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Drug resistance is a critical obstacle to effective treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. To understand the underlying resistance mechanisms in response to imatinib mesylate (IMA) and adriamycin (ADR), the parental K562 cells were treated with low doses of IMA or ADR for 2 months to generate derivative cells with mild, intermediate, and severe resistance to the drugs as defined by their increasing resistance index. PulseDIA-based (DIA [data-independent acquisition]) quantitative proteomics was then employed to reveal the proteome changes in these resistant cells. In total, 7082 proteins from 98,232 peptides were identified and quantified from the dataset using four DIA software tools including OpenSWATH, Spectronaut, DIA-NN, and EncyclopeDIA. Sirtuin signaling pathway was found to be significantly enriched in both ADR-resistant and IMA-resistant K562 cells. In particular, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 was identified as a potential drug target correlated with the drug resistance phenotype, and its inhibition by the antagonist AGI-6780 reversed the acquired resistance in K562 cells to either ADR or IMA. Together, our study has implicated isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 as a potential target that can be therapeutically leveraged to alleviate the drug resistance in K562 cells when treated with IMA and ADR.  相似文献   
By secreting granulocyte/macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF), metastatic Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC-LN7) tumors induce the appearance of myelopoiesis-associated immune-suppressor cells that resemble granulocytic-macrophage (GM) progenitor cells. The presence of these GM-suppressor cells in mice bearing LLC-LN7 tumors was associated with a reduced capacity of splenic T cells to proliferate in response to interleukin-2 (IL-2). Administration of low doses of 100 U interferon (IFN) plus 10 U tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to the tumor bearers, a combination treatment that we previously showed to diminish the presence of GM-suppressor cells synergistically, restored proliferative responsiveness of the splenic T cells to IL-2. These LLC-LN7-bearing mice were also examined for whether cells that phenotypically resemble GM-progenitor cells (ER-MP12+ cells) infiltrate the tumor mass. ER-MP12+ cells composed approximately 10% of the cells isolated from dissociated tumors of mice that had been treated with placebo or with either IFN or TNF alone, but IFN/TNF therapy markedly reduced the number of tumor-infiltrating ER-MP12+ suppressor cells. The IFN/TNF treatment to eliminate GM-suppressor cells and restore T cell responsiveness to IL-2 was next coupled with low dose IL-2 therapy (100 U twice daily). Addition of IL-2 to the treatment regimen did not significantly influence the effectiveness of the IFN/TNF treatment in eliminating GM-suppressor cells from the LLC-LN7 tumor mass. However, inclusion of IL-2 with the IFN/TNF treatment regimen enhanced the CD8+, but not the CD4+, cell content within the tumor, and diminished the number of metastatic lung nodules within the mice. When these tumors were excised, dissociated, and bulk-cultured with a low dose of IL-2, an increased level of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity was generated in the TIL cultures from mice that had received IFN/TNF plus IL-2 treatments. A lesser but detectable level of CTL activity was generated in TIL cultures from mice that were treated with only IFN/TNF, while no CTL activity was generated in tumor cultures from mice receiving only placebo or low-dose IL-2. These results suggest the effectiveness of IFN plus TNF therapy in restoring IL-2 responsiveness in mice bearing GM-suppressor cell-inducing tumors and at enhancing both the intratumoral CD8+ cell content and the generation of CTL activity in bulk cultures of these tumors.This study was supported by the Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs, by grants CA-45080 and CA-48080 from the National Institutes of Health, and by the American Cancer Society, Illinois  相似文献   
CD38 has been widely characterised both as an ectoenzyme and as a receptor. In the present paper, we investigated the role of CD38 as possible modulator of apoptosis. CD38-positive (CD38(+)) and negative (CD38(-)) fractions, obtained by sorting CD38(+) cells from lymphoma T (Jurkat) and lymphoma B (Raji) and by transfecting lymphoma LG14 and myeloid leukemia K562 cell lines, were used. Cellular subpopulations were exposed to different triggers (H(2)O(2), UV-B, alpha-TOS and hrTRAIL) and the extent of apoptosis was determined by Annexin V-FITC/PI assay. Our data showed that, in lymphoma cells, propensity to apoptosis was significantly linked to CD38 expression and that, remarkably, such response was independent of the nature of the trigger used. Inhibition of CD38 expression by antisense oligonucleotides treatment resulted in CD38-silenced fractions which were as prone to apoptosis as CD38(-) ones. Notably, susceptibility of K562 to apoptosis-inducing challenges was not affected by CD38 expression.  相似文献   
目的:探讨共振喇曼光谱技术用于早期恶性肿瘤诊断的研究。方法:利用氩离子激光作为线偏振光的特点,采集偏振荧光光谱,对荧光光谱的偏振态进行分析。利用不同荧光物质的荧光可能具有不同偏振态的特点减少其它荧光物质的荧光对光谱分析的影响。血清样品产生的荧光也具有确定的偏振性。对所检测病人血清经激光分析仪进行喇曼光谱技术分析,光谱数据经计算机软件处理,自动显示图谱和数据,并直接给出各项指标及诊断提示。本结果与细胞病理学结果进行了对照研究。结果:恶性肿瘤样本176例,检测出阳性病例141例,阳性符合率为80.1%;良性肿瘤样本52例,4例阳性,假阳性率为7.7%;正常体检样本248例,检测结果均为阴性。结论:喇曼光谱技术适用于肿瘤初筛、普查及早期诊断,有推广应用前途。  相似文献   
实验使用RACE-PCR技术获得了赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)髓样分化因子88 (Myeloid differentiationfactor 88, MyD88)的cDNA全长, 命名为ScMyD88。ScMyD88的cDNA全长为1779 bp, 其中开放阅读框855 bp, 共编码284个氨基酸残基, 推导的蛋白质分子量为33.053 kD, 理论等电点为5.66。赤眼鳟MyD88具有典型的MyD88结构特征, 包括死亡结构域和TIR结构域(Toll-IL-1 receptor domain, TIR), 其氨基酸序列和鲤科鱼类具有高度保守性, 相似性达到了90%以上, 特别是和武昌鱼相比, 相似性达到了98%。在检测的9个赤眼鳟组织和器官中均有MyD88表达, 其中肝脏、头肾和体肾中表达水平最高, 在脑中表达量最低。在草鱼呼肠弧病毒(Grass carp reovirus, GCRV)感染初期(12h内), MyD88在赤眼鳟免疫组织中表达水平急剧上升, 特别是在脾脏和体肾中尤为明显, 随后恢复正常水平。研究表明, MyD88在赤眼鳟抵抗GCRV入侵的免疫应答反应初期发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
Résumé La morphologie (forme, taille, structure) des corps myéloïdes de l'épithelium pigmentaire rétinien est décrite, ainsi que leur répartition chez les différentes classes de vertébrés. On définit les critères d'identification de ces corps: Ils ne sont jamais limités par une membrane, sont en continuité avec le reticulum endoplasmique lisse, sont formés de saccules aplatis, liés deux à deux par des complexes de jonction. Ils établissent des relations de continuité avec la membrane nucléaire. Les confusions entre corps myéloïdes et diverses autres structures (phagosomes en particulier) sont discutées. Il n'existe pas de corps myéloïdes dans la rétine des Mammifères.
Myeloid bodies of the retinal pigment epitheliumI. Distribution, morphology and connections with cytoplasmic organels
Summary The morphology (shape, dimensions, structure) of the myeloid bodies of the retinal pigment epithelium and their distribution through several classes of vertebrates is described. The criteria of identity of these bodies are defined: They are never membrane-bounded, they are in direct continuity with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, they are made of flattened discs linked two and two by junction complexes. They are in direct relation with the nuclear membrane. The confusion between myeloïd bodies and other structures, like phagosomes, is discussed. The retina of Mammals does not contain myeloïd bodies.
Chargé de recherche à l'INSERM. Travail réalisé grace à une subvention de l'INSERM.  相似文献   
As a major class of pattern-recognition receptors, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in defense against invading pathogens. Increasing evidence demonstrates that, in addition to infection, TLRs are involved in other important pathological processes, such as tumorigenesis. Activation of TLRs results in opposing outcomes, pro-tumorigenic effects and anti-tumor functions. TLR signaling can inhibit apoptosis and promote chronic inflammation-induced tumorigenesis. TLR activation in tumor cells and immune cells can induce production of cytokines, increase tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis resistance, promote invasion and metastasis, and inhibit immune cell activity resulting in tumor immune escape. In contrast, the engagement of other TLRs directly induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of tumor cells and triggers activation of immune cells enhancing anti-tumor immune responses. Thus, the interpretation of the precise function of each TLR in tumors is very important for targeting TLRs and using TLR agonists in tumor therapy. We review the role of TLR signaling in tumors and discuss the factors that affect outcomes of TLR activation.  相似文献   
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are heterogeneous immature myeloid cells that accumulate in response to tumor progression. Compelling data from mouse models and human cancer patients showed that tumor-induced inflammatory mediators induce MDSC differentiation. However, the mechanisms underlying MDSC persistence is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated that tumor-induced MDSCs exhibit significantly decreased spontaneous apoptosis as compared with myeloid cells with the same phenotypes from tumor-free mice. Consistent with the decreased apoptosis, cell surface Fas receptor decreased significantly in tumor-induced MDSCs. Screening for changes of key apoptosis mediators downstream the Fas receptor revealed that expression levels of IRF8 and Bax are diminished, whereas expression of Bcl-xL is increased in tumor-induced MDSCs. We further determined that IRF8 binds directly to Bax and Bcl-x promoter in primary myeloid cells in vivo, and IRF8-deficient MDSC-like cells also exhibit increased Bcl-xL and decreased Bax expression. Analysis of CD69 and CD25 levels revealed that cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are partially activated in tumor-bearing hosts. Strikingly, FasL but not perforin and granzymes were selectively activated in CTLs in the tumor-bearing host. ABT-737 significantly increased the sensitivity of MDSCs to Fas-mediated apoptosis in vitro. More importantly, ABT-737 therapy increased MDSC spontaneous apoptosis and decreased MDSC accumulation in tumor-bearing mice. Our data thus determined that MDSCs use down-regulation of IRF8 to alter Bax and Bcl-xL expression to deregulate the Fas-mediated apoptosis pathway to evade elimination by host CTLs. Therefore, targeting Bcl-xL is potentially effective in suppression of MDSC persistence in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Both PTH and IL-6 signaling play pivotal roles in hematopoiesis and skeletal biology, but their interdependence is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) on hematopoietic and skeletal actions of PTH. In the bone microenvironment, PTH stimulated sIL-6R protein levels in primary osteoblast cultures in vitro and bone marrow in vivo in both IL-6+/+ and IL-6−/− mice. PTH-mediated hematopoietic cell expansion was attenuated in IL-6−/− compared with IL-6+/+ bone marrow, whereas sIL-6R treatment amplified PTH actions in IL-6−/− earlier than IL-6+/+ marrow cultures. Blocking sIL-6R signaling with sgp130 (soluble glycoprotein 130 receptor) inhibited PTH-dependent hematopoietic cell expansion in IL-6−/− marrow. In the skeletal system, although intermittent PTH administration to IL-6+/+ and IL-6−/− mice resulted in similar anabolic actions, blocking sIL-6R significantly attenuated PTH anabolic actions. sIL-6R showed no direct effects on osteoblast proliferation or differentiation in vitro; however, it up-regulated myeloid cell expansion and production of the mesenchymal stem cell recruiting agent, TGF-β1 in the bone marrow microenvironment. Collectively, sIL-6R demonstrated orphan function and mediated PTH anabolic actions in bone in association with support of myeloid lineage cells in the hematopoietic system.  相似文献   
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  • •Developed a data processing pipeline to format phosphopeptide identifications.
  • •Identified the preferred substrate motif for FLT3 and mutant kinases.
  • •Designed and validated a panel of pan-FTL3 artificial substrates.
  • •Monitored FLT3 and mutant kinase activity through FAStide phosphorylation.
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