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Results from this study indicate that adult rat brain posesses guanylate cyclase activity sensitive to serotonin (5-HT) and localized in the synaptic plasma membrane. The enzyme appears to have multiple activation sites for 5-HT with specific activity maxima at the 5-HT concentrations of 5 × 10?10M and 7 × 10?8M respectively. The rates of guanosine-3′:5′-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) formation at these concentrations of 5-HT are, respectively, 170% and 307% above the endogenous or basal production rate of 2.7±0.3picomoles/minute/milligram of synaptosomal membrane protein. We have also been able to identify four distinct types (Type #1, #2, #3, and #4) of high affinity, specific binding sites for 5-HT on isolated synaptosomal membranes from rat brain. Dissociation constants of 2.6 × 10?10M, 2.5 × 10?9M, 7.0 × 10?9M, and 4.6 × 10?8M, characterize the binding of 5-HT to our sites of Type #1 through Type #4 respectively. The specific, high affinity binding was saturated at 5-HT concentrations of 5 × 10?10M for the Type #1 sites, 5 × 10?9M for our Type #2 sites, 1 × 10?8M for our Type #3 sites, and 7 × 10?8M for our Type #4 sites. The 5-HT concentrations producing saturation of our specific binding sites of Type #1 and Type #4 are virtually identical to those that elicit the two maxima of 5-HT stimulated cyclic GMP production, indicating that a membrane-bound guanylase cyclase may be closely associated with certain 5-HT receptors and/or re-uptake sites.  相似文献   
The enteric nervous system is a vast network of neurons and glia running the length of the gastrointestinal tract that functionally controls gastrointestinal motility. A procedure for the isolation and culture of a mixed population of neurons and glia from the myenteric plexus is described. The primary cultures can be maintained for over 7 days, with connections developing among the neurons and glia. The longitudinal muscle strip with the attached myenteric plexus is stripped from the underlying circular muscle of the mouse ileum or colon and subjected to enzymatic digestion. In sterile conditions, the isolated neuronal and glia population are preserved within the pellet following centrifugation and plated on coverslips. Within 24-48 hr, neurite outgrowth occurs and neurons can be identified by pan-neuronal markers. After two days in culture, isolated neurons fire action potentials as observed by patch clamp studies. Furthermore, enteric glia can also be identified by GFAP staining. A network of neurons and glia in close apposition forms within 5 - 7 days. Enteric neurons can be individually and directly studied using methods such as immunohistochemistry, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, and single-cell PCR. Furthermore, this procedure can be performed in genetically modified animals. This methodology is simple to perform and inexpensive. Overall, this protocol exposes the components of the enteric nervous system in an easily manipulated manner so that we may better discover the functionality of the ENS in normal and disease states.  相似文献   
One of the fundamental interests in neuroscience is to understand the integration of excitatory and inhibitory inputs along the very complex structure of the dendritic tree, which eventually leads to neuronal output of action potentials at the axon. The influence of diverse spatial and temporal parameters of specific synaptic input on neuronal output is currently under investigation, e.g. the distance-dependent attenuation of dendritic inputs, the location-dependent interaction of spatially segregated inputs, the influence of GABAergig inhibition on excitatory integration, linear and non-linear integration modes, and many more.With fast micro-iontophoresis of glutamate and GABA it is possible to precisely investigate the spatial and temporal integration of glutamatergic excitation and GABAergic inhibition. Critical technical requirements are either a triggered fluorescent lamp, light-emitting diode (LED), or a two-photon scanning microscope to visualize dendritic branches without introducing significant photo-damage of the tissue. Furthermore, it is very important to have a micro-iontophoresis amplifier that allows for fast capacitance compensation of high resistance pipettes. Another crucial point is that no transmitter is involuntarily released by the pipette during the experiment.Once established, this technique will give reliable and reproducible signals with a high neurotransmitter and location specificity. Compared to glutamate and GABA uncaging, fast iontophoresis allows using both transmitters at the same time but at very distant locations without limitation to the field of view. There are also advantages compared to focal electrical stimulation of axons: with micro-iontophoresis the location of the input site is definitely known and it is sure that only the neurotransmitter of interest is released. However it has to be considered that with micro-iontophoresis only the postsynapse is activated and presynaptic aspects of neurotransmitter release are not resolved. In this article we demonstrate how to set up micro-iontophoresis in brain slice experiments.  相似文献   
A A Suran 《Life sciences》1973,13(12):1779-1788
Causal relationships have been suggested between aspects of human behavior and hyperuricemia associated with low tissue activities of the x-linked enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. Brain is reported to have the highest content of HGPRT activity among body organs. Many studies have indicated that genetically distinct strains of mice exhibit strain-specific behavioral phenotypes. The present measurements of HGPRT were made to determine if genetically associated differences in regional distribution of brain HGPRT exist between several inbred mouse strains and if they were of sufficient magnitude to warrant a search for correlations with measures of behavior. Significant differences were found in overall brain content of HGPRT activity among seven inbred mouse strains, as well as in regional distribution of enzyme activity among eight structures of brains of each of the individual strains.  相似文献   
Two aspects are discussed: first, the mechanism of learning, and second, the generation of culture and morality. Both aspects are analyzed in relation to the evolution of the mind-brain system. As to the first aspect, I suggest that the use of the concept of innatism requires a re-examination of the genome-dependent effects on the mind-brain system particularly for what concerns the time scale of these effects. The reason is that the information in the genome of the parents is transmitted to the embryo during fertilization of the egg and then into the structures of neuronal cells at the very early stage of ontogenesis, whereas organization of the mind-brain system occurs at a much later time and after an extensive reorganization of the brain structure. The problem is, then, that while during the early stages of the ontogenetic development the neuronal cells maintain their genome determined properties, the full expression of these genome properties within the mind-brain organization undergo fundamental changes which depend not on the properties of the genomic information but rather on the evolution of the operational conditions which are generated in the brain organization and which determine the expression of the genomic potentialities. These operational conditions may become markedly different because of a number of on-going processes due to the formation of new synapses, axons, dendrites and neuronal networks; these phenomena are, to a large extent due to interaction with the environment. Using the Fodor’s language, the effect of the innate properties over the horizontal neuronal networks (the innatism that operates during the whole ontogenesis) assumes a much more important role in the mind-brain than in all other physiological systems. As to the second aspect, I suggest that the development of cultural andmoral worlds are products of the histories of human minds and societies, and depend on the evolutionary nature of these histories.To explain the generation of these worlds I shall discuss a basic problem. How can the neuronal networks of the mind-brain system — usually dealing with phenomena of the natural world and being themselves natural structures obeying the principles and rules of the natural phenomena, where no transition from is to ought or from facts to values is allowed — be able to generate cultural and moral concepts and generate moral behaviours? The solution here proposed is that some sort of modularitydominates in the whole structure of the mind-brain system and that the effect of this modularity is that the neurophysiological processes dealing with the processes of human cultural, moral and social life are structurally associated with emotions, intentions and values. In brief, it is suggested that the mind-brain systems contain, in addition to the division introduced by Fodor, other innate types of neurophysiological processes: some types of processes and of neuronal networks deal with the problems of the natural world and provide answers which are right or wrong, wheras other types of processes and neuronal networks deal with problems of human cultural and social life and provide answers which are adapt on non-adapt.The latter types of neuronal networks are suited to generate the cultural and moral worlds in the course of development and evolution of the Homo sapiens sapiens species and of the single individual. Finally, in view of recent findings on the patterns of mental diseases and the relations of these patterns with alterations of the frontal lobes of the mind brain system, I suggest that the particular types of processes responsible for the moral behaviour of human beings are localized in the frontal lobes. The consequence is that alterations of this type of neurophysiological processes lead to the development of various types of mental diseases.   相似文献   
Mauthner cells (M-cells) are large reticulospinal neurons located in the hindbrain of teleost fish. They are key neurons involved in a characteristic behavior known as the C-start or escape response that occurs when the organism perceives a threat. The M-cell has been extensively studied in adult goldfish where it has been shown to receive a wide range of excitatory, inhibitory and neuromodulatory signals1. We have been examining M-cell activity in embryonic zebrafish in order to study aspects of synaptic development in a vertebrate preparation. In the late 1990s Ali and colleagues developed a preparation for patch clamp recording from M-cells in zebrafish embryos, in which the CNS was largely intact2,3,4. The objective at that time was to record synaptic activity from hindbrain neurons, spinal cord neurons and trunk skeletal muscle while maintaining functional synaptic connections within an intact brain-spinal cord preparation. This preparation is still used in our laboratory today. To examine the mechanisms underlying developmental synaptic plasticity, we record excitatory (AMPA and NMDA-mediated)5,6 and inhibitory (GABA and glycine) synaptic currents from developing M-cells. Importantly, this unique preparation allows us to return to the same cell (M-cell) from preparation to preparation to carefully examine synaptic plasticity and neuro-development in an embryonic organism. The benefits provided by this preparation include 1) intact, functional synaptic connections onto the M-cell, 2) relatively inexpensive preparations, 3) a large supply of readily available embryos 4) the ability to return to the same cell type (i.e. M-cell) in every preparation, so that synaptic development at the level of an individual cell can be examined from fish to fish, and 5) imaging of whole preparations due to the transparent nature of the embryos.  相似文献   
Ganglion cells are the output neurons of the retina and their activity reflects the integration of multiple synaptic inputs arising from specific neural circuits. Patch clamp techniques, in voltage clamp and current clamp configurations, are commonly used to study the physiological properties of neurons and to characterize their synaptic inputs. Although the application of these techniques is highly informative, they pose various limitations. For example, it is difficult to quantify how the precise interactions of excitatory and inhibitory inputs determine response output. To address this issue, we used a modified current clamp technique, dynamic clamp, also called conductance clamp 1, 2, 3 and examined the impact of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs on neuronal excitability. This technique requires the injection of current into the cell and is dependent on the real-time feedback of its membrane potential at that time. The injected current is calculated from predetermined excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances, their reversal potentials and the cell''s instantaneous membrane potential. Details on the experimental procedures, patch clamping cells to achieve a whole-cell configuration and employment of the dynamic clamp technique are illustrated in this video article. Here, we show the responses of mouse retinal ganglion cells to various conductance waveforms obtained from physiological experiments in control conditions or in the presence of drugs. Furthermore, we show the use of artificial excitatory and inhibitory conductances generated using alpha functions to investigate the responses of the cells.  相似文献   
Multi-photon fluorescence microscopy has enabled the analysis of morphological and physiological parameters of brain cells in the intact tissue with high spatial and temporal resolution. Combined with electrophysiology, it is widely used to study activity-related calcium signals in small subcellular compartments such as dendrites and dendritic spines. In addition to calcium transients, synaptic activity also induces postsynaptic sodium signals, the properties of which are only marginally understood. Here, we describe a method for combined whole-cell patch-clamp and multi-photon sodium imaging in cellular micro domains of central neurons. Furthermore, we introduce a modified procedure for ultra-violet (UV)-light-induced uncaging of glutamate, which allows reliable and focal activation of glutamate receptors in the tissue. To this end, whole-cell recordings were performed on Cornu Ammonis subdivision 1 (CA1) pyramidal neurons in acute tissue slices of the mouse hippocampus. Neurons were filled with the sodium-sensitive fluorescent dye SBFI through the patch-pipette, and multi-photon excitation of SBFI enabled the visualization of dendrites and adjacent spines. To establish UV-induced focal uncaging, several parameters including light intensity, volume affected by the UV uncaging beam, positioning of the beam as well as concentration of the caged compound were tested and optimized. Our results show that local perfusion with caged glutamate (MNI-Glutamate) and its focal UV-uncaging result in inward currents and sodium transients in dendrites and spines. Time course and amplitude of both inward currents and sodium signals correlate with the duration of the uncaging pulse. Furthermore, our results show that intracellular sodium signals are blocked in the presence of blockers for ionotropic glutamate receptors, demonstrating that they are mediated by sodium influx though this pathway. In summary, our method provides a reliable tool for the investigation of intracellular sodium signals induced by focal receptor activation in intact brain tissue.  相似文献   
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