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Summary .  We propose a fully inferential model-based approach to the problem of comparing the firing patterns of a neuron recorded under two distinct experimental conditions. The methodology is based on nonhomogeneous Poisson process models for the firing times of each condition with flexible nonparametric mixture prior models for the corresponding intensity functions. We demonstrate posterior inferences from a global analysis, which may be used to compare the two conditions over the entire experimental time window, as well as from a pointwise analysis at selected time points to detect local deviations of firing patterns from one condition to another. We apply our method on two neurons recorded from the primary motor cortex area of a monkey's brain while performing a sequence of reaching tasks.  相似文献   
Lipid composition was studied on cerebral tissue from nine children who had died of a progressive encephalopathy called the infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL) or polyunsaturated fatty acid lipidosis (PFAL). In the terminal stage of the disease, the concentrations of all lipid classes were found to be significantly reduced in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex and white matter. The concentration of gangliosides of the cerebral cortex was 15% and that of cerebrosides (galactosylceramide) in white matter 0.2-5% of the normal values for the children's ages. The reduction of gangliosides mainly affected those of the gangliotetraose series, particularly GD1a. The fatty acids of the linolenic acid series were strongly reduced in ethanolamine and serine phosphoglycerides. A very large increase up to 100-fold of oligoglycosphingolipids of the globo series and two fucose-containing lipids of the neolacto series was found in the forebrain of the three advanced cases examined. The brain tissue also contained very high concentrations of mono-, di-, and trisialogangliosides of the lacto and neolacto series, gangliosides with type 1 chain dominating. The structures of the gangliosides were tentatively identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and monoclonal antibodies with carefully determined epitope specificity. The gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids had very similar fatty acid composition, consisting of about 40% stearic acid and 40% C24-acids.  相似文献   
Summary The fate of ascending projections of thoracic interneurons in the metamorphosing brain of Tenebrio molitor is described. Persistent brain neurons were identified and their fate is described during metamorphosis. The projection sites of ascending elements are invariable throughout metamorphosis both in quantitative and in qualitative terms. Some of these ascending neurons are serotonin-immunoreactive and this set of neurons maintains a constant projection site within the metamorphosing brain. The alterations in the projection sites of these and other ascending neurons in the ventral nerve cord were analysed experimentally. The central projection sites of these persistent ascending neurons are not important for the maintenance of their nerve cord projections throughout metamorphosis. Experimental deletion of ascending neurons which project into the suboesophageal ganglion varies the shape of persistent central neurons.  相似文献   
We present a simple model describing the transition between the prefiring, firing and postfiring phases of a single neuron in a large neural net. Using typical values for the physiological parameters that enter the model, we find average interspike times that are close to those reported in experimental measurements.  相似文献   
The distribution of thiamine, thiamine phosphoesters, and the thiamine pyrophosphate synthetizing [thiamine-pyrophosphokinase (TPKase)] as well as hydrolyzing [thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) and thiamine monophosphatase (TMPase)] enzymes was determined in neuronal and glial enriched fractions prepared from rat brain. Nucleoside diphosphatases [inosine diphosphatase (IDPase) and uridine diphosphatase (UDPase)] and nucleoside monophosphatases [uridine monophosphatase (UMPase) and inosine monophosphatase (IMPase)] were also determined. Thiamine and thiamine mono- and pyrophosphate were present in neuronal enriched fractions at concentrations 2.8, 3.6, and 4.6 times higher than in glial fractions. TMPase was found only in glial enriched fractions, whereas the levels of TPKase, UMPase, IMPase, IDPase, UDPase, and TPPase were 2.0-, 2.2-, 1.3-, 2.8-, 3.7-, and 20.8-fold higher in neuronal than in glial fractions.  相似文献   
Summary Peptidergic neurons dissociated from the neurosecretory cell group, the X-organ, of adult crabs (Cardisoma carnifex) show immediate outgrowth on unconditioned plastic dishes in defined medium. Most of the neurons can be categorized as small cells, branchers or veilers. A fourth type, superlarge, found occasionally, has a soma diameter greater than 40 m and multipolar outgrowth. We report here the effects on morphology that follow alterations of the standard defined culturing conditions. The three common types of neurons are present when cells are grown in crab saline or saline with l-glutamine and glucose (saline medium). Changes of pH between 7.0 to 7.9 have no effect. Osmolarity changes cause transient varicosities in small cells. In some veilers, pits rapidly appear in the veil and then disappear within 35 min. In cultures at 26° C instead of 22° C, veilers extend processes from the initial veil in a pattern similar to branchers, and the processes of adjacent veilers sometimes form appositions. Culturing in higher [K+]o medium ([K+]o=15–110 mM; standard=11 mM) has no long-term effect, but growth is arrested by [K+]o greater than 30 mM. Cultures were also grown in media in which [Ca2+]o ranged from 0.1 M to 26 mM (standard=13 mM). Outgrowth occured from all neuronal types in all [Ca2+]o tested. Thus, the expression of different outgrowth morphologies occurs under a wide variety of culturing conditions.  相似文献   
Summary By use of an antiserum against the crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) several types of bilaterally symmetrical neurons have been mapped quantitatively in the ventral nerve cord and in the brain of the meal beetle, Tenebrio molitor. The general architecture of these neurons was reconstructed from peroxidase-antiperoxidase-labelled whole-mount preparations. From the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia two types of neurons show a repetitive organization of contralateral projection patterns in each neuromere. The first type has few branches in the central neuropil and a distinct peripheral projection. The second type is characterized by an elaborate central branching pattern, which includes ascending and descending processes. Some of its peripheral branches were found to supply peripheral neurohemal areas. In the protocerebrum, 10 CCAP-immunoreactive neurons occur with projections into the superior median protocerebrum and the tritocerebrum. Immunopositive neurons were mapped in larval and various pupal stages, as well as in the adult. All types of identified neurons were found to persist throughout metamorphosis maintaining their essential structural and topological characteristics. The CCAP-immunoreactive neurons of T. molitor are compared with those described for the locust. Putative structural homologies of subsets of neurons in both species are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The responses of neurons in field L in the auditory neostriatum of the mynah bird, Gracula religiosa, were recorded during presentation of intact or manipulated mimic voices. A typical mimic voice konnichiwa elicited responses in most of the neurons. Neurons in the input layer (L2) of field L showed many peaks on peristimulus time histograms while those in other layers (L1 and L3) exhibited only one or two peaks. Several neurons in L1 and L3 responded only to the affricative consonant /t/ in the intact mimic voices. They did not respond to the affricative consonant in the isolated segment or to the one in the playbacked voice in reverse. Forty-five percent of the neurons (33/ 73) decreased in firing rates at the affricative consonant in the isolated segment compared with in the intact voice. Some of these neurons, in which neither the affricative consonant in the isolated segment nor bursts of noise alone elicited responses, exhibited clear phasic responses to /t/ in the case when bursts of noise with particular central frequencies preceded the affricative consonant. The responsiveness of these neurons appears to receive temporal facilitation. These results suggest that these neurons code the temporal relationship of speech sound.Abbreviations HVc hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale - TFN temporally facilitated neuron - TSN temporally suppressed neuron  相似文献   
NAD+ glycohydrolase (EC activity was detected in the plasma membrane prepared from the primary culture of rat astrocytes. The enzyme has a broad optimum pH range. From the kinetic analysis, a Michaelis constant of 91.2 microM and a maximum velocity of 0.785 mumol/min/mg protein were obtained. ADPribose exhibited a competitive inhibition with respect to NAD. The inhibition by nicotinamide was shown to be of a non-competitive type. ATP and GTP were found to be competitive inhibitors. NAD+ glycohydrolase activity was not detected in the plasma membrane prepared from the primary culture of neuronal cells of chick embryos.  相似文献   
The cellular characteristics of the beta-adrenoreceptor in glial and neuronal cells from the newborn rat brain were determined by (-)-[125I]iodocyanopindolol binding. In membranes from both cell types, the binding was saturable and from competition assays the potency series of (-)-isoproterenol greater than (-)-epinephrine = (-)-norepinephrine greater than (+)-isoproterenol was observed. 5'-Guanylyl-imidodiphosphate reduced the affinity of (-)-isoproterenol for the beta-adrenoreceptor from glial cells but had no effect on agonist affinity in neuronal cells. Chronic treatment of both cell types with (-)-isoproterenol reduced the receptor content and the capacity of the agonist to increase the cellular cyclic AMP content. However, the receptor recovery after chronic agonist treatment was faster in glial cells (72 h) than neuronal cells (120 h) and was blocked by cycloheximide. Treatment of both types with the irreversible beta-blocker bromoacetylalprenololmentane (2 microM) reduced the receptor content by 78% but no receptor recovery was observed for 120 h after the initial receptor loss. The data indicated that the majority of beta-adrenoreceptors in both cell types are the beta-1 subtype, but show some differences in receptor-agonist interactions. Furthermore, these CNS cells may be useful models for regulatory studies on the beta-adrenoreceptor.  相似文献   
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