴定了两面针碱(Ⅰ)、β-谷甾醇(Ⅱ)、氧化两面针碱(Ⅲ)、胡萝卜甙(Ⅳ)、1-芝麻素(Ⅴ)、去甲白屈菜红碱(Ⅵ)、异地卡灵(Ⅶ)及另一化合物Yangambin(Ⅸ)。晶Ⅷ的结构尚待证实。  相似文献   
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