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BackgroundFrequency band optimization improves the performance of common spatial pattern (CSP) in motor imagery (MI) tasks classification because MI-related electroencephalograms (EEGs) are highly frequency specific. Many variants of CSP algorithm divided the EEG into various sub bands and then applied CSP. However, the feature dimension of MI-EEG data increases with addition of frequency sub bands and requires efficient feature selection algorithms. The performance of CSP also depends on filtering techniques.MethodIn this study, we designed a dual tree complex wavelet transform based filter bank to filter the EEG into sub bands, instead of traditional filtering methods, which improved the spatial feature extraction efficiency. Further, after filtering EEG into different sub bands, we extracted spatial features from each sub band using CSP and optimized them by a proposed supervised learning framework based on neighbourhood component analysis (NCA). Subsequently, a support vector machine (SVM) is trained to perform classification.ResultsAn experimental study, conducted on two datasets (BCI Competition IV (Dataset 2b), and BCI competition III (Dataset IIIa)), validated the MI classification effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with standard algorithms such as CSP, Filter bank CSP (CSP), and Discriminative FBCSP (DFBCSP). The average classification accuracy obtained by the proposed method for BCI Competition IV (Dataset 2b), and BCI Competition III (Dataset IIIa) are 84.02 ± 12.2 and 89.1 ± 7.50, respectively and found significant than that achieved by standard methods.ConclusionAchieved superior results suggest that the proposed algorithm can improve the performance of MI-based Brain-computer interface devices.  相似文献   
太白山牛皮桦-巴山冷杉混交林空间格局及关联性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用改进的点格局分析法——邻域密度函数(Neighborhood Density Function,NDF)对太白山地区桦林-冷杉林交错区内主要树种的空间分布格局、种间空间关联性及其更新空间关联性进行了分析。结果表明:各树种所有个体整体上都呈随机分布,划分不同层级后,则各林层个体分布格局各异,各树种在较低的林层呈明显聚集分布,随林层增高,中、高层内个体聚集分布的空间尺度降低。两个主要竞争种牛皮桦(Betula albo-sinensis var.septentrionalis)和巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)整体表现出显著空间负相关,巴山冷杉与玉皇柳(Salix yuhuangshanensis)未表现出明显相关性,而牛皮桦与玉皇柳间则有空间负相关的趋势。牛皮桦的更新格局仅依靠自身倒木扰动产生的机会,且被限定在较小尺度上。巴山冷杉在小尺度上会限制自身更新,此外与牛皮桦在小尺度上竞争激烈,可占据利用其空间位置进行更新。从空间格局分析角度认识牛皮桦和巴山冷杉的生态学特性,为进一步研究其共存机制,认识太白山桦林在秦岭植被垂直带中的作用和地位提供参考依据。  相似文献   
EU expenditures for Rural Development, having increased from 2.9% of the total Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget in the 1990s to 12.3% in the beginning of the 2010s, reflect the growing strategic and societal values attached to this policy in addressing the new global challenges for rural areas in the enlarged EU. The analysis of the recent and ongoing reforms shows that Rural Development Programmes (RDP) made substantial progress towards sectoral integration and thematic broadening, and, at the same time, provided continuity of well-established and important measures. Yet, under growing budget constraints, better targeting of funds becomes even more crucial (European Court of Auditors, 2011). Comparing the design and allocation practices of Regional RDPs, however, reveals significant differences in targeting strategies, all too often based on the implementation history and experience of previous periods. Better availability, coordination and digital connectivity of expenditure data and other data sources across the EU encouraged the adoption of the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), aimed at more clearly depicting intervention needs and effects at the regional scale (NUTS2–NUTS3) (NUTS (Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques) is a EU geocode standard for referencing spatial subunits for statistical purposes). The EU project SPARD (Spatial Analysis of Rural Development Measures) took those data as a starting point to find out more about the causal relationships between RD measure implementation, and their determining factors and impacts with a specific look at their spatial dimension: in which rural development measures is success determined by neighbourhood conditions, and at what scale? SPARD developed and applied new methodological approaches, particularly spatial econometrics, to evaluate selected measures that contribute to improved competitiveness, environmental performance and rural viability. The results are presented in this special issue in four thematic foci:
  • •Analysing RDP performance by applying spatial econometric modelling (theory, procedures, key results) on RDP payments at the national and European scale.
  • •Effectiveness and efficiency of RDP participation towards impacts at the regional scale: an in-depth view of European case studies, specific measures, indicators and shortcomings of the CMEF.
  • •Learning about spatial and non-spatial determinants of participation in RDP.
  • •Experiences and requirements related to the CAP 2020 and the improvement of the CMEF.
Overall, the results emphasise the difficulty of evaluating of RDPs, even when using much more sophisticated instruments than those used in the current evaluation practices. While a lack of appropriate information remains an issue, the experience of SPARD also underscores the challenge of matching the quest for generalised approaches and the need to consider ad hoc local determinants, as well as the trade-off between the benefits of higher precision and the costs of implied information burden.  相似文献   
We study individual plant growth and size hierarchy formation in an experimental population of Arabidopsis thaliana, within an integrated analysis that explicitly accounts for size-dependent growth, size- and space-dependent competition, and environmental stochasticity. It is shown that a Gompertz-type stochastic differential equation (SDE) model, involving asymmetric competition kernels and a stochastic term which decreases with the logarithm of plant weight, efficiently describes individual plant growth, competition, and variability in the studied population. The model is evaluated within a Bayesian framework and compared to its deterministic counterpart, and to several simplified stochastic models, using distributional validation. We show that stochasticity is an important determinant of size hierarchy and that SDE models outperform the deterministic model if and only if structural components of competition (asymmetry; size- and space-dependence) are accounted for. Implications of these results are discussed in the context of plant ecology and in more general modelling situations.  相似文献   
Question: As it has been found that stress promotes positive interactions mediated by physical amelioration of the environment, is it possible that interactions may turn positive with increasing chronic anthropogenic disturbance (CAD) intensity? Also, is it possible that species that do not tolerate disturbance may require environmental amelioration by their neighbours in disturbed areas, whereas tolerant species may not? Location: The semi‐arid grassland in Concepción Buenavista, Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Methods: We assessed interaction intensity and importance through a neighbour removal experiment along a CAD gradient for three species differing in disturbance tolerance. Water potential was monitored on vegetated and bare soil. Results: A shift from competitive effects in low CAD sites to positive interactions in degraded sites was found. The disturbance‐tolerant species did not respond to CAD, whereas the less tolerant species changed its interactions drastically in terms of growth and reproduction. The species with medium tolerance had an intermediate response. Neighbours promoted germination in all species. Vegetation removal reduced soil humidity. Conclusions: Positive interactions seemingly resulted from the amelioration of the abiotic stresses induced by vegetation removal. The dependence on neighbours to germinate, grow, or reproduce suggests that if CAD eliminates the plant cover, vegetation will hardly recover. Irreversible changes are known to occur in communities where positive interactions predominate, but CAD may set the conditions for irreversible shifts even in communities where interactions are normally competitive.  相似文献   
L. Jerling 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):171-185
The vegetative propagation ofGlaux maritima is correlated with growth habit which is inturn related to the light environment. Plant form and vegetative behaviour were recorded 1980–1984 and an attempt to correlate this to population dynamics and vegetation development was made.The type of vegetative propagation gives rise to a size hierarchy of propagules and thus a strong within clone dynamics. A range of life stages may be permanently present in a clone. Clones from different parts of a shore meadow have different patterns of vegetative propagation. The offshoot growth behaviour can be used to explain vegetation patterns and neighbour relationships.  相似文献   
Summary Several mechanisms have been proposed for group selection, to account for the evolution of altruistic traits. One type, Neighbourhood models, suggests that individuals react with those immediately around them, but with no recognition mechanism. The organization of plant populations seems especially favorable for this type of selection. The possibility of Neighbourhood selection was investigated by simulating a plant population. It was possible for an altruistic trait to evolve, though only under restricted conditions. The main requirement was gene flow only by very restricted pollen dispersal, and a high benefit : cost ratio in the altruistic relationship. Under conditions favourable for such evolution, the starting frequency of the allele, the initial pattern, and the population size, had little effect. Inbreeding tended to prevent the increase of the altruism allele, though this depended on the mechanism of selfing. Known ecological features of plants are discussed that could be considered altruistic and hence require some form of group selection for their evolution, and whether the benefit : cost requirements are likely to be met. Neighbourhood models of group selection are a possibility in plant populations, and we therefore cannot exclude the possibility of altruism in plants. However, Neighbourhood selection is weak force, unlikely to be effective in the face of opposing individual selection. It may be more important as reinforcement of individual selection.  相似文献   
Summary Genets of Trifolium repens (white clover) were collected from three patches of old permanent pasture dominated by Agrostis capillaris, Holcus lanatus or Lolium perenne. Plants derived from the genets were grown with plants of one grass species present on one side of each T. repens, and a different grass species on the other side, in all combinations of two of the three grasses. Different modules (a node with its associated internode, leaf, and axillary bud) on the same clover plant responded independently to the microenvironment provided by their own neighbouring grasses. In contrast, all apical meristems on the plant reacted similarly, showing a unified response and integrating the effects of the different microenvironments experienced by the whole clover plant. This is consistent with what is known both physiologically about the nutrition of meristems and modules, and ecologically about the exploratory growth habit of the species. Averaged over all associated grasses, there was no significant variation in the final dry weight of the different clover genets but these differed in their growth habit response to different grasses. In response to Agrostis as a neighbour, each meristem of T. repens rapidly produced many small modules. New modules were produced more slowly and were larger when Holcus or Lolium was the neighbour. The same pattern of differences occurred among clovers sampled from different backgrounds. Either genetic differences paralleled plastic responses, or plastic changes in phenotype that developed in response to different neighbours in the field persisted in the greenhouse. Plants taken from backgrounds of different grass species showed different responses to growing with those grass species. The differences were manifest primarily in a positive leading diagonal effect of Holcus or not-Holcus. They were the result primarily of differences in the dry weight per module and the probability of development of the axillary bud into a branch. This confirms earlier results, and implicates the central importance of branching as a means of local response to the microenvironment.  相似文献   
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