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Anchoring junctions are cell adhesion apparatus present in all epithelia and endothelia. They are found at the cell-cell interface (adherens junction (AJ) and desmosome) and cell-matrix interface (focal contact and hemidesmosome). In this review, we focus our discussion on AJ in particular the dynamic changes and regulation of this junction type in normal epithelia using testis as a model. There are extensive restructuring of AJ (e.g., ectoplasmic specialization, ES, a testis-specific AJ) at the Sertoli-Sertoli cell interface (basal ES) and Sertoli-elongating spermatid interface (apical ES) during the seminiferous epithelial cycle of spermatogenesis to facilitate the migration of developing germ cells across the seminiferous epithelium. Furthermore, recent findings have shown that ES also confers cell orientation and polarity in the seminiferous epithelium, illustrating that some of the functions initially ascribed to tight junctions (TJ), such as conferring cell polarity, are also part of the inherent properties of the AJ (e.g., apical ES) in the testis. The biology and regulation based on recent studies in the testis are of interest to cell biologists in the field, in particular their regulation, which perhaps is applicable to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
The concept of the blood-aqueous barrier is largely based on the use of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The present investigation was designed to check its reliability as a macromolecular tracer, especially with regard to the transport of plasma proteins. Rabbits were killed 5 min to 24 h after being intravenously injected with HRP. The tracer diffused rapidly, reaching the aqueous humor of the eye in 3 min or less and was detected at high concentration in the narrow space between the outer epithelial layer of the ciliary epithelium and the wall of the pervious capillaries in the stroma of the processes. HRP appeared to migrate from the blood to the posterior chamber, permeating the tight junctions, viz., the anatomical basis of the blood-aqueous barrier. It was detected at higher concentration at the anterior surface of the iris, at short time intervals; this was interpreted as penetration of the tracer from the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber. The choroid was also labeled in continuation with the reaction in the stroma of the pars plana of the ciliary body which, in turn, sometimes reached the iris root. Therefore, the pervious blood vessels of the choroid could be a source of macromolecules for the iris root. HRP also induced the formation of lysosomes in the ciliary epithelium. This can hardly be accepted as the way in which plasma proteins are physiologically transported to the aqueous humor. However, the pathway of HRP migration over short time intervals seems to be in agreement with previous research indicating that the entrance of serum albumin into the posterior chamber is the first step of its incorporation into the aqueous humor. Received: 7 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 January 1997  相似文献   
Summary Immunohistochemical properties of the terminal nerve network in the rat heart were assessed by use of the elution-restaining method. The colocalization of the enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis (tyrosine hydroxylase — TH, dopamine--hydroxylase — DBH) as well as the respective distributions of the neuropeptides associated with the adrenergic nervous system (neuropeptide tyrosine — NPY, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y — C-PON) were studied in series of serial sections throughout the interatrial septum and the atrioventricular junction. Our data suggest that ganglion cells of sulcus terminalis as well as the epicardial ganglia enclosed between the superior vena cava and ascending aorta are VIP- and TH-negative, but neuropeptide Y- and DBH-immunoreactive. They give rise to three intraseptal nerves directed towards the specialised structures of the atrioventricular junction. These nerve fascicles contain abundant, thick TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and scarce, thin NPY- and DBH-immunoreactive fibres. The cell bodies of the intramural ganglion cells localized between the right and left branches of the bundle of His (Moravec and Moravec 1984) are strongly TH- and DBH-immunoreactive. They are innervated by thick nerve fibres having the same immunohistochemical properties (NPY- and DBH-immunoreactivities) as those of a subpopulation of the epicardial ganglion cells and seem to supply some of the TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres directed via the intraseptal nerves to the epicardial ganglia. The existence of a multicomponent nerve network, characterized by a reciprocal innervation of the sinus node and atrioventricular node areas, is suggested by our immunohistochemical data.  相似文献   
Summary The hepatopancreas of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, contains an unusual abundance of gap junctions, suggesting that this tissue might provide an ideal source from which to isolate the arthropod-type of gap junction. A membrane fraction obtained by subcellular fractionation of this organ contained smooth septate junctions, zonulae adhaerentes, gap junctions and pentalaminar membrane structures (pseudo-gap junctions) as determined by electron microscopy. A further enrichment of plasma membranes and gap junctions was achieved by the use of linear sucrose gradients and extraction with 5 mM NaOH. The enrichment of gap junctions correlated with the enrichment of a 31 Kd protein band on polyacrylamide gels. Extraction with 20 mM NaOH or 0.5% (w/v) Sarkosyl NL97 resulted in the disruption and/or solubilization of gap junctions. Negative staining revealed a uniform population of 9.6 nm diameter subunits within the gap junctions with an apparent sixfold symmetry. Using antisera to the major gap junctional protein of rat liver (32 Kd) and to the lens membrane protein (MP 26), we failed to detect any homologous antigenic components in the arthropod material by immunoblotting-enriched gap junction fractions or by immunofluorescence on tissue sections. The enrichment of another membrane structure (pseudo-gap junctions), closely resembling a gap junction, correlated with the enrichment of two protein bands, 17 and 16Kd, on polyacrylamide gels. These structures appeared to have originated from intracellular myelin-like figures in phagolysosomal structures. They could be distinguished from gap junctions on the basis of their thickness, detergent-alkali insolubility, and lack of association with other plasma membrane structures, such as the septate junction. Pseudo-gap junctions may be related to a class of pentalaminar contacts among membranes involved in intracellular fusion in many eukaryotic cell types. We conclude that pseudo-gap junctions and gap junctions are different cellular structures, and that gap junctions from this arthropod tissue are uniquely different from mammalian gap junctions of rat liver in their detergentalkali solubility, equilibrium density on sucrose gradients, and protein content (antigenic properties).  相似文献   
Current perspectives on plasmodesmata: structure and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies on plasmodesmata have shown that these important intercellular passages for communication and transport are much more sophisticated in both structure and regulatory abilities than previously imagined. A complex, but not well understood, substructure has been revealed by a variety of increasingly reliable ultrastructural techniques. Proteinaceous particles are seen within the cytoplasmic sleeve surrounding the desmotubule. Dye-coupling studies have provided experimental evidence for the physical pathway of solute movement, supporting conclusions about substructural dimensions within plasmodesmata drawn from the ultrastructural studies. Calcium has been identified as a major factor in the regulation of intercellular communication via plasmodesmata. Evidence from studies on virus movement through plasmodesmata suggests a direct interaction between virallycoded movement proteins and plasmodesmata in the systemic spread of many viruses. There is increasing evidence, albeit indirect, that in some plant species phloem loading may involve transport of photoassimilate entirely within the symplast from mesophyll cells to the sieve element-companion cell complexes of minor veins.  相似文献   
The design of single-stranded nucleic acid knots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general strategy is described for the synthesis of single-stranded nucleic acid knots. Control of nucleic acid sequence is used to direct the formation of secondary structures that produce the target topology. The key feature of the strategy is the equation of a half-turn of double helical DNA or RNA with a node in a knot. By forming nodes from complementary DNA sequences, it appears possible to direct the assembly of any simple knot. Stabilization of individual nodes may be achieved by constructing them from long regions containing both B-DNA and Z-DNA. Control over the braiding of DNA that acts as a link between node-forming domains can be realized by condensing the nodes into well-defined DNA structures, such as extended domains of linear duplex, branched junctions, antijunctions or mesojunctions. Further topological control may be derived from the pairing of linker regions to complementary single-stranded molecules, thereby preventing them from braiding in an undesirable fashion.  相似文献   
Summary To study the three-dimensional structure of tight junction fibrils, the epithelia of the jejunum and epididymis of adult mice were examined by the freezefracture technique in unfixed and in aldehyde-fixed specimens. The fibrils have a stronger affinity for the protoplasmic (P) face of the lipid bilayer in fixed material, and for the external (E) face in unfixed and rapidly frozen material. Therefore we can observe the fibrils both from the outside and inside of the cell. Fibrils appearing on the P-face are smoothly contoured ridges and rows of hemispherical particles, while those appearing on the E-face are exclusively rows of hemispherical particles. Based on these observations, we wish to propose a new fibril model for the tight junction. There are two distinctive types of junctional elements. One type is composed of a smooth and continuous strand in the external view of the cell, but is studded with hemispherical bulgings in its internal view. This type will be referred to as the continuous type. The other type is bead-like, and will be referred to as the particle type. The relative proportion of these two types of elements appearing within a tight junction network differs among tissues.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of pH was tested on the junction between crayfish lateral axons. By means of a glass capillary inserted into one of the axons, one side of the nunction was perfused with solutions of known pH while the junctional resistance,R j, was monitored. Integrity of the gap junction was checked electron microscopically.R j remained unchanged when the pH of the perfusate was lowered from 7.1 to 6.0. However, when the pH of the unperfused side of the junction was lowered by substituting acetate for chloride in the external solution,R j rose, attesting to the integrity of the junction and its capacity to uncouple in the perfused state. We suggest that H+ does not affect the junctional channels directly, but acts through an intermediary which is inactivated or removed by the perfusion.  相似文献   
Summary The gap junction morphology was quantified in freeze-fracture replicas prepared from rat auricles that had been either quickly frozen at 6 K or chemically fixed by glutaraldehyde, in a state of normal cell-to-cell conduction or in a state of electrical uncoupling. The general appearance of the gap junctions was similar after both preparative procedures. A quantitative analysis of three gap junctional dimensions provided the following measurements in the quickly frozen conducting auricles (mean±sd): (a) P-face particles' diameter 8.27±0.74 nm (n =5709), (b) P-face particles' center-to-center distance 10.78±2.12 nm (n=4800), and (c) E-face pits' distance 9.99±2.19 nm (n=1600). Corresponding values obtained from chemically fixed tissues were decreased by about 3% for the particle's diameter and about 5% for the particles' and pits' distances. Electrical uncoupling by the action of either 1 mM 2–4-dinitrophenol (DNP), or 3.5 mMn-Heptan-1-ol (heptanol), induced a decrease of the particle's diameter, which amounted to –0.69±0.01 nm (mean ±se) in the quickly frozen preparations and –0.71±0.01 nm in the chemically fixed ones. The particles' distance was decreased by –0.96±0.04 nm in the quickly frozen samples and by –0.90 ±0.03 nm in the chemically fixed ones and the E-face pits' distance was similarly reduced. All differences were statistically significant (P<0.001 for all dimensions). Electrical recoupling after the heptanol effect promoted a return of these gap junctional dimensions towards normal values, which was about 50% complete within 20 min. It is concluded that very similar morphological alterations of the gap junctional structure are induced in the mammalian heart by different treatments promoting electrical uncoupling and that these conformational changes appear independently of the preparative procedure. The suggestion that the observed decrease of the particles' diameter is genuinely related to the closing mechanism of the unit cell-to-cell channel set in thei centers is thus confirmed.  相似文献   
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