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Hostile intercommunity relations, including attacking and killing extra-community infants of both sexes have occurred at most wild chimpanzee sites. We describe three recent cases of intercommunity attacks on infants committed by members of the Ngogo chimpanzee community in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Two of the attacks resulted in confirmed infanticides while a third attack probably resulted in the infant's death. In common with previous accounts of chimpanzee infanticides, the attacks described here occurred during boundary patrols outside the Ngogo community's usual range, adult and adolescent males were the main participants, one infant was cannibalized after being killed, and the victims’ mothers did not accompany the attacking party back to the Ngogo range. However, the patrol parties during each infanticide were larger than before and included females from the Ngogo community. Our observations indirectly support both the range expansion and imbalance of power hypotheses, which address why and under which conditions chimpanzee intercommunity encounters lead to aggression. These cases of intercommunity infanticide add to the growing database of the phenomenon in wild chimpanzees.  相似文献   
In mammals, access to mates is probably the most important influence on male reproductive success, whereas foraging efficiency is probably the most important influence on female reproductive success Emlen and Oring (Science 197:215–223, 1977). Male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are highly gregarious and form cooperative relationships with other males. In contrast, female social relationships vary within and between populations. Females in most East African populations, e.g., Gombe, Mahale, Kibale-Kanyawara, are less gregarious than males and spend most of their time alone or with only their dependent offspring. Researchers have attributed low female gregariousness to the high potential for feeding competition. I provide the first data on association patterns and agonistic interactions of female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the unusually large Ngogo community, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Ngogo females were less gregarious than males, but spent a mean of 64% of their time in association with ≥1 other females and as much time in all-female parties as they did alone. Further, female dyads associated nonrandomly and they formed associative cliques. Association levels within cliques were similar to those among the relatively gregarious West African chimpanzee females at Taï (Pan troglodytes verus) and among bonobo (P. paniscus) females. Agonistic interfemale interactions were extremely rare, and monthly mean party size and the numbers of anestrous females per party do not correlate significantly with fruit availability. Thus, Ngogo females maintained relatively high levels of gregariousness, but avoided detrimental feeding competition by preferentially associating with a small subset of other community females.  相似文献   
Chimpanzee tool use for resource acquisition has been reported at numerous research sites. The chimpanzees of the Kibale Forest, western Uganda, have not previously been observed to use tools in foraging for insects. Here I report the first observation of tool use by the chimpanzees of the Ngogo community of Kibale National Park, Uganda, in insect foraging. Three adult females, one adolescent male, and one juvenile male were observed making and using tools to probe into a fallen dead tree to collect insect and wood pieces. I discuss the importance of this observation, and the behavioral similarities with chimpanzees from other sites.  相似文献   
Chimpanzees make and use a wide variety of tools in the wild. The size and composition of their toolkits vary considerably among populations and at least to some extent within them. Chimpanzees at several well documented sites mostly use tools in extractive foraging, and extractive tool use can substantially increase their foraging efficiency. They also use tools for hygiene and for several other purposes, including attracting the attention of conspecifics, as in leaf-clipping. Some of the interpopulation variation in toolkits results from ecological variation, but differences in the efficiency of social transmission, perhaps related to differences in social tolerance, presumably also contribute. I describe tool use by chimpanzees in an unusually large community at Ngogo, in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Researchers have described some tool use for the community previously, but this is the most extensive report and is based on observations over 11 yr. The Ngogo chimpanzees have a small toolkit and use tools rarely except in leaf-clipping displays and to clean body surfaces; notably, males often use leaf napkins to wipe their penes after copulation. Extractive tool use is rare and is limited mostly to leaf-sponging and, less often, honey-fishing. Social tolerance is not low at Ngogo, but use of tools for extractive foraging, in ways documented at other field sites, may have little potential to increase foraging efficiency. Future research will undoubtedly show more tool use by females, which were underrepresented in my observations, but will probably not document much increase in the toolkit or in the use of extractive tools.  相似文献   
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