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We have investigated the symmetry of Na+-succinate cotransport in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. Succinate influx and efflux kinetics were measured under voltage-clamped conditions using [14C]succinate and a rapid filtration procedure. Both influx and efflux were Na+-dependent, saturable, temperature-sensitive, and influenced by the trans Na+ and succinate concentrations. The system was judged to be asymmetric, since the maximal velocity for influx was 3-fold higher than that for efflux, and trans Na+ inhibited influx more than efflux. This may be due to the asymmetrical insertion of the transporter in the brush-border membrane, which leads to differences in either the forward and backward translocation rates of the fully loaded carrier or the Na+ and succinate binding constants at the inner and outer faces of the membrane.  相似文献   
Bumetanide is a potent diuretic drug which has some structural features in common with furosemide. The steady-state exchange of K+ and Cl? was investigated in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells treated with bumetanide. This agent did not alter the cellular content of K+ or Cl? but the self-exchange of both ions was depressed. K+ self-exchange was inhibited by 55% at bumetanide concentrations as low as 10?6 M. Cl? self-exchange was less sensitive to this drug but at low concentrations (between 10?6 and 10?3 M) bumetanide was a more effective inhibitor of Cl? transfer than furosemide. The steady-state K+ flux of cells equilibrated in NO3? media was compared with the K+ flux in cells treated with 10?4 or 10?3 M bumetanide; the Cl? -sensitive K+ exchange was equivalent to the bumetanide-sensitive K+ exchange. Since the results suggested that a bumetanide-sensitive (Cl?, K+) cotransport could be operative in steady-state cells, the stoichiometry of the bumetanide-sensitive fluxes was determined by measuring Cl? and K+ fluxes simultaneously in the same cell suspension. At 5 · 10?4 and 10?3 M bumetanide concentrations, the ratio of these fluxes was 0.98 ? 0.07 (S.E.) and 1.04 ? 0.06, respectively, consistent with the postulated cotransport mechanism. At 10?4 and 10?5 M, however, the ratio of the bumetanide-sensitive Cl?/K+ flux was significantly less than 1.0. Since the magnitude of the bumetanide-sensitive K+ flux at 10?4 M was close to that of the Cl?-sensitive flux, a ratio of less than 1.0 at this drug level indicates that Cl? sensitivity and drug sensitivity may not reflect inhibition of the same process under all circumstances.  相似文献   
Activation of Na+,HCO3 cotransport in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) contributes to intracellular pH (pHi) control during artery contraction, but the signaling pathways involved have been unknown. We investigated whether physical and functional interactions between the Na+,HCO3 cotransporter NBCn1 (slc4a7) and the Ca2+/calmodulin-activated serine/threonine phosphatase calcineurin exist and play a role for pHi control in VSMCs. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we found that splice cassette II from the N terminus of NBCn1 interacts with calcineurin Aβ. When cassette II was truncated or mutated to disrupt the putative calcineurin binding motif PTVVIH, the interaction was abolished. Native NBCn1 and calcineurin Aβ co-immunoprecipitated from A7r5 rat VSMCs. A peptide (acetyl-DDIPTVVIH-amide), which mimics the putative calcineurin binding motif, inhibited the co-immunoprecipitation whereas a mutated peptide (acetyl-DDIATAVAA-amide) did not. Na+,HCO3 cotransport activity was investigated in VSMCs of mesenteric arteries after an NH4+ prepulse. During depolarization with 50 mm extracellular K+ to raise intracellular [Ca2+], Na+,HCO3 cotransport activity was inhibited 20–30% by calcineurin inhibitors (FK506 and cyclosporine A). FK506 did not affect Na+,HCO3 cotransport activity in VSMCs when cytosolic [Ca2+] was lowered by buffering, nor did it disrupt binding between NBCn1 and calcineurin Aβ. FK506 augmented the intracellular acidification of VSMCs during norepinephrine-induced artery contractions. No physical or functional interactions between calcineurin Aβ and the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1 were observed in VSMCs. In conclusion, we demonstrate a physical interaction between calcineurin Aβ and cassette II of NBCn1. Intracellular Ca2+ activates Na+,HCO3 cotransport activity in VSMCs in a calcineurin-dependent manner which is important for protection against intracellular acidification.  相似文献   
周亚亚  贺福初  姜颖 《生物磁学》2011,(15):2996-3000
Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白是一类膜蛋白,负责转运Na、K、Cl离子进出上皮细胞与非上皮细胞。Na-K-Cl介导的转运过程是电中性的,多数情况下是1Na:1K:2C1(乌贼轴突中是2Na:1K:3C1),其活性被布美他尼(bumetanide)和呋塞米(furosemide)所抑制。迄今为止,Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白被鉴定出来两个同源异构体:NKCCl和NKCC2。NKCCl存在于多个组织中,合有NKCCl的上皮大多数属于分泌上皮,而且会有Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白位于基底膜外侧;NKCC2只存在于肾脏,位于上皮细胞致密斑的顶膜上。Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白的调控在不同的细胞和组织中是不同的。Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白的活性会受激素刺激和细胞体积变化的影响;有些组织中,这种调控作用(尤其是NKCCl亚基)是通过特定的激酶使该转运蛋白自身发生氧化/硝化、磷酸化/去磷酸化来实现的;蛋白过表达在Na-K-Cl协同转运蛋白的激活中也起重要作用。  相似文献   
The Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) plays central roles in cellular chloride homeostasis and in epithelial salt transport, but to date little is known about the mechanism by which the transporter moves ions across the membrane. We examined the functional role of transmembrane helix 3 (TM3) in NKCC1 using cysteine- and tryptophan-scanning mutagenesis and analyzed our results in the context of a structural homology model based on an alignment of NKCC1 with other amino acid polyamine organocation superfamily members, AdiC and ApcT. Mutations of residues along one face of TM3 (Tyr-383, Met-382, Ala-379, Asn-376, Ala-375, Phe-372, Gly-369, and Ile-368) had large effects on translocation rate, apparent ion affinities, and loop diuretic affinity, consistent with a proposed role of TM3 in the translocation pathway. The prediction that Met-382 is part of an extracellular gate that closes to form an occluded state is strongly supported by conformational sensitivity of this residue to 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate, and the bumetanide insensitivity of M382W is consistent with tryptophan blocking entry of bumetanide into the cavity. Substitution effects on residues at the intracellular end of TM3 suggest that this region is also involved in ion coordination and may be part of the translocation pathway in an inward-open conformation. Mutations of predicted pore residues had large effects on binding of bumetanide and furosemide, consistent with the hypothesis that loop diuretic drugs bind within the translocation cavity. The results presented here strongly support predictions of homology models of NKCC1 and demonstrate important roles for TM3 residues in ion translocation and loop diuretic inhibition.  相似文献   
The ability to osmoregulate is fundamental to life. Adult Drosophila melanogaster maintain hemolymph osmolarity within a narrow range. Osmolarity modulates transepithelial ion and water flux in the Malpighian (renal) tubules of the fly, which are in direct contact with hemolymph in vivo, but the mechanisms causing increased transepithelial flux in response to hypotonicity are unknown. Fly renal tubules secrete a KCl-rich fluid. We have previously demonstrated a requirement for Ncc69, the fly sodium-potassium-2-chloride cotransporter (NKCC), in tubule K+ secretion. Mammalian NKCCs are regulated by a kinase cascade consisting of the with-no-lysine (WNK) and Ste20-related proline/alanine-rich (SPAK)/oxidative stress response (OSR1) kinases. Here, we show that decreasing Drosophila WNK activity causes a reduction in K+ flux. Similarly, knocking down the SPAK/OSR1 homolog fray also decreases K+ flux. We demonstrate that a hierarchical WNK-Fray signaling cascade regulates K+ flux through Ncc69, because (i) a constitutively active Fray mutant rescues the wnk knockdown phenotype, (ii) Fray directly phosphorylates Ncc69 in vitro, and (iii) the effect of wnk and fray knockdown is abolished in Ncc69 mutants. The stimulatory effect of hypotonicity on K+ flux is absent in wnk, fray, or Ncc69 mutant tubules, suggesting that the Drosophila WNK-SPAK/OSR1-NKCC cascade is an essential molecular pathway for osmoregulation, through its effect on transepithelial ion flux and fluid generation by the renal tubule.  相似文献   
To examine the involvement of Na+,K+,2Cl cotransport in monovalent ion fluxes in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), we compared the effect of bumetanide on 86Rb, 36Cl and 22Na uptake by quiescent cultures of VSMC from rat aorta. Under basal conditions, the values of bumetanide-sensitive (BS) inward and outward 86Rb fluxes were not different. Bumetanide decreased basal 86Rb uptake by 70–75% with a K i of ∼0.2–0.3 μm. At concentrations ranging up to 1 μm, bumetanide did not affect 36Cl influx and reduced it by 20–30% in the range from 3 to 100 μm. In contrast to 86Rb and 36Cl influx, bumetanide did not inhibit 22Na uptake by VSMC. BS 86Rb uptake was completely abolished in Na+- or Cl-free media. In contrast to 86Rb, basal BS 36Cl influx was not affected by Na+ o and K+ o . Hyperosmotic and isosmotic shrinkage of VSMC increased 86Rb and 36Cl influx to the same extent. Shrinkage-induced increments of 86Rb and 36Cl uptake were completely abolished by bumetanide with a K i or ∼0.3 μm. Shrinkage did not induce BS 86Rb and 36Cl influx in (Na+ or Cl)- and (Na+ or K+)-depleted media, respectively. In the presence of an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange (EIPA), neither hyperosmotic nor isosmotic shrinkage activated 22Na influx. Bumetanide (1 μm) did not modify basal VSMC volume and intracellular content of sodium, potassium and chloride but abolished the regulatory volume increase in isosmotically-shrunken VSMC. These data demonstrate the absence of the functional Na+,K+,2Cl cotransporter in VSMC and suggest that in these cells basal and shrinkage-induced BS K+ influx is mediated by (Na+ o + Cl o )-dependent K+/K+ exchange and Na+ o -dependent K+,Cl cotransport, respectively. Received: 30 January 1996/Revised: 20 May 1996  相似文献   
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