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Summary Maternally inherited microorganisms that kill male (but not female) progeny are widespread in nature. Three hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of male-killing microorganisms: inbreeding reduction, release of resources to remaining females and inoculum for horizontal transmission. The sonkiller bacterium,Arsenophonus nasoniae, is a maternally inherited bacterium that causes lethality of male embryos of infected females in the parasitoid wasp,Nasonia vitripennis. In this paper we describe the geographical distribution and frequency of the son-killer bacterium in North American populations ofN. vitripennis andNasonia longicornis. We tested the resource release hypothesis using the body size measurements of infected and uninfected females from natural populations. No evidence was found for a fitness increase of females infected with the bacterium compared to uninfected females. We propose a modification of the existing models, termed the incremental gain hypothesis. According to this model, the bacteria are maintained in host populations due to horizontal transmission and male killing provides an incremental gain in the fitness of infected females relative to females infected with non-male-killing bacteria.  相似文献   
Paternal genome loss (PGL) during early embryogenesis is caused by two different genetic elements in the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is a paternally inherited supernumerary chromosome that disrupts condensation of the paternal chromosomes by the first mitotic division of fertilized eggs. Bacteria belonging to the genus Wolbachia are present in Nasonia eggs and also disrupt paternal chromosome condensation in crosses between cytoplasmically incompatible strains. Cytoplasmic incompatibility Wolbachia are widespread in insects, whereas PSR is specific to this wasp. PGL results in production of male progeny in Nasonia due to haplodiploid sex determination. The cytological events associated with PGL induced by the PSR chromosome and by Wolbachia were compared by fluorescent light microscopy using the fluorochrome Hoescht 33258. Cytological examination of eggs fertilized with PSR-bearing sperm revealed that a dense paternal chromatin mass forms prior to the first metaphase. Quantification of chromatin by epifluorescence indicates that this mass does undergo replication along with the maternal chromatin prior to the first mitotic division but does not replicate during later mitotic cycles. Contrary to previous reports using other staining methods, the paternal chromatin mass remains condensed during interphase and persists over subsequent mitotic cycles, at least until formation of the syncytial blastoderm and cellularization, at which time it remains near the center of the egg with the yolk nuclei. Wolbachia-induced PGL shows several marked differences. Most notable is that the paternal chromatin mass is more diffuse and tends to be fragmented during the first mitotic division, with portions becoming associated with the daughter nuclei. Nuclei containing portions of the paternal chromatin mass appear to be delayed in subsequent mitotic divisions relative to nuclei free of paternal chromatin. Crosses combining incompatibility with PSR were cytologically similar to Wolbachia-induced PGL, although shearing of the paternal chromatin mass was reduced. Wolbachia may, therefore, block an earlier stage of paternal chromatin processing in the fertilized eggs than does PSR. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The influence of parasitoids and soil compaction on pupation behavior of blow flies was examined in a host–parasitoid system involving Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Larvae of L. sericata were introduced to containers with soil of different compaction levels, with or without parasitoids. Although females of N. vitripennis did not significantly affect the pupation depth of L. sericata, they increased the rate of pupal development by 15.0–23.7 h at 28.4 ± 1.2 °C, and increased the clumping of puparia. Pupation depth of L. sericata was negatively related to soil compaction; mean depth of pupation was 4.4 cm in uncompacted soil and 0.5 cm in high‐compaction soil. In high‐compaction soil, pupal development increased by 10.5–18.8 h at 25.2 ± 0.3 °C, and puparia were clumped. These results provide a framework for locating puparia in forensic investigations and releasing appropriate parasitoids for biological control of blow flies.  相似文献   
Most of our knowledge on learning and memory formation results from extensive studies on a small number of animal species. Although features and cellular pathways of learning and memory are highly similar in this diverse group of species, there are also subtle differences. Closely related species of parasitic wasps display substantial variation in memory dynamics and can be instrumental to understanding both the adaptive benefit of and mechanisms underlying this variation. Parasitic wasps of the genus Nasonia offer excellent opportunities for multidisciplinary research on this topic. Genetic and genomic resources available for Nasonia are unrivaled among parasitic wasps, providing tools for genetic dissection of mechanisms that cause differences in learning. This study presents a robust, high‐throughput method for olfactory conditioning of Nasonia using a host encounter as reward. A T‐maze olfactometer facilitates high‐throughput memory retention testing and employs standardized odors of equal detectability, as quantified by electroantennogram recordings. Using this setup, differences in memory retention between Nasonia species were shown. In both Nasonia vitripennis and Nasonia longicornis, memory was observed up to at least 5 days after a single conditioning trial, whereas Nasonia giraulti lost its memory after 2 days. This difference in learning may be an adaptation to species‐specific differences in ecological factors, for example, host preference. The high‐throughput methods for conditioning and memory retention testing are essential tools to study both ultimate and proximate factors that cause variation in learning and memory formation in Nasonia and other parasitic wasp species.  相似文献   
We designed primer sequences for 11 microsatellite markers in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Most loci could be cross‐amplified in Nasonia longicornis and Nasonia giraulti, which make them amenable for linkage analysis in hybrid crosses. Eight loci were assigned to specific chromosomes. Additionally, 10 loci showed allelic variation in a Nasonia vitripennis field population. The observed number of alleles in this population ranged from two to seven, with observed heterozygosities from 0.0750 to 0.4750.  相似文献   
Summary 1. The changes in the ultrastructure of the cells of the calyx in the female reproductive system of Nasonia vitripennis are described during a period extending from a condition when host puparia are readily available to a condition of prolonged host deprivation.2. In conditions when host puparia are available, the calyx cells resemble typical secretory cells with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and mitochondria. After periods of host deprivation the calyx cells increase in size, the organelles change and become reorientated and cytolysomes appear producing a configuration of cells undergoing autophagy.3. When host puparia become available again, the cells show an ability to recover and recommence production of secretory droplets.  相似文献   
The parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis has been used extensively in sex allocation research. Although laboratory experiments have largely confirmed predictions of local mate competition (LMC) theory, the underlying assumptions of LMC models have hardly been explored in nature. We genotyped over 3500 individuals from two distant locations (in the Netherlands and Germany) at four polymorphic microsatellite loci to validate key assumptions of LMC theory, in terms of both the original models and more recent extensions to them. We estimated the number of females contributing eggs to patches of hosts and the clutch sizes as well as sex ratios produced by individual foundresses. In addition, we evaluated the level of inbreeding and population differentiation. Foundress numbers ranged from 1 to 7 (average 3.0 ± 0.46 SE). Foundresses were randomly distributed across the patches and across hosts within patches, with few parasitizing more than one patch. Of the hosts, 40% were parasitized by more than one foundress. Clutch sizes of individual foundresses (average 9.99 ± 0.51 SE) varied considerably between hosts. The time period during which offspring continued to emerge from a patch or host correlated strongly with foundress number, indicating that sequential rather than simultaneous parasitism is the more common. Genetic differentiation at the regional level between Germany and the Netherlands, as estimated by Slatkin's private allele method (0.11) and Hedrick's corrected G' LT (0.23), indicates significant substructuring between regions. The level of population inbreeding for the two localities ( F IL = 0.168) fitted the expectation based on the average foundress number per patch.  相似文献   
This review considers the effects of temperature on insect diapause induction and the photoperiodic response, and includes constant temperature, temperature cycles, pulses and steps in daily light–dark cycles, constant darkness and in constant light, all with reference to various circadian‐based “clock” models. Although it is a comparative survey, it concentrates on two species, the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma and its pupal parasite Nasonia vitripennis, which possess radically different photoperiodic mechanisms, although both are based upon the circadian system. Particular attention is given to the effects of daily thermoperiod in darkness and to low and high temperature pulses in conjunction with a daily light–dark cycle, treatments that suggest that S. argyrostoma “measures” night length with a “clock” of the external coincidence type. However, N. vitripennis responds to seasonal changes in photoperiod with an internal coincidence device involving both “dawn” and “dusk” oscillators. Other species may show properties of both external and internal coincidence. Although the precepts of external coincidence have been well formulated and supported experimentally, those for internal coincidence remain obscure.  相似文献   
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