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Summary The subcellular mechanisms of twitch-force potentiation with paired electrical stimulation was studied in ferret ventricular myocardium using the bioluminescent calcium indicator aequorin. It is demonstrated for the first time that interpolation of an extrasystole in a train of conditioned twitches results in a beat-to-beat change in [Ca2+]i and force. Steady-state twitch force and Ca i 2+ were increased with paired stimulation. Increased [Ca2+]0 in the setting of paired stimulation resulted in an increase in the amplitude of the postextrasystole and associated Ca2+ transient. Verapamil, a Ca2+ channel antagonist, had the opposite effect of increased [Ca2+]0. Postextrasystole potentiation was still present, but diminished in amplitude. These results indicate that postextrasystole potentiation is in part due to a verapamil-depletable store (Ca2+). Postextrasystole potentiation is therefore predominantly dependent on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ loading. Ryanodine, an alkaloid which induces Ca2+ leakage from the SR, abolished postextrasystole potentiation; however, in the presence of ryanodine the extrasystole was potentiated. Caffeine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor which induces SR Ca2+ release and impairs uptake, also abolished postextrasystole potentiation. As with ryanodine there was resultant potentiation of the extrasystole. In the case of caffeine the calcium transient consisted of a second slow component associated with extrasystole twitch potentiation. The results are consistent with sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx playing a role in potentiation of the extrasystole in the presence of an impaired SR. These data indicate that transsarcolemmal Ca2+ influx in the presence of impaired intracellular Ca2+ buffering can directly activate the myofilaments in agreement with reports on human myocardium.Abbreviations C conditioned stimulus - ESI extrasystolic interval - Lmax active tension - PES postextrasystole - PESI postextrasystolic interval - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - T test stimulus  相似文献   
Light-microscopic immunocytochemistry of ferret anterior pituitary revealed the localization of somatotropes in the pars distalis, but no immunoreactive cells were detected in the pars tuberalis. Ultrastructural studies by superimposition immunocytochemistry and immuno-electron microscopy, clucidated the morphological heterogeneity of these somatotropic cells. They were classified into 2 subtypes on the basis of size of the secretory granules. Type-I cells with small granules (mean diameter, 192 nm), were considered to be the immature somatotrop, while Type-II cells, with comparatively larger secretory granules (mean diameter, 257 nm), were considered to be the matured form of Type-I cells and the typical somatotropic cell-type, and were much more predominant than the Type-I cells. The fact that Type-II cells had a distinct Golgi zone and many mitochondria, while in Type-I cells the intracellular organelles were generally less developed, supports this suggestion. In addition to these two extreme subtypes, several intermediate forms were also encountered that may represent different transitional phases during the conversion of Type I to Type II. Protein A-gold immuno-electron microscopy illustrated the specific localization of growth hormone over the granules, with no labelling over any other cytoplasmic organelles of the 2 somatotrope subtypes.  相似文献   

A total of 1599 stoats were collected from 14 study areas (including all 10 National Parks) from 1972 to 1976. Samples were larger in summer, and contained more females. Young stoats are born in September-October, and females reach adult weight by the following March, though males not until after August. There was significant geographic variation in the body size of adult stoats sampled: males from lowland podocarp/broadleaved forests averaged 3% smaller than males from upland beech forests in skull length, and 4% smaller in head-and-body length. This pattern was repeated, less clearly, in females and in young (approximately 2–5 months old). In contrast with stoats in Britain, assumed to be still the same size as the colonising stock introduced into New Zealand in 1884 and subsequently, males from lowland podocarp forests were unchanged or possibly smaller, and males from upland beech forests were larger; females were larger in all habitats. In males, the extent of geographic variation is almost as great in New Zealand as in the whole of continental Europe. Possible explanations of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Accelerating the mortality of stoats (Mustela erminea) using biological agents, or reducing their fertility using chemosterilants or biological agents, are increasingly seen as more sustainable and more humane than trapping and poisoning. Obligate delayed implantation in fertilised female stoats of all ages allows 10–11 months for an applied biological agent or chemosterilant to interfere with gestation. Two chemosterilants (cabergoline and mifepristone) disrupt pregnancy in some species and may be effective on stoats, although they are not species‐specific and are probably more expensive than poisoning. For the longer term, more recent fertility control research has explored potentially more species‐specific options for other species based on inducing an immune response to an animal's own reproductive hormones, gametes, or products from embryos. Conception will be difficult to disrupt in stoats because females are sexually mature and are mated in the nest during a short period before they are weaned. A large research effort will be required to determine which of the immunosterilants being developed could be suitable candidates for stoat control. There are fewer options apparent for using biological agents to increase stoat mortality, although species‐specific strains of canine distemper virus may be effective against stoats.

The greatest impediment to controlling stoat fertility will be effective delivery of sterilants. For the foreseeable future, it will probably be necessary to rely on baits, but they are unlikely to put all target stoats at risk, and will be incapable of delivery over larger scales than at present.

Before undertaking expensive field trials and development of anti‐fertility and biological agents, the effects of putative compensatory changes in demographics that may be associated with changes in stoat density should be modelled to see if the sterilisation and mortality rates that are required to achieve a given level of population control are realistic targets. Also, population control should be defined in terms of accrued benefit for wildlife by establishing the relationships between stoat densities and the viability of prey populations.

Biological control of fertility or mortality may never be suitable as stand‐alone control options for stoats, particularly when some native fauna survive only if stoats are reduced to very low densities. Biological control may have greater potential when integrated with conventional control.  相似文献   
Nest survival was studied in relation to nest position of 164 nests of the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic in 1993. Breeding was successful in 91 (55.5%) cases, whereas 40 (24.4%) were predated, 19 (11.6%) were parasitized by the Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and 14 (8.5%) were destroyed by other causes. Of the predated nests, small mammals accounted for 26 (65.0%) and unknown predators for 14 (35.0%) nests. Rates of predation and parasitism varied in relation to a series of habitat factors and Reed Warblers avoided nest sites most vulnerable to predation or parasitism. Concealed places in the vegetation far away from trees were the safest nest sites.  相似文献   
Plague is a flea‐borne disease of mammalian hosts. On the grasslands of western North America, plague stifles populations of Cynomys spp. prairie dogs (PDs). To manage plague, PD burrows are treated with 0.05% deltamethrin dust that can suppress flea numbers and plague transmission. Here, we evaluate the degree and duration of deltamethrin flea control with three PD species at six sites across four U.S. states. Data were simultaneously collected at paired plots. Burrows from one randomly assigned member of each pair were treated with deltamethrin; non‐treated plots served as experimental baselines. Flea control was strong ≤two months after treatment, remained moderate one year later, and was statistically detectable for up to two years at some sites. Flea abundance was lower in plots with higher rates of deltamethrin application. After burrow treatments, flea abundance increased over time, reaching >one per PD within 255 to 352 days. Nevertheless, annual treatments of burrows with deltamethrin provided PDs with substantial protection against plague. Even so, deltamethrin should be further evaluated and combined with other tools under an integrated approach to plague management. Integrated plague management should help to conserve PDs and species that associate with them, including the endangered black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes).  相似文献   
Nine tetrarepeat microsatellite loci for Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) were characterized. By using 35 individuals of unknown relationship collected from Taiwan, we evaluated the polymorphism of these loci. The number of alleles for each locus ranged from five to 12 (mean = 8.78 alleles) and the observed heterozygosity from 0.429 to 0.962 (mean = 0.688) and all loci conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectation.  相似文献   
2004年9月25日至10月15日,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟阿巴嘎旗白音图嘎苏木研究了布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)秋季家群数量与来自艾虎(Mustela eversmanni)的捕食风险。布氏田鼠家群数量调查采用标志重捕法和最小已知存活数估计法(即MNA法)确定,而艾虎对布氏田鼠捕食风险的衡量指标采用在研究期间布氏田鼠洞群区新出现的艾虎粪便和挖掘痕迹。研究区面积4 hm2,涉及91个布氏田鼠家群,658只布氏田鼠,其中,17个布氏田鼠家群有新出现的艾虎粪便,5个家群被艾虎掘开。运用非参数的Mann-Whitney U检验进行数据分析,从艾虎遗留的粪便痕迹来看,未出现艾虎粪便的布氏田鼠家群总秩和为1 096,出现艾虎粪便的田鼠洞群秩和为3 090,统计量U=315,校正Z=﹣3.241,校正P=0.001 2;另外,从艾虎掘开的田鼠家群来分析,没有被艾虎挖掘的布氏田鼠家群秩和为3 757,而被艾虎掘开的田鼠家群秩和为429,统计量U=16,校正Z值为﹣3.514,P=0.000 4。两组差异达到极显著水平,表明艾虎对秋季高数量的布氏田鼠家群具有显著的优先访问和攻击偏好,也意味着高数量的布氏田鼠秋季家群具有更高的被艾虎捕食的风险。  相似文献   
Fatty acid (FA) composition in the intraabdominal (IAB), subcutaneous (SC) and peripheral adipose tissues of the semiaquatic American mink (Mustela vison) was examined in comparison to the diet by gas-liquid chromatography. There was a clear compositional gradient from the IAB via SC to peripheral adipose tissues and the anatomically different adipose tissues accumulated or metabolized FA selectively. The total lipids of the body appendages had smaller proportions of saturated (SFA) and larger proportions of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) than the lipids of the trunk adipose tissues. Especially n-3 PUFA were enriched in the periphery. The appendages were also characterized with a high ratio of unsaturated FA to SFA, an increased Delta9-desaturation index and increased mean numbers of double bonds and carbon atoms in a FA molecule. The proportions of SFA and MUFA of the diet resembled the trunk adipose tissues while the dietary percentage of n-3 PUFA surpassed those of the trunk fat depots but was lower than those of the peripheral fats. These data confirm that the FA signatures of mammals reflect not only their dietary history but also metabolic modifications of ingested FA.  相似文献   
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