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内蒙古石拐群古鳕类一新属   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
内蒙古石拐地区石拐群召沟组中的长腹鳍大青山鳕(新属、新种) Daqingshaniscus longiventralis gen. et sp. nov. 是在我国中侏罗世地层中发现的一比较原始的古鳕类.其头骨眶后部分短,鳃盖骨大于下鳃盖骨,背鳍位于腹鳍与臀鳍之间,腹鳍基线长,鳍条都从基部分节、远端分叉,棘鳞仅见于尾上叶,全歪型尾,鳞片呈菱形.大青山鳕既与苏联南哈萨克斯坦 Karatau 地区的 Pteroniscus 很接近,又与我国新疆的维吾尔鳕 Uighuroniscus 及西德北部的 Stadthagen 地区的 Indaginilepis 相似.  相似文献   
New methods for estimating the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions per site were developed. The methods are unweighted pathway methods based on Kimura's two-parameter model. Computer simulations were conducted to evaluate the accuracies of the new methods, Nei and Gojobori's (NG) method, Miyata and Yasunaga's (MY) method, Li, Wu, and Luo's (LWL) method, and Pamilo, Bianchi, and Li's (PBL) method. The following results were obtained: (1) The NG, MY, and LWL methods give overestimates of the number of synonymous substitutions and underestimates of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions. The major cause for the biased estimation is that these three methods underestimate the number of synonymous sites and overestimate the number of nonsynonymous sites. (2) The PBL method gives better estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions than those obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods. (3) The new methods also give better estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions than those obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods. In addition, estimates of the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous sites obtained by the new methods are reasonably accurate. (4) In some cases, the new methods and the PBL method give biased estimates of substitution numbers. However, from the number of nucleotide substitutions at the third position of codons, we can examine whether estimates obtained by the new methods are good or not, whereas we cannot make an examination of estimates obtained by the PBL method. (5) When there are strong transition/transversion and nucleotide-frequency biases like mitochondrial genes, all of the above methods give biased estimates of substitution numbers. In such cases, Kondo et al.'s method is recommended to be used for estimating the number of synonymous substitutions, although their method cannot estimate the number of nonsynonymous substitutions and is time-consuming. These results, particularly result (1), call for reexaminations of some genes. This is because evolutionary pictures of genes have often been discussed on the basis of results obtained by the NG, MY, and LWL methods, which are favorable for the neutral theory of molecular evolution.  相似文献   
海房沟异羽叶的新联合(Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) comb. nov.)是辽西和内蒙古东部中侏罗统海房沟组一种特有的本内苏铁类植物.仅发现一块标本(正、反面印痕).标本上保存3枚营养羽叶,它们同几个苞片状的小叶和一些小孢子叶联合在一起,但球果的雌蕊群部分未被保存.标本被收集于内蒙古东部的宁城县山头乡道虎村附近,产于中侏罗统海房沟组.以往在辽西葫芦岛市的南票和白马石乡上三角城等地的同一层位中也曾发现过很多分散保存的苞片状小叶和相似的小孢子叶.它们最初被潘广(1983)认为是一种双子叶的半被子植物(Cycadicotis),并将小孢子叶视为"具皱纹的雌性种囊".后来,又经Kimura等(1994)详细研究,因未找到任何与被子植物有关的证据,将它们归入一个分类位置不明的形态属Pankuangia,并被描述在P. haifanggouensis种名之下.研究结果表明,本文中被研究的标本是同本内苏铁类的Anomozamites异羽叶相连,从而为这些分散保存的生殖器官的确切分类位置的确定提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   
道虎沟化石层分布于内蒙古宁城县道虎沟以及毗邻的河北北部和辽宁西部等地,已报道4种有尾类、1个无尾类蝌蚪、1个幼年蜥蜴、3种带原始羽毛的兽脚类恐龙、2种翼龙、3种哺乳动物以及双壳类、叶肢介、昆虫和植物等化石(有学者称之为"前热河生物群")。该层位比热河群义县组低,但地层划分存在争议:中侏罗统九龙山组、上侏罗统道虎沟组和下白垩统热河群均有报道。本文研究的道虎沟蜥蜴是该地点发现的第2个蜥蜴化石,其身体细长,为一幼年个体;前颌骨、顶骨和额骨均成对;上颌骨的面突高;后额骨和后眶骨不愈合;后额骨较大,但可能未进入上颞孔;后眶骨具宽的后突;牙齿小而尖锐,结构简单且可能为侧生;头骨的眶前区较长;具27个荐前椎;虽然未成年但个体较大;未见真皮骨板;手掌和四肢较长。上述特征组合区别于所有现生蜥蜴类,四肢比例也与其他蜥蜴有较大区别。欧美中侏罗世-早白垩世的小盗蜥(Parviraptor)和蒙古早白垩世的一个幼年个体(可能属于壁虎型类)与道虎沟标本比较相似。头骨特征和较大的荐前椎数目显示道虎沟标本可能属于硬舌蜥类(scleroglossan)。但因标本为幼年个体,本文暂将它归入有鳞类属种未定(Squamata gen.et sp.indet.)。测量数据显示,道虎沟标本的手掌和前肢相对较长;该特征常见于适应攀爬的蜥蜴种类,似可显示攀爬习性。但肢体比例可能会随身体增长而发生变化,所以此生活习性并非定论。  相似文献   
内蒙古地处我国北部边疆,全境以高原为主,西部为戈壁沙漠,东部为宽阔草原,绝大多数地区属于温带大陆性气候;动物地理区划属于古北区中亚细亚区的内蒙河西干草原区。该区现已知草蛉3属16种(包括本文所记述的5新种和2新记录种),其分布特点是以狭义的草蛉属Chrysopa为主,而且以广布于华北地区的叶色草蛉Chrysopaphyllochroma Wesmeal为代表种,新种的模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所及北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
描述了在内蒙古二连盆地新采集的保存较完好的冠齿兽类化石。基于牙齿特征的比较认为:Eudinoceras kholobolchiensis Osborn&Granger,1931、E.obailiensis Gabunia,1961、Metacoryphodon luminis Chow&Qi,1982和M.?minorQi,1987的个体大小、上前臼齿前尖V形脊角度、原尖前后棱发育程度、上下臼齿脊形化程度和尖脊形状及位置等特征与E.mongoliensisOsborn,1924一致,应视为后者的次主观异名;M.xintaiensisChow&Qi,1982应归入Eudinoceras属,变更为E.xintaiensis;Metacoryphodon为无效命名,应予废除。厘定后的Eudinoceras属共含有6个有效种:E.zhichengensis Lei etal., 1987、E.youngiXu,1980、E.xintaiensis Chow&Qi,1982、E.mongoliensis Osborn,1924、E.crassum Tong&Tang,1977和E.sishuiensis Wang,1994。修订了Eudinoceras属和E.mongoliensis种的齿列特征。将二连盆地冠齿兽类化石的产出层位对应至该盆地重新厘定的地层框架中,E.mongoliensis集中在阿山头组,能确定的最早出现层位为阿山头组底部的AS-1层,最晚出现层位为阿山头组上部的AS-5层,其时代为早始新世中期,约为53~49Ma。  相似文献   
The Mongol horse stems from ancient stock, similar to the first horses ridden on the Central Asian grassland steppe. Mongol horses subsequently migrated with their human counterparts throughout Eurasia, as far to the east as Japan. During archery festivals in Japan, horses gallop along a narrow runway within a temple complex in the heavily populated city of Kyoto. In Mongolia, with the recent re‐emergence of the ancient practice, horse and rider still gallop across the expansive grassland steppe. The euphoria one feels in riding fast on horseback with the wind against one's face can be symbolised by the concept of khii mor’ in Mongolia, which is connected with the vitality between human and horse in the practice of horse archery. Through sensory ethnography, in combination with multi‐species ethnography, this article explores embodiment between horse and rider in two quite different socio‐ecological contexts.  相似文献   
植物功能性状被广泛地用于研究植物对环境变化的响应。糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)是内蒙古草原重要的C4物种, 其功能性状是如何对水氮环境的变化做出响应的, 还不十分清楚。该文采用盆栽实验的方法, 进行氮添加(0, 10.5, 35.0和56.0 g·m-2·a-1)和降水(自然降水和70%平均月降水量)处理, 研究糙隐子草整株性状、叶形态性状和叶生理性状对氮添加和干旱的响应。结果表明, 氮添加显著影响了糙隐子草的整株性状, 氮、水处理及它们的交互作用显著影响了糙隐子草的叶形态性状和叶生理性状。各功能性状对氮添加的响应格局在自然降水和干旱处理下是不同的。根深、茎生物量和茎叶比在干旱条件下低和中氮添加处理中较高, 而在自然降水下无明显变化; 比叶面积在干旱条件下随氮添加量的增加而增加, 而在自然降水下无增加趋势; 自然降水下, 高氮添加显著刺激了光合速率和蒸腾速率, 增加了水分利用效率, 而在干旱条件下氮添加对它们没有显著影响; 叶片单位面积的氮含量在自然降水下随氮添加量的增加有增加趋势, 而在干旱条件下显著降低。在自然降水下, 氮添加主要影响糙隐子草的叶形态和生理性状, 而在干旱条件下, 氮添加主要影响糙隐子草的整株性状和形态性状。总之, 糙隐子草的功能性状对氮添加表现出明显的响应, 响应格局在不同的水分条件下不同, 反映了其对氮水环境变化的弹性适应。  相似文献   
报道了发现于宝格达乌拉地区的少量古近纪化石材料(包括零碎的牙齿和头后骨骼)。材料产自不整合覆盖在细粒红层之上的河相沉积物,显示出再沉积特点。经鉴定,它们可归入Breviodon minutus,Rhinocerotidae gen.et sp.indet.,Brontotheriidae gen.et sp.indet.及其他未定奇蹄类。材料在时代上确属古近纪无疑,但产出层位的时代尚有疑问。宝格达乌拉地区过去只出产新近纪脊椎动物化石,古近纪的地层和化石都未曾报道。根据新化石点与附近地层的接触关系,我们怀疑这些古近纪化石是后期再沉积在新近纪的宝格达乌拉组中的。新材料的发现提示该地区可能还有更多的古近纪地层。  相似文献   
我国上侏罗统牛津阶-基末利阶(163-150Ma)保存有完好的最原始的蠼螋昆虫化石,首次描述,分析和讨论了原始蠼螋后翅脉序特征,认为与现代生存的蠼螋后翅基本相同。因此,提出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫分类学者不同的意见,认为始螋亚目(Aechidermaptera)应归入于革翅目(Dermaptera)之中,且视其为一个最原始的类群较为合理,内蒙古自治区这个原始类群的下列重要特征皆为首次发现;胸骨具有特殊的形态结构;革翅锁具(Tegmina locking device)和刺脊突(spiny crest)发育;前,中,后足跗节皆为5节;后足基节显著伸长;颈部被划分为前,后两个颈片;革翅后缘收缩变尖,上述5项被视为厚原始蠼螋特有的祖征,下列特征应为早期蠼螋共有的原始性状;虫体扁平,通常具毛;腹部侧缘彼此近平行;触角显长,丝状,多节(通常多于11节);两只单眼发育;上颚具齿;中胸小盾片显大;革翅较长,通常具有明显的翅脉;股节具隆脊;爪和爪垫通常发育;腹部各节背板与腹板不重叠(两者位置非简单的上,下关系);尾须柔软,多节,雌性产卵器鞘显著外伸,本文建立了始螋亚目1新科Sinopalaeo-dermatidae和2新属2新种Sinopalaeodermata neimonggolensis gen.et sp.nov,Jurassimedeola orientalis gen,et sp.nov。同时,对蠼螋昆虫的起源和演化重新进行了讨论,做出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫研究者结论不同的推断。  相似文献   
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