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Investigations were made of the growth ofNelumbo nucifera, an aquatic higher plant, in a natural stand in Lake Kasumigaura. A rise of 1.0 m in the water level after a typhoon in August 1986 caused a subsequent decrease in biomass ofN. nucifera from the maximum of 291 g d.w. m−2 in July to a minimum of 75 g d.w. m−2. The biomass recovered thereafter in shallower regions. The underground biomass in October tended to increase toward the shore. The total leaf area index (LAI) is the sum of LAI of floating leaves and emergent leaves. The maximum total LAI was 1.3 and 2.8 m2 m−2 in 1986 and 1987, respectively. LAI of floating leaves did not exceed 1 m2 m−2. The elongation rates of the petiole of floating and emergent leaves just after unrolling were 2.6 and 3.4 cm day−1, respectively. The sudden rise in water level (25 cm day−1) after the typhoon in August 1986 caused drowning and subsequent decomposition of the mature leaves. Only the young leaves were able to elongate, allowing their laminae to reach the water surface. The fluctuation in water level, characterized by the amplitude and duration of flooding and the time of flooding in the life cycle, is an important factor determining the growth and survival ofN. nucifera in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   
Cuticles of several plant species are covered by tubular wax aggregates that are known to consist mainly of (S)-nonacosan-10-ol. The present work addresses the question whether minor wax components may additionally contribute to these tubules. Thin layer chromatography was used to prepare secondary alkanediol fractions from leaf cuticular waxes of Nelumbo nucifera and Thalictrum flavum, containing nonacosane-3,10-diol, nonacosane-4,10-diol, nonacosane-5,10-diol, nonacosane-7,10-diol, nonacosane-9,10-diol and nonacosane-10,13-diol. From organic solutions all these compounds crystallized in tubular shapes. Possible crystal structures of relevant alkanediol isomers are proposed, in analogy to the lattice geometries of comparable aliphatic compounds. The resulting structural model shows that nonacosan-10-ol and various secondary alkanediols may join in metastable mixed crystals. According to the structural model proposed the admixture of alkanediols to nonacosan-10-ol aggregates should enhance the stability of their tubular habit.  相似文献   
莲幼苗的胚根发育及其筛分子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪矛  孙克莲等 《西北植物学报》2002,22(1):146-149,T001
报道了莲无初生根型幼苗的胚根发育过程,其胚根由分生组织转化成贮藏组织,致使胚根不突破种皮;莲幼苗初生维管系统中的筛分子为筛管分子。莲的子叶和胚根连为一体的特殊结构与其生活环境和系统演化密切相关。  相似文献   
microRNAs (miRNAs) are important noncoding small RNAs that regulate mRNAs in eukaryotes. However, under which circumstances different miRNAs/miRNA families exhibit different evolutionary trajectories in plants remains unclear. In this study, we sequenced the small RNAs and degradome from a basal eudicot, sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera or lotus), to identify miRNAs and their targets. Combining with public miRNAs, we predicted 57 pre‐eudicot miRNA families from different evolutionary stages. We found that miRNA families featuring older age, higher copy and target number tend to show lower propensity for miRNA family loss (PGL) and stronger signature of purifying selection during divergence of temperate and tropical lotus. Further analyses of lotus genome revealed that there is an association between loss of miRNA families in descendent plants and in duplicated genomes. Gene dosage balance is crucial in maintaining those preferentially retained MIRNA duplicates by imposing stronger purifying selection. However, these factors and selection influencing miRNA family evolution are not applicable to the putative MIRNA‐likes. Additionally, the MIRNAs participating in lotus pollen–pistil interaction, a conserved process in angiosperms, also have a strong signature of purifying selection. Functionally, sequence divergence in MIRNAs escalates expression divergence of their target genes between temperate and tropical lotus during rhizome and leaf growth. Overall, our study unravels several important factors and selection that determine the miRNA family distribution in plants and duplicated genomes, and provides evidence for functional impact of MIRNA sequence evolution.  相似文献   
莲属(Nelumbo Adans.)的系统学研究进展和莲科的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了莲属的系统学研究的历史和最新研究成果.综述了莲属从睡莲科中独立出来,单独成科的形态学、解剖学、细胞学、孢粉学、胚胎学、植物化学、分子生物学及花器官发生等多方面的证据,并对莲科的系统学地位进行了总结。  相似文献   
对籽莲红花建莲(Nelumbonuciferacv.Honghuajianlian)和白心湘莲(N.nuciferacv.Baixinxianglian)杂交而成的幼胚的子叶、胚轴及幼胚叶(芽)形成的愈伤组织,施以赖氨酸加苏氨酸胁迫培养30天,从中筛选出抗性愈伤组织并形成再生植株。低浓度的赖氨酸加苏氨酸促进愈伤组织的生长,而高浓度的赖氨酸加苏氨酸则抑制愈伤组织生长,直至具有致死作用,这种致死作用是因为高浓度的赖氨酸加苏氨酸抑制了天冬氨酸合成途径中的天冬氨酸激酶和高丝氨酸脱氢酶造成的,细胞发生变异后对赖氨酸和苏氨酸产生了抗性,即与天冬氨酸合成途径有关的氨基酸增加。抗性愈伤组织与未胁迫的愈伤组织的氨基酸测定表明,在总计17种氨基酸中,抗性愈伤组织有14种氨基酸含量超过原始愈伤组织,1种持平,2种不及原始愈伤组织。再生抗性植株的莲籽氨基酸测定显示,在17种氨基酸中,有12种超过母本红花建莲,15种超过父本白心湘莲。  相似文献   
ISSR analysis of genetic diversity in sacred lotus cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were applied to assess genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 92 cultivars of sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), one of the most famous flowers in China. Our results showed that sacred lotus exhibited a low level of genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic bands, PPB = 55.8%), which may result from its asexual mode of reproduction and long-term artificial selection. Clustering analyses indicated that these cultivars could be divided into two clades. Most cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin were included in one clade, and one cultivar of American lotus species origin was nested in the other clade. The hybrid cultivars from hybridization between the two subspecies were interspersed in these two clades. Seven cultivars native to Thailand formed a distinct subclade among the cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin. Genetic differentiation between two subspecies, and between cultivars from Thailand and other cultivars could be attributed to geographic isolation. The monophyly of three cultivars of Sanshui Winter Lotus and their closest relationships to Chinese lotus species origin suggests that they might have a common origin and may consist completely or mainly of genetic material from N. nucifera subsp. nucifera.  相似文献   
This paper reports the development of microsatellite primers for Nelumbo nucifera Gaerten. By screening genomic libraries enriched with 10 kinds of probes, Seventeen polymorphic loci were isolated and primers were designed. Polymorphism of these 17 loci was assessed in 24 individuals. All the 17 loci are polymorphic and the number of alleles ranged from two to seven. Observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0000 to 0.9176 and from 0.2837 to 0.7917 respectively. These microsatellite loci should be useful for studying the genetic diversity of N. nucifera.  相似文献   
荷花“重瓣化”的花器官形态发育比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)的花型可分5种,最原始为单瓣型,然后由单瓣演化出半重瓣、重瓣、重台和千瓣型。为了揭示荷花重瓣化的分子机理,有必要从花器官的形态发育特征探究荷花花型成因及“重瓣化”的形态发育特征。实验分别选取5种荷花花型的代表品种:‘单洒锦’(单瓣型)、‘大洒锦’(重瓣型)、‘中山红台’(重台型)、‘至尊千瓣’(全重瓣型)、‘千瓣莲’(千瓣型)为材料,进行花芽分化过程形态的石蜡切片比较观察。结果发现:花芽分化过程中5个品种的萼片原基分化期和花瓣原基分化期相似,而雄蕊和雌蕊原基发育存在明显差异:单瓣、重瓣和重台品种均有正常的雄蕊和雌蕊原基分化;全重瓣品种发育初期有雄蕊及雌蕊原基分化,但后期全部瓣化;‘千瓣莲’品种不形成雄蕊和雌蕊原基,而是直接形成2至多个“花瓣增殖中心”,并由此不断分化出细小花瓣。研究认为重瓣型荷花品种的“重瓣化”花瓣主要来源于雄蕊的向心式瓣化,其次是雌蕊瓣化,属于雌雄蕊起源。而对于‘千瓣莲’型品种,花瓣的具体来源方式、花托是否直接参与瓣化及其在重瓣化过程中的作用有待于结合分子生物学手段开展进一步研究。  相似文献   
Tropical lotus (Nelumbo) is an important and unique ecological type of lotus germplasm. Understanding the genetic relationship and diversity of the tropical lotus is necessary for its sustainable conservation and utilization. Using 42 EST-SSR (expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats) and 30 SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism) markers, we assessed the genetic diversity and inferred the ancestry of representative tropical lotus from Thailand and Vietnam. In total, 164 and 41 polymorphic bands were detected in 69 accessions by 36 EST-SSR and seven SRAP makers, respectively. Higher genetic diversity was revealed in Thai lotus than in Vietnamese lotus. A Neighbor-Joining tree of five main clusters was constructed using combined EST-SSR and SRAP markers. Cluster I included 17 accessions of Thai lotus; cluster II contained three Thai accessions and 11 accessions from southern Vietnam; and cluster III was constituted by 13 accessions of seed lotus. Consistent with the results from the Neighbor-Joining tree, the genetic structure analysis showed that the genetic background of most Thai and Vietnamese lotus was pure, as artificial breeding has been rare in both countries. Furthermore, these analyses indicate that Thai and Vietnamese lotus germplasms belong to two different gene pools or populations. Most lotus accessions are genetically related to geographical distribution patterns in Thailand or Vietnam. Our findings showed that the origin or genetic relationships of some unidentified lotus sources can be evaluated by comparing morphological characteristics and the data of molecular markers. In addition, these findings provide reliable information for the targeted conservation of tropical lotus and parent selection in breeding novel cultivars of lotus.  相似文献   
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