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本文除对主流商品茜草的生药性状和组织构造作了较全面的描述,还利用图、表及照片列出狭叶茜草P.truppeliana Loes、Loeb、小红参(滇茜草)R.yunnomensis Dtels、中华茜草R.chinensis Regel et maack、大叶茜草R.schumanniana Pritz、按针叶茜草R.lanceolata Hayata、大茜草R.magna Hisao、钩毛茜草R.oncotrucha Hand-Mazz、红花茜草R.podantha Diels、金剑草R.alata Wall、新疆茜草(洋茜草)R.tinctorum L等10种与茜草Rubia cordifolia L的主要区别点,并作药材检索表,以利鉴别。  相似文献   
采用石蜡切片法对落葵薯(Anredera cordifolia(Tenore)Steenis)粘液细胞的分布及发育进行了研究。结果表明,粘液细胞普遍存在于落葵薯的茎、叶、叶柄中,粘液细胞单个散生分布于茎的髓及皮层组织中;叶的栅栏组织和海绵组织中都可见粘液细胞,且海绵组织中的数量明显多于栅栏组织中的;叶柄中的粘液细胞不多,主要分布在维管束四周的皮层组织中。粘液细胞的发育分为4个阶段:原始细胞阶段、液泡化阶段、成熟阶段和细胞质解体阶段。粘液细胞最早出现于第六叶原基,且其发育与茎、叶器官的组织分化不同步。  相似文献   
报道一种福建新记录野生植物--心叶毛蕊茶Camellia cordifolia (Metc.) Nakai。凭证标本存放于福建农林大学林学院树木标本室(FJFC)。  相似文献   
地钱,肾蕨和中山柏的NADP硫氧还蛋白系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硫氧还蛋白(Td)是一类低分子量酸性蛋白,具有二硫键(-s-s-),通过氧化还原互变来参与很多反应(周志民等1986)。Td可被NADP-硫氧还蛋白还原酶(NTR)还原:  相似文献   
茸毛赤瓟种子自花后30 d发育至55 d,发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数由0升至最大;含水量逐渐下降,但下降速率不等,发育后期存在显著的成熟脱水期。花后45 d果实干重接近最大,种子干重在45 d达到最大,种子和果实的发育基本同步。自然风干1d后,花后40~50 d的种子含水量下降2%~4%。花后40 d的种子发芽力显著提高,花后45~50 d的种子无明显变化,继续干燥,发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数均有不同程度的降低,而花后50 d的种子直到含水量低至4%后才明显下降;花后35 d和55 d的种子经过不同天数干燥后,发芽力均下降。不同发育时期茸毛赤瓟种子耐脱水力有差别,由强至弱依次为花后50、45、55、40、35 d。用半致死含水量可准确地反映不同发育时期茸毛赤瓟种子的脱水敏感性的强弱。  相似文献   
据笔者对采自云南勐腊的“矩叶蓝果树”模式标本及曾被定为该变种的标本研究,该变种具聚伞花序,花梗长3-5mm,雌花子房上位,核果果皮极薄,内具1种子,并非蓝果树属植物,与茶茱萸科粗丝术属之粗丝本完全同种。粗丝木产中国西南至东南部,印度、斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国、印度支那也有分布。  相似文献   
《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):8-14

The accumulation of ultraviolet-absorbing compounds (UVACs) within the cell walls of bryophytes provides a spatially uniform filter of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, and thus represents an important protective mechanism against its adverse effects. Here, the abilities of several cell-wall-degrading enzymes and of alkali (NaOH) in extracting cell-wall-bound UVACs from the aquatic liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia Steph. subsp. cordifolia (Dumort.) Váňa were compared, in order to select the most appropriate extraction method and to achieve the most reliable assessment of the degree of protection afforded by UVACs against UV-B. We analysed both the overall level of UVACs and the concentrations of two hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid). The most effective extraction (statistically significant) of cell-wall-bound UVACs, in terms both of their overall levels and of the concentrations of individual compounds, was achieved using alkaline digestion, which was more efficient than any of the enzymatic digestions trialled. This may be attributable to the ability of the alkali to break simultaneously both hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds within the cell wall, including ester linkages between phenolics and carbohydrates. In addition, alkaline digestion was more rapid than enzymatic digestions, and was not excessively aggressive, because the molecular integrity of the individual compounds analysed was preserved. Thus, alkaline digestion can be recommended for the extraction of cell-wall-bound UVACs in J. exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia, whether these compounds are to be evaluated overall or individually.  相似文献   
We describe the syntheses of the proposed structure of diphenyl ether oxyneolignan, apteniol A and its derivatives. The diphenyl ether moiety of proposed apteniol A was formed via Ullmann ether synthesis, but the spectral data of the synthesized apteniol A did not agree with that in previous studies. The dimethyl ester derivative of the proposed apteniol A was found to enhance neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells and inhibit antigen-induced degranulation in RBL-2H3 cells.  相似文献   
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